To dare or not to mare?

by Lime Overtime

A pie got you into this mess, a pie will get you out!

- Done!
- D’aw maan… I thought for sure you will drop it!
- Nah, I prefer my pie without the dirt, thank you
- Tavi, see that? She just ate an entire pie using only her back hoofs and mouth!
- Yes Vinyl. It was really entertaining.
- Cm’ on Tavi, why the long face? Have a turn! Cm’ on truth or dare?
- For the seventeenth time Vinyl, I am not playing this game!
- You also said that you won’t drink the cider, but you did. *hiccup*
- Yes, because I was thirsty. I was running around the whole day, looking for you, you imbecile!

Speaking of cider… How much did you two have?
- Oh – giggles - not much *hiccup* -giggles again

Octavia rolled her eyes

- So let me get this straight miss Lime: you came to Ponyville just a few days ago?
- Yup.
- And you got all of this cider and pies from… A card game?
- Yup again. I came across two ponies, who were having a fierce battle. If my mind ain’t fooling me, their names were… Apple Jack and Rainbow Dash *hiccup*. So anyway… That blue mare talked me into joining them, and we made a deal that we will attack Apple Jack. Since I’m new here and neither of them has ever seen me before, Apple Jack didn’t suspect a thing, and lost the game. Then, RD took her share of the cider and left, leaving all of the pies to me. She said something about being in the game only for the beverage.
- Right…

- So, Octavia, you sure you won’t join us?
- I am positive – answered the mare as she took a bite out of a pie.
- Suit yourself…
Ok, Vinyl? Come here.

Lime color maned pony whispered something into the white mare’s ear. As the mare listened to her dare, she blushed a little.

- No, cm’ on!
- So what? Am *hiccup* I the dare mare?
- No!... Ok… I’ll do it…

Vinyl came back to her place next to Octavia and took a seat. She then loudly exhaled, putting all of her frustration and embarrassment to that breath. Then she started to hum “Ode to joy” by Ludvig van Bethoofen.

Pleasantly surprised that her roommate knows this piece, Octavia faced the displeased mare and finished off her pie.

After a few minutes of hiccup interrupted humming, the unicorn faced her entranced friend. She squinted her eyes as she noticed something

- You’ve got a *hiccup* little something right there - said the white mare as she raised her hoof to her face, pointing on her top lip

The gray pony wiped off her face with elegance

- Did I get it?
- Noooope, It’s still there… Ya know what? Here, lemme get that for you…

In a sudden move, Vinyl grabbed her roommate by her shoulders and leaned in real closely. Octavia didn’t even have the time to react as Vinyl pulled out her tongue and sled it through her unexpecting friend’s face. All the way from her gray chin, through the lips, the nose, in between her eyes, finally stopping at the bottom of her forehead.

Feeling her best friend’s warm and slobbery tongue gently sliding through her lips, the gray mare’s blood ran cold. As she felt Vinyl’s tongue making it’s way up on her face, Octavia felt her blood piling up in her cheeks. She felt the blush coming up on her face, and she knew that there is nothing she can do to stop it.

As the violated mare sat there moveless, Vinyl licked her own lip

- There, it’s all gone.

Damn, that’s some good pie… Hey Lime, throw me a piece!

As the blue maned pony faced her citrus fruit maned friend, she saw that the mare is in that “OOOOH” pose – her hoof covering her mouth, her body leaning away. She couldn’t see her eyes, but Vinyl could bet her life on it that they were wide – opened.

The mare finally let out a word, the one that was written all over her face

- Oooooh, somepony’s gonna get iiit!
- Wada ya…

As Vinyl turned around, she saw Octavia drowning in fury. Pissed, but still accessorized with that blush. The DJ wided her eyes and started to back away slowly


And the shock was beaten.


Dramatically walking towards the cave’s entrance, Octavia let out some howls. As she was walking away, Vinyl jumped up and tried to chase her. However, having those injuries made it quite impossible.

- Octy, come on! Please don’t goo!
Aww, please come baaaack
- Vinyl, chill. I have a pretty darn good feeling, that she’ll be back sooner than you know it.
- Really? – Asked the disappointed mare- What makes you say that?
- Hmmm… Just a hunch, I guess

Lime gave Vinyl a smirk while saying that

- Hey, you mind waiting here for me for a second?
- Nope, not at all. Go for… whatever it is you are going for ya crazy
- Cool. I’ll be back in a jiff. Try not to cook anything while I’m gone!

Hearing that Vinyl laughed out loud

- Yeah, yeah. Just go already

The hoodied mare returned a few minutes later, with a half-smile on her face

- Whatever it is you did there: I do not want to hear any details – said Vinyl noticing that weird smile.

As they sat down and filled their mugs with cider, they heard familiar hoofsteps.

All soaking-wet, Octavia reappeared in their sight.

- What happened to ya, Tavi?!
- It’s raining cats and dogs outside…
- Well *hiccup*, looks like you’re staying with us tonight baby! YEAH! – Shouted out Vinyl as she reached out her mug to Octavia
- Excuse me once more – said Lime as she stood up and walked towards the barrels of cider, disappearing behind them in near seconds

- Yeah, RD? You did great, thanks so much. I Ove you one, bigtime!

- No prob dude, when the cause is good, I’ll always help. And this one fits the great causes tab perfectly!

- K, I gotta go. Stay awesome!


The black mare hid her walkie-talkie in her pocket. She knew, that giving Rainbow dash a walkie-talkie would be a good idea, but she didn’t expect that she’ll need to use it so soon.

“Rainbow covered the sky above Everfree forest with rainclouds pretty fast… Guess it’s true that she’s the fastest flyer around!”

She smiled to herself as she lifted a pie from the ground

“ Guess I gotta get back to them, or they’ll start suspecting stuff”

Walking out from behind the barrels, the black mare shouted:

- Yo, girls! I’m bringing you some more pieee!