//------------------------------// // 101 Possession by Noctus Noxia // Story: Full Moon Fever: A MoonLight Prompt Collab // by TheLastBrunnenG //------------------------------// Possession by Noctus Noxia The pale, silvery light of Luna's moon shone through the window of the tree house. Twilight Sparkle sat at her desk, a book opened. Only a candle was her companion. Its flame shone golden and warm. It softly trembled in the wind. Twilight was reading through her old history book. The mare's eyes rested on the page with its colourful image. Two Alicorns, who were arguing. Twilight whispered the words of the tale: „The elder sister tried to reason with her. But the bitterness in the young one's heart had transformed her into a wicked mare of darkness: Nightmare Moon! She vowed, that she would shroud the land into eternal darkness.“ Twilight was so foccussed on reading her tale, that she did not really focus on her environment. In the candle's lights shadows danced over the wall. Twilight's own shadow was stretched, until it was thrown against the wall. It grew and grew, starting to shapeshift. Out of Twilight's shadow came a black alicorn with long, feathered, batshaped wings. Her cyan eyes glowed mischievous as they rested on the unicorn. A violet tongue slided over the lips. Perfect. The shadow dashed away and floated around. It creeped over the celling and flew over Twilight. A black hoof went down and it squeezed the flame, making the candle go out. „Hu?“ Twilight whirled around. „Who is there?“ She jumped from her seat and her horn flared purple. „Show yourself!“ Soft, high-pitched, clear laughter filled the air, making Twilight shiver. This can not be good. „So we meet again.“ Out of the shadows stepped a pitchblack mare, clad in a silvery-blue armour. Cyan eyes flickered amused and again this long, violet tongue slided out. „Twilight Sparkle.“ The mare pronounced her name with a little hiss. Twilight lowered her head. „Nightmare Moon!“, she called and got into a charging position, „What do you want?“ Nightmare chuckled amused and turned her head so one eye looked at the unicorn. Her blue mane floated around her, twisting and shimmering. „Oh, I did not meant any offense“, she said, „I just came here to get a little taste of Celestia's famous star pupil myself.“ W-what? Twilight was taken aback and confused. She stumbled backwards and rose a brow. „What do you mean?“ Nightmare Moon slowly came closer. Her hooves barley made any sound on the wooden floor. Her hips followed every step, swinging from right to left, her tail following. Her neck to danced from one side to the other and she kept smiling. „A pony of your stature must have had the best of the best as a companion“, she said, „But it seems that one part nopony has ever seen of you.“ Again this disgusting lick over her maw. Twilight shuddered. If I do not go nuts completely, I would say, she is flirting with me. But why? Angrily the mare hided her precious marehood from the view. „Oh, no!“, she shouted, „You can forget that! Don't you even dare to come closer.“ Nightmare Moon sighted low. Her ears twitched. „Such a pity“, she mumbled, „I wanted to do it the easy way.“ Her eyes flashed and with a sadistic grin she showed her teeth. „Looks like you beg for the hard way.“ Twilight panicked. Nightmare Moon became blackish purple mist and floated around her. „What...what are you doing?“, shouted Twilight. The dark mare flew closer and closer, until the mist enwrapped itself around her. Twilight yelled in panic and rose to her hindlegs. Blackish chains shot after her legs and neck, pushing her down. The mare was sweating and shivering. She fell to her knees. Darkness creeped into her heart and poured out of her veins. Slowly Nightmare Moon rose to her feet. Twilight Sparkle now was in her possession. A black unicorn with an elegant mane, red marks in the strands. Nightmare Moon sat down and sniffed. She lifted an hoof and ran over the slender body. Inside of her Twilight was struggling. „Stop it!“, she whimpered, „Please!“ „I haven't even started.“ Nightmare Moon slowly started to enjoy herself. Inside her Twilight seemed to cringle with fear and disgust. Nightmare Moon chuckled and bared her fangs. Such a crying whelp. It had hardly began. There was plenty of time. Plenty of time to discover everything. Twilight let out a sound that could be a cry. Nightmare Moon ignored her and kept enjoying herself, licking and touching her host body, enjoying the reactions and of course Twilight's outbrust of panic, fear and disgust. Her mane and tail swirled around her, reacting to every movement. Heat filled her body together with pure, wild lust. Finally, when Twilight thought, she could bear it no longer, Nightmare Moon released her from her dark grip. The unicorn fell down. The dark mare towered above her. Twilight was crying. „That was dreadful“, she whispered. Nightmare Moon chuckled. Her tail swipped over Twilight's head as she turned around. „Better prepare for meeting me again. Maybe then you prefer the easy way."