Equestria Girls: Dangan Ronpa

by MarkTheWolfpony

Citizens Interviews(2)

Sunset Shimmer: 2

*Track use: Beautiful days*
I really needed some fresh air at the moment. So what better place to have it then cloudsdale. As I entered the place, one location in particular got me interested and that would be the coliseum.

As I got there, I quickly noticed that Sunset was there. She smiled as she looked around the place.

“Ummm hello Sunset,” I greeted her. “Fancy meeting you here.”

Sunset’s smile disappeared as I came in, “what do you want?”

I stand right next to her, “well I just want to get some fresh air.”

Sunset made an awkward look, growing very frustrated. “You want to hang with me again don’t ya?”

“Well there was nothing else to do.”

She let out a deep sigh and just sat down on the cloud.

I did the same thing. As I sat with my legs criss cross, I took a look down from where we sat. I think that was a bad idea on my part….

Sunset laughs at my situation, “wasn’t being afraid of heights so cliche!?”

My cheeks burn red hearing that.

Sunset Shimmer made a devilish smirk, “I heard you're getting a little too friendly with others even when I warned you about this last time.”

My cheeks puff for a second, giving a short glare. “like I’d follow that!”

She nodded, letting out a long sigh. “No wonder Berry Punch was killed like that.”
*Track use: Despair syndrome*
The moment she mentioned my friends name, I just lost it. I held her down, glaring at her as I bit my lip. I didn’t say a single word.

She wasn’t phased one bit. In fact she gave a wide smirk, “go ahead and do your worst but let me tell you one thing.” She closed her eyes, “you should know by now that people won’t go your way when it comes to situations like these. Expect everything to crumble in front of your eyes.”

I really hated her words so much! I just couldn’t take it. Eventually I let her go as I laid back, letting a single tear drop.

As she stood up, she took one more look at me. “I have noticed that this personality you have was a problem before I assume?”

I only responded with a sigh sounding as broken as I am.

Sunset walks out saying; “Take it from me and don’t let that be the end of you as you don’t want to die here right?”

She exited the coliseum. Maybe it was a mistake but….I feel she had a point. I feel that I have become closer to her but why does it make me more sad than usual? Her words shouldn’t matter to me but it's getting harder to just say she was bluffing….

Gilda: 3

*Track use: Beautiful days*
I wanted to check City hall, hoping to see the Doctor there. Unfortunately I didn’t see him anywhere. Instead I saw Gilda who was just sitting on the stairs that lead up to the main hall doors.

Might as well approach her. “Hello!” I managed to capture her attention.

Gilda smiled awkwardly, “oh hey there.”

“I’m sorry to bother you but I was wondering if we could spend more time together,” I gave the brightest smile I could.

Gilda let out a long sigh, “might as well then.”

I stand right next to her. Being the curious person I am, I wanted to know more what happened between her and this person we talked about the last time.

I was about to ask but Gilda put her hand in front of me.

“I guess since I brought it up when you asked, you want to know more, am I right?” Gilda gave me sarcastic look.

I only responded with a single nod.

She awkwardly laughs as she raises her fist at me, “tell anyone and you're dead!”

I gulped a little, nodded my head in agreement.

Gilda grinned, letting out a loud growl. “I use to be a sorta shy loser when I was younger. I wasn’t the cool kid you are seeing today.” Gilda looked down on herself, clenching her fist with high pressure. “I was a runt in the litter by the time I entered my first day in Canterlot high.”

To hear that Gilda use to be like this, it was kinda surprising.

“The only person who ever thought about hanging out with me was my best buddy….Rainbow dash.” She awkwardly smiles at me, “Rainbow Dash thought that I was one of the coolest people ever. At first I thought she was lying to me. What kind of a girl as cool as her would hang out with a piece of crap like me.”

I laid my hand on her shoulder, “the kind that wants to get to know you better.” I made a wide smile.

Her cheeks were burning red, “I’ll say it again! Don’t tell anyone!”

I nodded in response. Oh Gilda, how could I not see this when I met ya. I feel that we have gotten a lot closer since then.

Snowflake: 3

I exited out of my house and checked to see if anybody in the neighborhood wanted to hangout. Out of all the people, I went to Snowflake’s house. I knocked on the door, waiting for him to respond.

The door opened with Snowflake popping his head out, “oh hello Derpy.”

I wave my hand, “hey Snowflake.”

He couldn’t help but snicker, “so do you want to go grab something to eat?”

I couldn’t say no to the offer. The two of us headed to the school cafeteria. I grabbed myself a veggie burger meal while he grabbed himself a salad and a protein shake.

We sat right in the middle of the cafeteria and begin to chow down.

“I hope that is at least tasty for ya there.” I mean a salad and a protein shake sounds tasteless.

Snowflake chuckled, “well when you eat the same kind of food so many times, you’ll get use to it.”

You know I might as well ask him at a time like this. “is it ok if i ask, how close of a relationship do you have with your brother?”

He dropped his fork as he smiled, “let me tell you something.” He looked away from me, having his smile turn upside down with his eyes close. “I didn’t even like my brother the first time I met him. In fact I kinda hated him….”
*Track use: Welcome to despair school*
I couldn’t believe what he told me. This…Is just cruel to hear.

“I know you sound shocked by this but it was how I felt before the event happened,” he looked at me with a straight face. “You know what I am talking about right?”


“Well,” he took a deep sigh. “Nobody didn’t give a damn. I was left to the wayside since I was a lot weaker when I was younger.” He paused, letting a out a small chuckle, “ironically the only one who cared was my brother but he was the reason why everybody ignored me.”

“Because of that, you treated him badly as a result?”

He nodded in response, “I was a terrible brother at first. What really caught me by surprise was that no matter how I treated him, he was always by my side.” Suddenly tears started to form, “he was the only one that cared I was safe because I was the awesome brother that he wanted. From that point I knew that my little bro would be the only thing I have close to people caring.”

I never thought that the bond between them was so strong. “Huh, you really miss your brother right?”

He covered his eyes, preventing tears to be shown. “I just hope I can make it out long enough for me to see him again.”

I hold his hand and laid it on my palm, “I know you will.”

It seems that I’m getting really close to Snowflake. I feel that we are starting to get closer as friends.

Bon Bon: 2

*Track use: Beautiful days*
I wanted to go see more of the buildings around cloudsdale. As I headed there, I noticed that Bon Bon was there only she had something out?

As I walk closer, she spotted me and put away the device. “Derpy! I didn’t expect you to come here!”

“What were you doing?” I asked.

“Oh nothing! Say since you're here, how about we hang out!”Bon Bon looked a lot calmer than she was.

I was a little nervous but I accepted the offer. The two of us began to sight see on what this town had to offer.

“Wow I never seen something like this since my last trip!” She was unable to fathom this moment.

“It kinda sounds like you have seen it before?”

Her excitement wither down, “oh I was a very well traveled student!”

“Oh so you make candy from different places?”

She let out an awkward smile, “you can say that. Its just that candy was also my second focus.”

That is interesting, “what was your major focus?”

“Oh its just doing more sightseeing. I had this fascination of just seeing what other places have and what kind of people I would see,” she made a wide smile. “its something that I hold dear to me.”

Her smile was nothing more the convincing, “so would that mean you make candy for the people you’ve made friends with.”

She giggled, “of course! I mean what doesn’t give a smile more then some sweet candy. I couldn’t tell you how much good it will do when you give the person the first taste of it.”

I even still remember Dinky tasting her first piece of candy. Those were the days.

“Hey Derpy! lets go see if the store here has some candy shall we?” I guess candy can’t escape her mind huh?

The both of us headed to the store located just in this town block. It was a lucky day as some candy is shown on the top shelf as we enter. I guess you can say our bond has gotten a lot sweeter.

Snails: 2

I went to the cottage as I wanted to check that place out a little. Once I got there, I noticed Snails just entering. I followed him inside, only to see him laid on the couch with all his bugs running around.

“AHH!” I jumped out, avoiding any bugs I could of squish.

“Derpy!?” Snails noticed me just by the door.

I waved awkwardly, “hello Snails...I see you have company there.”

He let out a long sigh, “I’m sorry that you had to see this.”

I walked up to him, avoiding any of the insects on the floor. “No its ok! I thought I’d ask if we could hang out.”

He turned around and sat back on the couch. “Do whatever you want then…”

I guess I’ll take that as a yes. I sat right next to him by the couch but he pushed back from me. “Is there something wrong Snails?”

Snails looked at me with a glare that caught me off guard, “why do you want to hang out with me?”

“Uhhhh what?” I was honestly confuse.

He growled, putting his face flat on the cushions of the couch. “You don’t have to hang out if you don’t want too.”

“I think you got it wrong there,” I do kinda want to you know.

“I bet the only reason you're hanging out with me was because you feel bad,” he let out a long sigh.

“You don’t have to be a frowny pants all the time. I am hanging out with you because I want too. If I only felt sorry for you then I would of left and…” I couldn’t stop staring at those bugs that were running around.

He looked at me with a frown, his eyes looking very baggy. “I’m surprised you are willing to stay.” He picked up what seems to be a black beetle with a horn, “even when these insects are lying around.”

I try not to freak out when he showed it up close, “ya…” I could barely hold a smile.

Snails dropped the beetle on the couch as it crawls away. “You're the third person that was able to get close to me without shouting freak.”

Third? I know one of them is Snips but who is the other? Hmmmm... Wait I think I know what he means. “You mean Sweetie Belle?”

Snails gasped when I mention her.

“Oh so there was something between you,” Kinda figured after we first met at the auditorium.

But before I could speak, he covered my mouth. “Promise me you won’t tell her that please!” He bit his lip with both of his eyes twitching.

I nodded in response.

He pulled his hand away from my mouth, letting in a deep breath of relief. “Now since that was settled, how about we just talk for a bit.”

The both of us talked about whatever came to mind. You know I can feel what Snails had to go through. Being called a freak and what not. I feel that our bond just got stronger because of it.

Vinyl Scratch: 2

I went to check on the barn to see if anybody was there. Well that and try some of the cider that was stored here. As I head to the barrels containing the cider, I notice Vinyl just sitting on a hay pile as she snaps her fingers.

“Oh hey Vinyl!” I runned up, waving my arm at her.

Vinyl smiled, “Yo what up Derpy!?”

I laid myself on the hay next to her, “so how are you doing?”

“Doing swell!” Vinyl laid herself on the hay, “Just enjoying the view that I’m getting.”

I gotta admit, it is a great view from here. I wonder if our ticket for freedom is just over those mountains?

Vinyl looked at me, noticing my mood. “You're wondering if that was our ticket to get out of here?”

I’m surprise she caught that. “Ya…” I mean I could probably think that anywhere from the areas that are forbidden for us to step foot on would be our way out.”

“Derpy,” Vinyl tooks a deep breath. “You gotta learn to chill there.”

“Ummm,” I don’t think I could to be honest.

Vinyl took off her headset, “I know it's hard to do even in a situation like this but just remember to alway know that things work out in the end.”

“But you had a lot of freak out moments since we got here.” I viciously pointed out.

Vinyl cringed a bit, “ya I had my moments but I learn not to let them control me. This was what I told Octy so many times when she ever gets up on stage.”

“Octavia gets stage fright?” Well that was a first to hear about.

Vinyl couldn’t help but laugh. “I am always backstage with her and let me tell ya, she was not one to perform in front of crowds.”

I always thought Octavia was a perfect women in every sense of the word. But I guess she was just as flawed as anybody else.

She smirked, “but later on, she was able to cope with it and even if I am not there to see her show, she was still doing a lot better than I ever hoped for a best friend.”

I couldn’t help but make a wide smile. “Well I’m glad Octavia has a friend like you.”

She nodded with a grin.

You know it's fascinating hearing how the two interact. I feel that that my bond is getting stronger because of it.

Scootaloo: 2

Its nice to take a walk in the neighborhood once in a while. I think it helps calm my brain a lot.

“GET OUT OF THE WAY!” A voice suddenly came out of nowhere.

I turned around, but jumped out of the way when I saw Scootaloo passing by with her scooter.

She drifted for a sharp turn, stopping in place. “Wow are you ok!?” Scootaloo came to me.

I grabbed hold of her hand and was able to stand in place. “Ya I am fine. Just be careful when you ride that scooter.”

“Say,” Scootaloo grabbed a hold of my hand. “Want to see me show off my moves. I know you saw last time but you want to see more?”

Well I got nothing else to do so I might as well. Scootaloo took me to an open area around the cloud house. From there, she began to show me a lot of tricks that she had learned. It was quite a show I might add. I clapped as it comes to an end.

Scootaloo shows off, making a wide grin of confidence. “Thank you, thank you!”

“You have learned!” I said with the most overjoyed expression I could make.

Scootaloo laughed with joy, “it's always nice to see others enjoying the stunts I pull off.”

Something got me interested, “Say Scoots!” I grabbed her attention, “would these moves happen to be taught by your sister?”

She responded with a wide goofy smile. “Well you could say that. I mean she is the most awesome and coolest person you’ll ever meet in your life!”

“You wanted to be like her?”

Scootaloo smile wither away as I mention that. “Well...She told me to just be myself.”

“Uhhh…” The tone was a lot more depressing.
*Track use: Welcome to despair school*
She sat down right next to her scooter, letting out a long sigh. “I feel that if I don’t become like my sister, then what good will it do for me then!?”

It seems she is having some sort of crisis of finding herself.

She began to sheds tears, trying to hold back. “I...I just want to be someone but I am nothing if I don’t aim for her level!”

I came up to her and wrapped my arm around her. “You don’t need to aim for that perfection.”

Scootaloo wrapped her arms around, “I just want people to notice me!”

I looked at her sad face, making a huge smile. “I think a lot already have.”

Scootaloo held me tight, letting out all the tears like a waterfall.

Nobody should be a copy of someone. This is something I have learned and now Scootaloo has taken this to heart. I think our bond has just gotten closer.

Sweetie Belle: 2

*Track use: Beautiful days*
The sound of beautiful singing was heard as I walked to Sweetie Belle’s house. Her singing is always good to listen too. It wasn’t long until I knocked on the door.

Sweetie Belle soon opened it, catching me at my sight. “Oh Derpy!” She said with excitement.

I walk myself in, “Can I hang out with you today?”

She responded with a single nod.

I sat right down on her bed, “I heard your lovely singing again.”

Her cheeks went burning red, “Oh I thought I was singing quietly.”

I giggled a bit, “oh come on Sweetie! I love to hear you sing after the last time we hung out.”

She gave a wide smile. “Thank you. I’m glad that a few people are enjoying my performance.”

“You seem really proud of your talent there huh?”

Sweetie face away from me, clenching her fist. “It’s what really defines when they compare me to my sister…”

That sounded a bit off. It came off as a little frustrated then being happy about it. “You ok?”
*Track use: Welcome to despair school*
She took a deep breath, “I may miss my Sister but at the same time I feel I can be happy she is not overshadowing me.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“I...I don’t like how my Sister takes all the fame,” she bit her thumb, letting out a lot of frustration. “I know my sister is talented but I wish she didn’t take all the fame when I’m showing off my talent.”

“You’re not thinking she was doing this on purpose are you?” I’d be very shocked if she does.

Luckily I got a nod as a response. “No...she is just more popular with the crowd and I will always be her shadow.”

“Hey don’t feel that way!” I jumped off the bed with my fist in check, “You may not be popular but you will have your chance to shine! I think your sister wanted that too!”

She let out a soft giggle, “I might not feel all better but I’m glad you are trying to cheer me up.”

I laid my hands on her shoulders, “I just want people to try to smile as best as they could.”

She gives the brightest smile she could make, “your really nice you know that?”

You know something? That smile reminded me of my daughter so much...I have to make the best of it until we get out of this place. For now I could feel the bond between us getting stronger.

Applebloom: 2

*Track use: Beautiful days*
I headed to what seems to be a corn maze of some kind. Well it was a maze as more of a single hallway of a cornfield that lead to a stage of some kind.

Applebloom was at the center of it as she spotted me. “Hey Derpy!” She waved at me.

I waved back as I ran up stage. “Didn’t expect to see you around here?”

“Well I wanted to explore more of this place and I found this,” Applebloom sat down on the floor of the stage. “It's times like these that allow me to be the explorer I am.”

Never thought I see her this happy, “you're such an adventurous person for a carpenter.”

She looked at me, with a eyes that shows a fiery passion. “Well let me tell you something!” She walks as she looks at me face to face, “have you ever had a main objective in your life?”

“Oh I do and-” She covered my mouth before I could finish.

“Well that is my main goal and that is to be an adventurer!” She smiled as she jumped with excitement. “The carpenter thing was only a side thing for me to get some support for the future.”

“Well that seems to be a solid plan there but I ask why not earn it now?”

She looked at me with an awkwardly, “you have to know that it you won't learn it as fast as they could. That was something you have to do when you are a talent mark crusader.”

I guess she has a point there.

“Its something that we all have to learn and I think that was something that you must of learnt as well right?” She gave me a smirk.

She really does have a lot of wisdom there. Well for a kid, that I would say. I think my bond is starting to get stronger with her.

Trixie: 2

I wanted to visit the train again. The look and design of it just interested me so much. As I set foot inside the train station, I notice that Trixie was inside the office checking for something. What is she looking for?

I entered the office, which scared her as a result.

Trixie lands on the chair as it skids on the floor until it hits the wall. “The Great and Powerful Trixie does not want to be surprise like that!”

“I’m very sorry!” I helped her up.

Trixie glared at me, “What do you want?”

“I was wondering why you are here?”

She looked at the desk, “Trixie was looking for something that could explain why this wonderful girl was stuck here in the first place!”

I would like to know that myself but it's pretty pointless unless we have more area to cover.

“What do you want from the Great and Powerful Trixie?” She crossed her arm, looking at me awkwardly.

“I just wanted to know what have you been doing at this moment.” My awkwardness got the better of me.

She looked away, showing disgust. “I really don’t understand why you want to know what Trixie has been up too?”

“Well I was just curious.”

She growled, puffing up her cheeks like crazy. “Like that is in anyway true! I bet you just wanted to check if I’m gonna murder someone!”

“Hey it isn’t like that!” I was kinda annoyed she thought that…

“Trixie is sorry…” She pulled down her hat, covering her face. “I guess I just didn’t want you to tease me.

I’m a bit confuse to be honest. “How come you didn’t do this before the first time I talk to ya?”

She slowly moves up her hat, showing her mouth. “This was the first time Trixie actually met you and at first you probably didn’t knew her so that Trixie could make you her number one fan.”

I couldn’t help but feel annoyed by that. “Well I’m not gonna run you out like how the others did.”

With the words I have spoken, she put her hat up to show her face at me. “Trixie is starting to think this is how friends treat each other.”

“Don’t tell me you don’t have any friends either?” As I took another look at her, she was kinda unpleasant to hear those words. “OH I’M SORRY!”

Out of nowhere, she wrapped herself on me. “Trixie was getting Affectionate...She apologizes if this is weird.”

No. Its not weird at all. I never thought I was gonna get something like this. I can feel the bond getting stronger because of it.

Berry Punch: 3

I wanted to head back to Sugarcube corner to see if Berry was there. Luckily enough I found her as she was using the blender to make more of her fruit smoothies.

“Hey Berry!” I was very excited to see her.

“Derpy!” She smiled, pouring all the contents she made into a glass. “Want a drink?”

I grabbed the glass off the counter and chugged it down.

“Derpy...Can we go to your house for a moment?” She looked at me, with her eyes almost closed.

I stopped and put my drink down, “something wrong there?”

“...” She just stand there for a moment. She got off the counter and headed to the front entrance. “Just meet me at your house ok.”

I wonder what she wanted? I drank the last of the fruit smoothie and headed home. From there, I caught Berry right next to the door, waiting patiently to open it.

The two of us enter in. Berry stand right in front of me, looking a bit lifeless…

“Berry?” What was going on?

She looked at me, showing tears running down her cheeks. “I don’t know if I can’t take it anymore!” She covered her face, holding the tears back. “I want to see my Mom again!”
*Track use: Welcome to despair school*
I quickly stand by to aid her, “Berry stay with me ok!”

“How could I!” she looked right at me, with a glare that only show her being down in a spiral. “Derpy don’t you get it! We are being forced to live her forever and ever and this place was not only different from where we live, but we are forced to make new lives here!”

I let out a growl, “you don’t know that Berry. Don’t let this fear consume you!”

“Derpy...How could you still think this?” She grabbed hold of me. I can feel the pressure she was giving. “Isn’t there any part of your mind that doubts that we could escape!?”

I was scared. Seeing her in this state was nothing more than terrifying.

Her eyes widen, realizing what she was doing. She let me go as she steps back a bit. “I...I’m sorry Derpy. I didn’t knew what came over me.”

I walked close to her, wrapping my arms as I hold tight. “Just remember that your mother will always be waiting. Not to mention you got me by your side as well.”

I took a look at Berry, now showing smile as her tears no longer visible. “I’m glad that I am at least stuck with you. I don’t know what I do if i was alone in this place.”

I wouldn’t feel the same way.
*Track use: Beautiful days*
“Derpy, can I ask you something?” I faced her direction, “you think I can be your aunt when you and the Doctor have a child together.

I was frozen, unable to answer.

“Derpy?” Berry looked at me funny.

I was able to break free of that trance only to sporadically move away from her. “HEY DON’T JUST SAY THAT OUT OF THE BLUE!”

She couldn’t help but laugh, “Its good to have some fun for once.”

Its nice to see Berry smiling. I only wish for the best for her and once we get out of here, the first thing we’ll do will be a reunion with her mother. Until then, I’ll stay right by her side no matter what. I think our bond is now sealed tight. I couldn’t be more happier then ever.

Photo Finish: 3

I wanted to head back to the fashion boutique building. To be totally honest I wanted to see more of those dresses. As I enter the same room of the second floor, Photo Finish was happened to be in the room before me.

She smiled as she clapped her hands, “The woman that I wanted to see!”

Well I guess she wanted to see me then. “Ummm do you need anything?”

“Uhh...Can we go to your house? I want to speak to you privately.” She said, with a nervous tone.

I don’t understand why she would want to come to my house but I couldn’t say no to her if she wanted something. The two of us headed to my home.

As the two of are inside, Photo Finish just stood there

“Uhhh…” I don’t know how to respond.

“Derpy,” she looked at me, rather conerly. “Did you ever think I was pushing you too hard?”

I was honestly confused by that.
*Track use: Welcome to despair school*
“I…” She paused, taking a deep breath. “I feel I haven’t given you the respect you deserve. I just happen to like how you look and it probably ended up making you mad.”

“No Photo Finish!” I placed my hand on my chest, “I really am glad someone like you finds me pretty.”

“But I didn’t think that for once I should treat like a normal person then that!” She press her hand on her left eye, “I think I just wanted to show how the world can see the beauty within her. This was something I should've learn but kept forgetting!”

Her emotions are running wild right now. I could honestly feel the pain she is suffering there.

Photo Finish sat on my bed, looking down on herself. “I’ve always hated how people treat others differently because they aren't beautiful. I feel that because of my talent, I can make a difference and help these people who are shun by society by their looks.” She let out a soft sigh. “But I guess I’m different.”

I sat right next to her, wrapping my arm around her. “I say you're doing a pretty good job there. I may not know what it means to be a model or something but after what you told about your leadership, you are something that many of these people needed.”

She giggled a bit, “I may not have suffered what the others have face, but just seeing them being outcasted by the people that suppose to live in my class...Just sickens me.” She took off her glass, showing me her eyes. “Like I’m gonna join those kinds of people.”

For all my life I was also picked by some of them not only because of different class, but for my eyes as well. Its very amazing to see that Photo Finish was talking to me about this.
*Track use: Beautiful days*
“Derpy can you promise me something?” She looked at with those eyes. It's kinda weird to be honest. “Can you come and visit my shows when this is all over. In fact bring a lot of your friends as I will give you all front row seats. I want to let you see the real world of fashion so what do you say?”

“Sure why not.” I am getting to for free so I couldn't say no to that.

“Good!” She stands off the bed, “now lets go and have fun here. our days of living here will soon be over so lets enjoy what we have here ok?”

I’ve learnt a whole lot today. Sometimes a person is more than they seem. I think the two of us are going to be the best of friends and I am glad to have her by my side.