The Crazy Convoluted Journey of Sweets and Mint Tear

by Madman Stories CO

Onto Dodge Junction

Our two young adventurers have been walking for about an hour when they both hear each other's stomach growl

"l think we should stop to eat." Sweets said setting her saddlebags down

Mint put her saddlebags down too "yeah... did you bring anything to make tea with?"

"Of course I know how much you love making and drinking mint tea." Sweets said pulling a kettle and tea making supplies out of her saddlebag. Sweets made a fire.

Mint began boiling the water "I... I'm glad were going to Ponyville... I think.... it'll be fun." she said as Sweets made sandwiches

Sweets finished making the sandwiches as Mint finished making the tea Mint poured the tea "Let's eat!" Sweets said handing Mint a sandwich

"So what are we gonna do in Dodge Juction? or are we just gonna pass right through?" Mint ask sipping her tea

Sweets took a big bite out of her sandwich "I heard there's a cherry farm, maybe we can go cherry picking for a little bit?" she suggested shrugging

"That sounds... fun... okay and what about Applelossa?" Mint asked munching on her sandwich

"They have a hoedown like everyday, we'll have fun at one of those."

"Okay I think that could be fun." Mint said as the two sisters finished their food, they put their saddlebags back on and started walking again, after an hour or two our adventurers came across a little lizard.

"Aww so cute, I'm gonna keep him!" Sweets said picking up the little lizard "I'm gonna call him Scales." she said giggling

"Sweets are you sure it's a safe pet?" Mint asked nervously

"Yes Minty I'm sure." Sweets said putting Scales on her back where he curled up and rest. As Sweets and Mint Tear walked they came across a tree blocking their path, it was the thickest tree that you'd ever see

"Sweets? how in the name of celestia are we gonna get over this thing?" Mint asked nervously

Sweets pulled the Bowie Knives she bought out of her bag "Elementary my dear Minty, we climb are way over using the Bowie Knives as climbing hooks." She said handing two of the Bowie Knives to Mint and they started climbing over the tree huge trunk they made it about halfway up when one of Mint's Bowie Knives came loose and fell

"Sweets help!" Mint cried out Sweets went down and grabbed her sister's hoof and thew her up to the top of the Sweets then slowly climbed to the top they look out and saw a path in the distance

"That's the path to Dodge Junction." Sweets said smiling wide as they carefully climb down they walked for a while and started going down the path to Dodge Junction Sweets started giggling

"what is it Sweets?" Mint asked

"Remember that song Dad would sing about his crew mate from when he was a sailor?" Sweets asked still giggling

"Oh yeah the one about Stuart The Sailor." Sweets said "you wanna sing it?"

Sweets nodded and they sang the song till the reached the edge of Dodge Junction