//------------------------------// // Chapter 2 Enter the Hive // Story: Survive, adapt, evolve. The Swarm in Equestia. // by Krozairofequestria //------------------------------// >>> Unknown location ??? POV<<< “Is everyone in position” A dark figure asked. “It will only take a bit more than we can march, Captain. We will reach the borders of the Changeling land at the end of the month. Everything is going the way you commanded.” Another figure said. “Good” 'Soon we will rule this world in his name' >>>Badlands Abathur's POV.<<< Well it took us longer than I had expected, but it seems he was finally ready to lead us to an entrance of his hive. I wasn't surprised to see more Changelings waiting for us in front of a gigantic rock. Because as we crossed the border I picked some sort of psionic signal from the Changeling group that was with me. As I stretched my senses to learn what it was I felt a lot of signals coming and going from them. But I couldn't tap in their connection, it was too different. Like trying to understand Chinese without any knowledge about it. But at the time I was sure they told them about me and that I was coming with them. So yea, the group of Changelings was no surprise. “So is this our welcome party?” I looked at the leader of the group and he only rise an eyebrow at me and nodded. “You didn't look like it surprised you that they know about our arrival.” I needed to give him this much, he never let me see what he thought, at least not much. But I could see he was disappointed that I didn't show surprise or that I looked like they were nothing to be worried about. “I have my ways to know things.” was all I said as the Overlord reached a height where we could start to unload the Changelings and me. With a command he opened his maw and reached in with one of his tentacles and grabbed one of the Changelings first. Not a minute later we were all unloaded from the Overlord and were standing in front of the new group of Changelings. All of them looked at me with a lot of distrust, it seems saving some of them would not help them to trust me enough. Well this could take its time. I wasn't in a hurry so I could take my time with the bond forging between our species. “So will you take me to your leader or will you try and kill me now that you have more soldiers in better conditions?” I asked in a mild mocking voice. I have seen what the changelings could do, they were running away from those wolves that my Zerglings could kill with ease. So with my natural weapons and abilities as Abathur I was safe, for now. Even Abathur could be taken down by these guys if they just had enough numbers. But I stood, sat, whatever I call it standing for know. So again, I stood there waiting for them to make a move. I could feel the conversation they had through the Hivemind. Then the some of the Changelings ignited their horns. I didn't move, then the same light started to shine around the Changelings that have come with me and lifted them up. “We will escort you to our Queen creature. But know this. If you make one wrong move we will kill you.” The voice was deeper and more masculine than the voices of the Changelings in the group I have traveled with. But I didn't have much time to ask him something as he turned around the instant he had finished warning me, and trotted up to the big rock. His Horn ignited with the same green light I have seen by the others. But this time the whole side of the rock that was in front of us started to burn with the same green flames. After a few seconds the stone wall in front of us changed into a slowly opening gate. I wasn't surprised by the sight of the gate, I had expected something like this the whole time. But it was impressive, I had imagined what it would look like, but whatever I had in my mind couldn't hold a candle to this massive gate. “I must say, this is more than I had expected, do you want to impress me or intimidate me? If it is the later, it didn't work. Just so you know.” I said with a calm voice as I move my body in the direction of the gate. The Changeling turned his head and eyed me suspicious. I made a signal with my two right hand claws to signal him to lead the way. And with this we moved in the darkness of the Changeling hive. “It is beautiful.” This whole thing was really something else. At first I thought they would live like some sort of underground species without any sort of light, and they could see in the dark. But I was wrong, after the light of the entrance was far behind us green light was emitted from the walls. Some sort of hardened substance covers the walls and glowed on its own. I couldn't look away, while we continued our way down I never looked away from the walls. I didn't care for the strange looks I got from the Changelings, I wasn't here to judge them, nor was I here to see if they were a threat to my swarm. I wanted to bond with them, and I know I was foolish to ignore the valuable information I could gather here. A whatever, this view was worth the risk. My guide turned his head and asked. “Why would you think so?” His look, as far as I could read these stoic bugponys faces, said he was expecting something like disgust or hate of some sort. I waited with my answer and looked a little bit more at the green light. “I can't place it, but this light feels comforting. Why did you expect another reaction from me?” He looked a moment longer at me then he turned his head forward again and continued to walk. “Not many would say such a thing. Most Ponies or other races of Equis would be afraid of this place.” He said in a calm voice. I looked around me but could not find a reason to fear this place. The only feeling I got while looking around was pity and sorrow. Most of the Changelings that I could see were not much more than bones and carapace. And now I could understand why the group had flighted so hard to get here. Their people were starving. And this was nothing like being just hungry because of a late food delivery. They were dying. >>>30 Minutes later<<< “I don't want to sound like a whiny kid, but are we almost there?” My guide glanced back at me with a small smirk. Then something unexpected happened. A small Changeling fell from the ceiling onto my lower back. While the other Changelings around me had moved around and whispered between each other they froze the moment the small Changeling landed on me. Even my guide froze and looked at me, and if I wasn't wrong I could swear I saw fear in his eyes. I looked back. There was the small Changeling, was it a child, or was it a colt or filly or what they are called? He looked at me in fear, shivering at his whole body. His small voice filled with fear as he spoke. “Please I'm sorry mister thing! I lost my grip on the calling and my wings didn't want to move! Please don't kill me I'm really sorry!” He was crying, but I wasn't angry, all I could see was a child that was half dead from starving. I extended two of my hand claws. “Please the colt didn't mean anything! If you want we punish him but let him live please.” My guide said with a small hint of fear and a great amount of concern in his voice. I looked at him and then back to the small child on my back. “If you are too weak to stick to the wall you should stay at the ground! You were lucky I was there to be your soft landing spot! What would you have done if you had hit the ground?! You should take better care of yourself. If you get hurt or killed you can't help anyone in the future. A small child should have his fun but don't try to die while doing this. So next time think before doing something like this.” I scolded him while grabbing him and putting him down beside me and patting him on the head. After patting him on the head I turned back and saw the surprised look on the face of my guide. I looked around and saw the same look on the face of of all the other Changelings. “Ok is there something on my face? And please, no jokes about my face. Thanks.” I joked trying to ease the mood. But it looked like it did not work. So I started to crawl forward again. I really didn't want to wait any longer for this meeting to happen. So as I reached the Changeling that had lead me down here I tapped him with one of my front claws. He recoiled slightly but then shook his head and continued his walk, only slower this time. So I followed him. I could see how another Changeling shot to the smaller one and hugged him so strong I feared she would break him apart. “This was... how should I put this. Surprising. The way you look I had thought you would kill him.” The voice of him sounded as if he was unsure of himself. “Maybe you should not judge me on my body. I didn't chose to become this. But this is something your leader should hear first.” With this we proceeded our way in silence. And it only took us a few more minutes to reach another gate. This was even bigger than the first gate I had seen. And it was filled with so many ornaments that I asked myself if this gate was for show or could really be used as a defense. But my thoughts were cut short as the Gate swings opened. As I walked in the new room I began to question why everything in here was so damn big. If I was correct this whole room was big enough to hold the rest of the Changelings without any problems. Why making it so big if you have only a few Changelings that are in here? Oh right, showing of. Why do I even need to ask, I liked over dramatic entrance to. But this was too much even for my taste. Or was this just me being jealous? To have such a big room only for impressing and greeting people was something I lacked, both times. Back home and here with my hive. “So who or what is this creature that has saved my children and asked to meet me?” The voice was strange, female, but with a similar distortion to my own voice. As I turned my gaze back to the front I saw something like a throne, and on the throne was a, clearly, female Changeling. She was bigger than the rest of her race, but on the same time more slender. Her Horn was longer and she had a long neon green mane, hair? And she had an aura of a leader surrounding her. “I am Abathur. Leader of the Swarm and evolution master. I am here to offer you an alliance between our races.” I could see her looking me over, her eyes glowed and I felt something trying to enter my mind. But with my psionic powers I forced it out with a strong push. And then the Queen cringed slightly and her guards ignited their horns. I didn't move. My mind was screaming at me if I made just one wrong move now I would lose any chance of a peaceful co-existence with them. The Queen shook her head. “Stop!” Her voice boomed through the room. “But my Queen!” She ignited her horn and a ring of green fire formed around the muzzle, effective silencing him. “I was the one who invaded his mind without asking. So be silent.” After this the guards got back to their positions but still had an eye on me. But they didn't attack, so I started to speak. “I am sorry if this was a little harsh, but I don't like it if someone is in my head.” She gave me an understanding look. “I am sorry for this. But as you can see my Changelings are in no condition to fight, so I wanted to be sure that you didn't come here to fight and kill us.” She said. She looked even more tired now after the failed invasion of my mind. Was it such a hard blow? “So I have seen. But I want to offer you help.” This picked her interest as she straighten her posture. “Really? And what would you ask from us in return?” Her eyes narrowed as if she tried to pierce my very soul to see what I had planed. “All I want is that you would think about a possible alliance with my Swarm, Queen.” I looked at her. So far she had avoided to tell me her name. So she was carefully with any sort of information about herself. “Chrysalis. Just call me Chrysalis.” And with this our first talk begun.