//------------------------------// // [s]Fan Service[/s] Nightmare Night // Story: Fear Me, for My Name is Twaith! // by Michael Hudson //------------------------------// "Eat Me!" "Don't listen to the fool, eat me!" "Don't fall for the grape and cherry flavored ones’ lies, eat the orange king!" "You are not king, I am!" "I am!" "Guys, just chill out. I'm certain that if we are patient, and work together, we can all be eaten, starting with me." A hush fell over the popsicle stand, and the small, blue, filly kitsune uncovered her ears for a moment as the Poslicels stared at the tye-dyed one. "What is your name?" "Peacelicel, dudes." The silence grew more tense as the popsicles that were being sold by Luna and Trixie began to shake. Finally, in one outcry, they declared war on the outsider. "Freeze him! Make sure his form never becomes liquid! Let him know eternal life!" Applejack's eye twitched. Her and Sunset had been on their way to run the games that were being held for the fillies, but had decided to stop by Twilight's popsicle stand on the way. What they had not known was that in order to keep to the theme, the five beings running the stand were only bringing out the popsicles once they had started screaming. "At least they're free?" Sunset couldn't respond as she merely trotted up to the stand, her teeth grinding against each other. She took a moment to consider melting all of the suckers, but decided against it as she stared at the 'menu'. Twilight would be too hurt if she got rid of her popsicles like that. "I'll take an orange popsicle-" "Success!" "And what is the secret? All it says is that it's free." Luna sighed as she continued to press her cheek onto the wooden counter. "Don't. He makes you into his favorite form of pony. A filly." While Sunset followed the hoof that pointed upwards, Trixie giggled. "Trixie was sure surprised when it was the same that was done to poor Big Mac. Of course, it's only for the night, so she’ll be fine." Sunset and Applejack almost didn't hear that though, as they stared at a large green monstrosity, with large tentacles for a maw. It had bright orange and deep purple face paint, and wore a jester's hat, all while petting something in it's lap. "Wha-wha-what is that?" It was Trixie's turn to sigh. "Trixie learned tonight that that is Cthulhu… in clown makeup. When she lashed out at a mysterious presence, she was turned into... this." She put her front paws on the counter, her small nose and large eyes pointed towards Sunset and Applejack. Sunset had to work hard not to let out a, 'daaah,' at the adorable kit. "What do you reckon it is that he is petting?" A small, white head poked out from the lap, eyes almost shut as her pink mane flowed behind her and her back was scratched. "Hello Sunset. Might this be your friend, Applejack?" Both of their jaws almost hit the floor as it occurred to them that Celestia had allowed herself to be transformed into a filly, and now was even being pet by an eldritch abomination. Applejack put a hoof to her eyes and groaned. "I... I don't know how much more I can take of this." "More little emperors coming!" Both mares froze as they watched Twilight descend from behind Cthulhu. She had with her twelve more popsicles, but that didn't matter. What did matter, was that her cloak was about five sizes too big. Twilight put the tray down before tugging at her long sleeve to get her hoof visible, and then waved at the two. Her small body floated eye level to them, and both of them swore her eyes took up ninety percent of her face. She stuck her tongue out at them and then wrapped her forelegs around Sunset's neck. "Happy Nightmare Night you two!" For a few moments, the two said nothing, causing Twilight to tilt her head to one side. That was the last straw for the confused mares. In unison, the two spoke. "I, um, you know, have, things, yes, things to go do. Very important… things, so, no time for chit chat, sorry, bye!" Twilight watched as her best friend and another friend ran away, and waved them away. "It's a shame they couldn't stay longer, isn't it?" Trixie swallowed hard as the purple foal that was practically swimming in her black cloak, sat beside her. She desperately wanted to join those two and escape these confusing feelings in her chest. "Yes... Trixie supposes so." Luna rolled her eyes and looked up to Celestia. “You know, instead of making the citizens ridicule me even further, he could have changed me into my proper form!” Celestia hummed to herself as the center of her wings was gently scratched by one large claw. “Yes, but seeing as for a thousand years they saw you as something they could never come up to, the fact that they can come to this stand at all should be taken as a positive.” Luna puffed out her chest as her face scrunched up. She had had this discussion before with Celestia when they left the castle, and the same result had been the result. While she did admit that she didn’t want her wonderful subjects to fear her, the fact that not even the castle guard could always take her seriously had left a deep mark of shame in her. Luna shut her eyes tight, trying to focus on the fact that this night was supposed to be technically celebrating her. A long, cold piece of cloth came around her small body, and she turned to see Twilight frowning at her. “Are you okay Luna?” “I-I’m fine.” Twilight bit into her cheek as she pulled her sleeve away. She wanted to help in someway, but knew few ways she could. Tonight was supposed to help smooth any final grievances the two truly had, but all she could see was how miserable her supposed friend was. “Umm, well, why don’t we see them tell your story? We can close up for half an hour to do that.” Luna turned towards one of the screaming popsicles and gave it a lick to shut it up. “And put myself in a crowd of foals my height? No thanks.” At this point, not even Celestia could ignore the pain her sister was in. “It’s going to happen at the fringe of the Everfree. You could simply watch from the bushes.” Trixie even knew her job as a kitsune demanded that she help. And that was the only reason she was going to care about this wraith’s friend. The only reason. “I can even use my illusion magic to make absolute certain that no one sees us.” Luna switched her gaze from each of them before letting out a long sigh. “If it will make all of you stop bothering me, fine.” Celestia stayed behind to watch the stand as the three fillies ran towards the Everfree. After a short journey through the brambles, they made it just in time to catch the beginning of Zecora’s tale. And Luna watched. She watched as the foals, and even some of their elders, were captivated by the horror she had once been. The respect that nightmare form of her had commanded from them. And all she could think was how she would give anything to have that. Trixie’s nose twitched as she felt a darkness approaching them. She had felt it before, and while it was weaker now, it chilled her to the core. It rivalled even Twilight at this point in power, and she had no idea why it was coming. Twilight on the other hand, while detecting none of this, had already realized the mistake she had made, and had a new plan. “Luna, I’m going to make those foals out there think you’re a hundred times more badass then that stupid apparition.” Luna looked over at the large green eyes and chuckled. “Unless you can make me about five feet taller, and two hundred pounds heavier, I doubt it.” Twilight floated to Luna’s side, her sleeves going through the grass. “Please, trust me, I can.” She looked one more time, and nodded. Five minute later, just as Zecora’s tale came to a close, Luna stepped out of the bushes. Black tendrils floated behind her as lights flashed from the tree line, and then, she cleared her throat. No high pitch squeal came out; Trixie had made sure of that. Instead, her true Canterlot voice came out. “I am pleased that you all praise me so much, but instead of staring at a fantasm, why don’t you look upon, the true thing and bow to your princess?” She slammed her hooves down upon the ground, a shimmering, blue version of her adult self mimicking the action. Thunder crashed through the clearing as her hooves hit the ground, and large spires of ice formed around her, leaving a ghostly mist to surround the small princess. Hooves clattered onto the ground as they paid respect to their princess. Hearts pounded within their chests, and three mares even fainted from just how sudden and terrifying the filly’s presence was. Luna almost cried as she cleared her throat again. “Thank you all for allowing me to come to this event, and for the courage you have been showing me. I hope you continue to, and I will see you, next, Nightmare Night. Until then, enjoy yourselves.” She then trotted back into the treeline, and hugged Twilight. Trixie breathed a sigh of relief, feeling the presence leave by itself as the two other mares giggled. And while everyone was celebrating their plan working, a spark from Luna’s horn drifted to Twilight’s cloak, and another patch was filled with a crescent moon, before fading to black.