The Love of a Farm Pony

by Fiction Quill

Over- Worked

Hello, My name is Allen and i have been living in Equestria for a year and a half now. I don't remember how i got in Equestria, but honestly i really don't miss my old home. I am enjoying my new life. I live in Ponyville, well more like Sweet Apple Acres. I was shocked to know i arrived in a land with magical equines or ponies as they liked to call themselves. I have been living there since i first came to Equestria, especially since i woke up in Sweet Apple Acres. I am still confused on how i got here though. All i remember is falling asleep on my couch after i went for a early evening jog. It was summer and the heat was too unbearable to jog in the day. I ran a few miles and as soon as i got home i crashed on the couch. I always have a bad habit of pushing myself too hard it was my stubborn pride i guess, but anyways lets get back to the hear and now. It was early in the morning and i was on my way to the Carousel Boutique to have a few new outfits made for me it was run by a mare named Rarity. She was a unicorn with a white coat and purple mane and tail that were curly. The ponies here didn't really know what to think of me at first but after meeting their ruler Princess Celestia, She assured them that i meant no harm and they welcomed me with open hooves. An Alicorn by the name of Twilight Sparkle was especially interested me and wanted to learn about me and my world. I was hesitant at first afraid of what they might think or do if they found out i came from a world of poverty, destruction, and war, however i told her regardless and she assured me that i might be from that world, but that doesn't make me evil as long as i wasn't causing any of the evils of that world. I assured her i wasn't and she smiled in understanding and sympathy for me living in such a horrible place, anyways back to the present (again). I had arrived at the Carousel Boutique and i knocked on the door 3 times before i heard a voice.

"Come in, Darling." I walked into the Boutique and smiled at the fashionista and she gave a small smile back. "Oh Allen! what a pleasant surprise! what brings you into my Boutique?"

"Hi Rarity, I was wondering if you can make me a few outfits i just hope you aren't too busy." You said nervously hoping you weren't interrupting anything important.

"Of course i can darling and i am hardly busy this week because you and Spike helped out so much." she gives you a appreciative smile as she grabs her glasses to begin her work. "To be honest darling i was wondering when you would come to me for a new wardrobe the clothes you wear aren't very "fashionable" no offense."

"None taken Rares that's exactly why i came to you, since you are a fashionista i knew you could make some new outfits to make me look more attractive." You smile as she looks at you intrigued by your response.

"Why do you wish to look more attractive? Has somepony caught your eye as of late?" She looks at you with a smirk and you blush slightly.

"Well yes actually but i am not going to say who it is right now, but if i know she also has feelings for me then you will be the first to know" She smiles at you and nods in understanding.

"I understand darling i just hope things do work out for you." She smiles as she gather her materials.

Rarity has been your closest friend besides Applejack since they were the ones who found you asleep in the orchard of Sweet Apple Acres. Little does Rarity know is that you have a huge crush on Applejack. You always admired how hard working she is, plus she also shares that stubborn pride of yours.

"So darling what kind of outfits would you like?" She asks as she is currently measuring your height and weight.

"Well i would like a new set of casual everyday clothes i can wear on a daily basis, that way i can get rid of these." You say as you point at the clothes you are currently wearing which are a painful remind from where you are from.

She looks at you with a sympathetic smile understanding why you want new casual garments. "I completely understand the reason why Allen and what of the other two?"

You stand there and ponder for a moment. "Hmm how about some decent clothes i could use when going on dates and stuff like that?" you blush slightly.

Rarity giggles and nods. "Well you do need to look your best if you are able to take your special somepony out on a date. " You blush furiously as she continues to giggle. "And what of the last of your outfits?"

"I also need some work duds nothings too fancy obviously since my only job is helping out at Sweet Apple Acres but i still want to look more presentable while i work." You do your best to hide your blush this time but Rarity notices anyways and gives you a big smirk.

"Very well darling i will make some working attire that Applejack will just find you very handsome in." She winks as you as she gets to work on your new outfits and you can't contain your blush any further.

"H-How did you know it was Applejack?" you asked nervously.

"Darling your answer about your last garment made it fairly obvious, besides i have seen the way you look at her." She giggles as she continues to work.

"O-Oh w-well guess that cats out of the bag." You laugh as you sit down waiting for your clothes to get finished. "By the way Rarity i need my work duds finished first because i need to get back to Sweet Apple Acres and help Applejack in the orchard."

She nods in understanding as she is concentrating on her work. "Of course Allen." She finishes your work duds and levitates them over to you using her magic. "Here you are darling i think you will find them most comfortable and Applejack will find you very handsome." You smile as you go get changed in the booth Rarity made specifically for you since you are uncomfortable with changing in front of others especially mares for obvious reasons. When you walk out Rarity gives you a big grin as she looks you over. "You look smashing Allen for wearing working garments anyways." she giggles softly as she returns working on your other outfits.

You smile as you look yourself over in a mirror. "Very nice Rarity this is sure to impress Applejack. So how much do i owe you for the outfits?"

Rarity turns to you and smiles. "No charge for these outfits darling. After all you help out a lot around here on your free time when Spike couldn't so these outfits are free. Just promise me you will do your best to impress Applejack." You smile brightly and nod.

"Thank you Rarity and i will promise to do my best." She smiles and looks at you sternly.

"Pinkie Promise?" You chuckle as you make the gestures for the pinkie promise.

'Cross my heart and hope to fly. Stick a cupcake in my eye." She giggles as she nods and returns to your garments as you leave for Sweet Apple Acres.

You return to Sweet Apple Acres with a smiling Applejack waiting for you. "Howdy there Allen! ready to get to some Apple buckin'?"

You smile and walk up and hug her as she returns the hug with gusto. "I sure am Applejack just had to get me some work duds first."

She smiles as she looks you over. "I can see that and you look mighty good in those duds a lot better then them other clothes you had." She says turning away before you could see her blush. "We best get to work daylights a wastin'." You blush as you follow her to the orchard to do some Apple bucking.

In the early evening you are continuing to Apple buck as Applejack takes a quick breather as she did more work than you did and faster than you did. You know you can't match her because she has been Apple bucking for a long time, but you still want to impress her by working harder than you ever had before and sure enough you did. She looked at you with a big smile on her face thinking to herself that she is glad you can handle so much labor and she was half right. You were exhausted but you didn't let Applejack see and you knew you could keep going a little longer, or at least that's what you thought. Within a few minutes you immediately collapse on the ground and you are barely moving a muscle. Showing much concern Applejack rushed over to you and began to shake you lightly.

"Allen? Are you alright Allen?" She quickly notices that your face is as red as the apples in the orchard and that you are panting very heavily. She checks your head with her hoof and gasps and pulls away at how hot your head is. "Lam sakes you are burnin up with a fever i need to get you inside and fast!" She quickly lifts you up on her back and runs to the house yelling for her brother and sister in a frightened panic. "APPLEBLOOM! BIG MAC! QUICK GET SOME COLD WATER AND GET ALLEN'S BED READY HE HAS A VERY HIGH FEVER!" Big Mac and Applebloom looked at each other and nodded.

"Do you want me to make the bed while you get the water big mac?" Applebloom looked at her brother for a response.

Big Mac quickly nodded. "Eeyup."