//------------------------------// // Contemplation // Story: The Love of a Farm Pony // by Fiction Quill //------------------------------// You return to Sweet Apple Acres and you go and lock yourself in your room not wanting to be disturbed for the day as you sit there and contemplate on one thought. Could Apple jack really have feelings for you? You sit there and ponder and ponder thinking of every scenario where she might have shown signs of affections. A couple pop into your mind but there is no way to verify from these two specific thoughts alone if she has a crush on you or not. Little did you know that little miss element of honesty was having the same problems sitting in the kitchen talking to Big Mac and Applebloom. "I just don't know what to do you two. I like him a lot but i just don't how i can tell him. IF i can tell him." Applejack plays with her mane contemplating just as much as you are not sure what to do. Big Mac looks at Applejack trying to give her some good advice. "Look Applejack you can't keep going on like this you have to tell him sooner or later or it will eat you up inside." Applebloom nods in agreement. "Big Mac is right Applejack and he has experience to prove it. If he didn't confess to Miss Cheerilee they would have never gotten together isn't that right Big Mac?" Big Mac nodded in conformation. "Eeyup" Applejack just rolls her eyes at Applebloom's comment. "I really don't need advice from you Applebloom no offense but you're still a little too young to even be dealing in these sort of matters Big Mac on the other hand isn't." Applebloom looks at Applejack with a stern look. "Even so i am just looking out for my big sister and i am sure he likes you Applejack i even think Big Mac would agree with me on that one." Big Mac nods once again. "Eeyup" Granny Smith walks in and jumps into the conversation. "Big Mac and Applebloom are right Applejack he probably does have feelings for you, but you have to go ask him yourself but you need to do it in a more private moment and when there is less tension between you two. As a matter a fact why is there tension between you two? What exactly happened?" Applejack shook her head. "I don't rightly know granny he has just been like this for the last couple of days." Granny Smith look at her confused. "Well what happened a couple days ago?" Applejack explain what happened that lead up to when you started acting distant to her. "Aha! I really think he does like you because it sounds like when you told him *Just doing my part in taking care of a friend.* he started acting all moody!" Applejack looked at her shocked and confused. "But how do you know for sure that was the reason granny? After all he did say he was tired and i didn't see or hear him up all day after that." Granny Smith scratched her chin. "Hmm, well i don't rightly know Applejack but only way you will know is if you confront him about it. It's obvious he cares about you." Applebloom and Big Mac nod in agreement with her. "i know granny but what IF he doesn't like me like that and what IF i ruin our friendship i couldn't handle that." Tears start to flow freely from Applejack's eyes "I don't want to lose him granny i just can't." Granny Smith walks over and hugs Applejack and she returns the hug. "Applejack if he really cares about you then even if he didn't feel the same way about you he wouldn't stop being your friend because he really cares about you but it's up to you to find out just how much." Applejack nodded in conformation. "I know granny your right but how am i going set up the right place and time to tell him?" Applebloom leaps excitedly. "I know! A picnic under the gazebo! It will be perfect! And its on Sweet Apple Acres, plus isn't that where you found him? Near the gazebo by the orchard?" Applejack nodded to confirm "And you can also take him around the time you first found him you know to make it show that you have appreciated him since the moment you met him!" Granny Smith Nodded in agreement "I think Applebloom's got the right idea." Applejack shook her head "But i have late evening chores around that time how are we-" Granny Smith puts her hoof over her mouth to interrupt her. "Oh horse feathers! I am sure Applebloom can take care of those for you during the day" Applebloom nods "Me, Sweetiebelle, And Scootaloo can all do it for you Applejack it could also help us earn our cutie marks along with you possibly getting a very special somepony." Applebloom giggles as Applejack blushes. "Are you sure you can handle that kind of responsibility? I know that ever since Allen came here he has helped you become more responsible, but this a big job, and its not easy especially for three little fillies." Granny Smith rolls her eyes. "Applejack you need to stop babying Applebloom and give her room to grow i think she and the other two can handle it just fine! And Big Mac can always help if needed to right Big Mac?" Big Mac nods. "Eeyup" Applejack sighs in defeat honestly she wanted nothing more than to tell Allen how she felt about him and she also knew Applebloom's idea under the gazebo was the best option. "Alright just promise me you and the girls will be careful." Applebloom smiles and hugs her sister and Applejack returns the hug. "I promise we will be careful Applejack." and Applebloom runs to get the crusaders. You lay in your bed with that same question nagging at your mind. Does Apple jack really have feelings for you? That's you finally decide to make a decision. "That's it! I can't take this anymore! Tomorrow i am going to tell her how i feel i just need to figure out when and where? Hmm maybe a picnic under the gazebo? around the first time i met Applejack that sounds pretty good and romantic i am sure she will like the idea i just can't let her know it's a date yet not until after i confess." After making your decision you decide to get some rest hoping that everything will go just as planned tomorrow.