//------------------------------// // The Picnic and The Confession // Story: The Love of a Farm Pony // by Fiction Quill //------------------------------// It's early in the morning and the crowing of the roosters wakes you from your sleep with a new passionate flame burning. Today is the day. Today you are going to confess your love to the beautiful, honest, and humble Applejack. You start your morning with a shower. You even get a hair cut and shave to make yourself look more presentable. You are now feeling at 100% and you are about to start your chores, but Big Mac tells you he will do them for you for the next few days. You ask why and he says it's a thank you for you doing his chores for him many times before so he could go spend time with Cheerilee. It's a reasonable excuse but something tells you that there is something strange going on. Since you have no chores to do you go out to run some errands and get one more pep talk from Rarity to help boost your confidence. When you get to Carousel Boutique, however Rarity says that she is unable to see you at the moment and to come back later. Something strange is definitely going on here. Rarity has never told you she was to busy for you especially when it was important. Nonetheless, since you are unable to see Rarity at the moment you go take care of the errands that needs to be done. After you finished all of the errands you go see Rarity one last time hoping she isn't too busy to see you now. Sure enough she wasn't she lets you inside the Boutique with a warm smile. "Thanks again for seeing me Rarity, though i am wondering why you was too busy to see me earlier? You have never been too busy to help me with something before." She giggled as she shook her head. "Terribly sorry darling but i cannot say its a personal matter you do understand don't you?" You nod in understanding and smile. "Of course Rarity i was just concerned and confused is all." She giggles again and asks you to sit do and you do so. "My what a gentlecolt or gentleman in your case, but any mare would be lucky to have you." She winks at you continues to giggle. You couldn't tell if she was flirting with you or trying to boost your confidence you assume its the ladder since Rarity hasn't shown any interest in you before "So what brings you here today Allen?" You clear your throat. "Well i thought long and hard about what you said to me yesterday and i have decided that today i am going to confess my feelings to Applejack." She squeals in excitement as you blush. "Oh what wonderful news! So how do you plan to do it?" You explain to Rarity about your idea of a picnic, its location, the time and the reason for the location and the time. "Oh darling that sounds very romantic its as i said before any mare would be lucky to have you Allen you don't find a lot of romantic gentlecolts these days." You blush even more rubbing the back of your head. "So you like the idea Rarity?" She nods as she smiles. "Of course darling and what better way for you to confess your love then the first place you met at the specific time you met them. It shows her that you have cared for her and appreciated her since day one. Applejack truly is lucky i just hope she doesn't break your heart." You put your hand to your heart and smile as you blush. "You know Rarity i am not afraid of that anymore. My heart tells me that i am doing the right thing, so i know i am not going to get my heart broken. Somehow somewhere deep in my heart i know she loves me as i love her." She smiles and hugs you and you return the hug. "Go get her Allen!" You smile as you look back standing in the doorway and you wave before leaving. "You got it Rares." As you are walking home you bump into Applejack and she is carrying a box, which she quickly hides it in her side bags, but you didn't notice because you were too busy locking eyes with her for the first time in a while. You couldn't help but blush from staring into those beautiful emerald eyes of hers. "H-Hey Applejack." Applejack stares into your eyes and blushes. "H-Hi Allen what are you up to?" You rub the back of your head trying to hide the fact that you are nervous. "O-Oh nothing really i just got finished running some errands for Granny Smith. Actually i was also looking for you." Applejack's face begins to become as red as a tomato. "Y-You were looking for me? Why?" You continue to stare into each others eyes as you begin to explain. "Well a couple reasons actually. For one to apologize for locking myself in my room and avoiding you. I have had a lot of things on my mind and i just needed some time to myself." You could see the pain in her eyes when you said those words but she did her best to hide them behind a smile. "I-It's alright sugarcube. I understand i was just-" You put your hand to her muzzle to stop her from talking. "No Applejack it isn't alright. I can see now that i hurt you and i am very sorry for that and i was hoping to make it up to you with maybe a picnic under the gazebo around 6:30 tonight?" Her eyes shoot open and you both blush brightly as she nods. "D-Do you want me to wear something nice?" You blush even further at her question. Y-Yeah that would be nice and i will dress decently too." Now her face gets even redder. "S-So i will see you tonight Allen?" You nod as you both start to head to your own rooms to get ready. I-I will be cooking for us tonight Applejack as i said i want to make this up to you." She nods as she enters her room and closes her door. You go downstairs and you start to prepare dinner and after you have made the food for the picnic and pack up the food you go and take a quick shower and change into your formal attire. When you leave the bathroom you see a note on the door from Applejack it reads. Dear Allen, I will meet you at the gazebo i want a race to see who gets there first and i don't want either of us to see each other in our fancy outfits until the picnic i will see you soon sugarcube. From, Applejack. P.S. please don't be late. Its 6:00 pm from what your watch says so you gather the food and you start walking in that direction. You and Applejack arrive at the gazebo at the same time with Rarity accompanying Applejack. You and Applejack lock eyes for what seems like an eternity but it was only for a minute and you blush so hard you could tell that both of you are blushing and Rarity lets out a giggle. "Oh hello Allen! Don't worry i wont be joining you this evening i was just helping applejack into her new dress. What do you think? How does she look?" Your mouth drops in awe at the sight. You have never seen a mare so beautiful your entire life. She is in a long and simple yet elegant bright blue dress it would be the kind of dress you would see the girls in your world wear at a high school prom. "Y-You look beautiful Applejack." My words caused her to blush harder than she ever has before and she responded with your attire. "A-And you look quite handsome Allen." And that caused you to blush just as hard as she was before as Rarity giggles. "Well now that both of you are here i will take my leave. Have fun you two!" She said in a sing-song voice You set up the picnic and you pulled out a bottle of Apple cider and offered her a glass. She smiled and accepted and both you and Applejack enjoyed a nice meal. Not many words were said for a while you just sat there and enjoyed each others company for a while but after a long while Applejack decided to break the silence. "I-It's a beautiful night tonight isn't it?" She blushes you can tell she is obviously nervous and she obviously has something on her mind. "Y-Yes it is. So um, whats on your mind A.J.? i can tell that you have something on your mind so what is it?" She starts to fidget getting even more nervous. "Well i uh,...." She stops dead cold too nervous to say what she wants to say. This time you break the silence. "Well while your thinking of what you want to say i need to tell you something i have been meaning to get this off of my chest and i feel like now is the time." There was silence once again but only for a few moments. "A-Applejack I-I-I have a crush on you!" Her jaw dropped she was in shock had she heard right? did you just say you had a crush on her? She only had one reaction for the moment. "W-What?!" Your heart broke into a million pieces. But you didn't let it stop you from expressing your feelings. "Yes it's as i said i have a crush on you. I have for the longest time. I just didn't mention it before because i was afraid what you would think. Honestly i am not surprised by your reaction. I am a human after all as much as i wanted this to work all i did was make things worse. Maybe i should just go." As you got up to start to leave Applejack stopped you and she pulled you into her hooves and you felt something you never thought you would feel. Her lips pressed against yours. You were in pure bliss and the kiss seemed to last for hours but it lasted 5 minutes. after she broke the kiss she looked lovingly into your eyes and confessed her feelings. "Allen I-I was so afraid that you would reject my feelings that you wouldn't feel the same way and that you would leave me forever if i told you how i really felt." Tears started pouring from her eyes from both pain and happiness. "I am so stupid i almost lost the most precious thing in my life all because i was too afraid to be honest with you-" you stopped her from finishing her sentence again but this time instead of using your hand you stopped her from talking by connecting your lips with her. She wrapped her hooves around your neck and you wrapped your arms around her waist pulling each other into a tighter embrace deepening the kiss. When the kiss broke you looked lovingly in her eyes and stroked her cheek softly before speaking to her in a loving tone. "Please don't call the mare i am in love with stupid. it doesn't suit you. Applejack you are a very smart, strong, honest, humble and the most beautiful mare in all of Equestria." More tears pour from her eyes but this time they were all tears of joy. "R-Really? Do you really mean that and you are really in love with me?" You smiled as you kissed her tears and wiped them away as you hold her tightly. "I meant every word of it from the bottom of my heart Applejack" You both share another passionate loving kiss as you held each other and lay under the gazebo all night sleeping in each others loving embrace. You lived in Equestria for a year and a half and you experience the magic of friendship through Rarity and her friends, but you experienced more magic on that day. The magic of love and you found it in a place where you know you will be happy for many more years to come. THE END.