//------------------------------// // The Change (Part 14 of 15) // Story: The Rainboom Thieves // by KingJoltik //------------------------------// “Well?! What do you two have to say for yourselves?!” Sombra said with a growl. “Tell me why you two are trying to take my Crystal Heart...” Spike and Rumble slowly looked at each other, the two shaking in fear. As the two turned their heads back and stared directly at Sombra, Spike tried to speak up, “Uh...well...we were sent here to take it...” “Take it?!” Sombra snorted. “Oh really?! And what makes you think you are allowed to take my Crystal Heart?!” “Uh...well...” Spike gulped. “I...we...we were told to by Princess Celestia...” “Ah...I see. Of course its her...” Sombra then cricked his neck and began to stare at the two. “Very well...since I'm in a good mood today because I got my empire back today and...well, I did just win a fight...I'll let you two live as my slaves if you put the Crystal Heart back right now.” Spike looked at Rumble one more time, the two nodded to each other and then he said, “Um...I'm sorry but...we can't do that.” “And why not?!” Sombra's head then leaned over, directly into Spike's face. “Tell me little drake...why not?!” Spike, as his body began to tremble, he saw that Sombra had turned himself back into his unicorn form and not his shadow. Then, his reflexes kicked in. Before he could do anything, he breathed a full breath of fire all over Sombra's face. “AAAAARRRGGGGHHHH!!!” yelled Sombra as the flames burned his face. “You little-” “RUN!” yelled Spike as he grabbed the Crystal Heart and began to run down the stairs. Rumble followed and quickly put Spike on his back, his wings flapping. “Hang on Spike! I don't how long I can fly but...we gotta get out of here!” The duo flew down the stairs as Sombra continued to yell in pain. A few moments later, he turned into a shadow and began to chase the duo down. Meanwhile... BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! Several magic beams flew across the sky. Two alicorns quickly dodged the beams and began to shoot more and more beams at each other. Twilight spun around, dodging the latest magic and then charged Nightmare Moon. Nightmare Moon then saw the charge and charged at her as well. The two then collided, their horns locked. Nightmare Moon then said, “You're not going to win this Twilight! This is a nightmare! Here, my power is unending in this place!” “Oh shut up! This is my mind Nightmare Moon!” yelled Twilight with a scowl. “Don't think you'll beat me that easily!” “Grrr...you little-” POW! A hoof slammed Nightmare Moon's face, causing her to fall to the ground. “Augh! Why you little-” BLAM! A beam then blasted Nightmare Moon back, causing her to spread her wings and fly into the sky. There, her alicorn self began to suddenly change, darkness began to swirl around her. “I told you before, this illusion Sombra has put on you is filled with fear! Here, this is my domain!” Twilight cricked her neck and gave Nightmare Moon a deadpan look. “You don't think I don't know that?! This is my mind moron! Even if you're a nightmare, I'm still gonna win!” The two both stepped back and blast magic at each other again. Both beams hit and the two went flying in opposite directions. As Twilight slowly got up, she thought, 'This isn't going to work...this illusion...' Twilight took a deep breath. 'Last time I took her on...I beat her because I caught her off guard...now, in this illusion...her power keeps growing...if that's the case...' Twilight's body began to shine as she turned back to her normal unicorn self. Nightmare Moon, who was about to charge Twilight again, suddenly stopped. “What is this?! Are you giving up already?!” she yelled. “No...I'm bored.” Twilight said in a deadpan tone. “Bored?!” “Bored. Fighting is boring to me.” “That's impossible! I looked into your memories! You used to fight all the time!” barked Moon. “I did that so Copper Block would buy me more books. If you've looked into my head Nightmare Moon, you'll know I put knowledge above fighting.” “I...but...er...Fight me! Fight me right now!” 'I had a feeling she loved fighting...' thought Twilight with a small smirk. 'Looks like this will be easier than I thought...' Twilight shook her head and then said. “I'm done fighting Nightmare.” “Oh yeah?! Then what are you gonna do now?! You can't escape this illusion Twilight, and nopony is gonna come and help you!” 'Hook...' thought Twilight with a small smile. “I'm not that worried Nightmare. You told me earlier that this magic can be dispelled if my body is moved. That means eventually my body will run out of energy and won't be able to stand. I'll just fall over and the illusion will be undone.” “That's...well...that's...” 'Line...' Twilight took a small breath. “All I have to do is wait. Simple as that.” “Grrr...you little...” 'And Sinker...' Twilight prepared herself, “So, let's make a deal.” Nightmare Moon stopped dead in her tracks. “What did you say?!” “I said, let's make a deal.” “A deal?! Wha...what are you planning?” “I'm not planning anything. I'm offering you a deal.” Nightmare Moon wanted to bark in rage, or attack Twilight with all of her might. But, she knew it wasn't that simple. Nightmare Moon slowly walked up to Twilight and said, “What kind of deal?” “Simple. You show me how to get out of this illusion, and I'll let you stay in my head. I promise that I won't go to the Tree of Harmony.” “That's...that's absurd! You expect me to just take your word that you won't go there?!” “Yes.” Twilight nodded. 'I've got her now, just a little more...' “Give me one good reason why I should believe you!” “Well...if you don't agree, when my body does finally collapse...after I get out of the illusion, I'll go to the Tree of Harmony.” “Grrr....you little...” “However, if you take my deal...You'll get to stick around a lot longer.” Nightmare Moon wanted to maul Twilight. But then she stood up straight and smiled. “Oh really, and what if I take over your mind before your body collapses?!” “Oh, that won't happen.” Twilight gave a sly smile. “Oh really?! Why not?!” Twilight's expression turned to a deadpan tone. “I'm not stupid Nightmare Moon. I know the real reason you want to take over your mind.” “What are you...” “I know you stole my memories when you first got into my mind. Now, if I assume you that you need the darkness in order to do...um...make the night last forever?!” “Don't make fun of my glorious goal!” “Right...well, I know that when I beat you last time, I had to seal your darkness away into the Element of Darkness. The darkness you had was too much for Harmony to completely destroy. However, if this is all the darkness that entered me and you stole my memories...there's only one conclusion I can come to...” “You...you little...” “The darkness that split from the Element of Darkness...it went into somepony else besides me and Sombra, didn't it?” Nightmare Moon didn't respond. All she did was blow some steam out of her nostrils in pure rage. Twilight gave a big smile and said, “I'm right, aren't I?! If I'm right...you know I'll never let you take over my mind before my body collapses. After all, you need to meet your other pals of darkness to get to full strength, don't you?” Nightmare Moon knew she was telling the truth. In the battle they just had, Nightmare Moon wasn't able to fully harm Twilight without her getting harmed as well. She gritted her teeth and said, “Ugh...you're quite clever Twilight Sparkle. If that's case...I'll take your deal on one condition...no, two conditions.” “Okay, name your conditions.” Twilight said with a small smile, she then thought, 'She fell for it...to be honest, I'm not sure if my theory of collapsing to escape the illusion would work...but...it doesn't matter now! She took the bluff and the bait!' Nightmare Moon let out a sigh, “One, if I help you get out of this illusion early...you don't chase my darkness, understand?!” “Okay...” Twilight said while she thought, 'That could mean trouble later...but that doesn't mean I can't handle whatever pony also has her darkness...' “And two...I keep your memories I stole.” 'I had a feeling that was the other condition...' Twilight took a slight pause. Then she put her hoof out. “Deal.” Meanwhile... “AAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!” yelled Spike and Rumble as the two ran down stair after stair. Spike tried to breath fire at every moment, only to find himself getting more and more exhausted. As the two had almost made it to the bottom, Sombra's shadow flew under them and appeared at the end of the stairs, his body turning back to its unicorn state. “End of the line peons!” he yelled with a huge grin. “Give me the Crystal Heart!” As his horn began to glow, ready to fire magic at the two... BLAM! A magic beam hit Sombra, causing him to slam into a nearby wall. Spike and Rumble quickly looked where the beam came from and soon heard a voice. “Rumble?! Spike?! What are you two doing here?!” “Trixie!” they both said with happy faces. As Trixie was about to yell at them, she soon saw Sombra getting up, almost unfazed by her attack. “No time you two, follow me!” The trio quickly ran out of the castle. There, Spike and Rumble came to a screeching halt as they saw the sight before them. Hundreds of Crystal Ponies, standing outside the castle with pickaxes and shovels. Trixie then yelled. “Okay everypony! He's coming, get ready!” Trixie then gestured the two to start running, and the duo ran into the mob of Crystal Ponies. Several Crystal Ponies then commented on the Crystal Heart as they quickly let the two through. “The Crystal Heart!” “Get it away from King Sombra!” “Get going! Quickly!” The duo looked at each other in slight confusion as they ran through the crowd with the Crystal Heart. Then, Sombra exited his castle, already in a full rage. He then saw the masses in front of him. “What is this...why are all you pathetic slime here and not in my mines?!” “Oh that?!” Trixie said in a sarcastic tone. “You really shouldn't be that surprised moron!” “You...you're the reason they're free, aren't you?!” Sombra glared at Trixie with bloody rage. “Trixie is.” Trixie gave a short bow and then a giant grin. “You see, Trixie and these wonderful Crystal Ponies had a really really long talk about you and your reign. We all decided its time your reign came to an end.”