//------------------------------// // A Party for Sonata // Story: Pinkie's Three Parties // by Shimmer Shy //------------------------------// Today Pinkie Pie was extremely happy, knowing that the past two days had gone so smoothly. Today she would throw a party for Sonata, the last girl on her list. Surely this would be easy. Sonata was usually someone to look on the bright side of things, and Pinkie had noticed she'd already made a friend or two. Pinkie was used to the Party Procedure by now, after doing it for the second time yesterday, and she was a few minutes ahead of schedule. Maybe she should make Sonata's party REALLY special and use her free time to get her a gift? But wouldn't that be unfair to the others, though? Then again, she was pretty sure the other two wouldn't care much. Making her final decision, she marched out the door, and then out of the school, having the perfect idea for a present. "Hey, Sonata!" Lyra waved from across the hall, noticing the blue siren exiting a classroom. Sonata looked up to see a happy Lyra dragging a not-so-happy Bon-Bon behind her. "Oh, hey guys. What's up?" "Well, Bon and I were going to see a movie tonight." Lyra explained. "Wanna come?" Bon-Bon gasped in disbelief. "Lyra...!" Lyra glared at her. "Sure!" Sonata smiled, confused why Bon-Bon was so upset. "Great, see ya!" And the two disappeared in a flash. Sonata shrugged and went to her locker. "Hey, my tacos!" She picked up a box, ignoring the note on top. "Hey, a note!" She bent down to pick it up. "Hmm. I wonder who that could be..." she said to no one in particular. Only one way to find out. "Shhh!" Pinkie whispered to the wrapped box she was carrying, opening the band room door, then set it down on the table. "How are you so heavy?" The box moved an inch towards her, then another. "Hey!" She ran over to keep it from falling. "I‘ll let you out soon! Stay!" "Hello?" said a voice of who was opening the door. "Surprise!!" Pinkie jumped up five inches from Sonata's face. "Gah! Don't hurt me!!" she exclaimed. "Why would I do that, silly?!" Pinkie laughed. "Sorry for scaring you." "Nah, it's fine." Sonata smiled embarrassingly. "Why does that banner say my name?" "Cause this is your 'Welcome to Canterlot High' party!" "Really?!" "Of course! What‘re friends for? Um, we are friends, right?" "Sure! Wait, what about Adagio and Aria? Did they get a party, too?" Awe, how sweet. "Why wouldn't they? Now, do you want to open your present? It's starting to get restless in there!" "Ooh, what is it?!" Sonata ripped open the box, then gasped. "Awe, it's so cute!! Thanks, uh..." "...Pinkie." Pinkie Pie helped. "Yeah." She picked up the small puppy that was excitedly bouncing around on the table, it‘s tongue lolling out of it's mouth. It started licking her cheek. "Awe, wait till Dagi and Aria see you!" Before school was out that day, Pinkie was sitting with her friends outside. As Sonata and the two other sirens walked past, the puppy hidden in Sonata‘s backpack, Sonata ran up behind her and hugged her hard. "Thanks again, Pinkie. Your party made my day." Then, she ran away. "What was that all about?" Sunset asked. "Let's just say that I made a new friend today." Pinkie smiled.