Equestria Ninja Girls

by Wildcard25

Training on the Job

The turtles, mutanimals, and humans returned to the lair after the run in with Newtralizer, Snakeweed, and Spider Bytez.

Pinkie was with Leatherhead who told her about his past life before and after his mutation. Pinkie's eyes watered with sadness, "Oh, you poor gator. Being tortured by the Kraang and imprisoned in Dimension X!" she nuzzled with Leatherhead affectionately.

"It's all right. I've made many friends as the result of it." Leatherhead answered, while motioning to his fellow mutants.

"And now you have more friends like me." Pinkie added, as she continued to hug the mutant gator.

Twilight and Spike were speaking to Rockwell who was sitting in a meditating position, "So you were once human unlike most of the mutants here?" Twilight inquired.

Rockwell answered, "Correct. That was until my traitorous partner Falco mutated me using mutagen and monkey DNA samples turning me into this. And then the Kraang captured me and experimented on my mind giving my these psychic powers and accidentally returning my vast intellect within the process."

"You went through a lot, huh?" Spike asked.

"You have no idea, young pup." Rockwell replied.

Applejack was sitting with Pigeon Pete, as the girl spoke, "So you were just a regular old pigeon?"

"Yeah. And when the Kraang mutated me I turned into this. Pretty cool, huh?" Pete asked.

"If you say so." Applejack agreed, just to humor him.

Mondo was with Rarity and Rainbow Dash explaining himself, "And that's when I found the Mutanimals who took me in making me their rookie."

"How awful it must've been for you to be thrown out of your home by your parents." Rarity said in sympathy.

"Yeah. Guess they couldn't stand to see their own son a freak." Mondo said feeling down.

"And afterward you joined up with the Turtles enemy, Fishface?" Rainbow asked.

"Well, I was naïve and thought Xever knew more about how to deal with being a mutant."

"Well, he taught you wrong." Rarity noted.

"Yeah. Mikey and Casey showed me the right way and now I'm a mutant hero." he did some guitar riffs.

Rainbow whispered to Rarity, "He's like Mikey in a way."

"Except Mikey's tongue doesn't hang out so much." Rarity said, still feeling repulsed by Mondo's tongue.

The rest were gathered around Slash, as the big turtle explained, "Triple Threat's been stealing from some of the old Kraang labs in the city collecting some left over technology."

"What do they plan on doing with it?" Donnie asked.

Leatherhead spoke up, "Newtralizer intends on making his own portal to Dimension X."

"Why would he want to do that?" Leo inquired.

Mikey spoke, "Maybe he's homesick and wants to go back?"

Rockwell levitated over, "You couldn't be more far away from the answer. He intends on building it so he can hijack as many Kraang vehicles and use them to take over the city."

The turtles and the girls were shocked, "That doesn't sound good." Fluttershy said in worry.

"We got to stop them." Leo spoke.

"We don't even know where they're going to." Raph reminded him.

"But we do," Rockwell answered, "We've monitored each abandoned Kraang lab they've gone to, and we've pinpointed the next lab's location."

"So then let's go!" Raph called.

"I'm ready." Rainbow said, as she felt eager.

"Is it wise letting these girls come with?" Slash asked Leo, "It's dangerous out there."

"Trust me, I feel the same way. But they need to get into shape for whatever is set to happen." Leo explained.

"All right then. Mutanimals, let's go." Slash ordered.

"Turtles, girls, move!" Leo ordered, as the group piled out of the lair.

Meanwhile out by an abandoned building, Newtralizer, Snakeweed and Spider Bytez were outside. Newtralizer looked to his partners, "Wait here." he went first and entered. Upon entering he activated some security blasters that started shooting him.

The alien lizard dodged each and every shot before blasting at the security blasters disabling them, "All clear!"

The two mutants entered, as Spider Bytez asked, "So how long is it gonna take ya to find what you're looking for?"

"I just need one key piece," Newtralizer answered, as he began looking through the debris and bulkhead for something, "You two keep an eye on the entrance. I don't want any more surprises."

The two took positions and stood outside. Snakeweed spoke to Spider Bytez, "You wonder what's gonna happen to us after he finishes his portal?"

"Is it going to matter to us?" Spider Bytez asked, "He said he'd pay us handsomely when this is over."

"And what can we do with money in these forms?" The plant asked rhetorically.

"Ok, maybe we can't use it, but at least we'll have it." The spider answered, while Snakeweed sighed having doubts about this whole thing.

As the two mutants were keeping watch outside, the turtles, Mutanimals, and humans jumped onto the roof of the building. They gathered around the skylight and looked down in it seeing Newtralizer looking through the rubble.

"There he is." Pete whispered.

"And Snakeweed and Spider Bytez are right outside." Mikey added.

"If we get the drop on Newtralizer before they get inside we'll have one less problem to deal with." Leo began, as Slash nodded in agreement.

"Let's go in for a close up." Slash said.

Suddenly the skylight glass shattered, as they all crashed through it with the humans and Spike being lowered down safely through Rockwell's psychic power.

"Booyakasha!" Mikey called, as they reached bottom.

Newtralizer growled, "Rakka, rakka, rakka!"

"Show's over, Newtralizer." Rainbow spoke.

"On the contrary, it's just beginning." the alien answered, as Snakeweed and Spider Bytez popped in.

"How'd they get past us?" Spider Bytez asked in confusion.

"We're ninjas. Do the math." Donnie replied dryly.

"If he even can." Raph mocked.

"Attack!" Newtralizer called, as the Turtles and Mutanimals fought Triple Threat.

The girls and Spike took cover, and watched their friends fight their enemies. Rainbow spoke, "This is better than cable."

"It's like 3D," Pinkie added, until they ducked avoiding Newtralizer's blaster shots, "Only real." she put in.

They looked back out in the fight, until Sunset Shimmer noticed someone missing, "Where's Newtralizer?"

Suddenly, the said alien appeared behind them, and announced, "Destruction to you all!"

The girls cried in shock, until April threw her tessen at Newtralizer to grab his attention which worked. Newtralizer looked ready to go after her, until Spike growled and launched himself at Newtralizer's leg and bit him.

The alien grunted and tried shaking the dog off, "Spike!" the girls cried.

"Pest!" Newtralizer aimed his blaster at Spike.

Twilight frowned seeing her number one assistant threatened, and ran up to Newtralizer and performed an uppercut causing him to miss his target and blasted a hole in the building wall. Spike let go of the alien and went back to the girls.

Leo who saw what Twilight did, called to her, "Good job, Twilight!" he quickly used his double katana to swat Snakeweed's tendrils away.

Newtralizer looked over and saw a machine piece. He jumped over to it and picked it up, "I got what I need. We're leaving!"

"About time!" Spider Bytez called, as Newtralizer released smokescreen bombs to blind the others before they escaped through the hole in the wall.

When the smoke cleared, they saw Triple Threat was gone, "No! They got away." Mondo groaned.

"We better split too." Applejack suggested, as they made a break for it.

They were on top of another building, as Raph grunted, "So they got away, and Newtralizer got the part he need."

"If he opens that portal we're done for." Pete panicked.

"We have to stop him." Leo said.

"But how? We don't even know where they went." Casey noted.

"I wouldn't be so sure." Donnie said, as he pulled out his T-Phone and showed them a monitor with a blinking red dot.

"Is that..." Rarity began.

"Spider Bytez," Donnie answered, "I placed a homing beacon on him during the fight. Not too shabby, huh?" he showed off.

Rockwell spoke, "So we follow the trail and it'll lead us to the portal."

"Let's hurry." Slash said, as they took off.

As they ran and jumped the roofs, Twilight looked down at Spike, "That was very brave of you back there, Spike."

"You wanna talk brave? You're the one that gave that creep an uppercut." her dog answered.

"That was awesome, Twi." Rainbow admitted.

"I'll say." Casey agreed.

"Really, I just acted on impulse." Twilight answered, feeling sheepish.

"Come on, you guys pick it up." Raph called, as they continued on.

Meanwhile inside a rundown factory, a portal archway was set up, with Newtralizer, Spider Bytez, and Snakeweed installing the last piece.

"It's in place." Snakeweed said.

"Perfect. Now to see if it functions," Newtralizer typed in some coordinates on the control pad and an ethereal portal appeared in the archway, "It works!"

"Well, looks like it all paid off." Spider Bytez said.

"Now to get me some Kraang Walkers, then I'll blow this city to Rakka Rakka Rukka Rakka!" Newtralizer declared.

"Wait a minute!" Snakeweed hissed, "Blow this city? What's going to happen to us?"

Spider Bytez realized that, "Hey, yeah. You're not gonna blow this city and us with it, are ya?"

"Rest assured, when I come back with the Walkers I'll see to it you both are properly rewarded and protected."

Snakeweed and Spider Bytez squinted at Newtralizer suspiciously, until Snakeweed spoke, "Then get going."

"Right." Newtralizer was about to jump into the portal only to be struck by ninja stars.

Triple Threat spun around and saw their enemies standing in the entry way, "Mind if we crash your party?" Casey asked smugly.

"How did they find us?" Snakeweed asked in disbelief.

"Thank Spider Bytez." Donnie said, as the three realized the Spyroach implanted on Spider Bytez's back.

Newtralizer growled at the spider mutant, "You fool! You led them right to us!"

"Hey, how was I supposed to know they bugged me?" Spider Bytez asked.

"Stop that portal!" Leo called to the teams who went into battle.

"Booyakasha!" Mikey called.

"Goongala!" Casey called.

"Cowabunga!" Mondo called.

Rainbow looked curious, "Huh. I can't decide which battle cry sounds better."

"Worry about that later." Applejack said, as the girls assisted their mutant friends by grabbing whatever blunt objects they could find from metal bars, pipes, 2x4's, and even brooms.

Snakeweed extended his tendrils and swatted away Mikey, Pete, and Mondo. Spider Bytez was cartwheeling around before spitting acid.

Donnie, Leo, and Raph jumped back, as the smart turtle called, "Watch out for the acid spit!"

As Newtralizer was fighting Slash and Leatherhead, he saw the portal was still active, "The portal!" he pushed the two mutants aside and ran for it.

"Stop him!" Slash called.

"I got this!" Casey answered, as he rolled on his skates armed with his hockey stick, "Come and get some lizard face!"

"Hey!" Mondo called, "I resemble that remark!"

"Sorry!" Casey called, as he swung his stick at Newtralizer only for the alien to swat Casey aside.

"Do not interfere!" Newtralizer called, as he tried to get to the portal, only to be blocked by Applejack and Rainbow as they fought with brooms to push him back.

Spider Bytez continued to spit acid around, as they dodged. Rarity gagged, "Ugh, that acid is disgusting." she pulled out a perfume bottle and sprayed around her. When Spider Bytez attempted to attack her, she quickly sprayed his face with the perfume.

When it got into Spider Bytez's eyes he cried, "My eyes!" he spazzed around blindly.

"Good one, Rarity!" Donnie called.

"Not bad, Princess." Raph admitted.

"Naturally." Rarity flipped her hair.

Leo fought Snakeweed while noticing Applejack, Rainbow, along with Pinkie who joined them in pushing Newtralizer away from the portal, "Donnie, take down that portal!" he ordered.

"On it!" Donnie called, as he ran for the portal.

"Rockwell, help him out!" Slash ordered.

"Right-o!" Rockwell levitated over. When the two reached the portal, they began tinkering with it.

Newtralizer saw what they were doing, "Get away from there!" he tried blasting at the two, who dodged.

"Little help!" Donnie shouted.

"Hang on, guys!" Pete called, as he started blasting at Newtralizer to hold him off.

"Nice one, Pete!" Mondo called, as he skateboarded around Snakeweed before grabbing Casey's arm, "And away you go!" he launched Casey at Snakeweed. Casey aimed his taser glove at the plant, and upon contact shocked the mutant.

With Newtralizer distracted, Donnie and Rockwell were able to continue to sabotage the portal. When Donnie pressed the last button, he called, "Yes! Guys, we deactivated the portal!"

"All right!" the turtles and humans cheered.

"But we've also set it to self destruct." Rockwell put in.

"Self destruct?!" Pete, Fluttershy, and Twilight gasped.

"We have only twenty seconds to get out of here!" Donnie called.

"I ain't getting caught in that. I'm out of here!" Spider Bytez pushed Leatherhead and Slash aside, and ran for it.

"Get back here!" Newtralizer called.

Snakeweed looked back, "Sorry, pal, but every mutant for himself!" he took off with the Spider.

Come on, yall!" Applejack called, as they headed for the exit, while Slash, Leo, and Raph did a three way attack on Newtralizer knocking him into the portal before escaping.

Newtralizer looked at his portal seeing the countdown was up. His eyes widened, while from outside the building exploded from the inside causing it to cave in.

Outside from a distance stood the guys who made it out safe and sound, "We did it!" Mikey cheered.

"All right!" Rainbow jumped with joy.

"Righteous!" Mondo called.

"You think that's the end of Newtralizer?" Sunset Shimmer asked.

Slash answered, "If I know him, he'll be back."

"And what about Snakeweed and Spider Bytez?" Spike asked seeing they got away.

"Let them go. Next time we meet, we'll take care of them." Raph answered.

Leo looked at the girls, "You all did good for your first real mission."

"Really?" the girls asked.

"Yes. But this will be nothing compared to whatever else you'll face down the line." Leo warned them.

Slash spoke up, "But remember to stick together and watch out for one another. Do that, and there's nothing you can't accomplish."

The girls smiled, as Twilight spoke, "Thanks, Leo. Thanks, Slash." she shook their hands.

"Come on, dudes. Let's go celebrate!" Mikey cheered.

"I hear ya, bro." Mondo agreed.

"Let's party!" Pinkie cheered, as the group headed off.

As they left the area, the pile of bricks and rubble from the building started shaking, until Newtralizer's arm popped out from it before the scene froze.