//------------------------------// // They Call me the Shin Master! // Story: Trixie in the Gryphon Empire // by Phaoray //------------------------------// Another day, another alley graciously occupied by the greatest unicorn to ever walk Gryphus. No, this wasn't egotistical of her. It was a simple, humorous fact in a rather dark time of her life. So far, to her knowledge, she was the only unicorn to ever be in Gryphus. Now, with some luck, she would also be the first unicorn to make it out alive. However, Trixie lamented, her escape is still a few weeks away, at best. She quietly groaned while considering the choices she had. Run away now, and hope whatever Luna plans works when/if Trixie makes it to the border, or stay and probably get eaten. Not the best choice either way. She grit her teeth, cautiously making her way down the side street. The fledglings would probably smarten up soon and begin looking down little roads like this one. She'd need a better plan soon. "Still-" She quietly muttered. "Anypony else. Twilight, Cadence, buck, maybe even Blueblood. Anypony else and Trixie would have actually considered the offer." Yes, leaving Gryphus with her tail tucked between her legs would have been yet, another horrendous failure in her rapidly growing list. But, at least she'd likely live through it. And she had succeeded in attracting the attention of somepony of importance. She'd been noticed! But, it was by Luna. She had been so...insulting on both meetings. It was like she looked down on Trixie, or something. No, she wanted to prove Luna wrong in this. To prove she didn't need yet another princesses forgiveness or token friendship. A shadow flew over her head, causing Trixie to stifle a squeak of surprise and jump to the side. A gryphon flying down a small side road like this one was unusual. Most simply flew over the buildings. Gerard had explained as much to her. A gryphon flying down a side road like this one was searching for something. Or someone. She hid in the door-frame of a stone building for a moment, her suspicions confirmed as she watched the shadow dart back and forth over the street several times. Tink Tink Tink. After another pass, the shadow moved away. Trixie stayed in the doorway for another moment though. She was quite proud of herself for little things like this. Keeping hidden was not something she prided herself on, but if she was going to do it, she was going to be good at it. Slowly, she ducked her head back out onto the street, peering around. Gave them the slip. You need to get up much earlier than that to catch the Great and Powerf-Oh, hello there. Her cautious gaze revealed to her a shimmering gold coin several hoof lengths away. Seconds later, and the coin was firmly picked up in her aura. A closer glance revealed it to not be a coin, but some kind of brooch, or perhaps a medal? This must be what that noise was. The fool must have dropped it while searching for Trixie. The medal was golden in color, and shaped like an open gryphon paw. Actually, upon a closer look, Trixie was pretty sure it was actual gold. The paw itself held a spear and shield at its center, with enough detail on them that Trixie could swear she could almost read the words written along the shield's edges. The shield itself was colored in some sort of white opal, which sparkled into rainbows in the sun. And the spear tip seemed to be ruby, with the shaft a brown quartz. Another glance over it, and Trixie was almost positive the nails on the paw itself were small diamonds! Just what kind of idiot takes something like this hunting with him!? How could they have this on them and take their eyes off it? It's a bit gaudy, true, but- The scratching of claws on one of the nearby rooftops brought Trixie back to reality. She blinked owlishly as she took stock of herself. Had she really wound up staring at the medal for several minutes? The line of drool down her muzzle seemed like a good confirmation of such. A quick glance around confirmed she was still alone, but it wouldn't last. Not if something this valuable was lost. As casually as possible, Trixie placed it in one of the pockets of her cloak while she walked towards the palace. Trixie bets Gerard will get a kick out of this tonight. If nothing else, he might be able to help Trixie sell it quietly. This has to at least be worth a few bits, right? The second week of The Hunt is fast approaching! Our beaks on the ground have confirmed that the unicorn, Trixie, is, in fact, still alive and kicking. Of course this is no shame to those young greenhorn's out there who have been doing their best in this generation's hunt. While all challengers from Equestria have never made it past the middle of the second week, reports of the Equestrian lead us to believe that she may, in fact beat that previous record. This is the first time the honored prey of a hunt has been a unicorn, and nearly every contestant is unprepared for this curve ball Equestria has sent. To help those brave nobles entering the fray next week, we have scoured archives long ignored, and contacted scholars as far away as the boar capital of Pretuskria for advice to give to our dear readers. The secrets revealed were quite shocking, and will hopefully peel away the mystery to these creatures. A unicorn has two primary defenses; their cunning and their horn. Where pegasi seek to confuse you with their speed and maneuverability, a unicorn will mislead you, and make you think they are not there, when they are hiding mere feet away. This doesn't mean they are poor fighters, only that getting to that confrontation takes more patience and planning than many would expect when on the hunt. Their horn, however, is not simply for their courtship rituals, despite its legendary status at healing infertility and as an aphrodisiac. And it is not simply a means to gore with, though it would be a good idea to watch out for that. No, that horn, when still attached to the unicorn, is a powerhouse of tricks. The most known and seen trick being levitation. Unicorns all have the ability to use levitation. It has been confirmed multiple times this hunt that Trixie has used this ability to pull out feathers of downed hunters, perhaps as trophies of her victories. Our research has also confirmed that she should be able to do a bit more than this, however. More than likely, she can levitate small things such as pots and frying pans. So, for your clan's sake, wear a strong helmet! The last thing you want is to have your prey cornered, only for them to knock you out with a well hidden piece of culinary equipment from behind! Of course, all other armor is forbidden, due to the Parity of Force agreement in the hunt. Basically, if the prey is not using armor, you can't either. We have, however, confirmed that her hat seems sturdy enough to be considered a form of protection, so helmets have been allowed for this hunt. Despite heated debate, the unicorn's magic is still considered part of her natural ability, so weapons are still prohibited. There is also more speculation on the marks that Equestrians place upon their flanks. Past notes have explained that they represent what each of them have a unique skill or special power in. This has confused and concerned some of our sources, as the unicorn's mark seems to depict a starscape, or of more concern, a crescent moon. While we have no confirmation that this unicorn is tied to the long imprisoned Night Princess, many gryphons throughout Gryphus have confirmed getting nightmares about the unicorn in question within the last few days. Is she causing them, with her possible connection to the Dream Mare? Or perhaps their is more to the rumors of her return. We will give more details as they come out. Trixie groaned, pushing the paper away and laying her head on the table at the bar. "Great. Just great. Trixie spent half her day in line only to be tossed out again, and now you show her an article degrading her great talents, which ALSO links her to Princess Luna." Shrugging his shoulder, her companion gave her a curious look. "Luna? Oh, right, the Night Princess. Woah...haven't really looked up anything about that particular myth in ages. Soooo...is she real?" She threw him an irritated look. "Unfortunately, yes. She also doesn't know how to mind her own business." "Heh, sounds like there's some ruffled feathers between you two." "Hmph, ruffled feathers? More like Trixie will happily send her through a wall or two next time we meet." She took a drink of her watered down ale and let her eyes glaze over as she mulled over some of her previous actions. "Oh, stars above, returning to Equestria is going to be awkward. Y-you don't just toss a princess around like a rag doll and get away with it you know." Gerard looked at her confusedly. "I, um, don't really know, actually. But, before you start making plans to head back to Equestria, would you mind me showing you someplace on Sunday night?" Trixie looked around for the window. The bar was the same as always, though a donkey at the next table over was uncomfortably close to her chair. He wasn't looking at her, so he just probably didn't notice. Finally spotting her objective, Trixie estimated that it wasn't too late out just yet. The sun was just starting to go down. "Well, we could go now, if you wanted." He simply shook his head and pointed his drink in Trixie's direction. "No, it's meant to be special. That's the night when you enter the second week, after all. We should celebrate it! And I happen to know a good place to hide, or even lose a gryphon if you need to. No offense, but knowing a bit more about the city might save your life. The nobles will be a lot more experienced, and I somehow think a few of those kid's parents will be looking forward to saving face by taking you out early." "Great, more of the burned feather clan is all I need." Gerard's ears perked up and he put his paw over his beak for a second. "For egg's sake, Trixie. I understand your feelings for them, but you really shouldn't keep insulting the plucked feathers like that. They got that name for de-feathering any gryphon who got in their way. Their family is small, and maybe a tab eccentric on old beliefs, but they are not enemies you want." She rolled her eyes. "Noted. So, onto a more important matter." Trixie's horn lit up under her hat, and the medal floated out of her cloak and into Gerard's paw. "Trixie is wondering if you know any pon..., any gry... anyone that would want to buy this?" Gerard studied it for a few moments, turning the emblem over in his talons. He scratched his head a few times, muttering to himself, until a spark of recognition lit his eyes. Eyes that quickly grew wide as he put the medal on the table, and, as discreetly as possible, slid it back to Trixie. "Where did you get this?" He almost whispered, keeping his paw over it until Trixie had it in her hooves. Trixie smirked, hiding the medal again. "Some fool was hunting Trixie earlier and dropped it when he flew off." He stared at her, waiting for something more. When it was clear that was all she was going to tell, Gerard hissed out. "They haven't given one of those away in over five hundred years, and some gryphon happened to drop one in your lap?" She continued to smirk. " Five hundred years, hmm? Trixie will take that as a good sign. So, how many bits...err..whatever Gryphus uses are we talking about here?" "Talons, the money is called talons, Trixie. And you have no idea how lucky you are to have gone this far without knowing that. And having this drop for you...I am beginning to think those rumors about Unicorn shins granting luck are true." "M-my shins? Why are there rumors about Trixie's gorgeous shins being lucky?" "Woah, you know, I think I already mentioned the rumors about your horn, right? They have rumors like that for almost every part of you by now. And to be fair, you're very skilled, but that thing dropping? If that isn't proof of a unicorn's shins being lucky, I don't know what is." She waved a hoof in mock threat at him "You keep your claws off of Trixie's lucky shins! She needs those!" Gerard snorted. "Heh, yes ma'am. Glad to see you loosen up finally. You've been kinda...intense since we first met up, ya know?" She rolled her eyes, but mentally conceded the point to him. Thinking about it, this was the first time she'd felt reasonably content since coming to Gryphus. Just her and a good friend hanging out at their usual place at a bar, right? That wasn't something Trixie thought she'd ever have in her life. It was nice. She nodded and grinned at Gerard. "You're right, but can you really blame Trixie? You and every gryphon in this city were strangers that seemed intent on hunting her a few days ago. Who wouldn't be tense?" "Well...yeah, but, you knew that before coming here after all. I guess training for it and actually experiencing it are pretty different, huh?" "R-right...so! Enough of that for now! Would you care to tell Trixie how many talons she could sell this for?" She rubbed her hooves together greedily. "Woah, umm...you aren't gonna want to sell that, Trix." "Pfft, Trix? You're lucky she likes you, else you'd have been saying her full and proper title this whole time as it is. And why would she not want to sell this?" "Cause, this is, like, your ticket in to see the Uber King." Her eyes widened as her grin slipped into a flat line of surprise. "What?" Gerard nodded. "That's why I was so surprised earlier. I don't know much about this medal, but you gotta do something really big to earn one of these. This is like an I.O.U. from the royal family, ya know?" She raised an eyebrow in confusion. "How would Trixie know?" "...Never mind. But, yeah, you flash that to the guards, and they pretty much have to fall over themselves letting you in. Kinda surprised one of these is still around. More surprised some gryphon was just carrying it around like that." Trixie's tail lightly wagged in excitement. "W-well, maybe they thought it was just some good luck charm? You said its been ages since any gryphon earned one after all." He shrugged "Maybe. But, yeah. This'll get you in to see the Uber King, and it nets you a favor from him. Like, a really big one. Maybe enough to help you with that trade thing you were trying for. Though, I wouldn't completely count on it." "W-why? How much of a favor is it really for him to be willing to talk with another nation?" "In this case? Alot. Like, I'm pretty sure he talked about wanting to open a dialogue with Equestria years ago, and it got stomped hard from the nobles. Apparently that was a little too much change for them, or something. But hey, it's worth a try, right? Even if he can't do that, maybe he can help you with The Hunt? I mean, if you really want help with it." Trixie sighed and put her head back on the table. "Hmmm...well, the rewards for The Hunt aren't exactly riveting to Trixie. Its not like the King will be able to erase Trixie's past record, wrong country. And Trixie doesn't think the other parts the victor gets will be all that helpful to her either. I mean, living through it is important, but, Trixie already has her name in the papers just by being in the hunt already. She's not a gryphon, so becoming nobility here is probably unlikely. Not to mention how awkward it would be to get invited to parties by those who were recently trying to kill her." Gerard looked at her confusedly as she lapsed into silence. "And what about the rest?" Trixie looked glumly up at him from her place on the table. "What? Recounting her story at the King's table? Woo hoo." He snickered a bit at that. "I think you were only told about what the victorious hunter gets. The prey's reward is much, much bigger than that. Yes, you do get everything you mentioned still. Even the nobility. Forget about minor nobility though. You'd be, like, a few steps above even regular nobility if you pulled this off! Asides from that though, there are two important things you don't seem to know about." Her ears perked. "Oh?" "First, you and your house become honorary gryphons, meaning you are off limits to hunting in any way. Heck, you could join hunts if you cared to. As the predator, I mean. You and your family are given King's crests, meaning that you are under the protection of the king's family. Few gryphons would be willing to cross you with that kind of backing. More importantly, that protection doesn't expire, or come with strings. So long as the king's family is in charge, your line is protected." "Huh, well, that's kinda neat." She received a deadpan expression in response. "Woah, you are hard to impress. Look, it's a really, really big deal, okay? Asides from the boars, You'd be, like, the ONLY plant eater who could wander the whole of the kingdom without fear of being treated like prey. Heck, other gryphon families would have reason to fear you! A wrong word from you to the king about them, and beaks could roll, ya know?" "How would Trixie know?" Another deadpan expression. Trixie chuckled. "Okay, okay, she'll stop that. What's the other prize?" "Oh, you'll actually like that one. It's a favor." "But Trixie can already-" "No No, It's not a favor from the King's family, it's a favor from all of Gryphus. Like, you could enact a major change, so long as it wouldn't, ya know, destroy the kingdom, or something like that. Trust me, that favor could get you those trade talks you want. No question." A thumping caused Trixie to look over her shoulder and blush. She quickly grabbed her tail in one hoof to hold it still, as it had decided to vigorously whip itself against the chair nearly pressed against hers behind her. The chair still occupied by a donkey that clearly had no idea what personal space meant, if Trixie were to guess. The donkey was already facing Trixie, probably because of being hit by her tail, she imagined. His glazed eyes went a little wider when he saw Trixie staring at him from just inches away. He then muttered something like an apology before standing up, causing his chair to bump into hers. After another slurred apology, he quickly staggered his way towards the exit. Trixie wiggled her chair back a little, now that she had the extra room, and gave Gerard a very wide smile. "Trixie was beginning to wonder when her shins would finally do their job." My shins! Trixie reeled as she was suddenly thrown to the side of the road, and into the dirt of yet another Celestia forsaken alley. Thirty seconds in the past. Trixie was trotting down one of the main roads, a smile on her muzzle at her good fortune and of an evening well spent with a good friend. Most of the roads were dark, but she had opted to use one of the main ones tonight. The light was comforting, and she didn't need to worry about foals coming after her at night anyways. With a light step, she moved a little to the right to avoid a pile of rags some gryphon had left in the street, and unconsciously prepared for the turn down the final street to her inn. Twenty five seconds in the past. The pile of rags sprang at her. She felt something clamp down hard on her left foreleg, before jerking to the left and smacking her into the wall. She reeled, disoriented by the pain and the sudden attack, giving the creature time to toss her into the alley it had originally been aiming to throw her into. Twenty. Trixie scrambled up, nauseated by the pain, and jerkily ran down the alleyway towards another main road. She heard cursing from behind her and the tell tale signs of someone chasing her. Ten. She burst out into the street, working to turn left and continue down it at a gallop. However, her left foreleg gave out, causing her cry out in pain and stumble awkwardly. She barely started to turn down the street when her attacker collided into her side. The force threw her across the road, but luckily, not into another wall. Unluckily, it threw her into another alley. Five. She stumbled to get back up, but her left foreleg wasn't doing her any favors. Looking over, she saw her pursuer approaching and lit her horn. Present. Her forelegs hurt. One from a deep gash, and the other from her landing on it when she was last thrown. Sadly, these were the least of her worries. Her attacker, obviously a gryphon by this point, was approaching. He was draped in long, flowing rags, and had an almost calm, to the point of creepy, look in his eyes. Black and brown feathers adorned his body, along with a few wounds that looked freshly made. The chase has apparently re-opened them, as Trixie could see some of his feathers wet with blood. He looked her over once with a brief smile on his reddish beak before he cracked his shoulders. His eyes then darted to her glowing horn, causing him to rummage around in his raggedy clothes for a second, before doing something Trixie was not expecting. He pulled out a small, metal helmet, and put it on his head. If her forelegs weren't in so much pain she would have face hooved. "No more magic tricks." He muttered, in a tired way. "No more angry barkeeps, and no more bloody guards. Sorry, love, but it's you or me now." Idiots.Trixie thought, grabbing a garbage can in her aura from the side of the alley. Her magic had been insulted twice in one night. Once by the news, and again by this gryphon's absurd notion that a helmet was going to do him any good against her. She just had to channel her magic despite the pain, and she wouldn't have to even lift a hoof to bash this gryphon's skull- Wait, that might kill him. Buck, which virtue is this? Loyalty? No, that doesn't make sense. Despite her known zeal for confrontations, she never killed any pony. Ummm...kindness? But- The pain wasn't helping her sort through this conflict, and time was quickly fading. A crunch on the ground seconds later let her know her time was up. She only had one shot. Hit as hard as possible, and possibly kill him, or use less force, and hope it was enough to keep him from killing her. Trixie wavered between the two as the gryphon quickly approached her. With seconds left, she made her choice. The light around her horn dimmed as she concentrated on her swing. She then bashed the garbage can into the gryphon's side, instead of his head. He gave out a sharp hiss of pain when it connected, and lurched to the side a few feet, his undamaged side hitting the wall of the alley. Within seconds, he was looking back at Trixie, eyes not quite so calm anymore. She lifted the trash can again. "Stupid newspaper." He grabbed his helmet and threw it directly at Trixie's face, forcing her to turn her head from him to dodge it. As she turned away, she felt the ground shake a little. He just pounced! get him in your sights or your dead! With a desperate sob, Trixie threw her head back in the gryphon's direction, only to be met with...darkness. I-I don't think I'm dead, so what...? She heard a gasp. A few seconds later, she realized it wasn't from herself. The adrenaline coursing through Trixie gave her a clarity she rarely had for the world. Everything seemed to go slow for her, to come into amazing detail. So slow that it was almost agonizing, her head turned towards the sound. Clawed feet and blackness. Clawed, dangling feet covered in rags, with a backdrop of darkness was in front of her now. But, what was holding them up? The feet squirmed as Trixie heard a choking sound coming from above her. Then, a deep, booming voice. "Hmph, in the end, this is all you were capable of. Fitting for a honorless wretch." Looking up, Trixie saw the rag covered gryphon's head being held up by a single, clawed paw. A paw that was easily three times the size any gryphon paw should be. Her eyes quickly adjusted after this, letting her see the angles and contours of what she thought to just be blackness. It was a black gryphon, the huge one she had met on her first day outside of the gates. The smaller gryphon desperately held onto the giant paw that held his head. "P-please, I-I-" Crack. The rag covered gryphon's forearms fell to his sides, lifeless. Trixie could only stare in dawning realization of what just happened. "Ironic, really." Trixie's eyes locked onto the giant gryphons own. She felt a warm liquid run across her back legs. "W-what...?" He tossed the dead gryphon aside, letting it hit the wall with a dull thwack. His paw calmly reached into a pouch to his side as he replied. "That was the fool who broke into your room the other night. He's been trying to hide from us since then. The only way for him to have save himself after trying to kill you was, well, to actually kill you. Kinda funny when you think about it." He fished out a good sized bottle of slightly luminous, white liquid. It seemed ridiculously tiny in his claws to Trixie. His big, neck snapping, claws. Gently, he placed the bottle next to her. "I do apologize. Since I heard of the break in, and that the gryphon had escaped the guard, I wanted to ensure you got home safely tonight. But, one moment you were walking down the street, the next, you had disappeared from my sight. Use this on your wounds tonight, and you should be fine for tomorrow's hunt. Zebra potions are quite miraculous, in my opinion." "You were...following Trixie...?" "Only to and from the bar, I assure you. It is rather difficult for me to remain hidden in the daytime after all." She nodded. Trixie's gaze broke from his for only a second, to briefly look over to the dead gryphon. "W-why did you k-kill him?" He looked over at the corpse in revulsion. "Hmph. That trash? The honorless are better off this way. They can no longer shame themselves, their race, or their family, if they even have one. It is a unfortunate necessity to clean Gryphus of wastes like him sometimes. Permission to kill him on sight was given the moment he was identified this morning." Trixie managed a strangled croak of a reply as her mind refused to respond. M-monsters. There are so many monsters here. Immediately, hazy snippets of her past came to mind. Stealing from her parents to buy her wagon. Encouraging a crowd to mock a heckler until they ran off in tears. Tossing aside a family that, if not welcomed, respected her abilities, just for revenge. Imprisoning a middle aged mare in a giant bird cage. Enslaving an entire town. Am I one of them too? The gryphon brought his head down, catching her attention. He gave her a large grin. "As expected, honored prey, you have not disappointed. Here you are, alive, despite all the greedy paws of the trash trying to claim your hide as their own. You do the true hunters honor by not succumbing to their thieving tactics." Okay. Okay. He hasn't killed me yet. J-just, focus. Oh Celestia, why is he so huge!? Shakily, Trixie took a cloth out of her cape and began to wrap her still bleeding leg. She placed it on clumsily, due to her inability to take her eyes off of the gryphon in front of her, but she figured it would be enough to at least get her to the inn. Next, she had to work on keeping her heart from leaping out of her throat. "However, if you could forgive my bluntness in this, I did just save your life. It did not seem like you were ready for him. So, I ask a small...'favor' in return." She shuddered at the way he almost purred the last few words out. "T-Trixie c-could see her way t-to granting a r-request." He chuckled and stood up, giving her a few more feet between them, much to her relief. "It's very simple. All I ask in return is for you to not die until Tuesday." What little relief she had just gained was blasted away. "U-U-until..." "Tuesday. Regretfully, I have duties and obligations I cannot shirk, and will be unable to join The Hunt until that morning." Trixie's eyes couldn't, but they still tried their hardest to escape from her head. "You're a noble?" She squeaked. He nodded, proudly. "Indeed. A minor one, but, well, perhaps that will change after next week. No other family will be able to boast of winning two hunts in a row." "T-two...?" "As I said at our last meeting. My father greatly admired the pegasus who came to Gryphus before you. He held up well until my father cut him from the skies. I look forward to matching against the first unicorn to challenge Gryphus. So, please, stay alive until then." She nodded. Or shivered enough to look like she nodded. She couldn't tell anymore. Trixie held the glowing potion in between her hooves and lowered her gaze. She couldn't find the strength to look him in the face anymore. "Are you well enough to get back to the inn from here?" She nodded. "Very well." He reached a paw out and grabbed the dead gryphon. "I shall see you again soon, honored pray. May the rest of your night be less eventful." She nodded. With a few strong flaps, The giant rose from the ground and took off. Trixie nodded. She continued to sit there and nod every few minutes until a patrol finally found her. "M-miss Trixie? What are you doing out here? It's well past midnight." She mumbled. "I-I'm sorry?" "I-it's a lie." The guards looked at one another confusedly before replying. "Umm, what is a lie, Miss?" "M-my shins."