I Brought My Own Pillow This Time

by eragon13666

I Brought My Own Pillow This Time (preview)

Another long day ended, another ten forty a hour, and another shift for me smelling of sweat and Big Mac sauce…how can I smell like that when I don’t even cook, I’m the freaking cash person in the window of Mac Donald’s for god-sake! Ugh…it was close to midnight anyway, having done a twelve hour shift, when I really should’ve only done five; I got sucked in to coming early…I really need to stop being such a push over when it comes to work; but I wanted the hours, and the money was always good…got a free meal out of it too. But dealing with people who think the are always right, hell I had one guy say he was going to call the cops because he thought that I stole his pickle from his Big Mac…really…I shit you not.
What is there to say about me, I sucked at high school and just barely passed at all, just by the skin of my teeth did I ever pass, sure I was happy, but really…what could or would I do after high school? When I was a kid, I always wanted to be a cop, but I stopped that dream mostly because of all the stories and the first hand experience of corruption. Tell me if this makes any sense to you, that you could be charged with drinking and driving when you don’t have a car to drive, or the fact you haven’t drank since your nineteen birthday? Makes no sense right? Luckily many people saw this reason and the charges were dropped…I say luckily because it if wasn’t for the fact that my friend was recording us having some fun outside when we by mistake bumped into a cop well…you know the rest.

I work two jobs, one of them being Mc Dicks in all its glory, and the other a pawn shop. I like that place better mostly because I am the game expert they got there. And if the hours were much more then what they were, I would quit my other job quickly; but alas I can not.
What else is there to say about me? I’m a six foot tall guy, tan skin, mostly because of my family blood line of having black white and Asian, made the joke I was a human panda; got old rather quickly. Going to the bathroom, slashing water along my face to try and wake myself up, my green eyes looking back at me, as my hair, stuck to my forehead, before pushing it back. I barely had any muscles on my body, now barely is a…well I had muscles I mean, but not like body builder, more like a normal person I guess. I sighed and brought a towel up to dry myself off as I made my way from my bathroom to my bedroom, stripping down to my boxers, and snapping my Rainbow Dash PJ pants to slip them on. Oh yeah I forgot to say, I’m a Brony, what’s a Brony? An adult male that watches My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
Really I don’t care what anyone thinks of me anymore, I’ve long sense given up on what little shame I have anymore, sure outside I was a happy go lucky person but inside…well I wasn’t. so much so that one of my best friends, she grown rather worried about me that she came to have a habit of every few weeks, spending the weekend with me, and sleeping in my bed. Now before anyone says anything, no we have not banged, I’m still a virgin at twenty two and I really could give a shit what people think of that. When I meet the right girl, or guy, it will happen; it just hasn’t yet for me. The only weird thing for me, is why she wants to sleep in my bed, I have another bedroom to where she can easily sleep in…what am I even saying, ugh, today has just been so damn draining for me!

Climbing into bed, I sighed as I got under the covers, placing my head on my pillow, I sighed out once more, ready for some good old fashion sleep, I would be off until Tuesday, thank god for Friday. But as I closed my eyes, ready for some much needed shut eye that is until I heard the sound of…well to me it sounded like a pop and a sparkle before I groaned. I was waiting for her to say something, this was the friend I was speaking of just before, when I didn’t hear anything from her, I sighed and sat up in bed, seeing her body slightly in the darkness. Bringing my hand over, looking at her with half closed eyes as I snapped the lamp on. “Do you mind if I sleep with you tonight?” she said, like she always did. “I brought my own Pillow this time!” I just gave her a blank look, seeing a pillow indeed in her grasp. To anyone that could see what I was seeing, I’ll tell you this, you would believe you were high on something, much like I was when I first saw her, because standing before me; was Princess Celestia herself.


It happened some time ago; almost two years in fact, right before the Nightmare Moon thing…was that episode one; eh I don’t know. But ether way, it was a strange day indeed; I came home after another day of work, to hear the same magical teleportation I just heard moments ago, just before opening the door. In the living room, was Princess Celestia herself! I closed the door at once, seeing her weak, bloody even, breathing heavily along her side as I went and closed and covered my windows. Her eyes slightly open, trying to stay open before falling under.
Thank god for Google, having gotten her to my bed, a job rather hard for a pony that on all fours I bet could see me eye to eye; but damn was she heavy! Using good and what first aid kits I had…what I’m a safe guy; at times, I was able to help cover up her wounds, well, just until she would wake and no doubt simply heal herself. This was before I was a Brony mind you, but I knew what and who she was, I’ve seen a bit of the show at that point, it just that this was on a rerun I think. But anyway, after having her in my bed, and removing her crown and other such things, I place them along side of my bed and waited.

She woke some hours later, with a groan of what I thought was pain, before she jerked up, and cried out in pain. I brought my hand to her shoulder as she look at me, with a strange expression along her face. “Easy there,” I spoke looking to her. “I don’t know what happened, but you looked pretty messed up there!”
“Who…what…?” she asked looking about. Oh god, please tell me she didn’t lose her memory or something! “Where…am I?”
“My home,” I answered matter of fact, a nod of my head soon following. “Now…just who are you?” Like I said, I knew who she was, but come on, how would you react if someone knew your name and was like ‘oh by the way, your part of a kid’s TV show.’
“My name…is Princess Celestia of Equestria…co-ruler, of Equestria.” Thinking back on this now, she must’ve been still getting use that her sister Luna had returned. “And you, kind soul?”
“Uh…Brandon Casey, of Dartmouth Nova Scotia…Cashier at Mac Donald’s.”
“I have never heard of any of those names before, I know what cashier is, but Dartmouth…Mac Donald’s, I’ve never heard of such places.”
“I’ll be sure to answer any questions you have then Princess…but later, you need your rest; just what happened to you?”
“A simply spell mishaps,” she answered as she moved to lie along her belly, looking at me and then herself. Simple…if you came from the TV world to the real world, that is more then just damn simple; don’t you think? “Did you bind me up?” she asked me, causing me to nod my head ever so slightly.
“Had to stop the bleeding and make sure no more damage would’ve been brought on you.”
“Then I thank you, for saving me.”
“I didn’t…never mind, look just rest, would you like some tea?”
“Yes, please.” She offered a smile as I gave a small one back before walking out.

After grabbing some tea for her, coffee for me, I was greatly surprised, now thinking back on it, on how calm and collative I was, I mean; I was talking to a freaking talking Alicorn from the show My Little Pony! I mean, part of me was wondering why I wasn’t still screaming in the utter shock of what was happening, me, a human, sitting across from the Sun Princess herself! Out of the blue though, I started to wonder something, what if this became part of the show, I mean…would this affect it what so ever? A strange thought indeed. She was a kind mare, and she seemed to hold much wisdom, and the way she spoke to me, it was like she was…I don’t know, a mother figure in a way. The way she smiled, ad tilted her head as she closed her eyes; both cute, and different compared to what I was used to seeing. She asked me questions of this world, and I answered as best as I could. Showing her how many different things she did not have in her own world, a microwave, TV, the works.
She then started to explain her own world to me, and even showed me some magic as she did so. Telling me a small history on how she had to banish her own sister to the moon for a thousand years, luckily because of her most trusted student, Twilight Sparkle; they were able to rid her of the curse that was Nightmare Moon.
I became more and more, engrossed in her stories of this magical land, that the hours just seemed to went on quickly. I shared more of my world and her of her own. We shared laughs and sadness when it came to the world’s darkest times. At the end though, I asked her when she would be leaving, to return home. She seemed to frown while looking up, before sighing. “This spell is rather, advance. It was meant to be just a simple longer teleportation spell, to show Twilight that it was possible as such, I’m not sure what really went wrong.” Se shook her head softly. “I can easily return to my home, but the spell took so much out of me, I’m afraid that I shall be stuck here for a small while.”
“Well…my home is your home, Princess,” I smiled as I held a hand out. “I hope you will make a full recovery.”
“It is nothing to worry about, magic can return when after using such a large amount.” She gave another soft chuckle. “It is not like I was badly hurt, just a few scarps that you easily fixed. But I will not be able to cast even the simplest of spells; for who knows how long! Oh dear sister…I hope you are not worrying about me too much…” she said as she looked off as if she could see her sister. I felt bad for her; she was far away, very far away. I never had any siblings so I couldn’t say what was going on through her mind, for the fact that she was the older sister of her; she must’ve been worried. But no matter, I trust my sister fully, I am sure, no, positive that she will be fine and run the kingdom, perhaps I can see a bit of your world, see how much different it truly is to my home world?”

This caused me to slightly freeze, a talking horse…err pony, but ether way, shit would happen! Even though I knew it was far too soon…I think it would be best to tell her now.
After we drank our drinks, I brought her out into the living room and sat her down. She looked about in utter amazement, as I gave a small talk on what each thing was, before showing her to the TV. The look she gave me after I spent a good amount of time hooking up my computer to the TV, and then going on YouTube, the look she gave me when I showed her the show, My Little Pony…was I’m not even sure how to describe the look she was giving me. I choose the episode with the Nightmare Moon one, just in case that I didn’t show anything that could be bad, I mean, what if the show was showing what would happen, that hadn’t happen yet? After the show was down and I shut off the TV and computer, I turned to her, to see her look. “A…strange, bit of information indeed,” she said looking away and then to me. “And these are known as…TV shows?”
“Yeah, the show is not all that new really, I haven’t watched it a lot, maybe bits and pieces of it; but still…I don’t know, I mean I can’t say you are not real because you are before me…maybe this is the work of the multiversity theory.”
“The theory that there are many worlds or universes, that are the same, of different?” I nodded slightly as I stood up and walked off a bit as I thought.
“It’s the only thing I can think of,” I admitted as I went on. “I mean…in this world, or universe, you are part of a show, as you clearly just saw, however in your universe, that is real, but the show selects only a few choices of actions, like about the six girls and such. It doesn’t dive into the back-story too deeply of anyone; like a show would.” She nodded at this once more. “Perhaps…the show and your world, are kind of like the theory, now that you know, and when you return, perhaps now that your world would run the same, but now you have information of a new world that you could come to; but the show world; would run like you didn’t even know and…ugh this is so hard to even think!”
“You sound just like Twilight Sparkle when she is stuck on something,” she pointed out with a soft giggle as I rolled my eyes at this. “So me exiting out of your home would be a bad idea?”
“Too many unknowns really…” I told her crossing my arms over my chest, sighing as I closed my eyes. “How would the world react to seeing a walking talking colorful pony…no offense?”
“None taking, you are taking this rather well; why are you not, ‘freaking out’ as I heard one pony say.”
“I guess I liked to always say that my brain is on FM while everyone is on AM.”
“Human radio thing, I’ll explain later…but maybe this is enough for one day; you need to rest and I’m surprised this is not freaking you out.”
“I have lived many, many year’s young Brandon; there are very little things that freak me out.” Just don’t go on E621.net…I would hate to see how you would react to that.

“Do you mind if I sleep with you tonight? I brought my own Pillow this time!” This caused me to snap out of my slightly in mid thought day dream of how we met. It took her a few weeks, but she gained enough magic back, to reopen the portal she made. Even though I couldn’t see it, and she showed me what teleporting looked like after she had enough magic to show me. All it looked like was that she teleported. I didn’t see her until a few months later, she had told her sister of the world and me, and asked her to pool her own magic for her to come see me again. Once more she was weak from the travel, but not as weak as last time. I thought she had grown stronger, but she simply told me that her theory was that she thought, the more she does it, the easier it gets. It was like walking from your home to a store you’ve been to many times, it comes easier and easier because you know the right street to take. More and more, she would come to visit; we became more and more friends. We would at times and sit down and watch the show, as she would tell me what she was doing before when she was shown on, or even what was going through her mind, mostly for the Canterlot wedding. I asked her if she was okay, and then a question came to mind.
“Why didn’t you just help them out?”
“What do you mean, they invaded Canterlot, and she kidnapped Cadance!”
“To feed her subjects.” I pointed out. “Are you telling me that if you were in her place, you wouldn’t have done the same thing?”

I kind of mind fucked her that day.

I gave her more of my thoughts from looking at the show, the Changelings being the top one, that she should’ve given them a chance and just other thoughts in a outside group idea. But again, I was caught in my own thought, seeing Celestia right now, looking at me as she held that same small smile. Why did she like to share a bed with me, we hadn’t done anything…sexually so why? But ether way, before she could ask again, I scooted over to the side, eyes still half closed from me being so tired, I said. “Just hurry up and hop in…”