At the Twilight of Harmony

by Rammy

The Music Gets Them to the Top

47 days since the Nameless One’s escape

21 days since the fall of Traxti City

Afternoon, South Crystal City

“Have I mentioned I don’t like this?” Medallion was getting more and more apprehensive and nervous as the seventy-two hour deadline approached.

“For the last time, yes!” He of Music growled in his lyrical voice. He had let his voice return to normal as he knew he needed all of his power and abilities at peak if he was going to succeed. “And I don't like it anymore the you do… I’m just surprised that the golems would allow it.”

“He of the Barren South as a pull with them…” Medallion waved to a grey stone golem with white and pink dots as it passed by them. Once the golem went by she continued, “Apparently, he has been keeping the wendigos at bay for over a millennia… I think. The sense of time for the golems is a bit wonky.”

“Been busy with the locals?” He of Music teased. He had watched her talk with the golems for the past three days. That was, at least. when he was able to see her. Which wasn’t much as he devoted his every waking moment the past three days in getting himself ready. The lesser wendigo that He of the Barren South was quite helpful and he was sure he could do what he needed to do at least on a small scale… On the scale that it could potentially get to? He had no clue.

“You be quiet,” Medallion pointed an accusatory claw at her clanmate, ”you got to do something unique with your hoard…”

“True..” He of Music admitted. “I take it you were working on your own?”

“A bit…” Medallion shrugged.

“You were looking for anything to give you an edge in wooing Sentinel aren’t you?”

“Yes…” Medallion went from pink to maroon in a flash. “Sentinel has been down here before. The golems are even aware of the ponies guarding their legacy…” Medallion scowled at the smirk from her brother. “Their Keeper’s artifact: The Crystal Heart. Apparently it’s what gave him the idea for his elements…”

“You are really into chasing… ow!” He of Music wrapped his stinging tail to the other side of his body, “What was that for?!”

“You know exactly why.” Medallion growled, accenting each word with a poke to his white side.

“You started it…” He of Music whined. “Less than an hour to… are the golems ready?”

“Yes…” Medallion sighed. “I don’t think I am, but they are…”

As time approached the a snowstorm formed signalling the impending arrival of the wendigos.

He of Music nearly lost his footing at the sheer number of wendigos in the sky. There must be at least three hundred of them! A clawed hand grabbed and stabilized him.

“Thanks Medallion,” He of Music took a few breaths to calm himself, “but you should be helping the golems.”

“You are my brother and clanmate we look out for each other remember? Besides every dragon adds to the legacy of our clan.” Medallion winked at him before taking off.

He smirked as pulled his guitar off his back and started playing. He made sure to keep his playing just like during practice. The crystal tower glowed in reaction to his playing. Tendrils of light shot out from the top of the tower and reached out across the sky.

*It’s working He of Music.* Came Medallion’s thought through a mind link she had established.

He of Music didn’t respond back as he had to be very careful to keep his concentration. He learned that real fast when he had practice on that wendigo...

The wendigo just stood there. He of Music gulped he didn’t think he could do this. The wendigo didn’t seemed to care one way or another as it just stood there with the same icy stare that He of the Barren South sported.

“Well...” Medallion mused before quickly taking off back towards the city. “I’ll leave this to you then.”

“Hey! Get back here!” He of Music called out but Medallion was long gone. “Ah, lava rocks…”

He of Music grumbled, rubbing his forehead as he turned to face the wendigo. This is going to be a long couple of days...

He of Music shook his head breaking the memory before it continued any longer. He went right back to playing. As he did time slowed. All there was was him and his music, him and his hoard.

*Your fading He of Music...*

He of Music was immediately brought out of his musical world. He looked around to see that the tendrils of light were flickering and he suddenly felt very sluggish. He had gotten so focused that he didn’t realize he was getting tired.

He of Music grunted as he pushed past his exhaustion. They may not get another try for this and he was not going to fail his secondclaw nor himself. The problem was that he could end up tapping into his life force if he wasn’t careful and both Firstclaw and Secondclaw told them to stay safe and killing himself by magic overexertion would not be doing that as basically since he was not in a life or death situation.

*Keep going only thirty more to go.*

I have to think of something! I know I don’t have enough for one more much less thirty… “No.” He of Music growled. “I will not give up.” He drove deep into himself. He was not going to be denied this not when they were so close… then he realized how to get the necessary power without harming himself. My inner fire! Of course! He took grab of it and poured it into his music. The borealis stopped flickering.

Finally… He of Music thought as he heard the signal roar moments later from He of the Barren South. He tirely tried to get down from the tower when he passed out.

“He of Music!” Medallion yelled out as she saw her clanmate tumble down from the tower.

“He of Music?” She whispered in worry as she ran up to him. He appeared to be breathing but unresponsive. She couldn’t see any visible injuries.

Medallion gasped as He of Music’s eyes snapped wide open with no warning as he got up. Damn it! He’s hitting his third growth… Medallion cursed as she backed away, motioning some golems to do the same. She steeled herself for what would come… She hoped she wouldn’t have defend herself from a sex crazed clanmate.

His hair spines unlike last time quickly became long but still managed to stay spiky and airy. Medallion wasn’t sure but his spines look similar to one of the band posters that graced the walls of the band shell. The band holding his headphones tore from the strain. Oddly the cups remained on him as the band completely disintegrated.

Hot saliva dripped from his now open jaw and his teeth lengthen. He closed it in a hiss as his neck stretch out. His forked tongue swung out of his larger mouth as thoughts of prey and dragoness flooded his mind.

The scorpion ocarina double in size and become life like. Medallion had seen a depiction of sand scorpion on the wall of He of Music’s hoard. Except for the fact it was made out of medal it could pass for a real one. The ocarina, to her shock, latched onto He of Music’s neck, the segmented legs loosely wrapped completely around the neck. The tail mouthpiece relaxed, flush to the back.

The guitar also double in size the straps remained snug against his body. He of Music grunted and his torso swelled in size and muscle the straps snapped and fell off of him in tatters. He growled in pleasure to finally be rid of those damned straps. He took in a deep wonderful breath as his lungs swelled to a larger than normal size. More air for his hoard and more power to woo the dragoness that he noticed watching him. The mating roar will definitely let any dragon nearby that she was his.

The scorpion tail of guitar softened and conformed down on his left front shoulder before it reharden. It was now positioned in just right spot for him to grab with his right front claw. Just like the beauty of a pink dragoness standing near by. He knew with his size she would be tight. He took a step forward and nearly stumbled as the final changes washed over He of Music.

His neck and tail thicken with powerful muscles. He purred as the ocarina now felt snug against his neck scales. The feeling of the metal on his scale during the purr nearly making him forget the foreplay and going straight to the main course of dragoness in front of him but his mind returning to normal stopped that.

Medallion breathed a sigh of relief as the glint of lust left her brother. She wanted a mate but she knew what would happened if it happened during a growth. Sentinel was not here to stand between them like last time. At least this time she didn’t get hit by one as well so she was able hold her own against him.

Are you alright Medallion?  He of Music sang in a deep bass. He frowned in worry when he saw Medallion gulp. What? Please talk to me...

“He of Music you’re singing…” Medallion swallowed. His singing voice was driving her to the breaking point. Is this how the others feel with I tease? She really hoped that Sentinel would agree to go through the Cktrieüs šüitruls ezustācija Ceremony. The power of He of Music voice just jumped and until he figured out how to control it she was sure he would trigger all sorts of emotions from her and the ones she would struggle with the most was anything romantic or lustful.

I am? ...I am... I… He stopped crooning as he realize that his voice change the last time he grew and that means… His eyes went wide as the ocarina detached itself from his neck and skittered down and into his waiting claw.  It looked just like the sketches of giant sand scorpions. He had a large reproduction on his hoard wall.

“Did your ocarina move on its own and into your claw?”

Yes… He of Music greedily looked at his hoard. He didn’t care how exactly it happened but he would care for these two pieces more than the rest because they changed with him. They were precious and he loved them both. The ocarina moved back to his neck with barely a thought on his part.

He was about to check out his guitar when he saw that He of the Barren South was lumbering towards them. He of Music blinked when he realized that he didn’t have to look up are far as he did before. He knew he grew he just didn’t realize how much until then. He glanced down at Medallion and noticed that how much lower she was to him.

Something was off about He of the Barren South. His eyes were glowing red just like his wendigos, but his body was what really got his attention. It was hard to tell in the blizzard, but it almost looked like it was becoming transparent.

He of the Barren South walked up to He of Music and whispered. “You tell your Secondclaw: Frost Claw gives his thanks.

He of Music eyes went wide but he managed to have enough sense to nod. He was not expecting the dragon to give out his name. With that He of the Barren South walked past the still shocked dragon and out into the blizzard and disappeared along with the storm.