//------------------------------// // Meet the Masters // Story: Wily's Wittle Wub // by Tatsurou //------------------------------// After Vinyl had drunk her fill of milk, Wily turned to Light. "So how goes repairs on Roll?" he asked. "Not well," Light replied. "It wasn't pure strength that broke Roll's leg. The sonic waves shook her entire structure partially apart. While I fix her and Rock up, can you check on the others?" Wily shook with silent laughter, doing his best not to cackle wickedly. Perfect! he thought to himself. This couldn't play better into my hands! Smiling down at Vinyl, who seemed to enjoy his laughter, he spoke up. "Sure, I can do that. And I'll keep this little hellion with me, keep her out of more trouble." "Alright," Light replied absently. "Have fun." "Oh, we will," Wily replied, turning to head towards the robot labs. "We will..." he replied, grinning wickedly. For some reason, Vinyl giggled at his evil grin. Once in the lab, he smiled down at Vinyl. "Ready to meet the other robots? Without breaking them this time?" Vinyl giggled in response, nodding as she pushed her glasses up her forehead to brace them against her horn. Smirking, Wily approached the first robot. "DLN-000, Protoman, status report?" The red and gray armored robot frowned back at Wily, his shades hiding his expression as his yellow scarf blew behind him over his red and white shield, despite the total absence of any sort of wind in the lab. "I'm fine," he replied coolly. "I need to check you for damage from the sonic barrage," Wily pointed out. "I already fixed it," he replied firmly. He glanced down. "What's that?" "This is Vinyl Scratch," Wily replied, holding her up more. "I woke up with her on my head." Vinyl looked up at Protoman starry-eyed. "Fo coo!" she gasped out, pressing her hooves together under her chin. Protoman went very still. As Wily moved on to the next Robot Master, Protoman thought to himself, God...damn...too...cute! Unaware of Protoman's internal conflict, Wily approached the next robot, who had a slim build and was orange and white with what looked like hedge clippers stuck to his head. "DLN-003, Cut Man, status report?" The robot went into an excessively 'cool' pose taken straight out of Sentai anime. "The invincible Cut Man is ready for action at any time!" Wily raised an eyebrow as Vinyl giggled. "Invincible?" he asked sardonically. "But of course!" Cut Man proclaimed, shifting into another pose. "For I am the first built of this set, so of course I am the best!" "But you're number 003," Wily pointed out. "You would be wise to beware the power of 3!" Cut Man countered, pointing at him dramatically. "You're ridiculous!" Wily proclaimed as Vinyl burst into more laughter. "You have hedge clippers on your head!" "My power is beyond mere mortal minds to comprehend!" Cut Man bragged. Wily stared at him for a time as Vinyl laughed even more. "Just...just let me check for damage from the sonic barrage..." "The invincible Cut Man is unaffected by mere sound! Shaking his head ruefully, Wily held up a data disc. "Just install this program. It'll...make people realize your greatness-" "MINE!" Cut Man proclaimed, quickly installing it. Wily quickly moved on to the next robot master. "That was...unnerving. What were we thinking giving him that personality? ...oh, right. Tom left all the personality cores on random, so they could become their own beings to an extent." He approached the next Robot Master, who was orange, yellow, and black, wore a hard hat, and looked like a power lifter. "DLN-004, Guts Man, status report?" "I am Guts Man," the robot replied in a thick Austrian accent. "I lift things up and put them down." Wily stared at him. "...did you take any damage from the sonic barrage?" "I am Guts Man. I lift things up and put them down." Vinyl let out a snicker. Sighing, Wily held out a data disc identical to the one he'd offered Cut Man. "Install this program," he instructed. "I am Guts Man," Guts Man replied as he installed it. "I lift things up and put them down." "Right..." Wily turned to the next robot master...or what should have been the next robot master, but was instead an industrial strength freezer shaking like a leaf. "DLN-005, Ice Man?" Wily asked. "Go away!" Ice Man shouted from inside the freezer. "I'm not coming out and you can't make me! I'm safe from the big, scary world out there in this small, tight, dark, cold freezer..." A tiny robot in a blue and white snow suit burst out of the freezer. "I'm scared of the dark, cold, and enclosed spaces!" he wailed. Glancing around at the room at large, he dove back into the freezer. "I'm scared of open spaces, people, and ponies!" Wily just stared for a time. "...here," he said, handing over another copy of the data disc. "This will make you braver." "I'm scared of installing new programs!" Ice Man wailed as he obeyed instructions to install it. Wily sighed as he went to the next Robot Master. "DLN-006, Bomb Man, status report." "I am Bomb Man," the orange, black, and yellow robot with a mohawk replied. "What can I do for you doctor?" The robot was smiling softly, eyes closed as it sat upon a pile of bombs. Wily blinked for a bit. "I'm...checking to see if you were damaged by the sonic barrage." "Sound is part of the universe," Bomb Man replied serenely. "I am one with the universe. Ergo, I am one with the sound, and can take no harm from it. For what reason would I harm myself?" Wily and Vinyl both stared at him, somewhat slack jawed. "Well...I have this program for you to install..." Bomb Man gravely accepted the data disc. "I shall become one with the program, and in doing so grow closer to enlightenment, and oneness with all things." Wily backed off quickly before he started to make sense. The next robot was grey and red, and had what looked like torches for hands and head. "DLN-007, Fire Man, status report?" Wily called out. "Doc!" Fire Man replied, rushing forward to grab Wily by his arms. "Thank goodness you're here! You've gotta help me! It's just terrible!" "What?" Wily asked in shock. "Did you take serious damage from the sonic barrage?" "Worse!" Fire Man wailed. He pointed to the flames from the torch that was his head. "My head is on fire!" Wily stared at him, nonplussed. Vinyl giggled. Fire Man bowed to Vinyl. "Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all week." Wily groaned. "Just...just install this," he groaned, holding out the data disc. "You gonna stick that in me doc?" Fire Man asked. "Gonna do it hard?" WIly choked as Vinyl giggled. "That is not appropriate humor in front of an infant!" "If she's old enough to get it, she's old enough to hear it!" Fire Man countered. Wily face palmed. "Just...do you want your laugh track or not?" "Sweet!" Fire Man snatched the disc and dashed off to install it. Groaning, Wily approached the last robot master. "DLN-008, Elec Man...status report?" There was dread in his voice. The red, black, and yellow robot master bowed, his yellow mask covering most of his face. "Forsooth, the good doctor approaches. Fie on thee who would doubt his will, for he brings good tidings and health in his wake!" Wily stared at the robot for a time. "Nope," he said finally. "Not dealing with this now." He held out the disc. "Just install it." "Verily!" Elec Man proclaimed as he took the disc and installed it. "As thou hast commanded, so shall I do, to bring glory to thy name!" Wily turned and left, heading back to the main lab. "I need a drink..." he mumbled. Vinyl cooed up at him, holding up the milk bottle which was not quite empty, offering it to him. Seeing this, Albert couldn't help but chuckle. "Not the kind I meant...but thanks." He gave her a quick peck just above her horn, making her squirm and giggle happily.