//------------------------------// // Very Different Conversations // Story: Hard Responsibilities // by Just A Random Pegasus //------------------------------// Soarin knocked on a bright colored door. "Are you sure they won't go completely crazy?" Flash asked as Soarin nodded. "And if they do for some reason, we can blow the whistle I have to get their attention." Cheese waved his hoof. "We can also use my mega-phone! Everypony would listen to us then!" Flash gave a small roll of his eyes. "Alright, fine." The door opened to reveal a cream colored filly with a curly red mane and thick framed purple glasses. "What arth you still doing outsith? The changelings arth invading!" She remarked, adjusting the glasses on her face. Soarin nodded. "We know. We are actually the special someponies of the Elements of Harmony, so we know about all the current dangers." The filly smiled brightly. "Wow! Nice toth meet you! I'm Twist!" Twist introduced. "Hello, Twist. Well, we're here to inform you that a force field was put up, so you can come out. You would need to be ready to take cover anytime, though, just in case they break in." Twist looked up at the sky, where she spotted a force field. "Wow! You can do that?!" Twist asked Fancypants as the unicorn shook his head. "No, dear. I don't have much magical talent." Discord flew up to the front of the group. "It was me. You're welcome." "Wow!" Twist remarked, smiling brightly. "So... I can go out and hang with my friends?" Soarin nodded. "Sure, kid. Just be careful." "Hooray!" She responded, running off. Soarin smiled at the sight. "Alright... one house down. We have about..." "A LOT to go!" Flash interrupted, pointing down the street. "This is not a good idea." "Well, everypony else thinks so," Caramel responded. "Ooh! I can get everypony's attention with my mega-phone!" Cheese remarked, pulling out a big mega-phone out of nowhere. "Excuse me? How did you get that?" Fancypants asked as Caramel nudged him. "Don't question Cheese. He has those strange party pony powers Pinkie has." Fancypants nodded. "I guess you can call those two the unstoppable duo!" Caramel chuckled in response. "Yep!" He then got a look of confusion on his face. "Say, you seem like you're in a much better mood then before." Fancypants nodded. "Well, something happened with my business in Canterlot yesterday. I put that at the back of my mind. Also, I was and still am worried about Rarity." Caramel nodded. "I understand. I'm a little nervous that something will happen to Applejack." "EVERYPONY! YOU CAN COME OUT OF YOUR HOUSES NOW! THERE IS A FORCE FIELD UP, BUT MAKE SURE YOU ARE ABLE TO GET SOMEPLACE SAFE AT ALL TIMES! HAVE FUN!" Cheese announced out of his mega-phone. It almost burst everypony's ears. Fancypants looked back at Caramel. "As I was about to say: We probably are all on edge because we fear for the safety of the six." Caramel nodded and looked at Fancypants, his jaw suddenly dropping. "Is something wrong, Caramel?" Fancypants asked as he heard muffled laughter behind him. "Uh... you're... you're..." The laughter increased behind Fancypants as he turned and found Discord laughing while wearing his nice, blue hair. "Discord! What do you think you're doing with my hair?!" Fancypants burst as Discord put the hair back on the unicorn's head. "What? Everypony likes playing a little bit of dress up!" Discord responded, still laughing a little. "Well, just don't use my hair next time!" "Why? Because you spend an hour making it perfect every day?" Discord responded as Fancypants had a look of rage on his face. "I do not take a whole hour! Fifteen minutes at most." "Whatever you say, Fancyshorts." "Don't call me that, for the last time!" "Guys, stop fighting! We have to protect Ponyville!" Caramel interrupted. "Well, we don't have to do anything. My force field is really strong!" Flash stomped into the conversation. "Well, we have to be on our guard no matter what!" Soarin nodded. "We need to be prepared to blast those bugs away!" Cheese Sandwich jumped in with a platter of cookies. "How about cookies?!" "NO!" Everyone shouted as the argument raged on. They were so focused on proving their point to one another that they didn't hear the faint pounding on the force field.