Friendship is Magic quite literally

by CrossRedstone

Original Chapter 2

"...And that's the gist of things." Sunset finished a one hour explanation about Equestria, magic and suddenly thrown in questions.

Celestia and Luna both were left speechless, although in the corner of their minds, they noted that Sunset purposely left out details of her personal life as a freaking unicorn! Celestia rubbed her forehead.

"Okay, I try to sum it up. Your magic somehow went a little out of control and now you...look like this. I can see how this can be a little...inconvenient." the older sister said.

Luna shook her head, facepalming. "You really have a knack for understatements." she told her sister. "Well, I suppose we can make an exception for this one time. And let's hope this is just some kind of...fluke or something like that."

"I sure hope not." Rainbow said, flying in mid-air, instead of standing on the ground like the rest of the people.

"I sure don't. I have seen enough movies, thank you very much." Sunset deadpanned towards her friend.

Rarity in the meantime placed herself on one of the chairs in front of the principal's desk. She was sweating bullets and buried her face into her hands. The others immediately noticed this and surrounded her.

"Rarity? Are ya alright sugercube?" Applejack asked, while Fluttershy knelt down next to her.

"I'm...okay. I just have this overwhelming headache." Fluttershy touched her friend's forehead.

"Hmm, you don't seem to have a temperature."

"Then it might be related to the magic. My head feels like it's going to explode." Sunset touched her own forehead, leaning against the desk in the room. "And I have a theory why that is."

"Well spit it out already." Rainbow exclaimed, causing Rarity and Sunset to flinch.

"Rarity? It's right at this place where it hurts the most, right?" Sunset pointed at the point where it felt like a drill was working its way from under her skull to the outside world.

Rarity nodded and Sunset sighed as a result. "Alright. Sorry Rarity, but you'll have to endure it for now. You see, your counterpart is a unicorn and that right here is normally the place where a unicorn has her horn. However, since humans don't have the right materials in their body system to grow a horn, the magic isn't floating naturally through our body. Don't ask for the details. No offense, but I doubt any of you would understand them. However, I am positive this will go over once the magic disappears."

"Oh, I hope so, darling." Rarity groaned.

"I'm going to tell the teachers that none of you will be attending classes today." Celestia informed them. "Do any of you don't have a way home without being seen in public?"

Luckily for most of the girl's parents they were working late and would normally arrive much later than their children would. As about explaining this to each individual parent was left to each of the girls.

Sunset didn't have this problem, as she was living alone in a small apartment, consisting of a living room, a kitchen, her room and a small bathroom. Opening the first aid kit in the bathroom, Sunset took out some pain killers and choked them down without any water. Principal Luna had been generous enough to drive her home, even offered that the girl stay at the principal's home for the night, but Sunset had refused. She still got no message back from Twilight. Whatever the mare was doing, it must be very important or very tasking. Or both.

"These painkillers are good for nothing." she moaned, placing herself on the couch. She definitely knew what she would do for the rest of the day: mindless television.

Rarity woke up the next day, completely refreshed. It seemed the magic had finally worn off over night or whatever the right term was. She was just glad it was over. Removing the sleeping mask from her face, she walked towards her mirror and picked up her brush in order to get her hair at least somewhat presentable, before her mother got out of the bathroom. And Sweetie Belle complained that Rarity always took her sweet time.

Giggling at the little joke, Rarity got to work on her hair, not even having a need to look at the mirror. She observed the result of her work in the mirror and immediately dropped the brush.


In her bed, Sweetie Belle turned around. "Ngh, I thought I put the hat back on the right mannequin."

In the meantime, Celestia just arrived herself at the front gates, when she noticed a car stopping at the public parking lot. This was unusual, but not unseen of, since certain circumstances forced students every now and again to arrive early. Celestia did raise an eyebrow, when she recognized the mothers of Lyra Heartstrings and another mother, of whom she didn't remember the name, stepped out of the vehicle. With them came out from the back of the care, Lyra and Bon Bon, both having pony ears, tail and one apparently a horn. Celestia resisted the urge to slam her head against the front gate. I should have become politician and run for presidency.

"G-good morning principal." the mother who Celestia forgot the name, greeted her.

"Good morning." Celestia glanced at her two students, before looking back at the adults.

"I-I guess you must be wondering about our daughter's...costumes." Miss Heartstrings stuttered.

"Yes, but not because of the reasons you think of."

"Huh?" both parents looked confused, while their daughters gave each other knowing looks.

Luna placed 4 cups of coffee on the table, one for each adult. The two had yet to get a satisfying explanation, because so far Celestia and Luna only told them they had an idea as to what was happening and had made in total six phone calls. In the meantime Lyra was excitingly scratching Bon Bon behind her pony ears, causing the girl to blush. It was actually no secret that the two were more than just "best friends" as they always insisted and Lyra still said she did this out of curiosity.

Finally there was a knocking at the door.

"Please, come in." Celestia called from the inside.

A second later, the door was opened by Pinkie Pie. "Hiya Principals! Oh, hi Lyra, hi Bon Bon! Heya Lyra and Bon Bon's mother." Pinkie jumped into the room after greeting everyone, followed by her five friends. The two mother's eyes went wider and wider with each girl entering the office, while the six friend's eyes widened as well, upon seeing the condition of Lyra and Bon Bon.

"Wait, so you guys too?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Yeah, we kinda woke up like that." Bon Bon exclaimed, looking up with her eyes, as if she tried to see her ears.

"Buck me sideways." Sunset sighed and slumped down against the wall. "First the horn and now this? I'm gonna have a seizure before this is over." she rubbed her temples, levitating a plastic bottle out of her school bag. She opened it up with her magic and took a huge sip.

"Ah, no that doesn't do the job. I need some coffee."

"Uh...Sun?" Applejack called out to her friend.

"Yeah?" Sunset looked up, just noticing that everyone was staring at her with a mixture of shock and awe, or in Pinkie's and Lyra's cases only in awe.

"What are ya doing?"

"What do you mean? I'm just-" Sunset's eyes trailed down to the bottle she had in her hand. Only it wasn't in her hand, it was surrounded in a green light and floating above the ground. "Buck me sideways indeed."

"This can't be happening..." Lyra's mother whispered.

"See, I told you we have an alien in our school!" Lyra pointed excitingly at Sunset, who looked up at the mint green girl with a deadpan expression.

"You told her that I am a unicorn?"

"Eh....nope. Only that you're an alien, from another dimension, where magic is as common as water and that you and another alien are responsible for turning the most popular girls in this school into magic pony girls."

Almost everyone face palmed and Lyra's mother lost consciousness.

Celestia muttered something about "politics" under her breath and looked dreamily outside her window.

In the meantime, elsewhere in town

Neither Cadence, nor Shining Armor felt particular good this day and had to call Crystal Prep that they wouldn't come today. Cadence stayed overnight at the Sparkle household, she did this a lot as of recently, and so at least she could snuggle next to her boyfriend. Both had the similar symptoms, namely a splitting headache and in Cadence's case pain in her back.

They already went to the doctor yesterday, since it started yesterday, but he couldn't really help them. The conclusion he came up with was, while uncommon, the two must have eaten something the two are allergic to and now they have those symptoms. Of course they still needed to wait for the blood test results, but seeing as neither showed other signs (fever, rash etc.) he could only conclude that. Well that and that they probably overdid it the last time together in bed.

Strangely enough one of Twilight's self-build instruments reacted to them, but the two just shrugged it off.

"We really need to get Twilight out of that basement." Cadence sighed while simultaneously scratching Shining's and Spike's head. The lazy dog was curled up on top of the two on the blanket.

Shining took in a deep breath. "Yeah, but the others at Crystal Prep aren't exactly friendly to her. You know, with all those rumors going around, I wouldn't want her to make friends with any of them anyways."

"Well, maybe not with the students of Crystal, I have to agree on that one.


I know, the friendship games are coming up in a couple of weeks. Maybe she can make some friends in the school my aunts are the principals of. No scratch that, she should go there as soon as possible. Aunty Luna told me, almost everyone gets along with everybody."

"Hmm, well I am out of ideas. Maybe I should lock the basement and her room and hide the key, until she made a friend?" he chuckled.

"How cruel!" Cadence exclaimed dramatically, causing both of them to laugh and then to wince at the pain they were experiencing from their respectable headache. All of this caused them of course to shake and resulted in Spike falling between their faces.