Leaping To The End

by Cute H Unknownia

Leaping To The End

It was a normal day in Ponyville, not a cloud in the sky (Thanks to Rainbow Dash.) and birds were chirping happily. Honestly I don't know why Twilight was having such a bad day.

"Come on Twilight, cheer up!" Came the voice or Rainbow Dash over Twilight's drooping head.

" Can't you see that I'm trying here?" Twilight almost yelled.

"Um... no I can't, I can't see your face." Answered Rainbow Dash.

"Ha ha just make everything a joke!" Screamed Twilight as she stormed off.

"What in tarnation just happened may I ask?" Came the voice of Applejack from a distance.

"Uh.. I do't really know, she's been acting like that all day. Ya think somethings come over her?" Rainbow Dash Answered.

" I don't know." Said Applejack as she disappeared.

Rainbow suddenly found herself all alone in the middle of Ponyville, with random ponies walking by her. It was quite awkward.

Well, she thought better get home. And home she went.

Rainbow Dash plopped down on her bed, she wondered what was making Twilight so mad. It was very mysterious, so she decided to find out.

When Rainbow Dash got to Twilight's castle she found her in the main hall, she was crying.

"I-I need you, Rainbow Dash." Twilight said.

"What for?" Asked Rainbow Dash.

"We must go on a quest, a big quest, for Princess Celestia." Answered Twilight, wiping away tears.

"Where?" Asked Rainbow Dash, getting a bit more excited.

"To Hong Colt, Colta." She answered.

"Oh My Gosh! But, why me." Rainbow Dash asked.

" Because I pick you!" Answered Twilight gleefully.

"OK, what do we have to do on this quest?" Asked Rainbow Dash

"Find the Ascarab gem in the temple of Mugaha." Answered Twilight.

"That will be hard, but I accept." Answered Rainbow Dash, and they started to pack.


Rainbow Dash didn't know what to bring, flashlight?, Sleeping bag?, Toolbox?, Daring Do Books?, What? She decided to bring almost everything that would be helpful, anyways Twilight did have magic.

She and Twilight bumped into each other on the way to each other's houses, and began the journey.

"So." Said Twilight.

"What?" Asked Rainbow Dash.

"The map says that we go down 53rd path and come to a mountain. I'll red more directions when we get there." Twilight answered.

And so they went along the path.

The path was a long and twisty one, like one that you would find on a quest, and this was a quest!

Suddenly Rainbow Dash and Twilight fell down a hole, a very big hole.

"Oh shoot! I forgot my ladder!" Said Rainbow Dash, she was annoyed.

"Don't worry, I can levitate us into the air, and then set us down at the top." Said Twilight confidently

And she levitated them up and back onto the ground, it was truly amazing.

They both continued to walk down the path. It started to get bumpy, and then there was a wall of rock. Very hard rock.

Twilight tried magic but that didn't work, amazingly. So they walked around the wall, which was a very long extended part of the quest. They set up their camp on the other side of the hard rock wall.

"Do Ya like smores?" Asked Rainbow Dash.

"Could I? Today was exhausting." Answered Twilight.

And they roasted a few smores in the camp campfire, then they went to bed.

Rainbow Dash had a pretty hard time sleeping, after all her sleeping bag was on top of a bumpy trail, but finally she fell asleep.

The next morning, Twilight and Rainbow Dash had some cereal and then they started to walk along the path some more.

They came to a bridge, not just any bridge, but a troll bridge.

"Answer my riddle and you may pass." It said

"OK, what is the riddle?"

"What can be as big as the world or as small as a pea?"

Twilight thought, it must be a present!

"A present!" Twilight almost screamed, and the troll told them they may pass.

Soon they came to the bottom of the mountain and Twilight said that on the other side of the mountain would be the city of Hong Colt and so they went over the mountain.

Rainbow Dash got tired half way up the mountain, so they had to stop. But soon after Rainbow Dash recovered, and they continued.

When they got to the top Rainbow Dash said "I don't want to walk down, I have a faster way, belly sliding!"

Twilight tried to protest, but Rainbow Dash won over in the end and they went belly sliding down the hill, towards the city of Hong Colt, at the edge of Colta.


When Twilight and Rainbow Dash reached Hong Colt, they asked one of the residents where they could find Mugaha Temple.

"Go to the edge of the city and you'll find it." The pony answered

Their journey to the edge of Hong Colt didn't take a long time, and when they came to it, they were truly amazed, for standing right in front of them was a big stone and iron building, with a statue of Mugaha herself.

They entered the temple, other ponies had gotten lost in the many booby traps before.

There were 3 ways for Twilight and Rainbow Dash to go, they could go East, West, or South everyone you had to go West, South, East, South, West, East, South, South, North, South, but the last turn was unknown, but many ponies had failed on east, so that left them two options West, or North.

Twilight and Rainbow Dash decided to go North and before them, they found the Ascarab gem! They could take it back to Princess Celestia, but no need, for Twilight knew a transporter spell, which could transport objects anywhere, She used it on the Ascarab gem and they headed back home, this was their happily ever after.