Guilty Pleasure: Fluttershy

by Fictional Fanatic


Guilty Pleasure: Fluttershy.

A story inspired by something we rarely see in nature, being something we rather not see, but is very much something that happens.

Written by:
Fictional Fanatic.


Fluttershy. A young, pretty, pegasus mare who just like her name would suggest is very shy. Her coat is a nice yellow color that reminds you of butter. Her mane, is a bright soothing pink, just as well as her tail. And her cutie mark, a mark signifying her special talent or some would say, even her destiny was a mark of three pink butterflies, each of them with pink wings sprouting from a small blue body.

Fluttershy, despite her shyness had many friends, they were however not ones you would at first come to expect. They were not ponies like herself, but every different kind of animal one could imagine. Or at least the ones she had met, there were still plenty of different creatures she had yet to meet, but she knew she would meet new friends when it was time for it. The fact that most, not all, but most of her friends were animals would normally imply that it was a very one sided friendship and that these animals were merely pets of Fluttershy. This however could not be further from the truth since Flutteshy's talent was animals. Fluttershy knew animals like no other being could. She could understand them, and they of course understood her. Not all animals Fluttershy tended to lived together with her in her cottage, many of her animal friends actually lived in the wild, but they were her friends no less for that.

Of course, no matter how talented one individual may be, they from time to time find things within their talent even they would have trouble with. In Fluttershy's case, this trouble took the shape of a small bunny by the name of Angel. Even though Angel was hard to deal with, demanding and not the most pleasurable of critters to deal with, Fluttershy showed him the same amount of care and love she did to all of her friends, maybe even more. For Fluttershy would never give up on someone like Angel, she saw the potential within him and knew how good of a bunny he could actually be. He had more than once helped Fluttershy out without her having to coax him on. Although, she would have to admit he that it wasn't very nice of him to bother her other Friends, the ones who were not animal, but ponies like herself, merely because they to wanted to spend time with her. Leaving her less time to spend together with Angel. But that was one of the things he had to learn, that not everything could be as he always pleases.

Fluttershy's days mostly consisted of her spending time at home with all the animals. Tending to them included a variety of many different tasks, such as tending to the hurt ones, helping them recover and make sure that nothing hurt and they were healing properly. Other tasks was making sure every critter was clean and taking care of their claws, teeth, fur and many other unique body parts that could with time and neglect turn into something that would bring them disease, or hurt them. Besides that, Fluttershy's duties also included making sure every critter ate correctly and to feed them if they were either unable to find food themselves or if there was not enough to be found nearby.

Now, from time to time other critters besides Angel would get out of hoof. The different reasons and scenarios differed, but all had one thing in common. Fluttershy was always able to calm them down and settle anything that had made the animals upset. One might think that this would be impossible, even for somepony with Fluttershy's talent, raging animals were no joke. And indeed, for the most difficult situations where Fluttershy found herself powerless to help, she had one final trick to make sure everything settled peacefully. This one ability to calm any animal was only known as the stare. One look into Fluttershy's stare was enough to make any animal freeze in place and reconsider what they were doing. Fluttershy had once used her stare on a cockatrice as it had been turning three fillies into stone. And her stare had spooked the cockatrice enough for it to listen to her when she demanded it returned those it turned to stone back to normal.

Now, these were Fluttershy's regular days. During irregular days things were much different. Certain days Fluttershy would find that she was either running out of food for herself, or some of her animals. Usually the food for the animals arrived to her front door, delivered by the friendly postmare by the name of Ditzy Doo. But occasionally the food she had in stock would end a bit earlier than expected, or the delivery would be late. During these days Fluttershy would have to go into town and purchase her much needed wares at the market. She would usually run into one or two of her friends, she would speak with them about what ever was on their mind and then excuse herself to continue on with her shopping.

Fluttershy wasn't against the idea of being in town, even though shy, she still enjoyed speaking with ponies she knew. However, the animals weren't as trusting of ponies as Fluttershy was of animals. And therefore Fluttershy lived on the outskirts of town, to make the animals that came to visit her more comfortable. There were also other occasions when Fluttershy would make time to visit the town known as Ponyville. One of her friends, by the name of Rarity weekly invited Fluttershy to visit the spa. It was not always Fluttershy could make it, but she would always try, seeing as how much it meant to Rarity, and the fact that she herself enjoyed spending time with a friend, simply relaxing.

Unfortunately, those were some of the best reasons as to why Fluttershy would have to visit the town. Others, were less pleasant to think about. Even with Fluttershy's care and supervision, it would happen that an animal hurt themselves far beyond Fluttershy's ability to help them. During these times, Fluttershy would rush them to the Poniville hospital at speeds that would make most Ponies take another look to confirm it was indeed Fluttershy that had passed them, and yet she would move no less carefully or gracefully since she was carefully holding the life of a critter in her care. Fluttershy didn't own much of the equipment the hospitals used, she also lacked the understanding to use much of said equipment, but the nurses and doctors always knew what they did and could most often than not help Fluttershy with her dilemma.

They had yet to disappoint Fluttershy. But even so, Fluttershy was not unfamiliar with the cold truth of deaths embrace. She had beheld it more than once, and it had been just as sad each and every time to see a life pass on. She always tried to be strong, but she would always mourn and cry for the animal that had passed away.

This was however not one of the type of visits to the town that Fluttershy feared the most. No, the ones she feared the most strangely involved time she would meet with a specific five of her friends. Them being: Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie. Together with these other five friends of her's they were known as The Element Bearers. For they were the six lucky ponies who had the honor of wielding six artifacts known as The Elements of Harmony. They were six artifacts that represented Harmony in it's six aspects, them being: Honesty, Generosity, Loyalty, Magic, Laughter and Kindness. Fluttershy herself represented Kindness.

Together, the group of six friends would together embark on adventures taking them to different parts of Equestria, where they would battle evil and restore Harmony to the Peaceful land of Equestria. This, was what Fluttershy feared. Together they had bested threat after threat: Nightmare Moon, a pony far gone off the deep end, willing to plunge all of the world in eternal darkness for her to rule with an iron hoof. The Element bearers managed to stop her, and restore her to her previous form, letting her once again take on her true role of ruler of the night, Princess Luna. She now ruled the night, alongside her elder sister, Princess Celestia, the ruler of the day. After that, they had managed to best Discord, a creature know as a Draconequus, a master over chaos, a manipulator of reality who changed everything to fit his own sense of twisted humor. After that came the invasion, a previously unknown race known as Changelings tried to take over Canterlot, the capitol of Equestria. And then there was also the tyrant known as Sombra, a former king who enslaved the Crystal Empire and ruled with fear. All of these threats had were something Flutteshy had been present to witness. And they all had given her terrible nightmares many nights afterwards.

And she was afraid, so afraid that it would never stop. But she also knew, that she had to. As one of the bearers, there were so many counting on her to stand together with her friends to protect them. Usually Fluttershy would never have been able to do such a thing, but this, it was something she had found she was able to do. This was her biggest sacrifice, even though she feared. She would do it, to prevent anyone else from feeling the same fear she felt. It was a simple idea, but it helped her to know that by taking on such a burden, she protected so many others from the very same thing she herself felt. But even with having convinced herself to keep up with her friends and keep doing what they did, she was still afraid, and it was a fear that would most likely never fade.

Now, with all this knowledge, many would be able to claim that they knew Fluttershy. They would be able to describe her, know of how she feels and call her a friend. But even so, there are things many don't know about Fluttershy. A simple example would be that she has tail extensions. Something that unfortunately to her great embarrassment was revealed for the whole town to know. But before then, wasn't even known by her closest friends.

And Fluttershy had more secrets, what Pony didn't? But there was one secret Fluttershy would never reveal to anyone, not even Angel knew of her biggest secret, and she would make sure it stayed that way. This secret was not something that could simply be forgotten, would it come out, she would be haunted by it forever, and in combination with her timid nature it would be the end of her. So her secret simply stayed unknown to everyone. But there is one part of her secret Fluttershy can not deny. For her secret could very well get out if she wasn't careful.

Her secret was not a one time thing, not an embarrassing moment she could just lock away in her memory, no. It was an reoccuring event, one she sought out herself. It was her guilty pleasure. And she had to go somewhere no one would happen to figure out what she was up to to enjoy it. The Everfree forest.

Previously, Flutteshy would have been far too scared to even consider entering the forest. But after having spent much time with her friends, trying to be brave in the face of danger, and eventually even meeting a Zebra by the name of Zecora who lived in the spooky forest, Fluttershy eventually managed to overcome her fear. As an expert on animals, Fluttershy had managed to learn from the forest by observing and learning things about the forest from Zecora. And by now, she was able to navigate the forest by herself. Avoiding each and every predator that would come in close vicinity to her. She was now the mare of the forest. The only things she could not handle were the Hydras, but she would be, if given enough time to learn more about them.

Fluttershy looked around the peaceful cottage. It was in the middle of the night, the time where most critters were sleeping, past the time of when she usually tended to the nocturnal ones, and long since they had left the cottage to properly enjoy the night as they should. Fluttershy smiled as she looked over the many smiling faces of sleeping critters that occupied her home. Tired as Fluttershy was at this time, she knew she wouldn't have a chance like this for quite some time. Even if it wasn't rare for all the animals to sleep all at the same time, letting her move around without them noticing, the real problem would be the ponies. Some ponies, like a Unicorn by the name Vinyl Scratch could often be seen enjoying the night. This night however, was different. Earlier that day, Pinkie Pie had held a grand party to celebrate the Birthday of colt by the name of Button Mash.

Fluttershy had to wonder if Pinkie might not have over done it since most of the foals had already fallen asleep before the party was even over. The parents and the rest of the adult ponies in attendance had all gotten a few laughs out of it. The party had taken a lot out of the Ponies of Ponyville and there was no doubt that all the ponies in attendance would be sound asleep by now, too worn out to enjoy their usual nightly activities. The few night ponies that had not attended the celebration were thankfully the ones who lived to far away from Fluttershy to cause her any worry about being seen.

Fluttershy herself had managed to conserve her energy for this. By resting plenty during the day, any time she could, she had made sure that she could stay awake the whole night, and then still manage to get a bit of shuteye before sunrise. She had done this before and knew she would be tired the next day, but there was no other way for her to do this if she wanted to keep it a secret.

Carefully gathering her usual equipment, Fluttershy loaded her saddlebags with all the items she could possibly require. Into her saddlebags went a few ropes, a shovel, a towel, a mane and tail brush, a small lantern with a candle inside, matchsticks for her to light it, two small hoofheld mirrors that had no handles but instead were suspended by small ball chains. Instead of putting them in however, she attached them to each side of her saddlebags. She also packed a small rattle, and a watch she had bought from Time Turner. Or as Ditzy tended to call him, Doctor. Then there was the last item.

Fluttershy looked at the kitchen knife she so often used to cut vegetables and fruits, tonight, it would once again see another use. She would much have preferred to have used the proper tool, but seeing as such a tool in her possession would draw unwanted attention and seem very out of place in her cottage, she would have to make due with a simple kitchen knife instead.

As she had carefully packed her belongings she looked around to make sure all the little animals were still asleep. Content once she had seen that they all indeed were asleep she carefully opened the door and slipped outside. In reality, Fluttershy hated to do it this way. It felt like she went behind the backs of her friends, but she knew that it was better if none of them knew, they would only question her, and she would finally collapse and confess everything. Something she simply could not allow.

Taking deep breaths, Fluttershy calmed herself from the small amount of adrenaline that found it's way into her system from sneaking around like this. Looking up, Fluttershy could see the many stars and Luna's beautiful moon in the sky. She had been afraid of the Princess for a long time after her return, but the fear had eventually stilled and she had become good friends with the Princess, she had helped her out many times during her nightmares.

Feeling safe and protected by the beautiful moonlight, that shined and revealed all that hid in the darkness, Fluttershy began her usual journey towards the Everfree. As she neared the rim of the forest, she turned away from the beaten path, following the edge of the forest. It might have been far easier to travel down the already existing path, no matter how overgrown it was. But following it also bore a huge risk. If she was to follow it, it would lead her into a part of the forest where she was likely to run into Zecora if she happened to be collecting Moon Petals again. She could not afford such an encounter. So instead she took an additional half an hour to enter the forest, leading her into another part where Zecora didn't travel.

Once she finally entered the shrubbery of the forest, she instantly became alert. She may not be as scared of the forest as she used to be, but that was no reason to get careless. If she was found by any of the forest creatures, she would have to deal with them, and for that she would have to use the few tools she had prepared in advance and taken with her. The mirrors on the side of her saddlebags were her primal defense. Two simple mirror may not have looked like much, but in the Everfree they were very effective. A Cockatrice could turn a pony into stone by looking it in the eyes. But a Cockatrice would think twice before attacking a Pony that wore mirrors. She had two of them for various reasons, one was in case she was to loose one of them, another was to cover both sides of her, clearly visible to all. Another function of the mirrors was the fact that they were shiny. They instinctively drew the gaze of any creature that would lay it's eyes on her, and by doing so the creatures would look into their own eyes.

The sight of the eyes of any of the creatures could be described as only frightening, even to themselves. This was something that would give Fluttershy valuable time. Time to quickly retrieve any of the items she had brought with her to deal with anything she would stumble upon. Or, it would give her a little bit of extra time to flee for her life. Either or, depending on what it was that found her.

Carefully Fluttershy continued her peaceful walk through the not so peaceful forest. The canopy of the trees blocking out much of the sunlight mad Fluttershy consider taking out her lantern to provide additional light, but she knew better that to do that. A lone light would only serve to attract attention, and it would also make her lose her night vision. Something that would most likely be one of the few factors between life and death.

This was perhaps one of the most dangerous things Fluttershy would ever do willingly. True, some of the dangers she faced with her friends were far worse than what can be found in the Everfree, but right now, she was alone. Each time Fluttershy entered the forest on her own in search to scratch that small mental itch that had developed since her first time. It had been an accident, but it had one she would never trade for the world. Fluttershy knew that what she was about to do, what she had been doing was wrong, but she also knew that it felt so right. She also knew why. Having studied many different creatures during her life, she had also compiled a lot about regular ponies. She knew, that many others would find pleasure like she did in this activity, but none of them would ever wish to try if she told them, that was how wrong it was. Fluttershy would most likely be shunned or run out of town if she was to be discovered. That was the main reason the kept it a secret, it was an unwritten taboo, and she enjoyed it.

And she wouldn't blame them. She would most likely had had the same reaction, in fact she would most likely had the worst reaction of all, but now? Now, once she had tried it once, she was addicted.

Fluttershy sighed. She had followed this train of thought every time she entered this forest. There wasn't really any reason to why she did this. She knew she could in fact resist the urge to pursue this hidden pleasure, known to almost no pony. But she had decided not to. It was after all natural, she had argued with herself. And pleasures were after all meant to be enjoyed.

Fluttershy suddenly stopped dead in her tracks. She felt a familiar smell fill her nose drills. It was in fact the very same smell she had been looking for. It was the smell of blood. Somewhere nearby, she would find an injured, or dead creature. This was her target, but this was also the most dangerous part of the operation.

Carefully, Fluttershy began trying to find where the smell was coming from. The fact that she could feel the winds easier than any Earth Pony or Unicorn helped her determine the location from where the smell came from. A natural reaction to the smell for a Pony would have been to puke, or at least feel very uncomfortable in their stomach. Fluttershy felt none of this. Years of tending to animals had exposed her to a fair amount of wounds and many more sights of blood. She was used to what ever she was about to see.

Stopping before a few bushes, Fluttershy carefully peeked through. Before her was a small clearing, the moonlight lighting it up enough to see the only thing in it. The dead remains of a creature, one that had fallen and become food for another. Even if Fluttershy knew this very sight could have been a possibility, she still felt her own blood almost freeze. Fluttershy could never imagine to kill anything to feed. But she knew it was necessary for carnivores to hunt to survive. It was part of their nature.

Carefully, Fluttershy took in every sight she could of the clearing. The predator could still be close by, but she wouldn't know for sure unless she went up and examined what was left of the creature in the clearing. Careful not to make any sounds what so ever, Fluttershy made her way over to the corpse. She made progress slowly, making sure she was not spotted.

As she reached the corpse she released a sigh. It was old enough for the predator to have been on it's way long before she cam here, yet still fresh enough to release the smell of blood and meat. Inspecting the creature, Fluttershy made note of the sting and bite marks. Inspecting the sting marks she noted that there had been no poison injected into the wounds, meaning it would have to have been a young adult of a Manticore. Fluttershy continued inspecting the corpse further, recognizing it to once have been some kind of big snake, nearly twice her size. what remained of it was barely half her size. This most likely meant the young Manticore had already found a mate, this having been him proving himself to the female as a capable hunter, to then share his prey with his mate.

Fluttershy nodded to herself. Happy with the conclusion. If she had been unable to understand what had happened, it wouldn't have been safe to stay. But having recognized the signs, she knew she was in no danger of the Manticores returning anytime soon. What worried Fluttershy was the snake. She had never before seen one of them in this part of the forest. The most probable conclusion would be that it had simply wandered off way to far from it's usual habitat somewhere deeper into the forest. Something the animals in the forest rarely did. And the more probable and frightening conclusion, these snakes were native to this part of the forest, and Fluttershy had yet to see any live ones. If they really were native here, it meant that Fluttershy had been very lucky not to run into any of them, but this also meant that there was another predator out in the forest that she did not know anything of, a predator she had no defense against.

Deciding it would be best to finish up quickly, Fluttershy began her preparations. Firstly, after once again making sure there were no predators nearby, Fluttershy put down her lantern and lit it. She would require light for what she was about to do. Next, Fluttershy began to take out her shovel. Burying the remains would require quite a hole, Fluttershy began immediately.

After having dug a hole of decent size, Fluttershy looked over to the remains. The hole still wasn't big enough for them. Taking out her watch, Fluttershy realized she didn't have enough time to both complete the hole and then enjoy what she came here for. Saddened by the thought she was about to resume digging but suddenly stopped. She had just come up with an idea to accomplish both tasks at once, or rather, remove the need for the hole to be any bigger.

Once again, Fluttershy looked at the remains. This time the hole seemed big enough for what she had intended. Smiling to herself, Fluttershy cleaned her shovel quickly before putting it back in her saddlebags. Instead, taking out her knife. The hole might not have been big enough to hold the entirety of the remains, but is she made it smaller, she could make it fit. The bones were the most important to bury. They would remain a long time. Fluttershy took out her kitchen knife and soon began the gruesome task of carving the flesh of from the bones, covering herself in blood in the process. After having carved off enough to fit the remains in the hole, Fluttershy quickly buried them, leaving her with only a few chunks of meat that wouldn't fit.

Once again, looking at her watch, Fluttershy confirmed that she still had time. Smiling to herself she turned towards the meat. "Now, what should be done with you?" Fluttershy asked the meat, not receiving any response. She then chuckled to herself as she she knew precisely what she would do with it.

She was going to eat it.

Angel Bunny shivered in his bed. It was one of those nights again. Fluttershy had once again left in the middle of the night, who knows where. She would return, she always did. But Angel didn't like it. It felt wrong, it didn't feel like Fluttershy was the one who returned. Only the next morning was she herself again. But Angel had long ago decided to not interfere. For whatever it was, Fluttershy really wished to keep it secret. He would respect that wish, even if he didn't like it.

Fluttershy smiled as she finished her meal. Raw meat, was such a treat. She knew her past self would hate her for this, but she really didn't care. Her past self had never experienced such taste, such bliss. But she knew how hard it would be for anypony else to understand. And that was why she kept it hidden. Now, she knew she could explain herself, she knew arguments that would support her in convincing Ponies of the fact that it actually wasn't against nature for a herbivore to eat meat. Yet, she would keep it secret.

She was scared. She was scared what would become of Ponies if all of them found a liking for such food. She was afraid that if something like that happened, there wouldn't be enough to go around, that she, would not be able to eat anymore herself. No, it was for the best to leave it all as it was.

Fluttershy now only had a small amount of time until she should be home if she wished to be there before sunrise and have time to catch some sleep. But before that, she really would have to clean herself.

Fluttershy set course for the river that cut through the Everfree. It was the same river she and her friends crossed the first time they all went into the Everfree, if she simply followed it upstream, she would be guaranteed to meet Steven Magnet, the sea serpent that had helped them across.

Arriving at the river, Fluttershy took off her saddlebags ans took out the dirty tools to clean them. After she was done, she began cleaning herself in the cold water. Blood was a hard thing to get rid off once it stained your coat, especially once it had dried. Fortunately Fluttershy knew how to work her coat to get rid of it, many visits to the spa and having observed how the spa ponies did to easily clean a pony's coat made it possible to get herself clean in a very short time. Once the dirt and blood had long left her coat, mane and tail, Fluttershy came to the next part, getting rid of the smell. Blood, no matter how little was easily picked up by other animals, the same went for the smell of a carnivore. Currently Fluttershy smelled of both. It was in fact those two very smells that kept her safe on her way to the river. A sated carnivore, was usually in top shape, and attacking one was simply foolish. And that was how every creature would see her, until she got rid of the smell.

Fortunately she had a solution for that as well. Not far from the river grew a peculiar mushroom, a mushroom with the ability to absorb scent. By scrubbing herself with a few of these mushrooms she quickly got rid of the smell and washed herself again for good measure. Drying herself with the towel she had brought with her she was soon clean and free of any weird smells. She had of course gotten rid of the towels smell as well, making sure she didn't coat herself in her own smell before returning back home.

After having dried herself completely, she took out the one hair brush and began to comb her own mane and tail, returning them to her usual mane and tail styles. She was now perfectly herself again.

The trip home would hopefully be easy. It helped her that she could no longer be tracked or identified by smell. Many creatures would simply stay away from her because of her being unnatural. Fluttershy would gladly have used these mushrooms before going into the Everfree to keep herself from danger, but there were two things that prevented her from doing so. One, the mushrooms would only live for a short while after being uprooted, loosing their unique power after withering. Two, the next smell to make a strong enough imprint on her would stay, no matter what for a few days.

This could of course be troublesome for Fluttershy, but Fluttershy knew that as long as she stayed out of any mud spots, or touching any of the trees, the first smell to imprint itself on her would be the one from her bed, her smell.

And so, Fluttershy's worries were disappearing one by one.

Angel froze as he heard the door to the cottage open. The same dread as always filled him, even though he knew it was Fluttershy from the way she stopped, closed the door and waited. After a while, just a few minute past 2 in the morning, a curtain of rain took over the skies. Angel could hear the raindrops smattering against the roof of the cottage, he could also hear the sigh of relief that left Fluttershy. This was what scared him. Fluttershy's secret didn't harm him in any way, but it was wrong, it was so very wrong. For he could not, ever, when she came back, smell her. it was unnatural. Every being, dead or alive had their own smell. Right now, Fluttershy had none. A smell could tell you so much about an individual, but a being without a smell, was like it didn't exist. Whatever Fluttershy did, she didn't return as Fluttershy, no. She didn't return at all. The only thing to come back home was a ghost. It was the only explanation Angel could come up with.

Fluttershy was dead. Yet, she somehow came back, unaware of her own departure from the world. Angel wouldn't ask her, because he feared that if he did, Fluttershy would not return the next time. instead, plagued by his own assumptions and fantasies, he would lay sleepless through those nights, and listened. Listened desperately for Fluttershy's ghost to come back, so that he could the next day, wake up with her once again alive.

Fluttershy carefully opened the door. All the animals still seemed to be sleeping. Carefully closing the door behind her she took out the watch and looked at it. And right on schedule, the rain began. Fluttershy sighed with relief, the rain would take care of any lingering smells from her entering the forest, it would also destroy any hoofprints she may have left behind. The ones in the Everfree were bound to disappear on their own, so she would not have to worry if the rain reached there or not.

Carefully, Fluttershy unpacked her things and placed them back where they belonged. Making sure not to disturb any of the animals. After having made sure everything was right, she retreated back up to her own room. As she entered, she immediately darted for the bed. As soon as she laid down, she felt the smell of her bed, her own smell increase as it seeped into her coat, mane and tail. She now, once again smiled like herself.

Now, her hunger sated, all the evidence gone, her secret was safe for another day.

Prologue End.