My Little Twilight

by unleashedtwilight

A Miracle

It seems like it was only yesterday when I was reading the fanfic My Little Dashie. It actually made me so jealous and wish that I had a little pony of my own… but God knows that would never happen. If I had my own little pony, I would be the happiest person on Earth… the only thing I would want to be different is that no one would take my pony away from me, and that we could be happy forever… heh… look at me rambling on about this… when I know it’s only a dream that will probably never happen…

I am a 17 year old boy. I am a junior in high school… All the kids at my school are just jerks… and when I tell the teachers, they don’t do shit. Whenever I have free time at home, I’m either talking to my friend or watching My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic on the HUB… well The HUB or on the Internet… whichever is easier for me to see the episode I want. My favorite episode so far was the season 2 finale: “A Canterlot Wedding” where Twilight Sparkle’s Brother; Shining Armor gets married to Twilight’s old foal sitter, Cadence. I wasn’t always a fan of MLP. I started watching it because my friend pretty much forced me to watch the first episode and I was shocked to say that I really liked it. I started reading other fanfictions that I loved to read… and some… scared the living shit out of me (cupcakes). But reading these fanfics and watching the shows only made me wish that the ponies were real even more… I go on the online game; Second Life and I do MLP role plays with my friend. It’s fun because you can actually have your character look like the avatar. I usually had my avatar as Pinkie Pie or Applejack… but my favorite pony to role play as was Twilight Sparkle. No matter what, Twilight will always be number one in my book.

One day, while I was playing Second Life with my friend, it started to pour rain all of a sudden. I realized that I left my car window open, so I told my friend that I needed to go outside and close it. After I closed the window, I noticed a slight glow coming from my father’s shed. At first I thought it was nothing so I continued walking. But then the glow got even brighter… Curiosity got the best of me… I went to my fathers shed to inspect the glowing light. I noticed that it’s coming from inside. I opened the door to the shed… and when I saw what was there… I couldn’t believe my eyes… Sitting right there… a little Filly Twilight Sparkle with her horn glowing sort of dimly, most likely to the fact she didn’t know the full potential of her power. She saw me and looked totally confused. “T-Twilight?” I said nervously. She looked up at me as soon as I said her name. She looked like she was at least 2 years old… but… why was she here… in my father’s shed of all places (It’s a good thing my dad didn’t find her before I did. He wouldn’t have known what the hell it was considering how much he hates cartoons). I try to pick her up, but she was hesitant, as to be expected… this is the first time she has ever seen a human… or anyone for that matter. Heck this is the first time I’ve ever seen a cartoon like pony! “Don’t worry… I only want to help you.” I said. After hearing this, she understood and felt a little more comfortable with me picking her up. She fell asleep in my arms and I brought her inside, taking her out of the rain.

I snuck into my room with Filly Twilight so that none of my parents would see her. What do you think they would do if they saw a purple Unicorn? I was afraid to find out. When I was safely in my room, door locked, I noticed Twilight awake again. I put her down so she could take in the surroundings. She walked around, climbed on my bed and all I could do was just smile and watch her. I still couldn’t believe it… there she is… a Filly Twilight Sparkle in my home… I don’t know how she got here… but I didn’t care. I knew that I would have a responsibility to take care of her… Twilight… my daughter…

Soon Twilight found my computer and the next thought that came to mind was: “Shit! My friend is still waiting for me on SL!” Fortunately for me, Twilight was getting tired so she took a nap on my bed… It was the cutest thing I had ever seen in my entire life. I went back on SL with my friend kind of pissed that I made him wait that long… I had to think of a way to explain to him… would he even believe me if I told him the truth? Of course he wouldn’t! I’m talking about a pony from a T.V. show that we both watch, and even though we both like the show, there’s no way he would believe me if I just told him… But then I had an Idea… I could SHOW him Twilight on Skype with my web cam! But for now I just told him that my dad needed me to help him with some work in the garage. When it was time to go to bed, I said good bye to my friend, then shut the computer off. For the first time in my life… I had a REAL pony to sleep next to… a pony that I will always love and care for… like she was my own daughter… What am I saying? She IS my daughter now… My Little Twilight…