Darkrim And The Elements Of Harmony

by Lunaexcelsior

The Meeting

While Twilight was preparing the girls for the meeting, Darkrim was freaking out about the meeting. He was going through a hundred and one thoughts a second in his room. Luna had a feeling that he might be stressed out, so she knocked on Darkrim’s chamber door.

“Oh Luna, I’m so happy you are here,” Darkrim said as he pulled the night regal into his room “What do you think? Should I go with the cape or without?”

“With cape,” Luna replied calmly.

“What if they think I am just a bit too stuck up? I should go capeless,” Darkrim thought out loud “but if I go without a cape they might think I am being too causal with the princess and they’ll certainly hate me!” Darkrim panicked.

“I purely doubt the likeliness of that scenario, dear prince,” Luna said “And I am assuming that this nervousness isn’t just about the cape, now is it?”

“It’s that transparent, huh?” Darkrim said as he blushed.

“Just a little bit,” Luna smiled.

“I’m just so nervous about this,” Darkrim sighed “Ever since I got banished from Tartarus, I only had real interactions with a hoof full of ponies. Heck even back in Tartarus I only had like three real friends, one of which is now my worst enemy,” Darkrim sighed “What if something like that happens again?”

Luna thought about his reasoning for a bit and then embraced the banished prince with her wing.

“Trust me, Darkrim, everything is going to be fine,” she said kindly “The Elements of Harmony are some of the most endearing ponies I ever had the honor of meeting. I am sure you would get along just fine.”

“What if they betray me? Like Radifus,” Darkrim said, with a glint of fury in his eyes.

“You have nothing to worry about.” Luna smiled “These six ponies would never do such a thing to you.”

“Are you sure?” Darkrim asked.

“Positively,” Luna said “Now we better get you dressed. The Elements will arrive soon and you don’t won’t to be underdressed for the occasion, do you?” Luna winked and left Darkrim to get ready.

Darkrim breathed in deeply and put on his cape.

He watched himself in the mirror as he placed on his pendant. Sweat beads were pouring out of his forehead, but Darkrim paid little mind to them. His heart was overwhelmed with a mixture of joy, fear, and excitement.

“It’s show time!” Darkrim said to himself as he straightened his cape. Before he left, he heard a knock on his door.

“Mind if I come in?” a violet mare spoke, barely peeking through the doorway.

“Not at all,” Darkrim responded “What can I do for you?”

“I just wanted to say goodbye to ya,” Amethyst said, extending her hoof “We’re going to miss you. Sure, you were a bit of a pain at times, but overall, you’re a good kid. I hope Twilight can help you!”

“Thank you, Amethyst,” Darkrim said with a smile as he shook her hoof “That was very kind of you to say.”

“Aw, don’t worry about it!” Amethysts waved her hoof “Now, come on. Celestia wanted to see you, before the Elements arrive! We don’t want to keep her waiting.”

“Of course!” Darkrim replied and followed Amethyst, as they left for the main entrance hall.

Celestia and Luna were already waiting them in front of a giant red carpet. Since this was a special occasion, both Luna and Celestia were wearing their finest dresses. Celestia wore her red gala dress, while Luna wore her purple night dress.

Darkrim stepped in front of them and greeted the two royals.

“My Princesses,” he said “Thank you once more for giving me this opportunity.”

“It’s nothing, dear Prince,” Celestia said with a smile as she returned his greeting “Now let me show you to the meeting room. Will you be joining us, Amethyst?” Celestia turned her attention towards the violet mare.

“Thank you, dear princess, but no,” Amethyst said “I have to get the guards ready for the merger, so I have my hooves quite full!” Amethyst said awkwardly.

“I understand,” Celestia nodded “Well, we will see you tomorrow then. Good night!”

“Good night to you too, Princess,” Amethyst responded and rushed off to her duties.

As Amethyst left, Darkrim followed Celestia and Luna to the reception room. Darkrim could see that Celestia really went all out on this preparation.

There were tables filled with various food items, ranging from fruits to fritters and other delicacies. Just looking at these delicious creations,

Darkrim could feel his stomach rumbling, but he had to restrain himself.

In the background he could hear the divine sound of an expert cellist playing her wonderful notes as she was backed up by a white mare blasting her electronic beats. The odd mixture of elegant classic notes and the electrifying beats really eased Darkrim’s heart. The two experts were playing off wonderfully.

“I thought you might like it,” Luna whispered and winked at Darkrim.

Darkrim just smirked back at her.

He breathed in deeply, letting the atmosphere sink in, as he prepared his heart for the arrival of the Elements.

Back at the train station, the Elements of Harmony were slowly making their way towards the castle. Twilight was quite visibly nervous to meet this prince, so she took extra precautions to prepare herself for this encounter. She even brought her ‘Guide to Tartarus’ in order to catch up on Tartarian tradition.

“You doin’ alright, sugarcube?” Applejack asked Twilight.

“Yeah, Twi,” Rainbow interjected “You’ve been staring at that book ever since we left from Ponyville. “

“I’m sorry, girls,” Twilight began “But I want to be prepared to meet this prince. I don’t want to insult him or make a bad impression.”

“Well, I wouldn’t worry about it too much, darling,” Rarity comforted her “You know more about Tartarus than any of us. I’m sure it will be fine.”

“You really think so?” Twilight asked.

“We know so,” Rarity replied as the rest nodded their heads in agreement. Suddenly, their train pulled to a stop. Pinkie Pie suddenly jumped into their cart.

“We’re here!” she yelled as she quickly bounced out of the train. The rest soon followed. Once departed from the train, a chariot with two Royal Guards awaited them.

One of the Royal Guards trotted towards them.

“Greetings esteemed heroes,” he spoke boomingly “By the order of the Princesses we are here to escort you to the castle.”

“My, what a wonderful reception!” Rarity clicked as she entered the luscious golden chariot “They really want this reception to go well!”

“Boy, I’ll say!” Applejack commented as they entered.

Once all six ponies were settled in, the two Royal Guards began to pull the vehicle up to the Canterlot castle.

As they crossed the mountain Twilight looked nervously out of the window. Fluttershy noticed it and inched closer to her friend.

“I don’t know if it will help or not,” she began sheepishly “but I am feeling very nervous as well.”

“I just want this to go over very well, Fluttershy,” Twilight sighed “This prince obviously means a lot to both Celestia and Luna and I don’t want to disappoint them.”

Fluttershy placed her hoof on Twilight’s should and smiled kindly at her.

“You haven’t failed them, so far.” She comforted the lavender unicorn “And I know this will not be your first time. Trust me, you’ll do great!”

Twilight returned the yellow pegasus’ smile.

“Thank you, Fluttershy,” she said.

“What are friends for?” Fluttershy blushed a bit as they arrived at the castle. The chariot pulled to a stop.

“The Princesses will see you shortly,” the guards told them as they entered the castle.

Pinkie Pie could barely hold her excitement as the guards went to get the rulers of the sun and moon, and their esteemed guest.

“Princesses, they are here!” one of the guards announced.

“Thank you, Silver Sword,” Celestia nodded.

“It’s show time, dear prince,” Luna said. Darkrim took in a deep breath as they exited the reception room.

Princess Celestia exited first while Luna soon followed. Darkrim stood behind zhe night regal, since he was still a bit nervous to meet the Elements.

As Celestia came into view, Twilight’s eyes lit up.

“Princess Celestia!” Twilight clicked at the vision of her mentor “We got as soon as we could!”

“Yeah!” Pinkie responded “Where is this new pony you wrote about?!”

Applejack pulled Pinkie by the tail.

“Pinkie, please behave,” Rarity scolded her as Celestia chuckled at Pinkie’s antics.

“He’s right here,” Luna said as she rejoined her sister. She nudged Darkrim with one of her wings as he trotted next to the night regal.
Everypony was quiet for a second. Their silence was broken by Pinkie Pie’s squeals.

“I KNEW IT!!!” Pinkie yelled as she rushed over to Darkrim, inspecting his flames “I told you guys! “

Darkrim looked at the pink pony with quite the amusement.

“Would you mind if I touch it?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“Not at all,” Darkrim said, barely holding in his laughter. Pinkie Pie placed her hoof through his fire mane.

“Amazing!” she said “It doesn’t burn you guys! Check this out!” she yelled as she pulled her hoof through Darkrim’s tail.

Twilight looked at Pinkie with a scolding gaze.

As soon as Pinkie saw her eye burning a hole in her mane, she retracted back to the group.

Darkrim chuckled a bit.

Pinkie’s shenanigans were just the thing he needed to loosen up.

“I am so sorry for my friend,” Twilight apologized “she just gets quite excited around new ponies.”

“That’s alright, Ms.” Darkrim said confusedly, remembering that they had not been properly introduced.

“Oh, where are my manners?” Twilight blushed “My name is Twilight Sparkle and the pink pony that just played with your mane is Pinkie Pie,” she said and pointed to her puffy maned friend.

Pinkie happily waved at Darkrim.

“I am pleased to meet you both,” Darkrim responded with a smile “I heard many great stories about you. It’s quite an honor, actually.”

Twilight blushed a bit.

“And what’s your name?” Pinkie Pie interjected.

“Just call me, Darkrim,” he introduced himself to the group with a bow.

“What a strange name…” Rainbow Dash said.

“Well it’s a rather common name in Tartarus,” Darkrim said “And who might you be?” he asked the cyan mare.

“The name is Rainbow Dash,” Rainbow introduced herself with a sturdy hoofshake “I am the fastest flier in all of Ponyville. Possibly all of Equestria,” she bragged.

“And the cockiest one to boot,” Applejack interjected. Darkrim chuckled at the comment.

“Oh, pardon mah manners,” Applejack said, lowering her hat “Ah forgot to introduce mahself. The name’s Applejack. Put ‘er there,” she said and extended her hoof.

“Pleased to make your acquaintance,” Darkrim said as he accepted applejack’s firm hoof “That’s quite a strong grasp you have. Let me guess: a hard working pony?” he asked.

"You betcha!" Applejack smiled at his response.

As he shook hooves with Applejack he noticed a white unicorn, staring intensely at his cape. He looked at his cape and then back to the unicorn.

“I knew I should’ve gone capeless,” Darkrim thought to himself.

Rarity noticed Darkrim’s discomfort.

“I am terribly sorry, darling,” she said “but I can’t shake the feeling that I had seen that cape somewhere. May I feel it?”

“Sure,” Darkrim replied, as everypony else glared at Rarity.

As Rarity felt the fabric, she easily recognized her hoofstiching. She gasped at the realization.

“What’s wrong?” Darkrim quickly panicked.

“This cape… I made this cape!” she exclaimed ecstatically. Darkrim shot a glare at Luna. She pretended not to catch his gaze by looking around the room.

“You made it?” Darkrim asked confusedly.

“Yes,” Rarity said “I remember Luna’s order to a tee. Frankly, I thought it was a bit bizarre, but when a princess calls I had to answer. I just don’t know why she kept you as a secret from us?”

Everypony’s eyes were now staring at Luna.

“I just thought it would be inappropriate at the time, considering his background and the delicacy of his situation,” Luna responded.

“Fair enough,” Darkrim said and returned to Rarity “but you still have not told me your name.”

“Oh, I am Rarity,” the white unicorn politely bowed to Darkrim. He returned her bow.

As he looked around, Darkrim noticed that there were only five ponies standing in front of him.

“Umm, forgive me for asking,” he said “but weren’t there six of you when you entered?”

“That’s right,” Rarity replied “Where is Fluttershy?”

Everypony searched around the room for her, when, all of a sudden, Pinkie Pie emerged from behind a statue.

“Here she is!” Pinkie said as she pushed the yellow pegasus over to Darkrim. Fluttershy looked at Darkrim, meekly. He smiled at the shy pegasus and offered her his hoof.

“It’s nice to meet you.” He said as the yellow mare accepted his hoof “Fluttershy was it?” he asked.

“Y-yes,” Fluttershy whispered and smiled sheepishly at Darkrim.

“Well, I am glad we are all properly introduced,” Celestia said with a pleased smile “Now if you will follow me to the reception room. I hope you’ll find the music and the refreshments quite to- -“before she could even finish that sentence, Celestia saw a pink blur rush past her and rush to the reception room.

The rest followed her slowly to the reception room.

By the time they arrived, Pinkie Pie was already dancing her flank off.

“Come on, you guys!” she yelled as she practiced some of her moves “The dance floor feels just fine!”

Rainbow Dash joined Pinkie Pie almost immediately, while Rarity and Applejack weren’t that far behind. Fluttershy took some time, but eventually she joined the rest of her friends.

“Shall we go too?” Darkrim turned to Twilight.

“Sure!” she replied as they both jumped in and began to party with the rest of the Elements.

Darkrim felt such joy as he showed off his moves to the rest of his new found friends. Even though he wasn’t the best dancer of all time, after all, nothing could beat Pinkie Pie's head spinning, he was still having fun, shaking and bumping rumps with these mares.

“Should we join them too, sister?” Luna turned to Celestia.

“Well we’re not going to just stand here and let them have all of the fun,” Celestia winked.

“Let’s show them how it is done!” Luna smiled as they joined the merry group on the dance floor.

Twilight and Darkrim couldn’t help but laugh as they saw the two rulers of Equestria, waving their mane and dancing like it was the last night of their lives.

At one point, Luna even took Darkrim by his hooves and twirled him around.

Even though he got a bit dizzy, Darkrim still felt happy. This party was truly what he needed to get his mind of the latest events.

In this moment all that he had suffered before didn’t matter. Radifus and his shadow army were long gone in Darkrim’s mind. The tears of his banishment were now replaced by laughter as he danced the night away with his guardian and his newly found friends. If only this could last forever.

However, as they danced the night away, an evil began to lurk around the Everfree forest.