The Twilight to a New Dawn

by Zeroxdoom

Pass, Fail, or Die Trying: The Chase Begins!

Zero laid quietly on his bed. His room would have been engulfed in darkness if it wasn’t for the beautiful moon light shining through his window. On normal circumstances he would admire the beautiful lighting as he’d listen to some peaceful piano music like Dearly Beloved or something with more emotion like Tsuioku Merry-Go-Round, but tonight he was more fixate on something far more important than something as trivial as moonlighting.

He was waiting for something….or to be more precise, an answer.

Waiting for it was the hardest part, the anxiety of the worst case scenario kept building up in side of him, making his heart beat faster the more he thought about it. But to any other person, the worst case scenario doesn’t seem like a big deal to them; they could easily shrug it off and get on with their lives. If Zero explained it to someone else…except maybe Pinkie Pie, they would ask ‘Why does it matter to you so much’ or ‘how does it benefit you in any sort of way’ or more commonly ‘why do you even care’.

In all honesty, beside maybe satisfaction. It doesn’t benefit him at all, it’s something he couldn’t just leave alone, not for anyone. If Zero just walked away from it, not only would it make his stomach turn, but he’d never forgive himself.

So if anyone asked his response would be ‘it just…hurts too much…’

“What’s taking so long?” Zero said to himself as he looked towards his phone, waiting for it to make a notification sound. He hardly even knows her, but Zero knew she wouldn’t take this long to reply, especially when it’s this late at night. Now that he thought about it, she probably went to bed and thought it would be best if she gave an answer in the morning, or the next time they saw each other face to face. Yeah that was probably i-

“NOT SO FAST!” Shouted his phone, Zero’s eyes widen as he recognized the shout as his notification sound and grabbed it without hesitation. His heart raced as he slowly pressed the power button and watched it light up. Once he unlocked it, He gulped as he checked to see who texted him.

….it was Swift.

Swift: Hey man I forgot to ask, did Dr. Hooves give us any homework this weekend?

Zero narrowed his eyes as he made a response.

Zero: I don’t know or care. Don’t take this the wrong way dude, but could you not text me when it’s almost eleven at night please?

Just as Zero put his phone down, his phone when off again and he checked the message.

Swift: Sorry, I just wanted to make sure, I’ll just ask Rivet.

Zero: It’s alright, no hard feelings. TTYL.

Zero rested his phone once again back on his side table. It wasn’t the message he’d been waiting for, but the short conversation between Swift and him did calm his nerves for a little bit. But it didn’t take long for his anxiety to build back up again.

Zero went back to his old thought process and concluded that she would probably message him in the morning. Either way, he’s been waiting for an hour now and he starting to getting tired. Zero slept for about thirty minutes before his Phone made the notification sound again, Zero grunted as he struggled to pick it up. At the moment he slept long enough to forget what drove him up the wall in the first place. But once he looked at whom texted him, he instantly shot up from his bed and his heart skipped a beat.

…it was her.

Two days ago

It was calm and peaceful afternoon at Canterlot High and everyone was enjoying lunch in the cafeteria while sitting with their friends, talking till their hearts content.

It had been almost a month since Zero’s arrival at the school and he had to admit, the school was pretty heartwarming. The majority of the students were nice and polite, the classes were dull but usually one or two of his friends were in each of his classes, so he at least had someone to talk to. And surprising, the food didn’t suck.

As for Solar Wind, she was enjoying herself as much as her brother. With Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, along with their newest member and Rivet’s younger sister, First Light, they always try new things and occasionally get into trouble. But as long as they had each other they didn’t care and could always bounce back up from whatever punishment came there way.

Meanwhile at the Sunset’s table, things haven’t been going so well, as a small feeling of depression surrounded the table.

The girls have made several attempts to approach Twilight and invite her into their circle of friends, but she turned down at every turn. Even Pinkie tried to throw her a ‘Please be our friend’ party but Twilight still refused. They would have stopped asking the first time but Twilight seemed so...indecisive. As if she wants to say yes but something’s holding her back.

“You think there’s something wrong with Twilight,” Sunset Questioned. “She doesn’t really talk to anyone and has been so reserved.”

“Maybe she just wants to be left alone,” said Rainbow. “I’d hate to say it, but I don’t think she wants friends to begin with.”

“I hope we didn’t pressure her too much,” worried Fluttershy. “Maybe, inviting her to a party was a bit much don’t you think.”

“I doubt it darling,” Rarity noted. “I think we just need to give her some personal space and let her open up on her own, after all she isn’t like the other Twilight who’s the Princess of Friendship. They’re two different people after all”

“Weeeeeeell,” Pinkie objected. “It’s possible that Twilight came through the portal without us knowing, and is pretending to be the Twilight of this world and is lying to us. And that was the case, then why would she do that, it’s seems like a really mean thing to do so-“

Applejack covered Pinkie’s mouth as she continued to talk and gave a half-lid look. “Now that Pinkie brought that up and contradicted her theory, lets change the subject. Have any of y’all notice somethin’ off today?”

The girls gave a confused look before Sunset came to the realization. “Now that I think about it, Principal Celestia didn’t make any announcements on the PA system. She didn’t even do the pledge this morning.”

“That’s pretty rare,” Fluttershy noted. “It’s usually happens when she’s out sick but I saw hear earlier and she looked fine.”

“Not only that,” Rarity chimed in. “But vice Principal Luna didn’t say anything either, it seem rather odd don’t you think?”

“Who cares,” Rainbow shrugged off. “Maybe, their throats hurt or something. It’d probably be fine by tomorrow.”

“I’m not so sure about that Rainbow, I think I smell a rat around here.” Applejack worried, only for Pinkie to move her hand from her mouth and make a loud gasp.

“And that is my theory on where the Sunset Shimmer of this world could be,” Pinkie smiled. The girls tilted their head in both confusion and curiosity.

“…..I’m sorry what?” puzzled Sunset.

Meanwhile at the guys table, Zero was explaining to them the new video game that came out recently called Omega Anime Warriors: Galaxy Edition that he wants them to try out.

“It’s so awesome, we can play as all the coolest anime characters and have an epic free for all!” Zero exclaimed. “We can knock each other through buildings and mountains, create our own characters, and if we want, we can fight in space and throughout the universe! What do you say guys, this weekend at my place, we’ll hangout and give it a shot.”

“Sure, sounds like a lot of fun.” Swift agreed.

“Alright, I’m up for it,” Soul chimed in.

“I got nothing planned, I’m in,” Night confirmed.

“Eh, I dunno Zero. I’m not all that into video games, or anime for that matter,” Clyde admitted.

“Yeah, me either.” Rivet agreed. “I’m gonna have to say no.”

Zero huffed at the two, “Ok, how about around sunset we go out and play basketball then. Then at night we could…watch a comedy show or something.”

Clyde and Rivet pondered for a minute before looking at each other and nodded.

“Count us in,” Rivet approved.

“Nice,” Zero did a fist pump. “I can wait to mop the floor with you guys in both games”

“I’m not sure Zero, I’m pretty good as guard in basketball. You probably won’t even score if I’m not on your team,” Clyde added.

“If that’s the case, then I want you on the opposite team so I can prove you wrong.” Zero announced as he accepted Clyde’s unintentional challenge.

Clyde sighed, “I didn’t mean that as a challenge but alright.”

“Guys, this probably isn’t important but has anybody notice Principal Celestia or Vice Principal Luna hasn’t said anything on the P.A system today?” Night noted.

“Now that you mention it…yeah, she hasn’t even called Zero down the office,” Swift realized.

Zero raised an eyebrow, “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Well, for the past couple of weeks you’ve been getting into a lot of trouble,”

“Name one time.”

One week ago

Zero and Soul were in Dr. Hooves chemistry class working on a class assignment together. They had various test tubes in front of with liquids of different colors while wearing labs coats and safety goggles.

“Now class,” Dr. Hooves began. “What you want to do is mixed the potassium chloride with the water to intensify it.”

Zero was about to grab the potassium when something else caught his eye and picked it up a container filled with what seems to be metal bricks, “What’s this doc?”

“That’s sodium, I wouldn’t recommend pouring too much of it into the water,” He explained. “On second thought, I don’t recommended it at all.”

Zero looked at Soul for a moment before slowly picking up the container of sodium and was getting ready to pour it in until Soul grabbed his hand.

“Zero, he said not to mix it with the water,” Soul recalled.

“Correction, he said he doesn’t recommended it. He didn’t exactly say don’t do it,” Zero explained. “Besides, science is about discovery and curiosity. What’s the worst that can happen?”

One minute later

Zero and Soul were standing outside of the burning classroom with burn marks on their lab coats while their classmates and teacher stared at them with anger as the distant sound of the fire alarm can be heard.

“Hey, you could have told us mixing a lot of Sodium with water makes it explode,” Zero demurred, making Soul facepalm himself.

“….At least we didn’t get any homework,” Zero said with a sheepish smile.

“You burned off Bon Bon’s eyebrows and Lyra nearly killed you for it.” said Soul.

“I said I was sorry!” Zero defended.

“Plus this isn’t the first time you tried something crazy,” Night began. “Remember when you tried barrel surfing in the hallways and crashed into the guidance consular.”

Zero crossed his arms. “Rainbow thought it was cool…”

“Or the time in history class when you threw fire crackers at Blueblood,” Clyde added.

“That was justified; I heard he was going to hit on Rarity,”

“I never said that was bad thing, I’m just saying you got in trouble for it.”

“Thank you, but now we’re getting off topic. Who cares if we didn’t do the pledge or whatever, I could come up with a better one instead of that century old snore fest.” Zero moved his food aside and put his foot on the table and put his fist where his heart is.

“I pledge to be strong. Stronger than the person I was yesterday, and stronger than the person I was the minute before. To keep moving forward and farther than those who would’ve quit. To achieve my goals and surpass the expectations to those who doubted me and those who believe in me. I swear upon my heart, mind, body, and soul that even when things are absolutely impossible or when everyone says it’s pointless. I WILL NEVER GIVE UP!”

The boys stared at Zero with wide eye expressions, unsure on how to respond to the speech.

“Not gonna lie…that was pretty inspiring man,” Rivet said.

“Yeah, I won’t mind changing the pledge to that,” Swift agreed. “It almost gives me the confidence I need to ask out Pinkie….almost.”

Zero sat back down and smiled, “Thanks, I came up with it on the spot. I think it’s pretty useful for people like Fluttershy who have low self-esteem. Speaking Fluttershy, thanks for covering for me at the animal shelter, Night.”

“You owe me one; I had to chase that little devil of a rabbit.” Night hissed. “Plus it slapped me in the face, TWICE!”

“What Rabbit?”


“But you just said it was a devil.”

“It is a devil”

“So why’d you call it an angel. Last time I checked, angels don’t exactly slap people.”

Night sighed. “You know what, I don’t care, call it what you like.”

Zero chuckled at his respond as he knew what he meant but decided to mess with him.

“Anyways, It’s a cool speech and all but I wasn’t talking about announcements or pledges,” Night pointed out. “I’m saying I’m a little worried about the principals.”

Zero raised his eyebrow. “It’s only been a couple of hours, don’t get so worked up. If I didn’t know any better I’d say you-“

“Don’t you say another word!” Night shouted while shooting up from his chair and giving Zero a deadly glare.

“What? That you’re a teacher’s pet or something?”

“Oh…well no I’m just-“

“He thinks Principal Celestia’s Hot.” Said a blue girl with silver and blue hair as she walked passed the boys with her food.


The guys began chuckling at Night’s reaction as he was blushing immensely and was ready to chase her down we suddenly they heard the P.A system turn on, grabbing everyone in the lunch room’s attention.

“Good afternoon students,” said a man’s voice on the P.A. “This is your Super attendant Discord here with some urgent news, so I suggest you hush up and listen. I feel as though the students now a days don’t take School as serious as they should.”

All the guys gave Zero a half lid look.

“Hey, don’t look at me like that.”

“The Students at Crystal Prep have very high grades in nearly everything while Canterlot High is falling behind. Not that I care for the rivalry between the two, but I don’t want other schools across the country to look down on us. I want to leave a good impression on the Students and Teachers of the next generation.”

“We get it dawg, you think we’re stupid! What do you want us to do?”

“Patience, I was getting to that,” said Discord. “I’m only going to say this once; when lunch is over I want every student to go to their first period class. If you have gym first period then go to the weight lifting room. Once your there, your teacher is going to pass out a test. This test consists of questions of all kind, from algebra, to history, to science, and so on. So I hope you’ve been studying hard.” He giggled, making some of the students uneasy.

“But now let me get to the good part,” Discord started. “If you fail this test by even a decimal point. Not only do you fail. But this test will bring you grade down to an automatic zero and you’ll be held back! In addition to that, you won’t be allowed to attend any of the school events or participate in any of the school activities such as basketball, track, or school clubs for the ENTIRE YEAR!”

“You can’t do that!”

“That’s totally unfair!”

“How could you do this to us!?”

“What if we all fail?!”

“What am I going to tell my parents!?”

“Does anyone know what time it is!?”

All of the students’ faces were in uproar at the announcement; Not only were they devastated and angry, but they were completely unsure of how hard the questions will be on the test, or how many were there for that matter.

“Now Now, I’m sure you all think I’m the worst human being alive at the moment.” Discord laughed.

“Go fuck yourself!” shouted one of the students.

“And I know some of you are a little cranky at the moment and need to watch their mouths, but I gave it some thought and decided on something. Out of the kindest of my heart, while everyone was busy eating lunch, I may have dropped a book of mine in the middle of a hallway somewhere in the school. That said book contains all the answers to the test, whoever possess the book by the time you’re all supposed to be in homeroom, they get to use it for the test. You can start retrieving it once the bell rings.”

Everyone began chatting with each other for a moment to come up with a strategy. If they cooperate, then they could help each other pass.

“You guys thinking what I’m thinking?” Soul asked.

“Yeah, let’s work together and get the book!” Clyde declared. “We should try to help Rarity and the girls out too. Then we can all pass”

“Let’s not forget our Sisters too,” Swift chimed in. “The crusaders could use some help.”

“Yeah, let’s help whoever we can,” Zero added. As each of the guys came to an agreement, the P.A system came on again and Superintendent Discord spoke once again.

“I want to remind everyone that only ONE person can use the book, no cooperation what so ever, that 'all for one and one for all' nonsense doesn’t fly with me. I have cameras in the hallway watching your every move. If anyone works together at all, either students or the entire group will automatically FAIL! Now remember to have fun everyone. I’ll be sure to play one of my favorite tunes while the hunt begins.” Discord chuckled, “Oh! And you have thirty seconds till the bell rings.”

As Discord’s final rule came into place, the cooperation and alliances of the students fell apart as they were forced to go against each other. The students’ face changed from looks of companionship to worry and determination. Zero and the others looked back at each other with mixed expressions.

“Looks like teamwork’s out of the question,” Said Zero.

“Yeah,” Clyde agreed. “Whatever happens with in the ten minutes of the chase, no hard feelings ok?”

“Right, may the best man win.” Said Rivet.

Nodding in agreement, the guys prepared themselves for the insanity that was to come. Students were already waiting by the door anxiously waiting for the bell to ring and the hunt to begin, while others remained seated so that they wouldn’t run the risk of getting trampled on. Everyone’s eyes gazed at the clock above the door as they waited for the minute hand to hit the ten within the next twelve seconds.

Suddenly some classic music started playing from the P.A system catching Swift’s attention. “Oh hey, is that Can Can by Offen-“


“CHARGE!!!!” shouted some of the students as they began running down the hallway at full speed, Trampling over Swift who laid on the floor with shoe marks all over the back of his shirt and was twitching his leg.

“Why does this always happen to me…” he moaned.

Ten minutes till the test

Flash Sentry made his way to the library while the rest of the school ran in other directions, he figured a lost book would logical be somewhere by there. Once he turned the corner, he saw the book sitting right by the library door.

“There you are,” he mumbled to himself as he picked up the book. Upon further inspection, he noticed the book was titled ‘Discord’s answer book for delinquents’. He raised his eyebrow at the title but shrugged it off as it didn’t matter to him.

“Hmm, maybe I should hide it in the library until the last minute,” He thought out loud.

“So you and I had the same idea I see,” Said the voice from down the hall. Flash turned around and saw where the source of the voice came from. It was his friend Swift Justice charging towards him at full speed looking a little tired and slightly dirty from being stepped on not too long ago.

“And what if I did,” Flash said aggressively. “I have the book now,”

“Discord never said we couldn’t take the book from each other,” Swift argued as he got close enough to Swift to get his hands on the book, but Flash wasn’t going to give up that easy as he held on tight to the book, beginning a tug of war on the book.

“Let go! I can’t failed this school year!” Flash exclaimed.

“No, I need to pass in order to participate in the school dances! How else am I supposed to get the chance to ask Pinkie out?!” Swift barked. He’s had a crush on Pinkie Pie for a few years now, but could never muster the courage to ask her out. So he believes asking her to the next upcoming dance would be his best chance.

“Well stop being such a wimp and do it already! And while you’re at it you could LET GO OF THE BOOK!”

“NO, YOU!”

“NO, YOU!”

“NO, ME!”

Swift and Flash looked at where the third voice came from without letting go of the book and saw Pinkie standing next to the two with a smile on her face. Flash thought about this from a moment and gave a smirk.

“I’ll do it Swift.” Flash sneered.

“Do what?” Swift questioned. Making Flash tilt his head towards Pinkie who was still standing there. “….you wouldn’t.”

“I’m gonna do it if you don’t let go dude,” Flash cautioned.

“Flash, I swear to god if you even say one word-“

“Whatcha guys talking about?” Pinkie asked.

“Oh nothing,” Flash grinned. “Just that Swift has a-“



Swift released the book as they were tugging on it, letting it hit Flash in the face and cause him to fall to the ground in a daze. The book flew out of his hand and slid down the hallway.

“Oops, it slipped,” Swift said sarcastically with a smile.

“Wait, what was he going to say?” Pinkie Questioned.

“N-nothing,” Swift blushed. “Flash isn’t feeling himself today and is a little delusional isn’t that right, Flash.”

“What, No I’m fine. I was going to say that you-“



Swift sat on top of Flash and quickly slapped him across the face with a panicked look, making Pinkie look at them in confusion.

“Don’t mind him Pinkie,” Swift reassured as he continued to slap Flash silly. “Sometimes he just needs a few slaps in the face. He usually doesn’t even know what he’s saying when he’s like this.”

“I told you I’m-“


“No you’re not Brad!”

“My name is Flas-“









Pinkie gave a suspicious look at Swift, making him blush at how close she was and sweat at the face that she’s might figure him out. After a moment of anxiety, Pinkie gave a beaming smile and a happy “OK!” before humming and skipping down hallway. At this moment, Swift didn’t care about the book. As long as he could prevent Flash from saying anything about his feelings to Pinkie that was good enough for him.

Nine minutes till the test

Night manage to find the book sliding down the hallway and picked it up in the middle of all the hustle. He was a little curious as to why was it sliding down the hallway, but he didn’t care at the moment. Thankfully, he didn’t have to worry about someone catching up to him since he did cross country, but that didn’t stop him from looking back now and again.

Looks like I’m good for now,’ he thought to himself. Making his way around a corner, he ran into someone he’d hoped he didn’t have to encounter, Minutte.

“Geez, out of everyone in the school, you had to run into someone who knows you the most,” Minutte chirped as she stood in his way.

“Minuette, I need to pass in order to participate in cross country. Don’t make this hard for either of us,” Night said as he clutched the book close to his chest.

“I know, I’m not here to stop you.”

“Really? Then why are you standing in my way then?”

“I wanted to warn you that there’s a crazed dentist lurking around the school giving anyone he sees a root canal.”

Night gave a nervous chuckle. “N-nice try, but there’s no way I’ll believe you.” Minutte always teased him about root canal after Minutte’s mother tricked him into thinking he was going to get on during a normal checkup and strapped him down like a mad scientist and got out drills and picks.

Minuette gasped and pointed behind Night. “B-but he’s right behind you!”

“Ok, now I know your toying with me.”

“There you are!” shouted a voice behind. Causing Night to panic and look behind him, only to see a flock of students closing in on him. He sighed in relief as he was thankful it wasn’t a crazy dentist but realized quickly that he need to get away. Just as he was about to run, someone grabbed his leg and stopped him in his tracks and got tackled by the students from behind.

“I tried to warn ya,” Minutte sighed.

“You warned me about a dentist, not other students’ football tackling me!” Night retorted as the other students were on top of him, restricting his movement.

“Eh, whatever. Now toss me that book.”

“No way, I found it fair and square, now its mi-“ Night realized for a moment that he couldn’t feel anything in his hands. “It’s gone…”

“What, where’d it go?!” Minutte shouted.

“I think it flew out of my hand after I got tackled, that or one of these guys have it.” Night said as Minutte looked at the dogpile he was a part of. Deciding to go with the latter of Night’s words, she grabbed one of the students as she began to interrogate them.

Meanwhile, the book had slid down another hallway and into a dead-end, only to be picked up by a scared Fluttershy who wanted no part of all this chaos. Even though she wanted to pass, there was no way someone like her could last through all this madness. The fact that she has her hands on the book right now is nothing short of a miracle if you ask her.

“I don’t want to fail, but I don’t want my friends or any of the other students to fail either. Oh what should I do?” Fluttershy fretted. “Maybe I could just look through the book a little and just slide the book back where it came from, I’m sure that would be ok, right?”

Just as she leaned against the dead-end wall behind her and was about to take a quick peak in the book, something grabbed her from behind. Fluttershy panicked as she managed to struggle free from whatever got a hold of her. Looking back, she saw two hands stick right out of the wall, then two sky blue eyes. Then a whole person just came off the wall. Upon further inspection, she realized the person was Pinkie who was covered in the same texture as the wall behind her.

“Hey Fluttershy, sorry about grabbing you. I was actually trying to grab the book from you,” Pinkie explained.

“O-oh,” said Fluttershy as she was still a little shaken up by Pinkie’s camouflage trick. “Well if you really want to then-“

Without warning, Pinkie took the book from Fluttershy’s hands and threw it down the hallway, making Fluttershy give a confused look.

“W-why’d you throw it, didn’t you want the answers?”

“Of course I do, but not only would I feel really bad if I took it from you and ran off, but I couldn’t imagine what would happen if someone found you and tried to take it from you. Besides, I’m sure I’ll get another chance.”

Fluttershy was going to ask why did she camouflage herself instead of approaching her directly and save her the mini heart attack, but she realized that’d be just the same as asking how and why Pinkie does what she does. So she remained silent.

Eight minutes till the test

Clyde held on the book tightly as he did euro steps to each student that got in his way as if it was another basketball game. He felt slightly bad for some of the students who fell in an attempt to catch him, but he couldn’t stop now as he was worried of someone catching him, so apologies would have to wait. After a few minutes of running he noticed that nobody was chasing him anymore.

Good, I’m starting to get tired after all that. Decent exercise for Basketball though,’ he thought. Just then, someone turned the corner he was about to come across. It was his beloved Rarity.

“Clyde my darling, you have the book?!” Rarity exclaimed.

“Yeah, I had hoped I didn’t have to run into you like this,” Clyde replied sadly. He hates the idea of Rarity failing the school year, not to mention being unable to attend any of the dances and see her in any of the beautiful dresses she would come up with. Without any second thoughts, Clyde walked over to Rarity and handed her the book.

“But Clyde! You’ll fail and you won’t be able to play basketball.”

“I don’t care, if there’s ever a choice between you and something else. I’ll always choose you in the end Rarity,” Clyde said with a smile.

“Oh Clyde…” she said with tears in her eyes as they exchange hugs. Discord was watching this through the camera as he had tears in his eyes as well, only to wipe them with a tissue. He pressed the button on the microphone and begin to speak.

“Due to the romance sacrifice of Clyde,” Discord sniffed. “He and Rarity may continue to participate in the race,”

Clyde and Rarity smiled at the announcement as they looked each other in the eye and was preparing to kiss each other….until.

“However, such a moment like that is extremely cliché soooo…..Clyde and Rarity are on the third floor by room 117.” Discord snickered.

Within seconds, a hoard of students started to charge down the hallway Clyde came down from. Clyde gave a stern look before quickly passing the book to Rarity and gave her a quick kiss.

“I’ll hold them off, just keep running and never look back,” Clyde order.


“Just go!”

Rarity nodded as she started to run the other direction didn’t dare to look back, she could only hear the distance sounds of roughhousing. As much as she wanted to turn back and help her beloved, she already knew it was too late. It wasn’t until now that she realized how horrible this game of Discord’s really was.

“This is truly sickening,” Rarity complained. “Once this is all over, I’ll have a word with Discord. I know for a fact this won’t slide past Principal CelestiaaaAAAAAAAA!”

Rarity’s thoughts were cut off as the floor became slippery for some reason, causing her to crash into the custodians’ room and lose the book in the process. Opening her eyes after the drastic crash, she was covered in toilet paper, brooms, and all sorts of cleaning supplies. Suddenly the school custodian came in and grabbed the mop that was sitting on Rarity’s head.

“Sorry about the floor,” the custodian apologized.

“Why on earth would you make the floor so slippery and not put a wet floor sign?” Rarity questioned.

“I got paid twenty bucks by some rainbow haired girl who didn’t want it there.”

Rarity didn’t take long to think about who the rainbow hair girl was as she heard the distant sound of laughter from the same girl she was thinking of, making her grit her teeth in rage.


Seven minutes till the test

Rainbow Dash smiled as she heard Rarity yelling. Sure she felt bad about tricking her friend, but if she failed she couldn’t participate in any of the sports teams, and there’s no way she gonna let someone else take her spotlight. Making her way downstairs, Rivet appeared before her as he blocked her way.

“Sorry, Rivet.” Rainbow apologized with a smirk. “But I’m gonna need you to get out of the way,”

“Rainbow, please hand over the book,” Rivet plead. “I don’t want to make things difficult for either of us.”

“Oh, really? And how exactly are you going to take it from me. The soon to be captain of every sports team.”

Rivet gulped, he knew using force wasn’t one of his strong suits, not to mention he couldn’t take Rainbow head on. But he knew her well enough to know what her weakness is.

“If you don’t hand over the book…I’ll spoil the ending to the newest Daring Do book.” He declared.

Rainbow furrowed her brow, “Y-you wouldn’t!”

“Last chance, hand it over and I won’t say a word.”

Rivet tried to get close to Rainbow but she backed up slowly and held the book farther away from him.

“Fine then,” Rivet took a deep breath. “Ahuizotl is really Daring Do’s father! He abandoned her when she was a baby to pursue his evil ways and the woman he kidnapped at the end of the book prior was Daring Do’s real mother. And he killed her in the end so she wouldn’t tell her the truth!”

Rainbow gave a wide eyed look as she was processing every word the came out of Rivet’s mouth before collapsing on to the floor in defeat. Not only did she feel broke after hearing the ending, but she couldn’t believe the ridiculous plot twist.

“No…that can’t be true….but-how-why…..THAT’S IMPOSSIBLE!” Rainbow cried as she dropped the book. Giving Rivet the opening he needed as he grabbed it and ran.

Rivet ran as fast as he can in hope Rainbow wouldn’t fully realize the bold face lie and track him down. Ahuizotl being Daring Do’s father would be a ridiculous and interesting plot twist sure, but that would raise a continuity error in the series. Daring Do was twenty five and Ahuizotl was thirty one, making it impossible from them to be father and daughter. It’s something Rainbow probably wouldn’t take long to remember.

I really hate this chase, I didn’t want to go against my friends. Especially lie to Rainbow and make her upset,’ Rivet thought as he gave as sad expression while looking back down the hallway he came from. ‘Maybe I should go back and tell her the truth, and hopefully we could figure out a way to work toge-


Not paying attention to where he was running, He ran into a classroom that had just been recently opened. Making him fall to the ground in and for the book to fly out of his hands and down the hallway. Coming out of the classroom, Cheerilee looked down at Rivet and dropped the papers she was carrying in shock.

“Oh my goodness are you ok?!” she asked with concern in her voice.

“Mommy, I don’t want to go on a pirate ship in space.” Rivet babbled as he was completely dazed. Suddenly, a young blonde girl came rushing down the hallway and next to Rivet as she picked him by the head with a concerned look on her face.

“Hey bro, are you alright?” the girl panicked. “Talk to me!”

“Hey Light, I can see grandma calling me…”

“What? We’ve never met our grandma! Whoever she is, don’t you dare follow her into the light,” First Light pleaded as she shook him vigorously, Making Cheerilee become more and more concerned for what she caused.

Five minutes till the test

Soul hid himself behind each locker he came across while holding the book tightly to his chest, he was trying his best to make his way to his locker and hide until this whole thing blows over. Sadly it was on the first floor and he was stuck on the second, not to mention students keep running by every so often, making it more difficult for him.

“Alright, the coast is clear,” he said as he began to move out and down the hallway. As he was about to run past the bathrooms, the crusader came sliding out and blocked his way.

“Damn it, I’ve been spotted!” Soul admitted.

“You’re darn right cuz!” Apple Bloom stated. “Now listen up, I’m willing to make a bargain with ya,”

“I’m not interested, Bloom.” Soul said while furrowing his brow.

“Oh really?” Apple Bloom smiled. “What if I told you I have a picture of Sunset in a bikini?”

“…..I’m listening.”

“You fork over the book, and we’ll give you the picture to keep.” Scootaloo explained. “And we won’t tell Sunset anything."

Soul gave the deal some thought before smile. “Ok, but you have to give me the picture first,”

Apple Bloom shrugged, “Fine.”

Soul couldn’t believe they fell for his plan so easily, not to mention his deal. Sure getting a picture of Sunset would be sweet, but it’s not something he would risk failing the school year for. So once they slide the picture over to him, he would make a run for it with the picture in hand. It’s a win-win situation now matter how he looks at it. Apple Bloom carefully slid the picture over to Soul and he was preparing himself to make a run for it.

Upon first glance of the picture, Soul’s eyes felt as if they were practically melting and wished he was blind for the rest of his life. The picture was indeed someone in a bikini, but it wasn’t Sunset.

It was Granny Smith.

The Crusader watched as Soul quickly ran into the bathroom and could only here the sounds of vomiting. After a good minute or so he came out of the bathroom with a sick look on his face before falling to the ground.

“You’re….pure…..evil,” Soul groaned before passing out and dropping the book.

The Crusader beamed in there victory before the all walked towards the book and grabbed it simultaneously, they took a moment to realize that they weren’t supposed to work together.

“Hey! It was my plan so I should have the book.” Scootaloo argued while tugging on to the book.

“Well I was the one who got the photo of granny!” Apple Bloom retorted.

“Why do you even have that with you?” Sweetie Belle Questioned.

“In case of situations like these!” Apple Bloom explained.

As the girls continued to argue, Applejack walked up behind them and shook her head and snatched the book from them.

“Look at you three,” Applejack began. “Y’all should be working together like you did to take it from Soul. That snake of a Superintendent may have our grades on the line, but he doesn’t have our friendship. But at this rate, he’ll destroy that too.” Applejack extended her hand towards the girls and gave an honest smile. “So what’d you say, let’s work together and calm everyone down. Then we’ll march towards Discord’s office and show him our Canterlot High spirit.”

The Crusaders looked at each other for a moment as they thought about Applejack’s word before looking back at her with a resolved look in their eyes. Applejack knew from the look they were giving her meant that they’re willing to cooperate with her.

“She’s just says that so she can get away with the book!” Scootaloo accused.

“Say what now?” Applejack said with a confused look.

“Yeah, I bet she wants to rally up everyone so she can make a clean get away when nobodies looking!” Apple Bloom assumed.

“No I wouldn’t-


The Crusaders charged at Applejack as the book was knocked out of her hands as she fell back from the onslaught. The book slid to nearby hallway and hit the boot of Sunset Shimmer as she heard every word that came out of Applejack’s mouth. Once she picked up the book, she turned tail and ran. She was running low on time so she didn’t have the time to rescue Applejack. She needed to get to Discord.

Thank goodness I’m not the only one who feels this way,’ Sunset thought. ‘It’s the battle of the bands all over again. One announcement and Discord turned everyone against each other. This has to stop.

Just then Sunset came to an intersection. Just as she stopped to figure out where to go from there, another hoard of students started charging towards her from the left side. Giving a worried look, she was about to continue down the hall straight ahead of her. But it had students charging from there too, and from the right and from the hallway behind, it didn’t take long for Sunset to realize she was trapped.

“WAIT!” Sunset shouted, causing everyone to brake. “Don’t you see what this chase is doing to us, we’re no better than we were during the battle of the bands, and this time you’re all aware of your actions but you continue to fight each other. Even if our grades are at stake, do you really think Discord is going to hold us all back if we fail and prevent us from participating in all of the school events or tryout for the sports teams?”

Students started looking down in shame as Sunset’s words started to make sense to them, making most of them feel horrible for their actions.

“So come on, let’s march down to the Principals’ office and show Discord what it means to be a Wondercolt, now who’s with me!”

The crowd slowly started clapping and cheering before the entire hallway erupted with whistling as they began chanting.


“Attention students,” Discord addressed, silencing everyone in the hallway. “I’m terribly sorry for interrupting but I forgot to mention something important. Whoever can get their hands on the book can decide on what they want to change in the school, and it can be anything you want. Tata, oh and you have three minutes left.”

The hallway become absolutely quiet once Discord finished his other announcement. Sunset began sweating nervous as she looked at everyone’s face go from happiness and joy to burning determination once again.

“G-go Wondercolts….” She said nervously while doing a fist pump.

“Grab that book!” shouted one of the students.

The students returned to their rambunctious selves as they charge at Sunset with full speed, crashing to each other and making a huge dogpile in the process. Students struggled to break free from the pile as they tried to figure out where the book when, making each other more frustrated by the second.

“Who has the book?!”

“Hey, get off me!”

“Move it, the books mine!”

“You wanna fight?!”

“Out of the way!”

Suddenly, they heard the sound of someone whistling. Everyone remained quiet for a moment as they look in the direction it came from. Only to see no other than the book resting in the hands of Zero who was giving his usual wide smile.

“Nana nana boo-boo, stick your head in doo-doo,” Zero mocked as he slapped his butt towards the students while making a funny face. “Catch me if you can suckers!” he taunted before running off and laughing, infuriating everyone as they quickly got up and chased him down.

Three minutes till the test

Zero ran as fast he possibly could with a happy smile on his face. If he was being honest, he was just doing this for fun. He didn’t particularly care for the chase and just wanted some excitement like this instead of just sitting around in class. If he could, he would help his friends without a second thought. But he heard the rules, and for once in his rule breaking life, Zero was going to obey them for once and enjoy the adrenaline rush.

He looked behind him and saw the students behind catching up to him fast, then he looked in front of him and saw students closing in. Running low on options, he rammed into the closest door to him and ended up in the gym. Running towards the exit on the other side, he saw all the exits around him were blocked by other students and had nowhere to go. Standing in the middle, the students slowly and carefully closed in on Zero. He was bailiff as to what to do, he would have given up if one of his friends were there but he couldn’t see any of them. So he decided to buy time and to cause more excitement.

“Nobody move!” Zero declared while holding the book above his head. “Take another step and I’ll tear the book into pieces!”

All the students gasped at his threat and ceased movement while giving hateful glares.

“You’re buffing!”

“You need the answers too, idiot!”

“He wouldn’t!”

Zero gave an evil grin as he slowly began tearing out one of the pages, making everyone scream in horror. “Don’t test me, I’m crazy!” he declared as he ceased the tearing.

He carefully watched the students’ movements as he hoped that they wouldn’t get any closer to him. Looking upon their faces, the crowd gave looks of anxiety, rage, and suspicion. Then it changed to a look of….awe for some reason as everyone’s eyes were focused on something else.

“Why are you guys so surprised?” Zero questioned when suddenly he noticed something. “And why can’t I feel the book anymo-“

Zero looked up and noticed the book was being reeled away from him and towards an air vent above him. Once the book reached the top, everyone saw Pinkie Pie gave her usual beaming smile before tossing down the fishing rod she used away and crawled away in the vents with the book, making everyone give either an annoyed or tiring sigh.

One minute till the test

Pinkie looked both ways before kicking the filter off the vent she was in and began running down the hallway. She didn’t notice until now that it was extremely quiet, she couldn’t hear the occasional sound of students running up and down the halls.

“Huh? That’s weird, it’s so quiet I could hear a pin drop.” Said Pinkie. Nearby, pin just so happened to fall off a locker and hit the ground, catching Pinkie attention. “SEE?!”

She started slowing down and took a moment to figure out where she was. Looking at the door nearest to her, she discovered she was right in front of the principal’s office. Not only that, but she had thirty seconds left.

“I guess I win then since no one’s around to stop me,” Pinkie shrugged before looking at the book in her hands. “Maaaybe it couldn’t hurt to take a teeny tiny itty bitty look inside.”

Pinkie looked both ways once more before slowly opening the book, but before she could do so. Another announcement came on.

“I wanted to inform everyone that Pinkie is currently standing outside my office as we speak, and you all have twenty seconds left. Oooo, this is turning into a sudden death round!”

Not even three seconds after Discords final announcement and both ends of the hallway was filled with what looks to be the entire school. Pinkie gave a nervous laugh before disappearing in a puff of smoke and dropping the book in front of everyone. Every student at once glare at the book like their own life depended on it before making one final dive for the book.

“HAND OVER THAT BOOK,” shouted Rainbow.

“NO WAY IN HELL!” cursed Solar Wind.

“I DESERVE IT THE MOST!” Adagio roared.



“GIVE.ME.THAT.BOOK!!!!” everyone shouted as they all collided into each other. The book however, slid over the office door of the principal’s office. Discord had just stepped outside and gave a smug look while watching the chaos and picking up the book.

“And time is it up everyone,” He announced, making everyone look at him with an exhausted look. “And it looks like everyone had a fun time in my game of chaos, but sadly no one was able to hold on to the prize. But it didn’t really matter in the end either way.”

“What…do you…mean?” Panted Scootaloo.

Discord opened up the book and showed that there was nothing inside. “There was nothing inside from the very beginning!” he laughed as everyone gave a shocked and angry look.

“……..WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” they all shouted.

“Now I’m sure you’re all gonna either complain, yell, or question me.” Discord said before giving a serious look. “But I want to remind you all that the test is very real, so hurry along to your homeroom, I’ll explain everything from there.”

And so, everyone dusted themselves off and started walking away with a depressing and tired aura around them while walking to their designated classroom to prepare themselves for the test made by the sly devil himself, Discord.