//------------------------------// // Luna vs Brawly part 2 // Story: Luna's Pokémon Journey // by Norwegian boy //------------------------------// It's been two days ago since Luna lost her battle against Brawly, since then she just sat on the dock and looking out to the sea. 'What am I doing? I am in a strange world with a boy I hardly know, I'm beginning to wonder if it was wise to go on this journey' She though to her self. Beside her stood Treecko and Bagon and they were worried about her but they did not know what to do. Bagon look at Treecko. "Bagon?" "Treecko." He just shook his head. There was silence again the only thing one could hear was the wind and the sea. "How are you doing?" All three jumped off it, they turned to where the voice was coming from and there stood James. "What do you want?" Luna asked with irritation in her voice. "Well, you've been here for two days now and I started to get worried" James answered her. "Now do you care about me." "And what does that mean?" He responded with confusion in his voice. She became angrier by his answer. "What do I mean?" She stood up and looked straight into his eyes with rage in her eyes. "YOU DID NOT HELP ME IN MY FIGHT WITH BRAWLY, IF YOU HAD HELPED ME I WOULD HAVE WON." "You do not have to scream I can hear you fine, you had lost if I'd help you or not." He said with a calm voice. "So that's your answer?" Now James began to get angry. "No, it's not my answer, my answer is you were TO COCKY." She was a little scared when he screamed. "You behaved like a rookie when you fought against Brawly and you ignored my advice to trained after you had caught Bagon and last but not least: you did not thank your Pokémon AFTER YOU HAD LOST." He had to breathe deeply a few times gets to bring down his heart rate. Luna was shocked no one had yelled at her like that before but he was right, she had to behave stupidly against her Pokémon. She started to cry, James noticed it. He put a hand on her shoulder, she surprised him with a hug. She cried on his shoulder, he did not know what to do so he just return it. "Listen, I did not mean to yell." "No, you're right, maybe I don't deserve to be a Pokémon trainer" James was very shocked when he heard what she said. "Where did that come from? You made a mistake that's all." He said with a comforting voice but it did not help. "Luna, look at me." She did that. "Do you know what a trainer does when he or her is down?" She shook her head. "You get up, train and try again." She wiped away the tears on her cheeks and smiled. "You're right, I am not going to give up so easily." James just smiled at what she said. "That's good, will you'll accept my offer now?" "If you mean to train, then yes but first." She turned to Treecko and Bagon. "Treecko and Bagon, I apologize for how I treated you in the fight against Brawly I hope that the two of you can forgive me." Both looked at Luna and she wondered they would forgive her or not but they just smiled, Treecko climbed up on her shoulder and patted her on the head and Bagon just jumped up and down. "I take this as a yes." James laughed at what happened. "Now that we have got that cleared up, let's train. Let's go to the outskirts of town." And with that they were on their way to train so Luna could challenge Brawly again. Outside the city James prepared himself, he took out two Poké Balls. "Alright, the problem was outside that you were cocky is: One of them is that I believe that Bagon only can use headbutt and I'm might sure that he has not had much combat experience." Bagon just hung his head when he heard that, Treecko patted him on the back to comfort him. "But that's okay, we can fix that." "How did you know all that?" Luna asked him. "I have ten years of experience." Was his answer. "Come out Gallade and Lucario." He threw the Poké balls into the air and out came a pokemon Luna had seen before and one and she had not seen, she took out her Pokédex. Gallade the Blade Pokémon and the evolved form of Kirlia. A master of courtesy and swordsmanship, it fights using extending swords in its elbows. "Your second problem was that you did not know what to do when Meditite used confusion, I think you panicked when it happened." "Yes I panicked a little, it was not possible to attack when he used confusion." "Well you partially correct, you can't use physical attack's but non physical attack's is another matter." She had a confused face. "Let me show you." He turned to Gallade and Lucario. "Gallade use confusion on Lucario." Gallade's eyes began to glow and Lucario was lifted into the air. "As you can see Lucario can't move his body but that does not mean that he can attack." "What do you mean? Lucario can't move his body, it's impossible for him to attack." She replied with some irritation in her voice. James just smiled. "Watch this. Lucario use dragon pulse." Lucario opened his mouth and out of his mouth came something that looked like blue flame, the flame hit Gallade and he lost his concentrations and Lucario was free. Luna felt pretty stupid when she saw what happened, she could have thought that her self but her ego was in the way but that was a mistake she would not do again. "Are you ready to train?" He asked her. "Let's do it." Luna ansered him. The next few days James and Luna trained together so that she would be ready to challenge Brawly. Again Luna stood on battlefield and Brawly stood on the opposite side of her, James stood on the sidelines along with the rest of her Pokémon she wanted them to watch the battle. Jason was again the referee again. "This is the rematch between the challenger Luna and the gym leader Brawly, I assume that you both remember rules?" Both nodded. "Then begin." "Come out Bagon." "Let's go Machop." Luna was the first to attack. "Use headbutt." Bagon began to run toward Machop with his head down. Brawly wait for him to be closer to Machop, Bagon was just a few centimeters away. "Quickly, grap Bagon." Machop barely managed to grap Bagon befor he hit him. "Now use seismic toss." But before Machop could do that. "Not this time, quickly Bagon use bite." He bit Machop in the shoulder, it did not do much damage but it was enough that he dropped him. "Use low kick Machop." Machop kicked Bagon in the stomach, he lost his breath for a moment of the attack. "Don't give up Bagon, use headbutt again." He recovered quickly and he hit Machop with his head, it did much damage. "Use karate chop Machop." Luna just smiled at it. "Block it with your head." Machop's fist hit Bagon's head, one could look at his facial expressions that it hurt very much. Machop cried in pain. "Are you ok Machop?" Brawly asked with troubled voice. "Bagon finish it off with headbutt." He hit Machop so hard that he fainted. "Machop is unable to battle, Bagon is the winner." Jason announced. "Way to go Bagon." Bagon started jumping up and down with joy as did her others Pokémon. Brawly call Machop back to his Poké Ball. "Nice work Machop now get som rest. Now is your turn Meditite." Out came a Pokémon Luna had waited for. 'Let's see if the training work.' "Let's use headbutt Bagon." But before he got to attack. "I don't think so, Meditite use confusion." Meditite's eye began to glow and Bagon was lifted into the air. "Not this time Brawly, Bagon use dragon breath." Brawly was shocked when he heard that. "What?" Bagon opened his mouth and blue flames came out and hit Meditite hard enough that he lost his concentration and Bagon was free then something else happende, it looked like electricity gathered around Meditite and he was in pain. Luna did not understand what's happening. "Luna, that's paralysis, that's a side effect og dragon breath." James told her from the sideline. "Are you ok Meditite?" Brawly asked with a troubled voice, Meditite nodded, "Good, now use ice punch." Meditite's right fist began to glow bright blue, he tried to hit Bagon. "Dodge it Bagon." Bagon barely managed to dodge the attack. "Keep using ice punch." Meditite continue to try to hit Bagon with his fist while Bagon tried to dodge them but eventually Meditite hit him and it did a lot of damage. "Ice punch one more time." Meditite hit Bagon again and he was knocked out. "Bagon is unable to battle, Meditite is the winner." Jason announced. Luna call Bagon back to his Poké Ball. "You did a good job Bagon, get some rest." She look at Meditite, he was a little tired. 'Time to end this.' She thougt to her self. "Alright Treecko your up." She threw the Poké Ball and out came Treecko. "Let us use quick attack." Treecko ran toward Meditite so fast that Meditite could not react fast enough and he took damage of the attack. "Don't give up Meditite, use fire punch." Suddenly Meditite's hand was on fire and it hit Treecko, he cried out in pain. "Now use confusion." Meditite's eye began to glow again and Treecko was lifted into the air. "Throw him around." And again Treecko was thrown around the arena again. For Luna it was a nightmare, to see what happened the first time again. "Try using bullet seed" Treecko tried to hit Meditite put he missed. "Now throw him into the ground." Treecko hit the ground very hard and he had problem getting up again. Luna became very worried when se saw how damage he had gotten. "Get up Treecko." He triued but he just fell down again. "I now you can do it Treecko, I believe in you." That was exactly what he neede to hear, he got up. "TREECKO." He began to glow and he grew bigger. Luna did not understand what was happning. "LUNA." She looked over to James. "Treecko is evolving." Luna could not believe it, she had read about it and now she saw it for the first time. Then Treecko stopped glowing and there stood a new Pokémon that was twice as big as Treecko, he had leaves on his head and his arms "Grovyle." Luna took out her Pokédex. Grovyle the Wood Gecko Pokémon and the evolved form of Treecko. The leaves growing out of Grovyle's body are canvenient for camouflaging it from enemies in the forest. This Pokémon is a master at climbing trees in jungles. She could not believe it. "Amazing, it looks like you've have learned a new move. Are you ready Grovyle?" Grovyle got in a attack position. "Use quick attack." He ran toward Meditite so fast that he failed to react fast enough, Meditite flew backwards a few meters of the impact. "Use fire punch Meditite." Again his fist was on fire. "Leaf blade Grovyle." The leaves on Grovyle's forearm began to glow until they looked like swords. Both ran toward's each other, they met in the middle and their attacks collided they enede up standing back to back to each other. Suddenly Meditite fell to the ground, he was out. "Meditite is unable to battle, that means Luna is the winner." "We won? WE WON." She ran over to Grovyle and gav him a hug. "You were incredible Grovyle." He just smiled. Brawly approached her. "Congratulate Luna, as proof that you have defeated me here is your knuckle badge. She took the knuckle bagde. "Thank's Brawly." Then the rest of her Pokémon and James came to gongratulate her, that's to down six left. On their the way to the Pokémon center Luna just look at her bagde. "You are going to worn out the bagde if you continue to look at it." James told her. "Sorry." She put away her badge cases in her bag. "I never got to thank you for helping me." James just shrugged. "You don't have to thank me..." Suddenly, Luna kissed him on the cheek. "Thanks James." He stalled, Luna just kissed him on the cheek.