SweetieMashMinecraftAdventures YAY!

by CristalGalaxy

7. Happy Morning

First of all, there was the panic.
The panic of discovering you awoke covered in blood.

Sweetie Belle shot up, her fear rising every second as she recalled what had happened last night.

The pain. The pain of being torn apart and tortured by your enemies.

Then the fear. The fear that you'll die alone in that dark cave where no pony will ever find you.

And at the very last moments, despair. You think about everything you hadn't accomplished. Every pony that had been nice to you.

Sweetie Belle felt a sharp pain on her right hoof and quickly turned, ready to face the threat.

A white chicken was angrily staring at her, his feathers were ruffled and he seemed sleepy.


Sweetie Belle frowned then realized she must have disrupted his sleep.

"Sorry little buddy..." She patted his head before turning back the other way.

The sun was slowly rising outside and she could make out a few monsters burning in the distance.

Her attention focused on her left hoof... It seemed very... warm.

Sweetie Belle looked past it and saw Button's hoof dangling from his bed right next to hers.

Her eyebrows arched just before she realized that he had held her hoof all night.

She felt herself blush and a small smile appeared on her lips.

I wonder if I should wake him up?

But then she saw how peaceful he looked.
I can ask him what happened later on...

Sweetie got up and displayed a few torches around the room, making sure they were safe and then proceeded to cooking breakfast.

She picked out a few pieces of raw meat and walked to the furnace before stopping.

There, next to a very grumpy looking Helper laid and egg.

Sweetie Belle's eyes widened as she got an idea.
"Hey Helper! Heeeey! Soooo... You gonna use that egg or can I have it?"

She crawled towards it and tilted her head towards him.
The chicken just walked away, uninterested.


"Thanks Helper!"
She picked it up and, addressing a silent prayer to Celestia, cracked it open.

A yellowish substance poured out of it.
She quickly put it on top of the furnace, therefor making it sizzle.

An even greater idea popped up in her head as she put slices of bacon in the fire.

After that, she opened the chests and picked out two apples.

Button's nose twitched.
Wow... The smell... The delicious smell!

Was he back home? It just smelt like breakfast... A normal and sweet breakfast that his mom would make him.

Button opened one eye and then the other... before sighting.

No... He was still stuck in his once favorite game with Sweetie Belle.

Button got out of bed and rubbed his eyes before looking around.

Sweetie Belle was humming a nice tune while preparing food.
She had created some stairs that apparently served as chairs and had put two nice blocks of wood in the middle, making a nice table.

Her face lightened up as she saw Button walk towards her.
"Hey Button! Sleep well?"

That scene could have been normal.
The sun rising, his friend making breakfast and greeting him...
It could have all looked normal if Sweetie Belle wasn't covered in dried blood.

Button cringed a bit as he remembered what had happened the night before.

"Yeah thanks. And... And you?"

Sweetie Belle smiled. "Yeah. Thanks." She didn't seem to recall what he tried to talk about so he didn't push it.

"I wouldn't have just let you die down there... You're a very valuable pony to me..."
Button suddenly blushed at what he had just said. I thought I had said it in my head!
"S... Sorry! I mean... uh nice food!"

Sweetie Belle tried to hide her blush too as she turned away, showing him the meal.
"Bacon and eggs for breakfast! Plus a side of apple cider!"

"Wow... I didn't know that you could actually get something out of the eggs in minecraft!"

"Well, I tried since we discovered that GameSpark had added a few more features and... ta-daaaa!"

"For once I'm actually thankful towards that stallion..."

Button sat down and started eating, soon followed by the white filly.

He closed his eyes in satisfaction as he felt the sweet taste of food go down his throat.

That's when a little nose started sniffing about next to him.
Button opened his eyes in surprise and looked at the little black muzzle sticking out from the 'table'.

Giant puppy eyes stared at him and Button was overwhelmed with the 'cuteness syndrome'.

"Awwww! Look at him! Wanna give him food?" Sweetie Belle's murmur indicated that she was contaminated too.

"Sure. Here... Uh buddy?"

Button threw a tiny peace of bacon at the animal that played with it a bit, running in circles and throwing it in the air before catching it again.

At some point, it landed strait in front of the beak of Helper that picked it up before the eyes of two amused foals.

The dog barked and a small chase engaged in which the dog finally won.

The distraction that they caused was welcome as Sweetie Belle and Button laughed.

"So what are you gonna name him?"

Button remembered how the little thing had chased the chicken and piece of bacon around.
"I say... Chaser?"

"Sounds like a fitting name!"

"Cool! Okay! Chaser! Come here! Yes you! That's your name now!"

The small dog approached Button and let himself be patted on the head.

"And again 'awww!'" chuckled Sweetie Belle.

Helper jumped on her laps and gave her a small peck.
"Yes you too little guy!"

"I've been wondering... How do you know that it's a boy?"

Sweetie raised her eyebrows. "I just assumed. I have no idea how you know it for animals!"

"Me neither actually... But like we're in minecraft, I guess the gender we pick becomes the gender of the animal..."


Button went back to finishing his half of the egg.
It was weird drinking apple cider. It wasn't very sweet to begin with and second of all, they didn't need liquids in minecraft!
Only food mattered... So he had no idea wether drinking it was beneficial.

"Alright...Our goal is to find a village. But I was thinking... What if that doesn't work? What's going to happen then?" Sweetie's voice made him jump.

"As I said, stop being negative."

"Yeah sorry. So what's on the agenda today?" She asked, still stroking Helper who had closed his eyes in satisfaction.

"Let's see...Maybe mine more? Just to get a good weaponry and armor for our 'journey'."

The word mine made Sweetie Belle remember what had happened that night.
"You saved me again didn't you?"

Her question surprised Button and reminded him of the previous attack.
"Uh... Yeah. And what exactly happened?"

"I... I don't know..." Sweetie Belle seemed troubled. "I just felt really tired all of a sudden... And then I couldn't feel my legs anymore... And I really wanted to sleep so bad! All that in a matter of seconds!"

"Wow... That's weird! Maybe it's because you didn't sleep and all your energy was waisted? That would explain your violent descent to dream land!" mocked Button.

"Then why didn't that happen to you?" Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes.

"Well... I don't mean to be sexist or anything buuuuut... I am a colt!"

A silence took place as Sweetie's expression turned blank.
Then :
"That is sexist."

"No it isn't!"

"You just said so yourself!"

"Uh... Maybe?"

Their eyes shimmered and they both smiled.

"Phew! Okay I propose we go get you cleaned up first and then we go mining... together."

"Heh... Won't forget you this time!" The white filly gave Button an embarrassed smile.

Just at that moment, a big rumble echoed through the cave.
The walls started to shake and the door swung open.

Helper jumped from Sweetie's laps and ran around the cave, giving frightened clucks soon followed by Chaser who gave scared yelps.

Button stood up, almost falling to the floor as the ground became unstable.

"What's happening?" Sweetie Belle screamed to cover the noise.

"I don't know!" Button shakily grabbed his sword and followed Sweetie Belle out of the house.

Suddenly, it all stopped, leaving a ringing in their ears.
The two friends looked at each other, confused.

"Was that an earthquake?"

"No ide-"

Button couldn't finish his sentence for something appeared in the sky.

There, written in giant big orange letters were the words :

Game Updated!