//------------------------------// // A Day to Remember // Story: Summer Twilight // by Sunset_Sparkles //------------------------------// As they reentered the bedroom, Sunset noticed Twilight was behaving strangely. First, she was fidgeting with her hair too much. Second, she was sweating, and it wasn't even hot. Third, she locked the bedroom's door. "Okay Twilight, why are you acting so weird? What has gotten into you?" asked Sunset. "Sunset, I need to ask you a question, and I need you to be completely serious about it. No laughing, no ignoring and most importantly, no running away. This is really important," affirmed Twilight, her eyes focused on her friend. "I promise I won't laugh, ignore or run away. Why would I run away anyway?" inquired Sunset, really confused about that last bit. "Okay, here goes nothing. Sunset, have you ever fallen in love with someone?" "What? Can you repeat what you just said? I couldn't hear it." Sunset was getting really nervous, because even though she couldn't hear it well, she had heard the word "Love". “Have you ever fallen in love with someone? There, I said it." Twilight's face was now red like a tomato, and she looked even more nervous after asking that question. At first, Sunset was speechless. She didn't expect this question coming from Twilight. And worse, she didn't know the answer. "I... I don't really know, Twilight. I mean, I dated Flash, that's a fact, but I don't think I had fallen in love with him. Why do you ask?" she said, worried about what she thought was the answer. "Neither have I, Sunset. And after so much time alone, I don't even know how it really feels to be in love with someone. I don't know how I could discern between liking someone as a friend and loving that person." Sunset tried to speak, but Twilight continued. "I tried asking Cadence, and what she described was a feeling that I only got when I talked to you. Of course, I like talking to the others, but it's totally different when I talk to you. It's like I wanted to stop time, just to keep talking to you, and make that moment last forever." Sunset didn't know what to do. She was trying to understand everything that was happening. Her best friend just confessed her feelings to her. It was too much for her, especially when she wasn't expecting any of this. "Twilight..." "It's okay Sunset, you don't have to say anything. I just needed to get that off my chest, it had been stuck there for a long time. But I want you to know, everything I said today was 100% true." "No Twilight, I have to say something. I can't just let you say all this without replying. Like you, I don't understand love. Like you, I didn't have friends until long ago. But unlike you, I don't have a family. You were used to talking to people, and to liking people. It took me a blast from a magical artifact to understand what I felt." Tears traveling across her face now, Sunset's face, she continued talking. "But now I understand something. I understand that I indeed have fallen in love. I understand what love is now. Thanks to you, Twilight, I know that love is getting out of your comfort zone for the person you love. It is gathering courage to tell that person you love her, even if you fear those feelings aren't mutual. Loving someone means you like spending time with that person, it means you doing things you wouldn't do normally, but that for your loved one, you do them anyway." Twilight's face full of happy tears, she started talking again. "It means you would face your fears if needed, just to protect the person you love, and - " Twilight was interrupted as Sunset kissed her on the lips briefly. Caught by surprise, Twilight didn't have any time to respond. When Sunset broke the kiss, Twilight was speechless. She didn't know what to do. After some time passed, she tried to speak. "Sunset... I really... I mean... Do you... Really love me? For real?" "Yes Twilight. I do love you. I still don't understand much of this feeling, but I know I love you. Now I know it." Sunset, blushing heavily, kissed Twilight again. This time, she kissed back, and it was the best thing both girls had ever felt. When they broke the kiss, Twilight spoke up. "I don't have words to describe what I'm feeling right now. All I know is I don't want to be far from you ever again." "Neither do I, Twilight. Neither do I." "There's still one thing I gotta ask you, though. Sunset, do you want to be my girlfriend?" Twilight asked, and even though she was sure of the answer, she wanted to hear it. "Yes Twilight. I want to be your girlfriend. I want to be by your side when you need. One thing though, is your family going to accept this? I mean, we're two girls, and we..." Sunset didn't know what to say now. She was too excited to think. "Don't worry, they're pretty straightforward when it comes to these things. I'm sure they won't mind it. Should we go back to the kitchen?" "I think we should. Cadence and Shining could be getting worried now," said Sunset, helping her girlfriend get up. Holding hands, the two went back to the kitchen, and when they arrived there, all they saw was Shining Armor handing 20 dollars to Cadence. "Please tell me you didn't bet what I think you did." Twilight facepalmed at seeing Shining nodding his head. "Wait, what did they bet?" asked Sunset, oblivious to what was happening around her. "We bet whether you two would start dating or not. I still don't get why Shiny thought he could win against me in a bet related to love," said Cadence. "I don't know, it's just... I didn't think Sunset would love Twily back because of the way she talked about her. But I guess I was wrong. Take care of her, please," said Shining, with tears flowing through his face. "Really Shiny? Crying at a moment like this?" asked Twilight. "I-It's liquid pride. Anyways, I'm serious when I say you should take care of her." "I promise. I won't ever hurt her, physically or emotionally." Sunset was blushing from saying that line, and then Twilight called her out. "Sunset, it's already 7:00 PM, shouldn't you go home before it gets too late?" asked Twilight. "Wait, are you saying I should leave? I thought you loved me, how could you do this?" "Nonononono, it's just... Why am I saying this, you're just messing with me!" said Twilight, annoyed by her girlfriend's attitude. "Don't forget I have my BBBFF by my side." "Oops. Anyway, I guess you're right, it's getting late and I don't want any random encounters during the night. Bye Cadence, bye Shining." "Aren't you forgetting someone? Your girlfriend, for example?" asked Twilight, staring deeply at Sunset. "Ever heard of saving the best for last?" After saying that, she went for a kiss on Twilight's cheek. "Bye, Twilight. Shall I come back tomorrow?" "That would be great. Come for lunch, though. I want you to meet my parents." "Okay, see you tomorrow then." As she left the house, she couldn't stop thinking about what happened this day. Arriving home, she took a shower and changed her clothes. "Well, I guess I know what I'll do for the rest of this summer now," she said to herself before going to bed. "Tomorrow will be another day, and I hope it will be better than today."