Kind of married to your crush

by MLPFan234

Chapter 4


I yawned as I stood up from my bed. I turned my alarm off my phone and stretched my bones. "Another day at school." I whispered to myself with a sigh. "Another day of studying."

I walked up to the bathroom, where I took a quick shower and brushed my hair, a bit. I still had an hour time, and school was very close to me, so I had nowhere to hurry. I grabbed a cereal from the kitchen and poured in some cereal with milk, and started crunching on it. "I should really start to eat something else, then just cereal."

Even though I still had plenty of time, I grabbed my backpack and walked to school. Once I entered, I ran up to Sunset, who was sitting nearby the cafeteria with her friends again.

"Hey, Sunset!" I shouted.

Sunset heard her name, and turned her head to me with a grin. "Hey. Come over here!"

"As you wish." I said, and walked up to Sunset and her friends. "What's up? Did you finish the homework for math?"

"Yup." Sunset winked at me. "It felt a bit hard at the beginning, but once you go on, it became a lot easier! It did take me a while to understand the answers, though."

"Yeah. It was a bit difficult for me. I hate math. I literally don't understand anything from it!"

"I can understand." Applejack pat me on my back. "It can be a bit tough but ah' know you can do it."

"Thanks Applejack." I smiled at her.

"He has a cigarette, under his desk!" A kid shouted, pointing behind my desk.

"Wait, what?!" I shouted. Once I looked up under my desk, it was true. There really was a cigarette under my desk. This got me scared and surprised, I have never smoked in my life, I have never even wished to do it. "No! No! That's not mine! I swear!"

The people around me stared me down with angry looks. "Yeah, right!" Said Flash.

"Shut up!" I shouted, standing up from my seat. "Teacher! I promise it is not what it looks like! I have never smoked in my whole life!"

"I suppose, this will need some explanation." The teacher raised her eyebrow at me, with her arms crossed.

"Sunset, has them too!" Shouted Pinkie Pie, pointing behind Sunset's desk.

"N-No! That... that can't be." Said Sunset. She also looked behind her desk to find a used cigarette under it. "Who did this?"

Without even a reply, The teacher pulled our wrists to the principal office. "So, what is this "cigarette situation" that the students have been telling us?" Asked the principal. "You do know, that clearly in the school rules, It tells that cigarettes aren't allo-"

"Yes. We know." Interrupted Sunset. "And I would never even dream of touching a cigarette."

"Me too, to be honest." I grinned. "We all know what cigarettes do to our lungs, why would we make such an awful decision to just suddenly use a cigarette, like that?" I crossed my arms and raised my bow at him.

"And besides, why would we just leave it there under our desks? Clearly we're smarter than that. I have good grades and I'm trying to be a nice student, and a cigarette clearly breaks the school rules. And I would not break the rules!"

"I agree with Sunset here. Why would we hide the cigarettes behind our desks like that? It's unnecessary and ridiculous."

"Yes, It guite is." Said our teacher. "But that still doesn't explain, how that cigarette got there in the first place. "

"Me neither." I sighed.

"Was there anything suspicious going on? Like a student, or behavior, or someone by your desk? We need evidence to see who is the blame here."

"Actually, I did." I replied. "Flash Sentry warned me about something "big coming", and I had no idea what that meant. Maybe this was it? Was this what he meant? He was standing nearby my table yesterday. He said that he's searching or his pen, and thinks that a "punk" like me took it. I have no idea, what's up with him!"

"That is suspicious." The principal raised his eyebrow.

"Don't we have security camera's at our school?!" Asked Sunset, pointing at a camera in the corner of the office. "Is there one of these everywhere? Even in the classroom?!"

"Since when did we have those?" I asked.

"Ever since last week. We decided to get them for safety and maybe even situations like this. To see the person behind all of it. And, your right Sunset! We can use these cameras to see who placed the cigarette there."

Walking back to the class, our teacher grabbed the security camera and looked at the tape. "There it is!" She grinned, bringing the camera closer to us. All we saw was Flash setting a cigarette under Sunset's desk and then to mine. My eyes widen from surprise, but I did suspect that jerk to do this.

"I knew it!" I shouted. "I knew he did something!"

"Mystery solved." Sunset grinned. "See? We told you that it wasn't us."

"I suppose you're right, Ms. Shimmer. I suppose we were wrong to blame you. We'll talk to Flash Sentry as soon as possible."

"Why... why didn't you tell me?" Asked Sunset Shimmer.

"Tell... what?"

"About Flash. How he warned you and picked on you. Why didn't you tell me about it?"

"You’re already dealing with a lot of things. I didn't want you to get stressed over me and Flash, or anything." I smiled. "Sorry, though."

"It's fine, I suppose." She smiled at me back. "But we're married, and we need to tell the truth to each other. No matter what."

"Fake marriage, right?"

"Yes! Yes! Fake. Not real. Pretend." Sunset sighed.

"Is everything alright?"

"Maybe. Maybe not? Uh, I dunno." She sighed again. "It's just homework. I have such strange grades in History. I'm not used to the history in this world. I'm used to the history in Equestria."


"The pony world I live in." She chuckled.

"Oh right. Still strange."

"Yeah, I know."

"I can help you with the homework, If you would like that." I grinned.

"Really?" Sunset jumped. "That would be great!"