Darkrim And The Elements Of Harmony

by Lunaexcelsior

The Hunter And The Hunted

Grimoire laid in wait, near the town square. He knew that the hunter had to pass through here if he planned on leaving the city.

Patiently he waited, observing each and every citizen carefully. Nearly half an hour passed as he finally saw them; two gargoyles and a shackled Makita.

As soon as the trio passed, Grimoire sprang into action. He knew that the crowd of beasts surrounding him would give him quite the cover. Slowly, Grimoire followed them, blending into the mass like a chameleon. He knew this was only a temporary solution, so the brown winged fiend reached for a much more reliable tactic.

Reaching into his satchel, Grimoire pulled out a pouch of green emerald dust, the perfect tracking tool.

“Quaerite et invenietis, Makita,” Grimoire whispered and blew the magical dust.

As he spoke those words, the dust swiftly took a shape of an arrow and hit the Makita in the back, sinking deep into his corpse like skin. At the impact, the Makita began to thrash around viciously, howling and roaring.

The two gargoyles tried to stop the beast as the crowd panicked and began to run like a chicken without its head. Grimoire smirked and rushed along with the crowd.

They were able to keep the crazed beast from causing any harm as it finally cooled off.

“What’s got into this thing?” one of the guards asked.

“I have no idea,” the other guard replied “All I know is that we will be much better off once we have gotten rid of it.”

“I hear that!” the other guard responded as they continued their mission.

As he was out of sight, Grimoire settled down in the city square and pulled out his trusty tracking stone, a mystical device that would allow him to immediately see the location of any creature infused with the green emerald dust.

However, the emerald dust only works for a few hours, so Grimoire knew he had to act quickly.

The two gargoyles seemed to be just outside the capitol and appeared to enter the underground cavern system. Grimoire smiled as he opened up his wings and took flight.

He knew that the underground system could lead to only one place; the Everfree forest.

As he reached the entrance, Grimoire swooped down from the murky red skies, and quickly pulled out his stone.

It showed him that Makita and his guardians were just at the entrance of the Everfree forest. The two gargoyles picked up the corpse like creature and raised him through the opening, releasing it to roam the forest in search of its prey.

Grimoire knew that the two were just to return, so he hid behind the largest stalagmite. A few minutes past as he heard the banter between the two guards.

“… and then he slapped me with the fish. It was so bizarre,” one of the guards said.

“Just goes to show you that you shouldn’t mess with swirly eyed ponies,” the other guard replied.

“True, true” the first guard nodded his head “But still it was far too, what’s the word…”

“Illogical?” the other guy finished it for him.

“Yes that!” the first guard snapped his claws together as they past right in front of Grimoire’s hiding place.

Once they were away, Grimoire swooped past them.

“What was that?” the first guard looked around as he felt a gust of wind pass him by. He tried to see, but the caverns darkness shrouded his vision.

“It was probably just the wind,” the other guard replied “Come on, the boss is waiting!”

“Right behind you!” the first guard said and rushed towards his comrade.

Unbeknownst to the two gargoyles, Grimoire was already rushing towards the Everfree forest.

In just a few moments, Grimoire was out of the damp cave and into the fresh open fields of Everfree. He could feel a faint surge of dark energy rushing through this mystical place.

“How peculiar,” Grimoire thought to himself as he sat down on a log nearby. He pulled up his trusty tracking stone and searched for Makita.

As the picture cleared up, Makita appeared to be only a few feet away from him. Grimoire smiled as he took to the trees above.

Quickly spotting the hunter, Grimoire gave chase to the bony beast.

A few times Makita would raise his head and sniff the air, which is why Grimoire always kept a few feet away from it. He followed the corpse like monster as it rushed at an incredible speed towards the old castle.

“Why is that beast going to the old castle? It just doesn’t make sense,” Grimoire thought himself.

The more he thought about it, the more Grimoire noticed something very odd.

The beast’s movements weren’t feral, like that of a manticore or even a diamond dog. He seemed very cautious, calculated even.

The swift turns around the trees, the quick leaps through the river rocks, plus the fact that he was going with an actual destination made this beast seemed less and less wild and more intelligent than Grimoire initially thought.

After a few moments of close following, Grimoire noticed that the Makita reached a clearing. The brown winged gargoyle quickly descended from the trees and laid in wait in front of a nearby bush.

He observed closely as the bug eyed monster surveyed its surrounding. Once he saw that nobody followed him, the Makita sprinted into action, leaping over the bridge in one majestic leap.

As the monster was on the other side it extended razor sharp claws from its bony paws and slashed away the bridge, causing it to collapse.

Grimoire stood in shock for a few seconds. There was no doubt about it. This beast was sentient.

“Time to see why Ares really sent you,” Grimoire thought to himself as he flew over the gap and followed the Makita through the castle.

The darkness provided him with quite the cover, but the pale moonlight and the lack of a good hiding place made it difficult for Grimoire to sufficiently hide.

There was only one way he could stay concealed in here. He reached once more inside his satchel to find a small flask with black liquid labeled ‘Caecus’. This potion would allow him to stay concealed, but it would wear off the second the Sun came out. Plus it tasted like wet goat fur mixed with dirt, so Grimoire really wasn’t looking forward to it.

“Down the hatch,” Grimoire thought to himself as he glugged down the potion.

He almost hurled as the aftertaste hit him back like a sucker punch, but he kept it in. The potion worked like a charm and Grimoire became completely invisible to the outer world.

As he followed, the gargoyle noticed that the hunter had stopped moving. He sniffed around once more, but didn’t pick up on Grimoire’s fragrance, another perk of the potion. Once the Makita thought the coast was clear, it sprinted towards the old castle library.

The skeletal beast searched intently through the decrepit bookcase, attempting to finish what Basilisk had started.

“Well well, what do we have here?” Grimoire thought as he watched the Makita tear through the volumes of books. He wanted to stop him at one point, but that would just give away his position and alert both Makita and Ares. It was best that he played it safe, for now.

The beast kept taking away the books, but it did nothing. The damned thing wouldn’t budge.

In a fit of rage, Makita slammed his foot against the shelf, causing one of the few remaining books to fall out. It was called ‘The heart of the sea’. Makita’s bug black eyes twinkled with glee as he opened the book and read from the dedication.

“The wrath of the seas, the king of the beasts, the one who will decide the tides of war,” he read in a raspy voice “I call upon thee. Lend me guidance and open the passage to thine freedom!”

As he finished a loud earthquake could be felt around the castle as the entire bookcase split open to unveil a gem. To a laymen’s eye this gem would be nothing more than an oversized ruby, but to Makita it was much more precious. He grabbed the jewel from its case.

Just as he did that, the castle shook once more, as the pedestal upon which the jewel had been placed began to crumble down. Suddenly, Grimoire could hear hoofsteps marching towards their whereabouts.

The Makita quickly ran, but Grimoire stood still.

As he rushed out, Makita noticed that the castle stone guards were waking up and giving chase to him. The energy emitted from the gem Makita held was like a homing beacon for the ruthless guardians as they lunged themselves at him.

The hunter was agile enough to quickly avoid the terracolt army, as he would swiftly change his direction, causing the terracolts to run smack first into each other or into a wall.

The skeletal monster was nearing the exit, but the terracolts were quickly gaining up on him. Makita focused with all of his might at that clearing. His strength was fading away as he felt his legs slowly giving in, but he knew that he was so close. He couldn’t rest for a second!

Finally reaching the clearing, Makita jumped with all of his might over the treacherous pit. Barely making it over to the other side, the skeletal hunter stopped to catch his breath as he saw a few of the terracolts sliding off the cliff. Their deaths made Makita grin widely as he saw the surviving squadron return back to their post.

“Finally, I have freed myself of those pests,” Makita thought to himself and looked back at the impressive gem in his claws.

However, unbeknownst to the bony beast, Grimoire was still hot on his trail.

Once all of the guards returned to their post, Grimoire sneaked out, still invisible to the naked eye. He pulled up his tracking store once more and noticed that the hunter wasn’t that much farther away.

He quickly took flight and honed in on the beast’s position.

Grimoire was impressed by this creature. It faked being feral quite well and it was impressive at escaping from those terracolts, but why? Why did it take that gem? Why didn’t it fight the terracolts head on? Why did it pretend to be feral?

All these questions plagued Grimoire’s mind. Something was telling him that there were bigger things in play here than just a simple assassination.

Finally, Grimoire caught up to Makita as he observed him from the trees above.

The Makita walked slowly, even more cautiously than before, before finally settling nearby a pond.

The grey hunter sat in front of the small pool of water and crossed his legs. He began to chant as the water slowly rose up. It began to spin faster and faster, before eventually creating a small portal.

Grimoire was not surprised to see Ares’ ugly boar like snout peeking out of the portal. The bipedal warmonger seemed to be in a room filled to the brim with axes, spears, swords and shields. Ares was comfortably seated behind a large firewood desk which had his own insignia on it, a dragon being slain by a fiery spear. Grimoire rolled his eyes.

“Why doesn’t he just freaking marry those weapons!” the gargoyle thought and tried to sustain his laughter.

The general seemed pleased to see Makita.

“What is your status report? Are we making progress?” Ares asked.

“You could say so,” the hunter smiled contently as he showed off the red gem.

“Is that?” Ares asked in anticipation.

“The one and only, eye of the Leviathan,” Makita replied “I nearly lost my head finding this thing for you.”

“You will be compensated finely, do not worry,” Ares replied “After all your performance alone earned you that.”

“Thank you, general,” the Makita replied “but I have to ask: Why did you want me to act feral, even in the city streets?”

“Simple,” Ares said “If you showed signs of intelligence, Radifus would find out about it and become suspicious. And we can’t have that, now can we?”

“Of course, but…” Makita tried to say something, but Ares shot him an anger filled glare.

“I hope you are not growing soft on me now Makita,” Ares said furiously “Remember what we discussed; Once the we overthrow the king and
his advisor, I shall take the throne and you will be reward for all your service to the Rebuilt Tartarus.”

“I understand that,” Makita replied “But why are you working with Radifus?”

“Because he is the only one that can ruin my plans!” Ares replied “As much as I hate the scaly bastard, I must admit that he is not a fool. His influence extends to Hades himself and not to mention that his plans are quite impressive. Besides you know what they say; Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.”

“Agreed,” Makita nodded his head.

“Excellent!” Ares replied “Now onto our next step, the elimination of prince Darkrim. Did you locate him by now?”

“Unfortunately I have not,” Makita replied “I was hoping you had some information.”

“Once again, I must do your work for you,” Ares groaned “We have found out that he was last seen around Canterlot, courtesy of our mole. However, due to recent events, the Princesses have summoned the Elements of Harmony to meet up with him. You must get to him as soon as possible; otherwise your window of opportunity will close.”

“So what do you suggest?” the Makita asked.

“Meet with our mole beneath the Canterlot Mountain. He will give you more information than I could;” Ares instructed him.

“I understand,” Makita replied.

“Oh and one more thing,” Ares said “Our mole would like their identity to remain hidden, so don’t be freaked out if they have a deranged mask or something” Ares warned Makita.

“Anything else?” he asked.

“Not really,” Ares replied “Just report once the target has been neutralized. Ares out!”

As he said that the portal dispersed into nothing more than drops of water that fell gracefully on the ground below, disappearing as they were never there before.

Grimoire stood among the trees, baffled by the information he just heard. However, he couldn’t help but smile.

“They’re planning their feast, but the cattle is already out of the pen. How precious!” Grimoire thought to himself as he noticed the Makita taking a nap.

He would have to keep a close eye on the beast. He stayed up as long as he could, until the moon’s soft embrace slowly took him in to its peaceful gaze.

“Maybe if I just…” before he could even finish that sentence, Grimoire felt his eyes close as he drifted away to the land of dreams.