//------------------------------// // Chapter 3 Changed Situation // Story: Survive, adapt, evolve. The Swarm in Equestia. // by Krozairofequestria //------------------------------// >>>Chrysalis POV<<< I was in my private chamber, after one hour of talking with this Abathur he gave me a small spark of hope. He was a strange one. After twenty minutes he asked me to send my guards out of the room, something they didn't really like, but I got them under control. After this the story got really strange. What he had talked about was really crazy, he told me his species could evolve at will, he could manipulate the DNA of his people. His swarm. He said with the essence of some Changelings he could find out what forced us to need love as only source of energy. He offered us a deal to find out what we absorbed and how. He said he could create a, what did he call it? Yes, a unit, that could produce the energy that we needed, if he couldn't make it so it produced enough on its own he would just create enough for my Children and me to survive. But even before this he told me about himself and this was even more unbelievable. >>>Flashback Chrysalis POV<<< “I thank you Chrysalis for trusting me enough to talk with me under six eyes.” His voice sounded stressed. And the aura of power he had most of the time had vanished. I waited for him to continue. “I know this will sound really insane. But I promise, this is nothing but the truth.” His eyes were set on me. This green holes in this strange body. I didn't know how, but I could tell he would tell me nothing but the truth now. “I wasn't born in this, I would call it form, but as a Human. Back then I had the Form of a bipedal naked ape with some hair on specific body parts. But this is not the point. Humans don't live in this world, or at least not the Humans I know. We are the only sentient Species back home. Or at least we think we are. I don't really know what happened, but my body was changed or fused to match my costume I had used at the moment I got here. This was just four months ago.” His story was really unbelievable. He told me a lot about his home, his old race the Humans and his new race the Zerg. But I could tell he was avoiding something. And as I learned what he was avoiding I really didn't know if I wanted to know. “You told me a lot about yourself, your race and your past. But I can feel that you are hiding something. Why?” Looking back, I am unsure if it was right to ask the question. He looked at the ground. “I know this world. Or at least a part of it. Back home, this world is just a TV show.” This was more than I could believe back then. So I did the only thing I could think of. Getting angry. “Do you want to to tell me someone of your species has created our world and we are just something to amuse you Humans?!” I growled and bared my fangs at the creature. Even if it was clear he could harm me in my weakened state. “No! God no. I would never be this arrogant to believe this. I am sure your world knows fiction and fantasy books as well. I think the writers of such stories have the ability to look in other universes. In other realities. Not knowing that they watch in other dimensions they say it is only their imagination. And so fiction is created because we don't know it is another world.” It was hard to get my head around the idea. Someone who could watch me all the time. It was unnerving. But at the same time, how could I know it was true that I was one of this individuals that were watched? So I only nod to him. “So what do you want? I can't help you going back, I don't have that sort of power. So what is it you want from me and the Changeling race.” “As I told your soldiers already. Friendship. Between the Zerg and the Changelings. And the question isn't what can you do for me, but what can I do for you?” This got my interest. Was that really all? “I know that your kind is hungry. And from the show I know you're planning to attack the Ponies. And I know you will fail in the end.” I jumped up, what was he thinking?! I was really planning to invade the Ponies, but didn't had the chance to do so far. But now this thing comes here to tell me I will fail?! Unbelievable! I can't fail, if I do they all will die! “You dare!” I scream and ready to attack. “Wait! I can help! The Zerg can help!” He stated with a firm belief behind his words that they stopped even me. “The Zerg can help! We can help your race to evolve! We can create some sort of food for you. The only thing we need is Changeling essence and a little bit of time and trust from you.” >>>Flashback end Chrysalis POV<<< Essence. This was the great obstacle. He would need Changeling essence in form of flesh or something. And this was nothing I could decide so easily. It was true, I had more corpses at hand then I liked. But could I use one of my dead children like this? Many races of Equestria think of us as monster or demons. But we are just a small race that want to live, we can't really love, after all even if there are other females the only ones that could produce eggs were me and the breeders. And a queen can only give birth to breeders until there are four in the Hive. After this only Drones or new Queens would be born until one of the Breeders died. And we didn't need males to give birth. And breeders didn't have much of a mind of their own, feed give birth. So it was as if every Drone was my child, even if they had one of two genders, they could never give birth to children as they are all siblings and just drones. So would I be able to give one of my dead Children to some creature to eat so it could maybe save us? “My Queen! You need to come to the surface!” My thoughts were cut off as a Drone rushed in my chamber screaming. “What is going on? Speak!” She looked scared and as I opened my mind to the Hive mind a wave of fear nearly swallowed me. What was going on? “My Queen the moon!” I looked over at the Drone. I wouldn't get anything out of her. So I started my wings and rushed up the corridors to the surface. After reaching the Surface I was greeted by a sight that was next to impossible. The Night should have ended a while ago, but here the moon was still at its highest point. This wasn't normal. Celestia would never fail to hold the circle. “This is strange. Something is happening in the forest.” The voice startle me for a second, but I got myself under control as I remembered whose voice it was. “What do you mean something is happening in the forest, Abathur?” He crawled over to me with his four hands folded before his chest. “I can now say where in the Timeline of this world I am. At the beginning of season one.” >>>five minutes earlier Abathur's POV<<< Concentrating on my Hivemind I gave commands to spawn more Drones and Zerglings. The Hive needed to grow. If I want to bring some of them over here to help the Changelings. With the forces at hand I could never hope to defend two bases on the same time. And the Zerg in me wanted to make sure that all my positions are secured. And again I cursed the fact that this wasn't the Koprulu sector. No pure minerals and no vespene. Gathering the needed resources for my base and units was harder as I feared at the start. But I could get the needed things out of the mountain and some plants. This was at least something. But the used part of the collected materials was far to low to be profitable. Too much waste and not enough gain. Not having the trust of your hosts has its up side. I was safe from any ambush as a few guards were standing right outside my door and some others were watching the place. So I concentrated on my Overlords that were scouting the Forest as I got a feeling something was of. Right the Sun was still nowhere to be seen, and the moon was also still high up! “What the hell?” I tried to find the Overlord closed to the other side of the forest and hoped it was near the place where most of the strange things in this world happened. Ponyville. After finding the one that was closed to the border near Ponyville I moved my own body closer to the door to speak with my guards. “I need to go to the surface. I need to speak with your queen.” After a short time and some whispered words the door opened. And a Guard looked inside with a questioning look. “The Queen is in her quarters, down in the hive. Why would you think she will be up on the surface?” I looked at them with my four eyes. “Because something strange is happening and she will be up there soon. We need to move.” With this I began to crawl out of the room and on the way out side. I was near the surface with my Guards beside me. A minute ago they were informed through the Hivemind that Chrysalis was at the surface to take a look at something. All the time half of my attention was on the Overlord that was arriving at the old castle in the forest. If I remembered it right this was the place where the action would happen today, tonight. After I reached the surface and talked a bit with Chrysalis I waited with her together there and with one half of my attention I watched the night sky with her and told her live what was happening, and with the other half I watched the castle. Finally the moment came, the six Ponies reached the castle. But what was this feeling? It felt like something out of my past, but on the same time not. All the time over Chrysalis listen to me telling her what was happening. And then as the dark Pony, what was the name of the species again? Pegacorn, Unisis? Oh right Alicorn. At the moment as the Alicorn was beaten, I felt it again, and an old Memory from Abathur come to the front of my mind. “No.” Nothing more than a whisper, but on the same time, filled so much with fear and despair that all the Changelings around me were affected. Even Chrysalis backed away from me as my body started to shake in pure terror. “No not him. How can he be here? Why?” For a short time all of my attention was focused on the dark Alicorn what was now changed, smaller, weaker but on the same time free. I got back to my body as I felt someone shaking it. “Abathur! What is going on? Who is here?” Chrysalis voice finally brought me back to my body and in the present. I gave her a long look before I spoke again. “An old evil has come to this world, or he's been here since a long time ago. And he will try to kill everything and everyone on this planet.” Her eyes grow with every word I spoke. As I had watched Luna getting separated from the nightmare I could feel the mind of the parasite that the nightmare was. “Amon, creator and enemy of the Zerg Swarm. He was the one who took control over the first leader of the Hivemind. He wanted to destroy the universe and rebuild it in his own way. And I fear he has already his own follower on this world.” The time I was on this world was short, compared to the life time a Zerg would have, but to know that Amon was here and for such a long time too. It was unnerving. How strong was his influence on this world and its inhabitants. I looked Chrysalis direct in the eyes. “This world will be drowning in war and death. My Swarm will stand against him, you need to change a side, for yourself and your Swarm. The time of hiding and neutrality is coming to an end. For all creatures of this world.” With these words I left her alone with her guards and the now rising sun. >>> Four weeks later royal chamber Chrysalis POV<<< I have no other choice, my Children are starving and if the news of my spies are true then hiding won't work anymore. Most other countries are preparing for war, or some sort of civil war was slowly growing. The Griffons and the Diamond Dogs had problems with new cults growing like a tumor and the Minotaurs are preparing to march to war. And what the other side of the world looked like I didn't know. Love collecting was harder than ever, and even the Ponies in Equestria were getting a feeling of danger from the stories of travelers. What is happening with our world? My thoughts were interrupted as my guards arrived with Abathur. “Abathur, it is good to see that you could make time to meet me.” I know it was not really this way, he was just sitting in the room I had given him and waited for me to decide the future of my race. And today was the day. I finally decided. “I will always have time for you Chrysalis. Like always when you ask for my presence. What interesting news do you have this time for me?” It was true, this was not the first meeting in the weeks he was here waiting for my answer. And over the time we have become closer. He was a leader, like me he was the head of his whole race. But at the same time he was so young in this role and body. We talked a lot and he always was grateful every time he learned something new. It was nice to see him grow in the time. But he never talked much about his knowledge about our world, or as he likes to put it, a possible way of this world. “Abathur, this time I asked for you to tell you how I have decided.” I could clearly see how his body tensed up a little bit. Also something that would be impossible just a few weeks ago as we first meet. I took a deep breath. “We will take the chance and evolve. And with our evolution the bond between the Zerg and the Changelings will become even stronger. Both of our races are small in numbers and unwanted on this world, we need to work together to survive the changing of times.” He looked at me a long time before he gave me a small approving nod. “I hope everything will go as planed Queen of the Changelings. And on a great future for our races.” I could see the small strange smile in his face. He know I didn't like it when he calls me this. “Didn't I tell you to not call me Queen? You old bug?” This time it was on me to smirk. “Haha oh so many times you told me, but where would be the fun?” His laughter was something that could lift the mood even in the darkest hour, it was a strange but really funny sound that didn't match his body, a fact that made it even funnier.   “Well then go get to work my friend.” With this words we left the chamber together to get the things he would need. >>>One week later Abathur's POV<<< “Are you ready Chrysalis?” We were in the great chamber in the deepest part of the Hive. Most of her Changelings were already in the cocoons. Chrysalis and I were standing here while a cocoon began to form around her. “If I am not ready now then I will never be.” She said with a smile. So I only nodded and continued to watch the cocoon growing and slowly closing. “Thank you.” It was just a whisper, but I was sure I heard her saying the words before the cocoon closed completely and started to fill up with the mutation liquid. “No, thank you, Chrysalis, my friend.” So the waiting game began. And while I waited I would force my Hive to grow.