The Wonderful Life of Ford Mustang

by RoyalRainbow

Chapter 34 – The Wake of Rainbow Dash

Chapter 34 – The Wake of Rainbow Dash

In the following day, hundreds, if not thousands, of grief-stricken ponies gather together at Canterlot’s Royal Chapel for a truly heart-wrenching event that most guests didn’t see coming: the funeral of Rainbow Dash.  It's hard to believe that nearly a year ago where Rainbow and Ford got married in the same chapel, and now, the majestic sanctuary is the setting for the fallen mare's funeral.  To say the least, no one was ready for this jarring moment, with the exception of those who were closest to Rainbow, namely her best friends as they prepare themselves for their respective roles in a separate room right across from the chapel.

However, only two important ponies were missing from their private assembly, and Princess Twilight Sparkle volunteered to go look for them thanks to her mastery of teleportation.  But a half hour later, she returns back in a flash of light as her anxious friends gather around for an update on the two missing stallions.

“Twilight, did you find them yet?” Trixie asks eagerly.

Sigh… no, I searched through their home and the hospital to see if they were checking on the twins.  But I couldn’t find Ford nor Turbo anyway.” the purple alicorn answers much to her dismay.

“Oh, where could they be right now?” Fluttershy asks with increasing worry.  “I hope they are alright.”

“Dagnabbit!” Applejack gripes loudly as she expresses herself with a soft stomp on the floor.  “Ah knew Ah should have checked on them first before headin’ off to Canterlot this morning!”

“Well, Mustang did say they will meet us here.” Rarity adds as a reminder.  “I just never expect them to be this late.”

“Wh-what we do now?" Fluttershy asks anxiously as she looks back at the door that leads to the chapel.  "All the aisles are nearly filled up, and it’s almost time to start our services!”

Twilight enters a brief, deep state of thought to figure out a plan before she looks up and shares her suggestion with her awaiting friends.  “Well, Ford was supposed to be the first pony to give his eulogy before us, so until he and Turbo arrive, I guess we can carry on with our own eulogies for now."

With that said, everyone nods in unison to the slight change in plans.  But despite agreeing with everypony, Gilda couldn’t help but grouch over the remaining stallions' tardiness.

“Hmph, they better not take their sweet time!  This is Dash’s funeral we’re talking about here!”

“Hey, come on, Gilda." Pinkie Pie comments sharply with a reassuring smile.  "They would never do that to us.  I'm sure they’ll just appear out of nowhere and arrive here at a timely fashion.”

“Ha!  As if!" Gilda scoffs with a roll of her eyes.  " ‘Cause if they even considered to chicken out from this, I’ll--!”

But before the grumpy griffon finishes her threat, a new flash of light bursts in the room, where it knocks the extremely spooked Gilda off her feet while startling everypony else.  Once the sudden burst of light diminishes away, it reveals the two missing Pegasi they were just talking about.  With Turbo Dash right next to him, Ford Mustang is holding a wrapped-up bouquet in his left foreleg as each of them has the enchanted, globe-shaped necklaces, which helped them teleport to the very room they’re standing right now in an instant.

“See?  Told ya~!” Pinkie emphasizes with a sly smile as she helps Gilda up.  Again, the griffon rolls her eyes, but with a complying smirk this time.

“Fashionably late, I see.” Rarity comments wittingly over the two stallions’ arrival.

“Yeah, you can say that again.” AJ agrees with a slight grin.

“Sorry everyone.” Ford apologizes with a sheepish smile.  “Had to pick up some flowers first.”

“Yeah, and we would have gotten here sooner if Ford wasn’t so picky about it.” Turbo teases lightly toward his son-in-law.

“Hey, these were important!” the younger stallion explains himself in a sharp, childish manner.  “I had to pick out the right ones!”

“Well in any case, we are all glad that you two were able to make it here in time.” Rarity says with a smile of relief.

From facing his fashion-forward friend, Ford takes a good look at what Rarity is wearing today.  To his amazement, she isn’t wearing a traditional, black attire that is commonly seen in most funerals.  Instead, she is wearing a pure white dress and a matching, wide-brimmed hat with a lovely, colorful scarf wrapped gently around her neck.

“You look really nice as always, Rarity.” Ford compliments to her.

“Thank you, darling.”

“I’m actually surprised you didn’t choose black for this occasion.” he states with a slight, knowing smirk.

“Well I did make a promise to Rainbow Dash that I would wear something more colorful today.  Besides, wearing black in funerals is so last year.” she replies in a lighthearted manner, which earns her a few chuckles from her friends.

And with everyone finally attended to carry out with today’s funeral, Twilight Sparkle directs her associates with a modest smile, “Well then, shall we get started?”


Thanks to the efforts of Canterlot’s weatherponies, today’s funeral will maintain a perfectly sunny day as its heavenly light emits through the numerous stained glass windows, which cast their brilliant colors throughout the magnificent chapel.  As the attendees maintain their seats where they’re facing the altar, two more ponies enter the extensive passageway.  However, the guests are unable to see who they are as Rainbow Dash and her mother, Firefly, continue to maintain their bodiless forms, who are still invisible through the eyes of living mortals.

“Hey, thanks for coming along with me, mom.” Rainbow says gratefully.

“Of course, honey.” Firefly nods in return with a gracious smile. “I would never miss any occasion featuring my daughter.”

As they pass by the fully-seated aisles, Rainbow glances from both sides as she notices a wide variety of guests attending her own funeral, including notable figures like Discord, Princess Cadance, Shining Armor, and even faraway leaders such as Queen Chrysalis and Wagner the Inferno Dragon King in his specially made batpony disguise.

From seeing on how jam-packed the chapel is today, Rainbow states with amazement.  “Wow, I can’t believe on how many ponies have shown up here just for me!”

“Well you’ve certainly made quite a name for yourself, Rainbow.” Firefly comments with a knowing grin.  “I mean Element Bearer of Loyalty… recreator of the Legendary Sonic Rainboom… an aspiring member of the Wonderbolts.  You’ve become quite the legend, you know. But even with those accomplishments aside, I can't tell you on how proud I am on what an amazing pony you have become.”

After her mom caps it off with a sincere grin and a soft embrace from one of her wings, Rainbow blushes with a moving smile from receiving such motherly praise and appreciation from Firefly. Suddenly, the older Pegasus of the two notices a couple of ponies stepping to the side of the altar to reach for their respective instruments: an upright cello for Octavia, and a keyboard-infused pipe organ for the cellist’s wife, Vinyl Scratch.

“Oh hey.  It looks like they’re just about ready.” Firefly informs her daughter in a mildly excited tone.  “We best get into our seats before they get started.”

Of course, being nothing more than ghosts, they can sit where ever they want, so the two ghostly mares can sit as close as possible whilst they can get a good, clear view of the funeral service.  And once they along with the rest of the attendees are well-situated in their respective seats, the two famed musicians from Ponyville play their music together as their soft, heavenly melody signal the start of Rainbow Dash’s funeral.

From that commencement, the grand doors open up as the two majestic princesses, Celestia and Luna, enter first while using their combined Alicorn Magic to levitate their precious cargo behind them.  With everyone standing up from their seats, they look back and gaze at the floating golden casket with its only passenger behind the crystal clear glass.  Accompanying the glass coffin are Spitfire, Soarin, Fleetfoot and a few other privileged Wonderbolts, where all of them are in their formal military suits instead of their usual, skintight flight suits.  And right behind them are those who will carry out with today’s services: Ford Mustang, Turbo Dash, Princess Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie.

As the casket passes by the intangible ponies, Rainbow Dash gets a good look at her motionless body as the empty shell still maintains its eyes completely shut while a tranquil smile remains fastened across its slightly pale face.  Just like her nightmare she had months ago in the spring, it still feels eerie for Rainbow to see at her own dead body as she continues to cringe subtly just by looking at it.

Soon enough, her husband begins to pass by her as Rainbow stares at him.  From her closer inspection, she can definitely see the faintly heavy sags in Ford’s eyes, and unlike some of his weeping friends beside him, he somehow retains a somewhat impassive face, mostly from the fact he’s done his share of crying from last night.  With the spirit and widow crossing paths, she is about say something to him, but she chokes on her own words as she realizes her efforts would be entirely fruitless as whatever she wants to say will only fall on deaf ears.  Reluctantly, she remains silent as the inattentive Mustang along with her friends continue to make their way to the altar.

Before the Princesses ascend the steps with the casket still afloat, Spitfire and her Wonderbolts immediately take up their positions to form a passage on the short staircase.  Once they hover in place, the Wonderbolts give off their salute to their fellow, fallen comrade as the Alicorn Sisters make their gentle ascension with the glass coffin in tow.  Once they finish ascending the steps, the two tall Alicorns carefully place the occupied casket on a very sturdy base that was already situated on top of the altar. And right beside it is a large, magnificent portrait of Rainbow Dash that her husband originally made for this occasion.

Once the duet’s opening music reaches its end, the chapel is filled with silence with the exception of a few sniffles here and there as the accompanying ponies take their proper seats while Ford Mustang is the first speaker to walk up towards the podium.  With his fore hooves resting on the stand’s surface, he then places his speech on top of the podium.  As he takes the time to gather his thoughts, he tilts his head to the left to get one look at his wife within the glass coffin.  And once he turns back toward the silent crowd before him, he take a very deep yet calm breath before he gains enough composure to begin his opening eulogy.

“Today, we gather together to not just celebrate the life of one pony, but the life of a hero.  A hero whose feats are legendary and has done so much good for her community and for her country.  And although her life was suddenly cut short, the accomplishments she left behind will last forever… both in our history and in our hearts.”

Within the brief pause, a majority of the audience gradually breaks into their respective tears over the reflection of Rainbow’s abrupt passing.  And once some of grieving softens up, Mustang continues his soft-spoken speech with a smile gradually blossoming across his slightly worn face.

“Most ponies knew Rainbow Dash in life for her bravery and loyalty.  But for me, the best way I can sum up her character is on how much of an inspiration she is… and not just to me, but to all of you as well.” he gently points it out with a wave of his foreleg.

“To some, she inspires those who don’t enough courage for themselves.” he states as he shares a knowing glance with Fluttershy, who despite her crying is able to muster a sympathetic smile over the stallion’s statement.

Then, Ford shifts his soft gaze towards Scootaloo as he speaks his next sentence that mostly directs at the young filly.  “To others, she inspires them to more than what they are led to believe no matter what their limits are.”  From hearing that, Scootaloo broadens her smile significantly as she does her best to hold back her own tears from leaking out right away.

“And I for one can attest to those circumstances for all that she has done for me especially.  If it wasn’t for her, I may never have become the very pony that I am today.”  And from turning his head towards the casket with his wife lying to her eternal rest, he stares at her frozen yet warm smile as he continues with a even more budding smile of his own, “I owe her everything for that, and I can’t thank her enough for making me into such a better pony.  Just like how she made better ponies out of you, one way or another.”

Once he re-faces the awe-stricken audience, fresh tears seep from his cool blue eyes as his radiant smile comes into full bloom while he wraps up his deeply heartfelt speech, “To me, she will always be my muse… my beloved wife… my beautiful, blue angel, Rainbow Dash.”

With his moving speech concluded, the crowd breaks into more of their tears, but this time, a majority of them smile warmly from reflecting Mustang’s stirring words.  Once he is done, he steps from the podium and walks toward his empty seat next to his father-in-law and friends.  However, upon his steady march, his composure gradually deteriorates as more tears pour out of his big, emotional eyes.  And upon reaching the company of his friends and family, Turbo goes up to him and pulls Ford in for a welcoming embrace to showcase his sympathy and pride for the heavily grief-stricken stallion.

Meanwhile, in the spiritual plane of this world, Rainbow is completely astounded by how sweet Ford’s continuous devotion was towards her as well as from learning on how much of an impact she has left on him.  And just like her husband, she too breaks down into heavy, heartfelt tears.

On cue, Firefly wraps her heavily emotional daughter with her strong, pink wings as she comments with a kindhearted smile, “You must be very fortunate to have such a wonderful husband in you life.”

“I am.” she snivels in-between with an affectionate smirk spreading across her quivering, tear-stricken face. “The sappiest, most wonderful stallion I could ever ask for.”


After Ford’s eulogy, they move on with the rest of the eulogies.  Each of them is as touching and heartbreaking as the last.  Especially when Turbo Dash and Scootaloo took their respective turns.  From hearing each of the speaker's genuine words, Rainbow sobs uncontrollably the same ways as when she first heard her husband’s eulogy.

With all of the heartfelt speeches taken care of, they move on to the guests lining up to pay their utmost respects, whether they just take one last look at her, giving off some of their departing words to her, or offer their flowers around the golden casket.  Countless ponies later, and they reach near the end of that extensive line.  And all that is left are deceased’s closest friends, her father, and her husband.

As Rainbow observes the final exchanges between her loved ones and her soulless body, she is amazed on how things are so much different than that awful nightmare she once had months ago.  Sure, it looks like it’s playing out the same way as her dreadful dream, which also took place in her own funeral, but based off of her friends’ reactions, they look more positive and less distraught than Dash imagined.  Fluttershy continues to shed her sincere tears of course, but she is more at peace with a broad smile expanding across her gentle face.  The same thing could be said for Pinkie Pie, except her mane is no longer straight as she still maintains some of her usual frizziness.  As for Rarity, she kept her promise by wearing something more colorful for the funeral as her attire perfectly matches with her more tranquil demeanor.

When it is Scootaloo’s turn, she continues to shed her tears as she approaches Rainbow’s body, but at least she is more acceptant with the dreadful loss over her sister than what Rainbow had envisioned.  Gently, she places her flowers right alongside the others that surround the casket before she goes up and gives one last big hug to her big sister.  From seeing Scootaloo’s heartfelt gesture, Rainbow smiles from this as she proud to see on how much Scoots have grown up since they first met.

Next, Turbo Dash present his own bouquet of flowers: Fire Lilies, the same ones he presented to his wife.  From seeing this, Firefly chokes up on her own tears from the touching gift her husband is presenting for their dearly beloved daughter.  After offering his gift, Turbo whispers some sweet words of farewell before giving his daughter a one last fatherly kiss on her cheek.

And last but certainly not least, Ford Mustang steps forward before the lifeless body of his wife with his wrapped up bouquet still secured in his own foreleg.  Of course, Rainbow Dash pretty much knew what he is holding based off her dream she was recounting as her husband unwraps it to reveal it before the general public: a diverse, colorful bouquet of wildflowers, which can be found in the same spot as the first place they met a couple years ago.

After he carefully places the delicate flowers in-between his wife's fore hooves, he says to her in a tenderhearted tone, “I picked out these wildflowers just for you, Rainbow.  They not only serve as a reminder of our very first encounter, but they also remind me so much about you.  Untamed… vibrant… beautiful.”

From listening to her husband’s ever-so sentimental words once again, Rainbow Dash just couldn't help herself as more relentless tears pour out her eyes.  Yet even with her constant bawling, it didn't stop her from bearing a wide, trembling smirk over Mustang’s usual sentimentality as she mutters with an erratic chuckle in-between.

Heh, that big, lovable sap!”

As Firefly warmly comforts her sobbing daughter, Ford continues stare at the pale, smiling face of his wife as he gently brushes her still colorful mane.  And once he is nearly done with having one last look at her, he does his best to suppress his tears for a little longer before he shares his final, wholehearted words with her.

"Thank you, Rainbow Dash... for making my life just as awesome as yours.   Well, almost as awesome as yours to some degree." he adds with a small, awkward chuckle. Then, he steadily leans forward with his face coming fairly close to hers as he affectionately whispers one last thing to her, "I love you, my beautiful, blue angel."

And with that said, he sends off his final farewell kiss once his lips comes into contact with hers.  It was a strange sensation when he continues to hold on to that simple, tender kiss of his.  He expected her wife's lips to be colder due to her recently deceased state; in fact, they are unusually warm that what he is led to believe.

Meanwhile, the spiritual form of Rainbow Dash gingerly approaches her preoccupied stallion, and offers him her own farewell kiss on his cheek, even though it won't help make her ghostly presence known to him.  Once she is done with her sweet gesture first, she instinctively replies back with her own affectionate farewells with a few more tears cascading across her face.

"I love you too, my big, strong Mustang."

And once Rainbow lets him go, Ford eventually does the same as his lips gently pull back. Reluctantly, the spirit of Rainbow Dash gradually walks back to her awaiting mother as the sniffling mare wipes what's left of her tears.

“Well… I guess we should get going, huh?” Rainbow assumes in a mildly disheartened tone.

Surprisingly, Firefly didn’t bother to confirm on her daughter’s presumption as she blankly stares at the younger mare.  But then, the pink Pegasus displays a small yet amusing smirk as she responds in a strangely shrewdly manner.

“Oh, I think it’s too soon to leave just yet.”

In response to her mother's cryptic shrewdness, Rainbow illustrates her confusion by simply saying,  “Huh?”

Without giving anything away, the still smirking Pegasus directs her baffled daughter with a nod, and Rainbow turns around with knitted eyebrows to face her husband once again. As for Mustang, he begrudgingly walks away from the golden casket while Princess Celestia and Princess Luna approach the glass coffin to officially end today’s memorial themselves.


But out of nowhere, something stops Ford dead in his tracks as he thought he just heard something... or rather... he felt something.


There it is again.  It was very faint, but he knows what he is sensing isn't a mere coincidence.  So he closes his eyes to only concentrate on that strange yet familiar sensation.  At first, he considers that it came from his own beating heart.  But no, it's more than just a heartbeat.  And it came from somewhere close by.

Ba-bump.  Ba-bump.  Ba-bump.

At last, he has found the source of that throbbing sensation as the steady pulse is coming right behind him.  And with eyes still closed, he can something blossoming through his mind's eye.  It is awfully tiny, but its warm radiance is as bright as any source of fire.  In addition, the fiery light is pulsating very steadily, which perfectly matches with the subtle throbbing he just heard earlier.  And not only that, but the small, lively flame bears every color in the rainbow.

Almost like...

Gasp!  Rainbow Dash!

From that startling realization, Ford swiftly turns his head around to pinpoint the source of the faint, flickering glow, which is coming from the seemingly lifeless body of Rainbow Dash, where the princesses have just close the lid on the glass coffin.

And as he stares at his motionless wife while he continues to monitor that inner, lingering light within her, sudden visions begin to flow into his mind.  But these visions aren’t as ear-splitting as last night's. This time, they consist of memories stemming from his connection with his Draconian Magic.

Whether it was from that time when Hindel, his former master and elder dragon friend, was able to revive him with his "breath of life" technique after his first deadly encounter with Arrogon the Destroyer...

To how he broke Arrogon's mind-controlling spell from his beloved Rainbow Dash by pouring his purifying magic into her with that breathtaking kiss...

To sharing that one deep kiss with her after being infused with so much power from the Elements of Harmony and the aiding dragons before he took off to confront his adversary one last time.

In-between his flashbacks, he is once again shown multiple repetitions of the vision that has haunted him for months.  Except this time, the mental replay is set on a loop as it only plays out the last scene where he offered his final kiss to his recently deceased wife.

Despite being overwhelmed with so many visuals at once, Ford tries to make sense on they might be telling him.  In regards with the specific memories, they somehow share a theme between the life-infusing Draconian Magic and the way it's exchanged from one individual to another.  But as he starts to piece it all together, a familiar, deep voice echos in his mind as it recites a line of dialogue from long ago.

"Remember all those who've cared for you... the ones who've helped you become what you are today.  Let their everlasting love for you add more fuel to the fire of your soul.  If you can master that emotion's unfathomable power, you can achieve anything!"

From taking heed to Hindel's words, Ford places a fore hoof over his now steady-beating chest as he once again relives the vision's last scene where and his deceased angel share their last kiss together.  But this time, he maintains his heartfelt kiss for much longer than anticipated, and from doing so, their bodies radiate an expansive, golden light that finally banishes the red, misty darkness surrounding them.

At last, with his visions coming into fruition, a broad, bright smile stretches across his suddenly rejuvenated face as an overwhelming sense of hope resurfaces like a phoenix rising from its ashes.

However, that moment of optimism has to put on hold once he realizes that the two princesses are nearly with their duties by reaching for a velvety sheet to cover up the glass coffin.  And praying with all of his might that he's not too late to change this fate, Mustang immediately rushes over to Alicorn Sisters and urgently interrupts them from proceeding any further.


From Ford’s swift intervention, Celestia and Luna freeze in place before they were about to place the cover as they completely startled by frantic stallion’s immediate outburst.  All eyes, including the countless attendees, are turn towards the blue-haired Pegasus as Ford begins to feel really intimidated by all of the stares he's receiving.  But he can't let his bashfulness get in the way of this critical moment of his as he readdresses himself in a humbler tone for his imperative request.

"P-please princesses.  Just... give me one more minute with her.  Please?"

With very big, pleading eyes, Ford desperately waits for the princesses' approval as the two sisters look at each with blank stares.  And shortly after that, they turn back to Ford and bear understanding smiles for him while Celestia kindly nods to his request.

"Of course, Mustang.  Take as much time as you need."

Overjoyed to receive their permission, he hastily nods right back with a gracious smile for the two humble princesses.  And as he makes his way to the golden casket to lift up the crystal-glass lid, Twilight Sparkle approaches him as she asks out of concern.

"Ford, is everything alright?"

Not wanting to waste any more time on what he has in mind, he turns around to face her and beseeches to her in a soft yet stern manner, "Twilight, whatever happens, do not stop me no matter what."

Twilight is a bit uncertain by that simple yet vague request of his.  But she didn’t come up with a proper response as she is a bit distracted by the sudden confidence in Ford’s eyes.  Having trust in her friend, the speechless princesses merely abides with a nod and takes a few steps back to give him some room.

After displaying a grateful smile for Twilight's cooperation, Ford turns back to the motionless mare and closes his eyes while taking deep, calm breaths.  From maintaining a steady rhythm in his breathing, he begins to emit a fiery glow that surrounds his entire body.  As the golden radiance expands even further, the dumbstruck audience gasps in wonderment at what's happening before their very eyes.

With his concentration ready, the immensely glowing stallion leans forward where his muzzle is inches away from Rainbow's as he says to her in a confident voice, "Dashie, I know you're not one to give up so easily, and I'm not ready to give up on you just yet. You gave it your all with the birth of our beloved twins, so I'm willing to do the same thing just for you, angel."

And after inhaling the deepest breath he can muster, he firmly presses his lips against hers and pours his heart and soul into the ultimate gamble of his life.  From that desperate, breathtaking kiss, Mustang infuses his Draconian Magic into the very core of Dash's body in hopes to rekindle the inner fire he's been sensing earlier.  And as he continues his extensive discharge, the two bodies produce an expansive amount of light as their soothingly warm brilliance reaches throughout the entire chapel while also shining right through the stained glass windows.

With the room engulfed in the on-going magic's illumination, Rainbow continues to remain baffled by what she is witnessing, and she asks her mother once again, “Wha…? What’s going on here?”

“Hmm, it seems the dragon’s prediction came true after all.” Firefly mutters with a surprisingly calm, casual smirk.

At first, she isn’t sure on what her mom was referring to, but it didn't take long to figure that out before she confirms that herself, "Wait, you're referring to Ford's dragon friend, Hindel, aren’t you?"

"Yes, that's him." she acknowledges with a nod and a grin.  "I had a chance to speak with him before you passed away.  He told me that this may happen."

Astounded as ever, Rainbow turns back to Ford as he continues with his self-appointed task while she asks once again in a more impatient tone, "So, what's happening right now?"

After a brief chuckle over her daughter’s bewilderment, Firefly decides to not delay the surprise any further.  "Don't you see?  You're getting a second chance at life."

As the older, grinning mare expected, the unexpected news leaves her daughter completely thunderstruck as she has trouble processing the overwhelming eye-opener.  And truth be told, it's kind of hard for her to fully accept all of this in, so she asks her mother just to make doubly sure.

"...I-l-l am?!  R-really?!"

"Yes, Dashie." she reassures with a hearty giggle over her daughter’s skeptical reaction.  "And it’s all thanks to your husband over there."

Once again, the young, speechless mare turns to her husband as he surprisingly keeps on maintaining his lips to continuously pour his rejuvenating magic into her body in one whole breath.  And as she witnesses the miracle before her, a smile begins to grow across her face as she gradually realizes on all the things she'll get to enjoy out of life once again.

"Then... then that means... I'll get to rejoin with the Wonderbolts!  I'll get to be with my friends!  I'll get to be with my family--!"

But from the mention on how extremely excited she is from reuniting with her foals as well as the the rest of her family, a sudden realization causes Dash shift to a more dejected manner once she grasps that only one pony won't be attending the ultimate family reunion.  Slowly, she faces her mother with a mildly pouty expression, and Firefly displays a comforting smirk for her concerning daughter.

"Hey, don't look at me like that.  This is what you wanted, right?"

“...Will I ever see you again, mom?”

“Someday, Rainbow.  I promise.  But hopefully not too soon this time around.  You’ve got your own life ahead of you after all.” she wittily adds with a wink and a grin.

"Anything you want me to say to dad for you?"

Firefly gives it some thought before she replies with an affectionate smile for a particular stallion in mind.  "Yeah, there is...tell your father that I still love him with all of my heart, but he should really cut back on those sweets every now and then, especially on those donuts he would pick up on the way to the flight camp he volunteers at.  Oh, and if he tells you that he only bought those to share it with his coworkers, then tell him his generosity doesn’t excuse him for his own snacking habits.  Besides, he knows better than to distribute junk food to the camp’s counselors."

From listening to her mother's fussy remarks over her father, Rainbow snickers for a bit before she abides with an amusing smirk, "He-heh, sure thing, mom."

After sharing one good laugh together, they suddenly notice how Rainbow looking more transparent than usual as it starts with her lower body fading away.  While Rainbow is a bit alarmed by this, Firefly hardly displays any surprise to her daughter’s gradual development as she sighs with a mildly composed smile.

"Well... it looks like it’s time for you to go."

A bit hesitant on how she has to leave her mother so soon, she asks in a very timid voice, "Can I... have one last hug before I leave?"

Surprised at first, Firefly starts to get all choked-up as she welcomes her little mare with open hooves and wings.  "Of course, Rainbow.  Anything for my precious, little angel."

And right away, the equally emotional Pegasus dives forward and fully embraces her mother one last time while Firefly does the same for her beloved daughter.  With softly weeping eyes and warm-hearted smiles, they seek to hold on their unbreakable hug for as long as they can as Rainbow Dash can feel herself disappearing with the fading process beginning to reach up towards her torso.

"I'll never this forget this, mom." she assures in a very tearful manner.  "I...  I love you so very much, mommy."

Despite how hard it will be to let go of her daughter once more, Firefly couldn't be happier over her only child getting this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for herself as she expresses her everlasting love with a tearful yet overjoyed smile for her.

"And I love you, my beautiful Rainbow Dash... always and forever."


Once the blinding light fades away, Rainbow Dash begins to open her mildly groggy eyes.  No longer is she in the heavenly embrace of her mother nor does she feels as light as a feather.  Instead, she is resting on something that resembles a thin yet cushiony mattress, and her body weighs a lot more than what she was getting used to.  Though granted, she does feel a lot lighter than usual compared to all those months when she was pregnant with her twins.

Slowly but surely, she rises up to verify her surroundings and to make sure she's in the right location.  And once her eyes adjust better, the first thing she sees is hundreds of ponies staring at her with extremely wide eyes and immense, gaping faces.  Practically everyone, the guests, her friends, her father, and even the princesses, share the same overwhelmingly shocked expression as all eyes are directed towards Rainbow.  It is almost as if they are seeing a ghost, which is just as believable as seeing one pony rising from her grave.

Almost as dumbfounded as the gawking crowd, Rainbow carefully addresses herself as she display an exceptionally sheepish grin towards them, "...Umm... I'm back~!"

Despite her best efforts from her awkward opening greeting, she is met with disturbing silence once again.  The only exceptions that briefly break that silence are a few ponies fainting dramatically in the background, and surprisingly, one of those ponies isn't Rarity.

After stepping out of her opened coffin, Rainbow once again waits for a proper response, even from one of Pinkie Pie's makeshift parties to welcome her back to the living.  But to her dismay, no one, not even her friends, dares to take a another step as Rainbow Dash begins to feel really uneasy in all of this.

However, only one pony is brave enough to confirm Dash's status as a fully resurrected mare: Scootaloo.  Timid at first, the orange filly inches closer to her now-revived big sister before she cautiously attempts to verify the older mare's identity.

"R-R-Rainbow Dash... is that... is that really you?"

At first, Rainbow didn’t answer her little sister's question right away as the blue Pegasus is too caught up on how happy she is to see Scoots actually interacting with her.  But eventually, she composes herself before acknowledging the filly's imperative question with a well-recognizable, cool smile of hers.

"The one and only, kiddo."

And after staring at her grinning role model for just a little more, Scootaloo couldn’t help herself any longer as she lunges forward for a big, welcoming hug.  A bit jumpy from the desperate embrace, Rainbow nevertheless accepts Scootaloo’s hug completely as both Pegasi begin to feel highly emotional in this heartwarming reunion of theirs.  Soon enough, they break away from their sisterly embrace as Scoots smiles ecstatically over the miraculous return of Rainbow Dash.

"It is you!"  Then, Scoots turns around to gleefully announce before the still shocked audience.  "Everypony, it's her!  It's really her!  See?"

Unfortunately, the crowd doesn’t take Scootaloo’s word for granted as they continue to remain hesitant from approaching the resurrected mare themselves.  But soon, another pony steps forward as Rainbow’s father, Turbo Dash, walks up towards her to get a closer look for himself.  Once he is close enough, the hesitant stallion lightly brushes her daughter’s face with a gentle fore hoof to make sure what he's feeling is totally real and not some cruel delusion before his very eyes.  Without so much a fuss, she allows her dad to touch her fuzzy cheeks and flowing hair, to which both her mane and her coat retain their healthy, vibrant colors upon her resurrection.  Finally, after Turbo’s closer inspection, he anxiously pulls Rainbow in for a great, big hug of his own and tearfully embraces his one and only daughter.

"I never thought I would get to hold you in my hooves like this ever again, Dashie." he whispers to her in a sniveling yet overjoyed tone.

Weeping just as much as her heavily emotional father, she simply responds with a chuckling grin, "Never say never, daddy."

After a good minute or two with their father-and-daughter embrace, Rainbow thinks she'll get a chance to take a breather.  But that is only a fleeting moment when Pinkie Pie ecstatically calls out her name as she literally springs into action.


And from pink pony's highly energetic shouting, she jumps on top on the unprepared Pegasi, and one by one, the rest of their closest friends mimic Pinkie’s energetic gesture where they all engage in a one huge dog pile.  Despite struggling with the immense weight of her friends, Rainbow Dash couldn’t be any more happy than to be in the tenders hooves of her loved ones.

In the midst of their tremendous group hug, Fluttershy is the first to speak in a tear-stricken yet jubilant voice, "Y-y-you're alive!  You're really alive!  I'm just s-so happy right now!"

"Y-y-yes, that makes two of us, darling!" Rarity agrees in the same weeping-in-joy manner as her yellow Pegasus friend.

"Come on, girls!" Rainbow attempts to calm them down with a trembling grin before their highly infectious crying starts to get to her as well.  "If you start crying, then I'm gonna cry and--!"  But her resistance is short-lived as fresh tears pour uncontrollably out of her eyes before she gives in and shrugs it off with a care.  "Ah, who cares!  I'm at my own funeral for pony's sake!"  And to emphasize her unbridled joy over their tear-jerking reunion, Rainbow broads her grasp to hug as many of her friends as possible.

"You dimwitted jerk!" Gilda remarks sharply to her returning friend in the midst of her constant bawling.  "Pulling off a terrible prank on us like that!"

"Yeah, Ah’ll say!" Applejack concurs with an equally amused yet weeping smile.  "Dontcha ever pull off anything as crazy as that ever again!"

"Trust me girls, that’s a one time stunt I may never pull off ever again." Rainbow reassures with a lighthearted chuckle of her own.

As Rainbow Dash and her best friends carry on with their heartwarming group hug, the rest of the crowd begin to ease up as they gradually accept miraculous return of Rainbow Dash.  Of course, there are a few ponies who remain mystified in what they just witnessed.

Trixie is one of those ponies as she expresses her astonishment, "I-l-l just can't believe it!  How did Ford pull off a trick like that?"

"You got me, Trix." Vinyl Scratch answers with a shrug who is just as baffled as the blue Unicorn next to her.

"Wait a second... did you just shorten it to a nickname?" Trixie retorts as she sharply twists her head towards the the laid-back Unicorn.

"Yeah, what of it?" the deejay answers with a carefree grin, much to Trixie's increasing annoyance.

But before that little scuffle could get out of hand between the two Unicorns, the tear-stricken Octavia gently intervenes as she warmly comments over Trixie's question earlier, "It's a miracle... simple as that."

Touched by the cellist’s simple, moving words, Vinyl and Trixie display acceptive smiles as DJ-PON-3 lovingly embraces her wife before complying with Octavia’s heartfelt response, "Yes, it is."

On the other side, the chosen Wonderbolts are just as thrilled as everyone else over the return of their teammate as joyful tears continue to cascade across Spitfire's face while she comments with a chuckling smirk, "See, did I tell you that mare can pull off miracles, or what?"

Without any need to answer his wife's rhetoric question, Soarin warmly embraces her with a strong, gentle wing as they continue to behold the uplifting moment in front of them.  In the middle of their observation, Soarin bears a lighthearted grin as he shares it with his equally smiling mare.

"You know, she's going to be really disappointed on how we were planning to commemorate a huge statue in her honor."

"Shh!  She doesn't need to know that!" Spitfire whispers with an sharp, clever smirk as Fleetfoot and the other listening Wonderbolts snicker along with the couple.

Back in the massive group hug with Rainbow Dash at the center, Twilight just has to asked the obvious question, "H-h-how..?  How did you come back to life?"

With a chuckling smirk, Rainbow answers very cleverly, "Why don't you ask him yourself?"

In the midst of her tightly embracing friends, Rainbow pokes her head up in hopes to find her knight in shining armor.  However, once she spots her husband at the far corner of the golden casket, she notices something off about him as he lies there without budging an inch.  So she attempt call him out from his little nap.


No response from the motionless stallion, so she attempts to reach out to him once again in a skittish tone.


With no response from the suddenly unconscious Pegasus, fear gradually grips Rainbow’s recently resuscitated heart as she dreads on the awful possibility over the cost of her recent rejuvenation.

Showing as much concern as just about everyone else, Twilight Sparkle flies over to Ford's side before conducting a quick exam over his physical condition.  Carefully, she presses a tip of her fore hoof right underneath Mustang’s lower jaw to check his pulse.  And after counting for 15 seconds to keep track of the number of beats, her eyes shrink drastically in response to her immense horror on how serious Ford's condition is right now.

"Oh no."  And immediately, the panicky princess turns toward the crowd and cries out in desperation.  "Quick, somepony call a medic!  H-he's not breathing!"