A New Impetus

by Zykov

11. Farewell, For Now

“The train to Ponyville will leave in fifteen minutes! All passengers start to board!”

The day had finally come. The day for Soul and Noble to leave Canterlot behind and start reaching for something new, somewhere fresh. During these few weeks, they had been arranging things and preparing for the move. Back in Ponyville, Rarity had managed to set things up with Mayor who has been in touch with Soul and sealed a deal with him. With an apartment secured and moving arrangement done, there was nothing holding them in Canterlot, Besides the bonds they share with their friends.

At the station before the duo got on the train, Mineral, Truffle and Olivia have come to said their final goodbyes to their friends.

Noble, Truffle and Olivia were inside the station buying some snacks, while Soul and Mineral were sitting on a bench outside.

“Well sis… I guess this is it, then,” Mineral said, while gently rubbing her legs as she smiled, though the smile soon changed into a grin. “I could throw a joke about you not being able to make it in a small town, but in all seriousness take care of yourself.”

As Soul turned his head which had been looking forward over the buildings at the glistening sky hovering over the buildings to look at the mare and nod with a cheerful smile. “Thank you Mineral. And you keep enjoying Spectrum’s coffee for me too.”

“You can be sure of that,” Mineral said with determined grin and gave a small laugh before putting her hooves together and stretched. “It will be weird to not have you around anymore, sis.”

The stallion turned to look back at the skyline, still talking to Mineral. “Oh I have a feeling you’re the only one who can even notice. In just a couple weeks you won’t even remember what it was like to have me around.” Soul rolled his eyes as he finished his statement simply looking to the side at the mare while keeping his face facing forward.

The mare scrunched her eyebrows and chuckled. “My ears are hearing such nonsensical words. I will write you at least five times in a week and bring you up in conversations with our co-workers, so your-” The mare leaned towards the stallion putting on a large sly grin. “-SOUL stays among us.” She put a hoof to her cheek that was facing Soul and looked in the opposite direction and her mouth scrunched at her word choice. “Did I really just say that…?”

“Bad Soul pun... Alright that’s it, our friendship is over. Mineral, it was a pleasure to know you but we’re done.” Soul turned his upper body toward her and waved a hoof side to side in the air and couldn’t help but grin with a snicker sneaking out of his muzzle.

Mineral immediately gave him a pouty face and crossed her forelegs jokingly, turning away. “Alright, I hated you anyway sis.”

“Well I hated you more.” He turned his nose up in the air with his eyes close and crossed his forehooves as well, opening one he glanced over at the mare.

Mineral gave Soul a cold stare over her shoulder. “I hated you the most and I’m just glad you’re going.”

Soul turned and the two looked at each other with intense piercing glares focused at each other but almost immediately eased back and chuckles starting to escape their mouths.

Mineral uncrossed her forelegs and put her forehooves behind her head and leaned against the bench. “I suppose you are not willing to share a farewell hug before you go?”

Sliding away a little bit at the thought Mineral had gained the white unicorn’s full attention. Soul waited staring for a moment and finally replied, “Um, maybe just a hoof shake could do?”

“Fine, I’m not willing to traumatize you just before your trip,” Mineral said with a laugh and hopped off the bench, grabbing her saddlebag next to it. “Though would you at least be willing to take a farewell gift then?” She turned her head to the right and raised her left eyebrow, staring straight through her friend.

Soul drew his neck back and tossed his body forward, standing up from the bench as well. “I never thought you would get me a farewell gift.”

Mineral chuckled and gave Soul a bright smile. “Of course I did.” She dug a small black box from her bag and handed it to Soul. “It’s something little I made myself.”

“I appreciate it…” Soul looked at the box for a moment trying to think about what could be waiting inside it. When he opened it, his eyes grew wide. It was a silver necklace which had a oval plate hanging in the center and in that oval plate was a polished yellow mineral. On the other side of it Soul’s cutie mark had been crafted into the metal around the stone. He puckered his lips and let out a loud whistle of impressment. “Wow, this is…” His eyes shifted to Mineral. “Pretty dang amazing. I don’t get how you have the heart to give such a thing away.”

“I’m a mineral artist so of course I have a lot of resources,” Mineral said with a chuckle and then pointed at the yellow gem. “That mineral is a rather special one called citrine. In old tales, ponies believed that it would protect them from bad thoughts.” She lifted the necklace with her magic and opened the hook, offering to help Soul to put it on. “I thought it would be a fitting gift for you.”

“I see.” Soul’s lips parted upward, he nodded in response turning around. “Thank you very much Mineral, you really have a sense of gifts you know,” he stated with a laugh.

Mineral put the necklace around Soul’s neck and latched it, gently letting it fall and hang. “No problem sis”. After doing so, she backed off a few steps and gave a nod of approval as she beamed at her work. “Looks good. You’re dead if you lose it though!”

He looked down at the pendent, grinning ear to ear. He nodded quickly at Mineral with a gleam in his eyes. “Roger that ma’am.” With that said Soul tapped a hoof against the ground and looked over at the clock that was hanging off the wall. “I wonder what’s taking Noble so long?”

The mare lept up in the air, landing with her legs spread out further and puffing out her cheeks."Hey don't go changing the subject. I just gave you a great thoughtful gift, don't be trying to get rid of me quickly after that."

Soul took a step back and raised one of his eyebrows and inflected his voice. "Hmm? Who are you again?" The stallion laughed at his own joke and spoke naturally again, "But he's just been quite a long time there, I don't want him to miss the train because of some long line or something."

Mineral drew her legs in again and smiled slyly, inflecting her voice as well. "Don't worry he'll be back in time, they are still making repairs and he's probably just trying to find some food that you will actually eat."

That comment made Soul droop his head and puff out his cheeks though he couldn’t help but snicker a bit at his own flaw. Suddenly the duo heard a loud wail coming from the door that made them both jump.

“Please Cookie, let go of him. At least let him walk.” An elegant, yet concerned voice carried through the doorway.

A tail followed by a tan flank with a rose colored quill slid through the door as Noble emerged with saddle bags on his sides and a weeping green mare hanging from his neck with her hind legs wrapped around his right foreleg.

Another sharp wailing cry struck from the Truffle’s mouth though this time with some audible words, “Pleeese! I’m not ready for you to go! I...I.. I’ll miss you so… so… so much!”

Noble had quickly folded his ears down cringing at the loud cries, he opened an eye and looked over toward Olivia who had been biting her bottom lip and was watching the display. “C-Could you please not yell that loud? Especially right next to my head,” he said clenching his teeth, but trying his hardest not to look too mopey or happy about leaving. “Please Truffle, you don’t have to feel bad... just remember this is for the best, also this isn’t goodbye, once I get back on my feet I will come up to see you both and you both can come down to see me as well”

Further Mineral leaned toward Soul and whispered, scrunching her eyebrows. “Be thankful you’re not in that position. You would die.”

“You bet…” Soul responded while giving Mineral a nod with his teeth clenched and his eyes being wide.

Truffle lifted her teary eyed face up from the side of earth pony’s neck. “You have to promise! I want you to promise me on your cutiemark, and message me when you get there, and message your mailing address, how your home is and if you have any luck getting a job and what it is! I want to be able to send you letters as well as gifts when I need to.” She wiped her eyes with a foreleg and although she didn’t let go, she did loosen her chokehold.

Noble gasped as the grip loosened, placing a hoof on his chest. He let out a soft laugh and then smiled at the green unicorn even though she hadn’t completely let go of him. “Of course I will, I have promised you that multiple times and I promise you that again, and will promise it more if I have to.” Though after that said, he looked up and closed his eyes furrowing his eyebrows. “Though um… didn’t I already give the address?”

Olivia stepped into the conversation, while gently trying to pull Truffle away from Noble by putting a hoof on her shoulders. She looked slightly down to look Noble in the eyes. “No worries, you did and we have it on our fridge already.” Her focus shifted back to Truffle and she leaned in to whisper in her ear. “Come now Cookie, you hanging there must be straining his neck...“ Her gaze raised back to Noble. “I’m really really sorry Noble, that’s Truffle...” she said with rather awkward chuckle.

Truffle didn’t say anything, but just hung her head staring at the ground with her ears folded down.

Noble was just trying to maintain his balance and waited for her to say something, but when he looked up and around hoping no pony was around to see this, he saw Mineral and Soul a bit further away looking at the trio with rather blank faces. The earth pony just gave them awkward smile and gentle wave as he tensed up.

Just when Truffle was about to open her mouth, a loud noise of train horn erupted which was followed by the final boarding announcement, telling ponies to get on the train. The announcement caused the platform to begin to roar as ponies quickly made their way from the shops to board the train. It also made Truffle more aware of the time and she realized that she didn’t truly want to hold her friend back anymore. She let go of the stallion as a gentle but gloomy smile spread to her face that still had some small tears running down her cheeks. “You promise right?”

Standing up straighter and stretching his neck in all directions before he spoke, the stallion nodded with a soft smile. “Of course I promise. I promise on my cutiemark.” He took a few steps forward, so he was past Truffle and gently flipped his hips, bumping his cutiemark against Truffle’s before walking back in front of her.

Olivia moved forward, standing where Noble had just been to the left of the green mare and gently placed her foreleg around Truffle and gave her a gentle hug and sympathetic look with a nod.

Further, Soul picked up his saddleback and used his magic to gently strap it on his back he and Mineral walked over to the trio. Soul tilted his head. “Are we all done here? You got the snacks?”

The earth pony sighed and nodded. “I suppose, we’ll all get another round of hugs before we get on but still. And yes I did. We are all set.”

Soul looked around at the three there to see them off and leaned away at the thought of hugs. “I may sit out on the hugs. Good though, let’s go then.”

The group started making their way to the train, searching for a right car for Soul and Noble to get into. Eventually they found car number 3, but before getting on board, they stopped to say their final words.

Truffle shedded a few more tears even though she was trying to hold them back. She wrapped a hoof around Noble and squeezed him as hard as she could. “Take care of yourself my friend! Write as much as you can and keep us on track.”

The tan stallion closed his eyes and rubbed her back as they hugged, he was feeling a bit choked up about this and could feel his heart was heavy. “I promise I will… again.. Never give up on cooking and I know you will find a new job where your talent is appreciated.”

The mare nodded still squeezing Noble tightly. “I will. I will.”

“Truffle, it will be alright, can you please let go? This… is… tight.” The poet went from rubbing her back and hugging her to pushing her sides slightly as she pushed her face into his shoulder crying. “Oliva, a little help?”

Olivia smiled and shook her head, using her magic to pull Truffle and slid in, comforting her agian allowing her to move away from hugging Noble to embracing her. “We will be sad to see you go, but we hope for the best for you and look forward to hearing all about Ponyville.”

Nodding Noble stated, “Thank you Olivia, You keep loving your muse and embrace her every day.” With that said he opened a foreleg and wrapped his front legs around Olivia.

Olivia used her foreleg that wasn’t consoling her girlfriend and hugged Noble the best she could. “I shall. Best wishes to you Noble.”

Noble let go and stepped to the left. “Mineral, you keep being the creative pony you are.” He stepped forward embracing her as well.

Mineral returned the show of affection, hugging the earth pony with both forelegs and a pleasant grin. “You bet.”

That said, Noble stepped back, turning and opened the door and got onto the entrance of the train.

Truffle stopped sniffling and lifted her head up and wiped her nose and eyes so she could see Soul. “Soul, keep an eye on your bestie!”

“Mmhmm, I will. Goodbye Truffle.“ The white stallion nodded but refrained from hugging the mare.

Olivia cleared her throat, drawing attention to her. “We can say goodbyes with you too. I know we don’t know each other but since you’re the best friend of Noble Poet and I’ve heard of you from Truffle quite a bit, I figured it would be appropriate, Wild Soul” The tall pleasant mare, simply lowered her upper body the amount she could in a curtsy.

Wild Soul gave a bow as well with a smile, giving a plain and simple answer loyal to his style, “Very true. Best wishes to you too Olivia. “

Rising up from the bow Soul gave a final nod to the couple and moved over in front of his co-worker. “Mineral, goodbye and take care. We will keep in touch.” He gave the mare a small grin and rubbed the back of his head. “Don’t tell others at work but I have to give you the credit of being the best co-worker I’ve had up to this day.”

“D’aww why thank you. Right back at you and let's not forget the friend aspect,” Mineral said in a higher pitch, dramatic voice as a puff of air coming out of her nose as if she were about to laugh, though her eyes were slightly damp and a glimmer of a smile crossed her lips. She stood there for a minute and lowered her hoof and simply gave Soul a pleasant grin though it seemed slightly… sneaky, The next thing she did was something Soul wasn’t expecting. Mineral wrapped her hooves around the stallion, the grin on her face getting even wider. “You know, I lied before. You really thought I would simply let you go without a farewell hug, eh sis?” she said with a little chuckle.

Soul immediately drew his neck back, his eyes growing wide open and widened his mouth while clenching his teeth. Cold shivers ran throughout his body. “M-Mineral, for Celestia’s sake! I thought you had respect for my personal space!”

Mineral laughed and patted the stallion on his back. “Come on, just hug me back and I will let go.”

The stallion was gently trying to push the mare away but her grips was too tight for a gentle push. “C-Come on the train is about to leave.”

“Hurry up then,” she barked, giggling as she felt the stallion squirm.

Being silent for a short moment, Soul let out a big sigh and shook his head. “You know I really hate you...” He sat down and slowly opened his forelegs, lightly wrapping them around the mare and gently giving a few pats on her back. Even though he was grimacing and feeling a lump in his throat, even just for a few seconds a very small smile broke onto his face. “Though... I will miss you.”

The last thing he said made Mineral tone down her grin into gentle smile. “Naye I know you do sis,” Mineral said with a laugh and finally let go of Soul, each of them getting back onto all fours. “I will miss you too.” Mineral brought her hoof to her forehead and tossed it up and off to the side into a single wave with a wink.“There now have a safe trip.”

Scrunching his eyebrows together and swiped a hoof over his shoulders, he gave Mineral a small grin. “Thanks...” That said, he slowly turned around and got on board the train but seemed to be shaking. It wasn’t because of Mineral, but he seemed to become more and more shaky when he actually got on the train.

Noble had already found some open spots and Soul walked over to him and got Noble to move so he could sit next to the window.

Noble gave Soul a frown but opened an eye wide leaning toward him to show he was joking. “You never say ‘I hate you’ to me.”

“That’s because I’ve substituted it with choking you with cider or food,” he said with a laugh.

Noble gave a faint smile and chuckle. “Point taken.”

Suddenly they heard a loud sound from a whistle and they felt a lurch forward. The train had begun to move and as soon as they realized it, they both moved closer to window to give their friends some final waves.

All of the ponies wore their own unique smiles as the train pulled out of the station and began rolling down the track, leaving the Canterlot station behind.

As the station disappeared from view Soul leaned back and closed his eyes. “This is going to be a horrible ride…”

“What? Why?” Noble extended an eyebrow, looking at his friend, sitting back a bit, ready to give Soul more space and room to leave the seat if he needed to.

“Oh, yep… This is definitely going to be a horrible ride,” Soul repeated, shaking his head then sitting back and looking forward, he took a few deep breaths and put a hoof over his chest feeling his heartbeat.

Noble looked over Soul for a moment, watching what he was doing and finally realized the issue. “Wait… you ate right before this trip, didn’t you?” He put a hoof on his forehead and shook his head. “You know you always get motion sick if you do that and you still ate?”

The unicorn nodded slowly and slowly moved his head to face the window. “Suffer for your stupidity is what they say… I’ll just… stare out of the window into the distance so I should be alright…”

“If you say so...” Noble frowned, disappointingly at Soul but while doing so noticed the new addition around Soul’s neck. “Oh, when did you get that necklace?”

“It’s Mineral’s farewell gift to me. The gem in it is called citrine.” Soul slid a hoof under it and raised it up for Noble to see.

“Wow... That’s amazing piece of jewelry. Lucky you.” The earth pony reached into his saddlebag and pulled out a small container. “But I got muffins, soooo I’m more than happy with my gift.”

As the train roared down the track and down the mountain the three mares sat waving as they watched in silence as it disappeared upon the horizon.

Once it had disappeared Mineral’s stomach broke the silence by growling loudly, she looked at the clock then at the mares next to her. “I know this is sudden since we are not acquainted, but we share friends and… would you both care to come get some great pizza with me? It is the best pizza in Equestria I assure you.”

The mares looked puzzled at first but after looking at one another for a moment they both agreed. As the three began to walk off with Mineral in the lead Olivia spoke up, “They do have healthy topping options, correct?”

“They most certainly do. Topping options are all fresh and ready.” The plump mare called back with a wink as she lead the way out of the train station and toward the mall.