World of Ponies: The Pony-Human War

by ShadowWalking18

Chapter 15 - Human/Pony: Dealing with Prisoners/Dealing with Humans


Castus looked at the two fillies, and his eyes widened when he saw the blood stains on the pink ponies clothes. He walked over to her, and she tried to leap back but only served to fall onto her side as she was still bound.

"That blood. Are you hurt?" Castus soon asked, when he noticed the blood. He swore if any of his hunters hurt a child he would...

The filly looked at him, "I..I'm fine! You just stay away!"

Castus blinked and looked the filly over, using a tiny bit of Wind to check for himself. He sighed in relief sensing no major injuries. Just some bruises and minor stuff. He backed away from the filly, who merely lay there and watched him.

"Geez Diamond Tiara relax. Castus is cool, he won't hurt us." Scootaloo said.

"Are you crazy!?" Tiara said, "He's a human!"

"Why does that surprise people?" Castus asked himself as he looked at Scootaloo now. She didn't seemed hurt.

Frankly though, he thought Scootaloo was crazy. Though then again, this filly practically worshiped Rainbow Dash, the biggest dare devil and adrenaline junky he knew. Still to find being a prisoner cool, what was up with kids these days?

'Well its not like I'm gonna hurt them. Though I had better keep her and her friend from getting underfoot.' He thought. He could only imagine what trouble Scootaloo could cause.

Not to mention this Diamond Tiara. He knew his people didn't have much love for ponies, and he feared some might take....drastic actions. He would have to keep them close along side his....other guest.

For a few moments he had to look at both the fillies to really realize how much the passing of three years could change a person, or pony.

Scootaloo was much taller now, though he still stood taller then her, her head was not up to his mid chest. She had to be around... thirteen? Fourteen now? Unless ponies counted age differently then humans. Her mane was still short, and as always messy and blown by the wind as was her tail. In fact the mane and tail looked very similar to...of course Rainbow Dashes style; only purple. Why was he not surprise.

Her body had gotten more athletic, but her wings...they still seemed a bit too small for flight. Castus frowned, and he worried if his little friend would ever fly. He knew Scootaloo wanted to fly as much as wanting her cutie mark.

"Oh Scoots, have you managed to find your cutie mark yet?" He asked, wondering on the subject.

Scootaloo frowned and huffed in disappointment, "Not yet. Its been three years and I'm in the advance classes at Miss Cheerilees school and me and the girls still don't have are cutie marks."

Castus frowned and he patted Scootaloo's shoulder, "You will get them in time."

Scootalo just huffed before taking a step back, "Yeah they say that. But anyway what are you doing here with all these humans? Are you like leading an army? Are you gonna invade Ponyville? Why are you fighting Equestria? Does being a prisoner mean I don't have to go to school tomorrow?"

Castus saw that last question had a particularly eager smile to it. But still it was a lot of questions to ask.

"What is he going to do with us is what I want to know. He better not touch me!" Tiara said, glaring at him.

"Geez Tiara get a grip. Humans don't use ponies for brood mares, besides what human would want to mate with you?"

"Better then a flat chested filly like you!" Tiara then shouted, causing Scootaloo to turn on her with a cold glare.

"I'm not flat." Scootaloo shouted.

"Yes you are! I've seen you change at gym, you don't even have to wear a bra under your shirt. That's flat." Tiara said before laughing.

Castus blinked, all rather now confused by the whole thing.

"Whoa! Whoa! Hold it! Lets move onto something else!" Castus shouted, wanting to change the subject before he got even more weirded out.

The two fillies looked at him, though they shot glares at each other so often. Tiara would even shake her chest a bit, causing her breasts to jiggle. This caused Scootaloo to cover her own chest, which Castus had to admit was....well flat, and glare.

'Ugh. Teenagers.' Castus thought, rubbing his head.

"Look to answer the questions..." Castus said as he tried to think on his answers.

"Look. I'm not here to invade Ponyville. I might take any humans I hadn't taken previously though. But I don't plan on letting my presence be known to the town. Your friends and family are safe."

"Oh yeah, I heard you had stolen Appleblooms humans from her families farm. You know her sister was really mad about that. Why did you even do that?" Scootaloo asked, looking at him a bit crossed.

Castus sighed, "I did not steal them. One cannot steal something that is not property. I like to say I...liberated them. Some of the humans here are from Applejacks farm. In fact, one of my guards is one of those humans."

"He was? But he...talks." Scootaloo said.

Castus nodded, "Yes...well...its all a very long story."

"So tell it. Its not like I'm going anywhere." Scootaloo said.

"True." Castus said.

It might be nice to confess all his actions. If at least to give himself some closure.

"Hey before you two get all story teller can you please untie me now!" Tiara shouted, glaring at them both.

"Oh sure." Castus said and used the Wind to cut the ropes, and set up defenses.

The ropes fell from the fillies hooves, and as he expected she bolted immediately toward the door....only to run right into a wall of air he had set up and slowly slide to the ground.

"Ow." Tiara said, rubbing her face. She made an eeping sound as Castus walked over and stood above her, looking down at her with his best unimpressed expression.

"Not a good idea. And even if you did manage to escape me, I have a whole cave of humans. Humans who might want to kill you." Castus said, glaring at the filly.

Diamond Tiara gulped and backed away to sit near Scootaloo. Scootaloo looked at him confused and said, "Hey, why do they want to hurt us? We didn't do anything to them."

"No...not personally. But war.....creates generalizations." Castus said, "Suffice to say, if you two wish to stay alive and safe, you need to stay near me at all times. Do you understand?"

Scootaloo frowned, but nodded. Tiara gulped and nodded, but she was shaking with fear.

Castus gave a short nod, "Good. Then...lets start with a little.....history lesson."

"Ugh, I hate learning." Scootaloo said, crossing her arms as she sat down.

Castus could only smirk as he began to tell the tale of events. A part of his...other memories felt delight at the teaching of young minds. It had been what he did before wars called to him. But then again, all men and women were something else before the call of war came.

It had taken the course of an hour or so when Castus finally finished. He had omitted a few things, like his attack on the Equestrian forces after the attack on the Moot. It didn't seem important, or help set the fillies minds at ease.

Scootaloo looked at him with confused eyes, "Wait let me see if I got this straight. Billions of years ago, before what ponies know of history began a nation of humans called the Valhrua existed and you are one of them?"

"Not directly. Descended. All humans today are descendants of the Valhrua." Castus said.

"Right. And there was one human in this empire that had control of the entire world called Karsus who, trying to stop a cataclysm, devised a spell that...what did it do again?"

"It pierced the ethereal boundry of this world and the wild chaos of the Immaterium, the swirling mass of energy in which all worlds are born and die in. He had hoped that this form of power which aided in creation of reality and worlds itself would be a far greater power source then the Wind. However by breaching the vale between our world and the Immaterium, he allowed the chaotic energies of creation and desctruciton to enter into the world and caused untold chaos. Eventually he had to end the spell, cutting off the energies and saving the world but the afterwaves of the chaotic energies from the Immaterium became the cataclysm that destroyed the Valhruan Empire and set the stage for this era we live in now.

"Right. And one of those side effects from Karsus spell was turning all humans into mindless animals." Scootaloo said slowly.

Castus nodded, "It was not his is a painful failure, haunting and always remembered."

"And to make up for this mistake, he prepared a last spell to transfer his memories and knowledge into a human that touched a statue back in Canterlot?" Scootaloo said, looking more confused.

"It was a bit more complex then that...but yes." Castus said.

"And you touched the statue, and got those memories...and so now like you're you but also Karsus?" Scootaloo asked, looking even more confused.

"Yes. Something like that." Castus said.

Scootaloo and Tiara both looked at him confused.

"Ugh that's ridiculous." Tiara said.

"Man my head hurts." Scootaloo said, rubbing her head.

"I know it is difficult to understand but..." Castus began.

"Difficult? its completely made up!" Tiara said, "There is no proof these...Valhrua existed. It would be in the history books if they did."

"Hey, Castus wouldn't lie." Scootaloo said, coming to his defense.

Castus held up his hands, "Silence, both of you." The two fillies shut up and looked at him.

"Believe it or not. It is the truth. But it doesn't matter. What matters is the reason for my actions." He said.

"Right, you're like dispelling the curse that Karsus left on the humans right?" Scootaloo asked.

"Yes. I am repairing the mistake I...Karsus made. Humans are a sapient creature, but they are held in animalistic fury because of that ancient spell. When I took the Apple families humans and others, I was merely dispelling their curse and offering them a chance to find a new life with me. I didn't feel it was right to leave them back in Equestria where they would become some experiment or such. We deserve to make our own destiny and choices like you."

"Well duh, I mean that makes sense. I don't think I would want to be left as a pet. And I've seen what they do to frogs in science class." Scootaloo said.

Castus coughed, "Uh well...I'm glad you see it that way."

"But still why fight Equestria?" Scootaloo asked.

Castus sighed, "I don't wish to fight Equestria. I have ponies, like you Scootaloo, who I care for in the nation. But Celestia and her sister fear me, and I feel that their fear makes it impossible for us to approach each other. Celestia also wishes me to be severed from the Wind, and I would rather take my own life then let that happen."

"But why?" Scootaloo asked.

"Because...if I am severed from the would make my life meaningless. No Valhruan who has lived has ever lasted more then day after being severed before commiting suicide." Castus said.

Scootaloo looked at him confused and afraid. Castus placed a hand on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't say such things around you. But, as long as Celetia seeks this I cannot approach her without fear of a fight." Castus said.

"Well if that's all, why not just tell her?" Scootaoo asked.

"Because...she is afraid. The history of her people and mine is not a kind one. She seeks to protect her people, and so to do that she must remove what she believes to be the threat. Me...or at least my power." Castus said.

Scootaloo frowned, "But...that doesn't seem right. You're not bad."

"Bad!?" Tiara gasped, "He is holding us prisoner! His humans got blood all over my designer clothes and worse he has been killing ponies for months now! I heard it from my daddy and mommy."

Scootaloo looked at Tiara shocked, then at him. Castus also looked surprise, but frowned and nodded.

" warriors have....killed ponies. It is a side effect of war, but we have only ever killed in defense for our lives. We did not actively seek a ponies death. Unlike Celestia's forces, who attacked our main base and slaughtered many of my people. Defenseless women and children. It was what forced us here." Castus said, staring at his shaking fists.

Remembering the whole attack still left him feeling angry.

"But what about the supply trains?" Scootaloo said then.

Castus blinked, "What about them? I mean sure I've had a few deaths from those battles. But predominately we drove off the guards and drivers."

"That's not what I heard. I heard that at least a dozen were burnt and every soldier cut down to the last." Scootaloo said.

Castus looked at her oddly now, "Where did you hear that?"

"My aunt. She is a soldier in the Equestrian army with my dad. She tells me all the stuff my dad won't tell me about their service. She has a lot of cool stories of battle she was in. Like one time during the war against the Dragon King she-" Scootaloo stopped talking when Castus raised a hand.

"Hold on. At least a dozen? That can't be true. My forces have only attacked twenty in total before we came here, those numbers would consist of more then half that total and I was present for each one. I would have known if I had ordered a massacre."

"Well that's what I was told. Maybe there were some humans who went out on their own?" Scootaloo asked.

Castus shook his head, "Impossible. No what this is, is propaganda. Its a common tactic to turn a people against another."

Scootaloo looked like she wanted to say something, but Tiara cut her off.

"Look, not like this is all soo thrilling but my clothes are ruined and I need a bath." Tiara whined, fingering her blood stained clothes.

"Oh right well, we don't have bathes. You'll have to bath in a nearby river." Castus said.

"What!?" Tiara shrieked, the idea sounding abhorrent to her.

"Yeah, as for your clothes." Castus held up his hand and channeled a thin strand of the Wind.

Scootaloo and Tiara both watched with wide eyes as the blood slowly began to seep away from Tiara's clothes, leaving it once again spotless and the blood now floating around his hand.

"There. Your precious designer clothes are fixed. Now, I have some things to do, but before I go do you need anything else?" Castus asked as he channeled open a hole in the ground and poured the blood into it and recovered the hole with dirt.

When Castus finally left his quarters, he sought out Valen first. He needed someone to watch the fillies while he was gone, and surprisingly the boy had been the one to bring them to him.

He found the boy eating with the other hunters, a carefully cooked roast of boar. Castus had to carefully construct a passage for smoke to leave the cave, without too much rising out to be seen from above or beyond. The smell of the cooking meat made him realize he hadn't had anything really substantial to eat in days and started to drool.

He shook his head thought and focused on his objective.

"Valen. Approach." He said to the young hunter.

Valen looked at him, and the boy seemed worried, before standing and coming over. Around them other hunters watched them.

"Yes Fire Man?" Valen asked.

"About those fillies." Castus began.

"I'm sorry Fire Man...I-I know you bringing them was wrong, but I-" Castus cut Valen off with a raising of his hand.

"Enough. What is done is done. But now I have another problem. You doubt know the....feelings of keeping these ponies here has on our people." Castus said.

Valen nodded, and he glanced at a group of hunters before looking back at him.

"Yes." Valen said.

"Their safety is a concern for me. While I don't doubt my peoples ability to obey my commands, I fear some might...forget themselves and I can't be watching them all the time. So....I have decided that you will be the prisoners caretaker when I am busy or gone." Castus said.

"Me!?" Valen said surprised.

"You did bring them here. Take responsibility." Castus said, giving the young hunter a look.

Valen bit his lip but nodded, "Yes Fire Man. I will watch them and keep them safe."

"Good. They are in my quarters, but one of them wishes to bathe. Take them to the nearby stream so they can wash and make sure none of them try to run away." Castus said.

Despite those words he doubted the girls would try. Scootaloo seemed to be finding the whole thing to be an adventure, and Castus seriously thought she might be thinking she could get a cutie mark in political prisoner or something. Tiara though might try to run away, though he doubted it since they were in the Everfree and far from the border of the forest to Ponyville.

"Bathe?" Valen said, confused.

"Yes. Bathe. Now get to it." Castus said.

Valen still looked confused, but nodded and began to make his way to his charges.

"Oh, Valen." Castus said, causing the boy to look back at him.

"Tell me, why did you save them?" Castus asked.

Valen looked at the ground, deep in thought before saying, "I...can't explain it. It head...I felt like the right thing."

"Even though they are ponies? Our enemy?" Castus asked.

Valen nodded, "They are children. Not fighters. And even a pony doesn't deserve to be eaten by Garn."

Castus couldn't help but smile at the children comment. Valen was about Scootaloo's and Tiara's age, maybe a year or two older. Still he didn't feel a need to bring it up. And he found the boys words to be...interesting.

"You did the right thing Valen. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise." Castus said.

Valen nodded, "Thank you Fire Man." And he walked off.

Castus watched him go and smiled, old memories surfacing.

'That boy has the mind of a paladin. Even if he doesn't know it.' He thought, before walking off.

He felt assured that Scoots and Tiara would be safe with Valen. Yet still his mind felt...ill at ease. Scootaloo's words on caravans massacred, though he was sure was nothing but propaganda, had him feeling. Uncomfortable.

Deciding that, if only to assure himself, before he went to see the Huntmasters and begin their attack, he would verify his assurances with the only one who could know more personally about the supply raids.

It was time to have a chat with Blueblood.


Blueblood looked up as he saw the roots that kept him in his tight cell separate, and he recoiled slightly from the presence of his captor. His hoof went to his stub of a tail subconsciously and he gave both a glare, and a look of fear.

'What is this animal going to do to me now?' He wondered.

Ever since his capture, which he still could not believe, he had had his tail cut off and then left to rot in a cramped cell with only a hole in the ground for a toilet. It was simply not conditions a prisoner of his stature deserved and Blueblood hated humans greatly for it.

He would think for hours how he could escape, but he had never been good with magic outside a few spells, so he couldn't teleport out and the humans had his sword so he couldn't fight or cut his way out.

And so here he was, a prince of Equestria, cowering before a simple human.

'No, not a human. A monster.' He thought, remembering the magic that the human had shown. It hit him to his core at how wrong he had been. And now he was this monsters prisoner.

"Blueblood. I trust the....accomedations are good?" His captor said.

Blueblood scowled and spat at the human. The human leveled a glare at him, and roots shot from the ground and Blueblood found his limbs being wrapped and pulled to the point where it began to hurt.

"Agh, stop!" He howled, fearing his limbs would be yanked out.

"Then try to be civil. Or I won't." The human said, and the roots loosened their pull.

Blueblood groaned, "Hello....Castus." he spat the last words but he said them.

"Better." Castus said and the roots let go of him entirely. Blueblood rubbed at his arms and legs, before glaring at the human mage.

'How does he do it?' He thought.

"Look, lets make this quick. I have things to do." Castus said.

"You mean more slaughters to plan." Blueblood said harshly.

"Pot calling the kettle black. But that word is why I'm here," Castus said, "Tell me. In total how many supply caravans had been sent to your camps before we captured you."

"Why?" Blueblood asked, suspicious.

Castus glared, "Just answer the question."

Blueblood hesitated, thinking to not answer in a way of defiance and spite, but the look he got from the human told him that perhaps it was best he comply.

"Thirty two. Happy?" Blueblood said.

Castus was silent for a moment, before turning and walking off. The roots once more closing around his cell.

"No. Not at all." Was all Blueblood heard him say.


Valen felt he had been cursed. It had not even been an hour or two, and already he was starting to regret saving the pony girls.

Or at least the pink one.

Though he could not understand her, the pink one would make something he was sure was whining as they walked. The orange one would sometimes say something, mostly to the pink one and before he knew it the two were snapping at each other like children. Though, all he had to do was glare and growl at them and that usually got them quiet.

The pink one in particular would look at him with fear, and while Valen was glad it got them quiet, he would feel bad that he was scary the girl. It was not his intentions, he just....wanted them to be quiet in the forest. Even the stream that ran near the camp might attract dangers, being a water source, even with the hunters constantly clearing it and setting traps.

Still, he wished the ponies could speak a real language. He didn't understand the strange words and something he was sure was neighing. Perhaps the Fire Man had a spell that could enable the ponies to talk to them. It would make things a bit easier for him in they could understand when to be quiet.

When they reached the stream, Valen breathed a sigh of relief. He held up a hand to tell the ponies to stop, which they thankfully did. He then drew his bow and began scanning the area to be sure that nothing had shown up. Once he was sure it was safe he gestured from the girls to come out.

The pink one said something, and looked at him with her hooves on her slightly wide hips in a way that Valen remembered his mother once taking with Marucs. She was demanding something, or lecturing him. Valen merely looked at the pony confued, and this only seemed to make the pink one angry and she started getting louder.

The orange one said something to the pink one, which earned a glare from the pink one. But the pink one lifted her nose and walked to the edge of the stream, and tested the water.

The pink one and orange one began conversing, with the pink one no doubt complaining. Valen watched, keeping an eye on their surroundings and the ponies. Finally, the two ponies seemed to accept the stream, which was clear and ran at a smooth gentle pace. Valen wondered why they needed the stream, but it was no doubt connected to this bathing thing. He watched, hoping to understand what it was.

But what the ponies did next, shocked him. The orange one began pulling up her shirt, exposing more skin then Valen had seen on a girl. He had caught the briefest sight of something rainbow color over her chest, which still reminded Valen of a boys chest. He saw that pink one was also undressing, working her hooves at the front of her clothes, and causing them to get loose and showing more cleavage. More then Valen had seen before, in fact more then he had seen ever.

Valen could only stare, before he saw the pink pony notice him and she shirked, throwing her arms around her chest. She began shouting and hurling rocks at him, while the orange one merely watched confused. Valen tried to doge the rocks, not sure what he had done, but finally he turned and ran to the bushes and leaped for their cover.

He was glad when the pink pony finally stopped shouting and the rocks stopped flying. He sat a moment though, just to be sure before slowly taking a peek. He kept his face hidden in the bushes, using his skills in hunting to keep from being spotted and having rocks thrown at him again.

He watched in wide eyed awe as the ponies stripped themselves of their clothes. The orange one had removed the shirt and pants she wore, and now was removing some strange rainbow coloring two piece garments that didn't do much save cover her chest and lower regions. He also learned that the orange one was not as flat as she seemed, but not by much.

The pink one however wore something even stranger, and yet strangely something Valen found made his breath catch in his throat. It was black, and seemed translucent and see through in places and only barely covered the well rounded mounds of her chest. She wore a what looked like only a think piece of black cloth held by black strings that barely covered her lower regions, and strange black thin garments that went up to her thigh.

The orange one said something, that made the pink one growl and toss a rock at her. The two then set their clothes, down on a clear rock beside the and slid into the river. The orange one went in quick, giving a slight shriek and shivered before ducking her head underwater. The pink one took slower, and Valen found he could not look away as she slowly slide one leg then the other into the water and slowly lowered herself in till the water covered her chest.

Valen felt a slight tightening in his pants as he watched. He couldn't look away, and felt his mouth watering as he licked his lips. His breath deep as he gazed at the ponies. Was this bathing? If it was, Valen thought he could like it.

'So beautiful.' He thought, but shook his head in horror as he realized his words.

"What no." he whispered and turned away from the stream, "I shouldn't think that. They're ponies. That's....its sick."

And yet, even though he told himself this, a part of his mind couldn't get the images out of his head.

Valen decided that he needed something to occupy his time, and his thoughts, and he pulled his dagger out and began whittling away at a piece of wood he found. He was in the middle of carving something when a loud shriek, and splash came from the stream.

Valen jumped from the bushes immediately, bow drawn and ready to fire. What he saw froze him to his core.

Something was grabbing at the ponies, with the orange one clinging to the grassy bank, trying to resist being pulled into the water, a black tendril wrapped around her legs. The orange one screamed, struggling to get free. Valen shot his arrow, striking the tendril, causing it to recoil and release the orange one.

The orange pony quickly crawled onto the bank, and turned and pointed to the water shouting something. Valen looked and while it was difficult to see, he would see the shimmering pink form of the other pony under the water, and held down by something. Valen dropped his bow, and pulled the short spear from his back and roared as he charged into the stream. He stabbed into the river bed, where he believed the tentacles to be originating from, and was rewarded with a red stream rising into the water as the tendrils released the pink one.

Valen grabbed her and lifted her from the water and flung her onto the bank, but before he could join them he felt something wrapping around his leg and pull him into the water, the force causing him to draw his spear. From the dirt and rocks of the river bed, he saw a small but bulbous body shape rise with the tentacles. It had no eyes he could see, but what he could was a vicious looking beak that opened up as whatever it was pulled him toward it, its tentacles tightening around his leg and reaching for more of him.

Valen struggled, reaching for his dagger, but a tentacles wrapped his arm and kept him from pulling his weapon. He watched as the beak grew closer, and knew that he was going to die. That was until he saw a wooden shaft and black stone blade stab into the beak, and ushering up more blood from the beast. It gave a shriek as it released him and Valen had to cup his ears as he made for the surface. He broke the surface and pulled himself to the bank as he saw the orange one standing waist deep in the stream, and stabbing once more with the spear. Tentacles breached the surface, twisting and spasming before falling limp onto the water with a splash. A great pool of red now rising into the water.

Valen gasped for breath as the orange one came to shore, and began pointing to the pink one shouting and screaming. Valen looked, and saw the pink one was laying still, and her chest wasn't rising. Panicing, Valen rushed over and immediately turned the pony over. He remembered the lessons the Fire Man had taught them after a young boy had drowned two years ago while playing by a river. He felt a shudder as he saw water pour from the pink ones mouth as he worked to get it out. He then flipped her back over and began breathing air into her mouth.

Finally, the pink one gasped and coughed. She lifted her head and vomited before flopping onto the ground and taking weak breathes. Valen sighed in relief as he looked down at her, and she up at him with wide, yet...very beautiful eyes.

Valen smiled and gently pet her head to show it was all okay. The pony placed a hoof on his hand, and Valen felt a tingle run up his spine.

"What happened!?" Valen heard.

He turned and saw the Fire Man appearing out of those tears in the air he always made when transporting the hunters to war. He looked around, expecting a fight before leveling a look at him.

The orange one said something to the Fire Man, and the Fire Man then looked to him and the pink one.

"Gather her up now." He said, before saying something to the orange one, who went to gather up the clothes.

Valen did just that, lifting the pink one up. The pink one made a noise and gripped his tunic tightly. Valen went into the Fire Man's tear, stepping into his quarters back at the cave. The orange one soon joined him, with the Fire Man taking a few moments before appearing and the tear closing.

"Set her down and wrap this around her." The Fire Man said, bringing a thick fur blanket over.

Valen nodded and set the pink one down, and had to almost force her to let go of him, as he wrapped the blanket around her. She shivered as she held it tight around her. Valen looked to the Fire Man to see what to do next, when he realized that it was getting warmer in the room.

The Fire Man wove his hands in a strange pattern, and the heat seemed to increase till it reached a level that was very warm, but still bearable.

The Fire Man then sighed and walked over to the pink one. She recoiled from the Fire Man, but leaned closer to him. Valen was a bit confused, but placed a hand on the pink ones shoulder and nodded toward the Fire Man and kept her still as the Fire Man held a hand in front of the pony. After awhile he nodded and stood.

"She will be fine. But keep her warm." He said.

Valen nodded, "Fire Man I-"

"Don't say. It wasn't your fault. The forest is...full of things we can't even imagine. Both on land and in water," The Fire Man said, bringing another blanket and wrapping it around the orange one. He held up a hand to her, before saying something and patting her head. The orange one swiped at his hand, but gave a smile.

Valen then let the Fire Man do whatever it he was doing to check their health to him. The Fire Man gave a nod before saying, "Stay with them for a bit. I'll have some hot broth brought up for them. After that report to the central chamber and find your hunting squad."

"My squad?" Valen said confused.

"Marcus will tell you. Its time to begin our operations." The Fire Man said.

"But what about-" Valen started, looking at the ponies.

"I will have them stay in my room, and set up a spell to keep others out. They will be safe till we return." The Fire Man said before saying something to the orange one and leaving. The orange one waved as the Fire Man left, before looking at him with wide eyes and a wide grin.

Valen looked at the pink one, who merely shivered as she held the blanket tighter around her. He kneeled down a bit to pat her head gently to reassure her, and blinked as she leaned in against him. He found it rather odd, but ignored it.

That was until he felt the orange one, having moved over, now do the same to him, giving him a smirk.

Valen looked between the two, and was rather confused and....uncomfortable. He was glad when the Fire Man returned with steaming bowls of food. The two ponies were left to eat, and Valen breathed a sigh of relief as he headed off to do something that made sense.

It seemed that girls, even pony girls, never made sense. At least fighting was clear and not at all confusing.


Scootaloo sat in the warm room, sipping at the broth soup that Castus had brought her and Diamond Tiara before leaving with Valen. She had been rather glad to learn the humans name, especially after he had saved both her and Tiara.

'That was so awesome!' Scootaloo thought, remembering the events.

She had just finished watching Tiara drive Valen away with rocks and shrieks, calling him a pervert. Honestly she didn't see why Tiara had been making such a fuss. Frankly she had been a bit more curious about the stream. Where everywhere had snow, an area along the bank of the river seemed clear of snow, though it was still cold in the air. The stream also hadn't turn to ice like those back near Ponyville.

'Then again this is the Everfree.' She had thought.

As if to prove this point, the water of the stream had been cold, but it was not freezing cold as would be expected. Even with this odd winter, the Everfree was still the Everfree. Its laws of nature were strange and its own.

"Ugh, I can't believe that...that disgusting freak. He was looking right at me."

Scootaloo blinked and looked over to Tiara, who gave a light yelp as she slowly eased herself into the water.

"Ugh, this is disgusting. Only an animal bathes in a stream. This is simply barbaric." Tiara whined again, shivering as she eased herself further into the water.

"Boy, do you always complain. You could try to appreciate it at least." Scootaloo said with a roll of her eyes. Honestly she wasn't surprised though by Tiara's attitude.

"Appreciate it? Appreciate what?" Tiara asked, "Being kept hostage. Forced to bathe in a dirty stream, while being stared at by some human like a side of meat?"

Scootaloo doubted the stream was dirty. In fact, the water looked rather clear, at least at the surface. The silt of the bed though did make it cloudy.

"Aw I don't see why your getting all bent out of shape over that human guy. He was probably just curious." Scootaloo said with a shrug.

"Ugh well maybe you don't mind having a human look at your body, not that there is much to look at." Tiara said with a smirk.

Scootaloo gave the uppity filly a glare as she grinded her teeth. A bad move as Tiara saw the look and grinned before continuing.

"Though I guess I can't blame him. Even a smelly human should know a real figure when he sees one. I'll bet he probably confuses you for a boy; what with your.....lacking assets." Tiara said, pushing up her breasts with her hooves.

Scootaloo growled, glaring at Tiara, and her chest. She swiped her hoof into the stream, splashing water at Tiara.

Tiara shrieked as she brought her hooves up, but Scootaloo grinned in triumph as she saw Tiara cough and wipe at her face, mane drenched with stream water.

"You flat chested bitch!" Tiara shrieked, and splashed water back.

Scootaloo laughed, sticking her tongue at Tiara, when she suddenly felt something going across her foot.

"What the?" She said, looking down at the water. Had that been a fish?

"Ah! What was that? Something touched me!" Tiara shrieked, looking around the water as she moved about.

"It was probably a fish, try to relax." Scootaloo said with a sigh. Why did she have to get stuck with the drama queen?

Tiara gave a pouty glare at her, but seemed to calm some, though still looking at the water.

"Yeah...probably a fish." She said.

Only to suddenly be dragged into the water with a splash. Scootaloo jumped, and then felt that same slithering across her hoof. Panic took over and she made for the shore of the bank, but she tripped and barely managed to grip the bank with her hooves as she felt something try to pull her into the water.

"Help!" She screamed, looking back as she saw a black tentacle emerging from the water. At the location where Tiara had been pulled in, she could barely make out her pink form struggling against something.

Scootaloo then heard a roar, and from the bushes jumped their human guard. The human shot an arrow at the tentacle around her hoof, and when it let go she crawled her way to the bank as far as she could from the water.

"Tiara's still in there! Help her!" She shouted, forgetting that the human couldn't understand. She pointed where Tiara was, and the human seemed to understand as he grabbed up a spear tied to his back and roared, leaping into the water and stabbing down.

Scootaloo watched as something red began mixing with the water, as the human reached down and pulled Tiara out and flung her to the shore. Scootaloo made her way over and pulled the filly onto the shore.

Scootaloo then noticed that Tiara wasn't breathing, and she began to panic, looking to call the human over, only to watch him be dragged into the water, his spear lost in the pull.

"No!" Scootaloo shouted, getting up and running to the stream to grab the spear. She looked around, heart beating rapidly as she held the spear oddly and tried to find the human. She then noticed two shapes in the water, one black and bulbous and the other like that of the human. Scootaloo knew she had to do something and with a scream she jammed the spear down with all her might onto the black shape.

She almost gagged as she saw blood starting to rise into the water, and the human then broke the surface with a gasp and Scootaloo and he both ran for the shore. Whatever had attacked them seemed to go limp, as Scootaloo watched its tentacles flop onto the water and lay still.

She then remembered Tiara, and pointed to her as she said, "Please, she isn't breathing." Of course she couldn't even be sure the human even knew what to do, let alone understand her. She was afraid that Tiara was going to die then and there.

True she didn't like the filly, but Scootaloo didn't want her dead. She didn't want to have to watch somepony die. And it seemed that she wouldn't for despite her fears, the human seemed to know exactly what to do, and Scootaloo could only watch as he gave Tiara CPR, and she felt great relief when Tiara began coughing and gasping for air.

"Thank Celestia." She said.

Next thing she knew, Castus was walking out of a tear in the air, shouting something to the human, before looking to her and telling her to get their clothes. She could only nod and do as told, following the human as he carried Tiara into the tear. She was a bit hesitant to go herself, but followed beside Castus and into the warm surroundings of his room back at the cave where the Tree had been.

Castus began saying some things to the human, as he brought out fur blankets for her and Tiara. The human was wet, but didn't seem as bothered by the cold as she and Tiara were. She also noted that it was starting to get warmer in the room as she wrapped the fur blanket round her.

A part of her shivered at the thought of wearing another animals fur for warmth, but right now she couldn't care as she sighed feeling the warmth enter her body. She watched Castus do something with Tiara, then herself and then the human before nodding and seeming to become more at ease.

Finally, Castus turned to her and said, "Stay here with Valen. I'll bring you something hot to eat. Are you okay?"

Scootaloo shivered a bit, but nodded, "I am. Thanks to Valen." She gave a smile to Castus, before looking at Valen.

Castus nodded and said something else to Valen before leaving. Valen then looked at her, and she couldn't help but grin. He had an odd name, but it was good to know his name. Especially his.

Despite the dangers, that had had to have been the coolest, most exciting moment of her life. And even though he was a human, Valen had looked so awesome rushing into battle like that. Like a hero out of an action book. He hadn't cared he was fighting something of the Everfree, just like when he had rescued her and Tiara from those Cyclops wolf things. He had just gone right in roaring for battle and won.

Scootaloo felt a bit of heat go to her face, and she had to admit it was rather manly of the human to do such a thing. She doubted any of the boys back in school would have done that. He was a lot tougher and cooler then them.

Then Valen sat beside Tiara, who leaned against him as he placed a hand on her shoulder. Scootaloo felt a bit...agitated by that. She was sure he was just trying to comfort the filly, even a pony like Tiara didn't deserve to have to almost become monster food twice in a single day. But still she didn't like how close he was to her, and she moved herself over and leaned against his other side.

Valen looked at her oddly, and she only smiled. She rather enjoyed it, but it was short lived as Castus returned, with bowls of steaming food. Soup she realized when she received hers.

"This should help warm your insides. You two will stay here for the night where it is safe. I'll be back later to check on you, but you two should be fine. Do you need anything?" Castus asked.

"I'll be fine." Scootaloo said.

Tiara was just silent, and Scootaloo couldn't help but feel a little worry. Still she ate what she had been given, so maybe that was something.

Castus frowned, but nodded as he stood and said something to Valen in that strange language he spoke. Valen nodded, and the two of them left alone. Castus again did that strange magic of his, as Scootaloo watched as a bunch of roots covered the opening to the room like jail bars.

"Cool." She said.

Scootaloo sipped her soup again, as she finished recalling the events. She looked at Tiara again, who had finished hers and now merely sat huddled in her blanket.

"H-hey, come on Tiara we are fine." Scootaloo said, trying to cheer up the filly. Something she thought she would never do, but she found the silence from the usually whiny filly to be creepy.

"Home..." Tiara said.

"Huh?" Scootaloo asked, confused.

"I just want to go home!" Tiara wailed, turning on her and cling to her as she began crying into her shoulder.

"Uh..." Scootaloo said, trying to process the current events. She looked around uncomfortably as Tiara cried against her, clinging to her tightly. She tried to think of a way out of this rather...odd moment, as she lightly patted Tiara's back.

"Uh...there, there. We're safe. We will get to go home soon." Scootaloo said.

"How do you know!? We might be stuck in this horrible forest, with these humans forever!" Tiara shrieked, crying some more.

'Oh Luna help me.' She thought, patting Tiara's back some more.

"I know Castus that's why. He is my friend and when he is done with...whatever he is doing, he will let us go." She said.

Frankly she didn't know what Castus was going to do, but she was sure it was going to be something that ended this fighting between pony and human. She could tell that Castus didn't like this fighting, and she felt bad to have to see her friend be forced to do something he didn't like.

"But what if one of those humans tries to hurt us." Tiara said, lifting her face to look at her with tear stained eyes. Tiara sniffed, rubbing at her eyes.

"Y-you saw those humans out there. A-a lot of them hate us, I could tell. We're here alone surrounded by humans who want to hurt us." Tiara said, sniffling.

Scootaloo frowned, "Yeah....but...Castus protects us. And I'll bet could kick any of those humans flanks out there. He did save us from that...whatever it was."

Tiara seemed to blush slightly, but nodded, "H-he did....but...but he isn't here. He left us alone." Tiara seemed a bit hurt when she said that.

Scootaloo sighed, "Look. We will be fine. Castus and Valen will be back, and everything will be okay. So come on, keep your chin up and stomp those hooves."

Tiara didn't seem to believe it, but she sniffed once and nodded, letting her go.

'Finally.' Scootaloo thought.

That had been getting...awkward.

"S-so um....what do we do now?" Tiara asked, noticing her clothes and standing up to get dressed.

Scootaloo blinked, getting up to also get dressed. She looked around at Castus room, noticing the lack of anything that could be used to pass the time. Not even a board game.

"Uh....I don't know." Scootaloo said.

Maybe she should have asked for a book or something. This could be a long wait.