//------------------------------// // Chapter 4: Kept Secrets // Story: Believing in Something that is True // by Nightglimmer22 //------------------------------// Chapter edited by: Feather Paw The two alicorns dropped down from the light blue colored sky and landed next to the Wonderbolt Academy. The cold air ruffled though their feathers, they could feel that winter was approaching. They trotted together side by side, their hoof steps in unison with each other as they got near to the front door of the academy. Two guards in Wonderbolt uniforms stood in front of the big doors, they bowed their heads in greeting to the two princesses as they entered through. One shivered from the cold air and was happy to be inside. The temperature changed once they trotted into the lobby of the academy that was buzzing with ponies, many pegasi wearing Wonderbolt uniforms were flying this way and that way trying to get to where they needed to go. The lobby had a big dome like ceiling made of glass and the walls were covered by famous Wonderbolts from moons ago. The princesses stopped and their ears perked up when somepony yelled. "Look the princesses!" through the sea of ponies. Everpony stopped and stared, they each had their own blank expressions. Some then bowed their heads processing what to do when they saw royalty, more followed at the act. Some muttered under their breath. "What are they doing here?" one pony asked The two princesses blushed and waved. They continued walking through the crowd which began returning to the normal activity. They were soon greeted by a fire manned mare. She had an orange mane and an orange pelted coat, she was wearing a Wonderbolt captan flight suit and a gold badge that had the Wonderbolt insignia on it. The fire manned mare spoke up over the talk of the crowd. "Princesses, follow me, we must discuss this in my office." The princess smiled gratefully and followed. The three ponies walked down a hall on the left of the lobby. They then walked through another door with the sign Spitfire on it and into a large office with a desk to the back of the room that was facing the door. A window lay above the desk showing nothing but darkness, and a fireplace burned bright to the left of the room making the atmosphere cozy. A turquoise pelted mare with a frosted mane was sitting in a small beige couch that lay in front of the fireplace. She turned around to face the three ponies that had just walked in, she smiled and waved. "Its good to see you two, Princess Twilight and Princess Luna." "Yes you too Fleetfoot." Twilight said. To the right of the office lay another beige couch but bigger faced toward the center of the room. Spitfire took her seat at her desk and the princesses side stepped to stand closer to the fire place to get warm, the office door opened and in came Swiftly, a cream yellow pelted mare with a light blue mane. "So sorry I'm late Spitfire, a few of the new recruits needed some directions." She trotted in to stand next to spitfire, then bowed her head at the two princesses, they nodded in return. "Make yourselves comfortable then we must talk." Spitfire said. A purple aroura settled over the purple alicorn's horn as it wrapped itself around the big coach to the right, she then lifted it up and brought it to the center of the office. The two princesses sat on it as the turquoise pelted mare brought the small coach over and the cream yellow pelted mare went over to sit with her. All four ponies were now in a circle as the fifth one joined in with a chair. Twilight began to speak. She explained the conversation that she had with Luna two nights before and their plan. "The Shadowbolts wanted to be admired by all but when they didn't get what they wanted they used fear and suffering. Defeating the Shadowbolt's tyranny made the Wonderbolts even more loved then before which made the Shadowbolts blind with envy and hate." She finished Spitfire nodded. A blue alicorn with a flowing blue mane spoke up "Every prophecy has a background and can be uncovered. Many moons back a former Wonderbolt had gone missing, does thou remember?" "Ohhhh..." Fleetfoot said "Yes her name was Cloud Skipper I believe." "Clouddancer." Spitfire said so softly no pony could hardly hear her. Her eyes were filled with pain. Luna nodded "She changed her name when she decided to become evil, but no pony knows why. "I heard some theories like that from the new recruits a while back, but I never thought it would be true." Mistyfly said. "Now she is the most feared pegasus in all of Equestria." Luna continued "NightShade." It was getting late when Glimmer trotted back to her bunk. She remembered the talk she just had a few minutes ago with Rainbow Blaze the Weather Factory manger. Her heart still thumped from the conversation even though they seemed well acquainted. Glimmer racked her brain to remember the way back for it was a long a twisted path through halls. Glimmer came to a stop, two hall ways stood in front of her so she decided to take the lefts side. Glimmer realized she had went the wrong way when the doors read employees only signs on them. Glimmer trotted a bit father down the hall when she heard voices coming through one of the doors that stood a jar. "You fool, I told you specific instructions!" A muffled mare's voice yelled. Glimmer trotted closer trying to hear more. She knew not to spy but her curiosity got the best of her. "I-I'm sorry mistress, I know where she is I'll keep an eye on her."Glimmer heard a stallions voice stammer. Glimmer got closer, soon she could a make out a figure standing near the door. A mare with a blue mane, She was wearing a and black and purple flight suit which had yellow lighting bolts around the legs and chest. She had purple googles that lay on the top of her head. Glimmer had gotten a good side view of the mare but not so much of the stallion. "As you should." The mare said sternly. "When I took you from the weather team I knew you would be good for the job. DON'T fail me." "Yes mistress." His voice trailed off. "Give me any news about the mare the next time I visit." Glimmer watched as the mare wearing the dark flight suit spread her wings and jumped out the window that she had just open. Then she was gone. The stallion stood there a bit longer thinking. Glimmer decided she better get back to her bunk before she got in trouble. When Glimmer finally got back from her adventure, her dorm was already crowded with her bunk mates. So much for having some alone time. She thought "I heard that the third test is talking to Rainbow Blaze himself." Glimmer heard Morningflower say, a light pink pelted mare with a brown mane. "Yeah, I had to go there before dinner." said Rainingtwist. "Hey Glimmer where have you been?" Cloud Kicker asked everypony turned their attention to Glimmer. "Rainbow Blaze's office." she said "It wasn't that bad." One of the mares sighed in relief. "I didn't take the test yet, I hope he's nice." Glimmer nodded, she trotted to her bunk already the noise of the dorm was calming down and the lights began to turn off. Glimmer stayed awake a bit longer, she heard shifting in some beds and whispers which made it hard for to close her eyes and drift off to sleep. Glimmer began to think about the conversation she had just heard, she wondered who the mare was in that dark flight suit. She also wondered who the stallion was... Glimmer stopped thinking, her heart began to beat faster, she recognized the voice. This time instead of it being loud and firm it was low and quivery. It was... OpenSkies!