Angry Bird

by Thadius0

May 26th - 38 pills left

Trucks! I don't know why I didn't think of it before, but there are a load of trucks just down the road! Or should be, if all the people are gone. At least, if any drivers stopped at the truck stop before all the people just...vanished. Only problem is, I don't know how to drive stick. I'll look that up right now...

...Wow, that's complicated. That is...well, once again, thank the gods for select-all, copy, and paste. Still, at least I'll have some options available to me once I manage to get down there. Heck, if I come across a truck with no cargo in it, I have mobility right there. I should probably also look up how to operate a radio before the Internet craps out on me entirely.

Today was pretty boring, more of the same gathering resources business. Only this time, I managed to get down to my local Wal-Mart with a list in my head. First thing's first, I looked for camping gear. I can't rely on the gas working on my stove forever, and I'm not about to eat any of this meat raw. Picked up some Sterno, also known as fire-in-a-can. Also picked up a few more coolers before heading over to the hardware section and looking at generators. Gas-powered will have to do for now, and I made sure that my coolers had a special feature. Namely, the ability to be plugged in to generate cold around their contents. Now I don't have to worry about my food spoiling! At least, as long as I keep the generator fed once the power craps out. And I'm surprised that it hasn't yet.

Picked up a load of empty plastic jugs, the big sort, for storing water in. I've been doing that all evening, using the tap in my home to fill them up before screwing them shut again and rolling them back across the street to my neighbor's garage. It's where I'm storing all this survivalist stuff, until I get a bit more mobility than my dad's pickup truck. At the rate I am accruing stuff, I am going to need that truck soon.

The other sort of empty container I picked up was half-a-dozen fuel cans, which I filled up at the local gas station, along with the truck. Never hurts to have a backup supply, even if it's not nearly enough for the sort of vehicle I will one day be driving, fates permitting.

Rounded out my day with another bit of burglary, this time, my last neighbor. Saved a bit of meat from potentially going bad in their fridge, found a few canned and dry goods I could munch on if I got desperate. No pets, which is weird, I thought they had some. But at least their home didn't have any stairs I would have to deal with.

Wha- hey! Down boy! Down!

Skippy just wanted to say hi before he went to bed with me. I swear that mutt's getting more attached to me the more I feed him. Guess I should add kibble to my list of things I'll need, I can't see him letting me leave without him.

Mkay, it's getting late and I'm getting sleepy. I'm just gonna nod off now.