The Final Wars of Equestria

by Final fantasy forever

Retaking Canterlot and a Risky Escape

The Final Wars of Equestria Ch 7

Retaking Canterlot and a Risky Escape

“Are your boys ready Heinrich?”
“Yes Shining Armor.”
“Good. The Union set up antiaircraft defenses all along the Equestrian border and we need our ground forces to take them out.”
“We won’t fail you. By the way; it’s good to fight by your side once more Captain.”
“Thank you General Amherst.”
“The pleasure is all mine sir. After all, this means I get to show you the meaning of Gryphon kingdom Armour.”
“I look forward to seeing the Union crumble under their treads.” Shining Armor said with a determined smile.
“I’ll see you in Canterlot old friend.”
“I’ll be waiting for you; look for the pony waving the Sparkle Spangled banner.” With that the two parted ways.
“General Heinrich are you ready to begin the march?”
“Yes soldier,” Heinrich said to a young Gryphon private. “Today we march, my brothers. We march to defend those who fought through the worst of the Union occupation on our fatherland. They have shed their blood for us and on this day we begin our march to repay the kindness in powder and blood. Our King has called upon us to clear the way for our aircraft so they may lay siege to the city. Know that more than our honor is on the line. The heart of freedom beats in Canterlot. As of now she begins to slow her pace and fall into a terminal stage. We must insure that the spirit of the UEA is kept alive at all costs. For the King, for our Fatherland, for the alliance!” The army division cheered and threw their hats in the air. The tank drivers waved and cheered before sealing the hatches on their tanks and leading the charge.

Journal entry one; official military log of General Heinrich Amherst, return if found. The first day of our march toward Equestria has almost come to an end. Princess Twilight told me that keeping these journals was a good way to pass the time; I personally believe that the best way is gunpowder but I never catered to the idea of war; it is only something I call my profession. The first day was simple and of ease. We have encountered no Union forces and rapidly approach the border. It does worry me though; they would never have such lax security; surely they must know that we’re coming. The boys seem happy though, so many tire from war and I do not blame them. I have been sent to fight the Union all around Equis. I don’t know to be glad or saddened that the recent battles have been on my home soil. I have seen much horror and hate in this war but during all the carnage I retain my faith that there are still those who have clung to their morality and refused to give into the carnage. Shining Armor showed great valor and even greater brutality in the battle of Saddle Arabia, but he would never loose himself in the bloodshed; he would always spare the blade from those who abandoned the fight. Twilight tells tale of her saviors who came to her aid in her desperate hour in Saddle Arabia. It matters not which philosophy shapes the world; if either is corrupted by violence the leaders will only use it as a means of control. I sometimes l awake and ask myself if I fight for the right side. I suppose there is no right side in this war. The UGER and UEA were forged for ‘preservation of peace and life’ yet they both push for the destruction of the other. The flag may be different, but the methods are the same. Still the UGER raised its sword against my homeland and hometown. For their sake I must fight. As I write these words I question whether or not I alone think this way or if it is a shared thought.

General Heinrich wrote the last words in his journal before closing it and tucking it in his coat. “It’s getting late Heinrich. You should think about retiring for the night,” Twilight said wiping sleep from her eyes.
“I will. Goodnight highness.”
“There’s room here on the Vessel of the Elements. I’m sure the guards won’t mind sharing a room.”
“The offer is kind but I must decline. My division sleeps below and if a bedroll on the cold ground by a fire is their night habitat it will be mine as well.”
“Goodnight then General Amherst.”
“Goodnight Princess Sparkle.” With that Heinrich took flight and descended to the ground below.

“Alright class, that concludes today’s lesson,” Cheerilee said in an obedient tone looking over her shoulder as though she was being watched. “As the school day ends we are now to end it with our pledge of allegiance. Let us begin.”
The foals synched her, word from word. “We as a united family pledge our allegiance to the common good. The end of one’s self desire is the birth of the Family of Equis. With Peryite as our Father we shall live in our collective Republic of States. Divided not, we treat our neighbor, the stranger who begs for a night under a roof, the foreigner in our town here to help the common good, all as family. We are a united kind, all under the Twin Dragons of the workers. We worship the tyrant not, we reject our selfish urges and put all above any single individual. The Family lives in Mother Equestria and her heart beats for as long as we draw breath.”
Cheerilee breathed and panted, still on edge. She had become paranoid that they were being watched or listened to. “Stay safe class. I will remind all that martial law is still in effect. Any who remain out after eight o’clock will be detained. I’ll see you all tomorrow.” With that class was dismissed.
Apple Bloom and friends walked out the door and made their way to Sweet Apple Acres. They too looked over their shoulders in fear of being stopped by the Union occupation forces. They knew that because of their blood ties to Twilight’s friends they would be targets of the Union. They had begun to spend their days together at all times. The farmhouse was the only one that wasn’t violated in someway. Rarity’s shop was raided of its gems to fund the Union war machine. Rainbow Dash’s home was turned into a barracks and outpost for the Union air force. Fluttershy’s forest cottage was turned into a pen for the Union to train its Manticores. Sugarcube Corner was turned into an inn and pub for the Union occupation force. Golden oak library was raided and ransacked. The Union soldiers wanted to burn it to the ground but that order was forbidden. Scootaloo had a home and while she wasn’t blood related to Rainbow Dash she knew it was best to stick close to Applebloom and Sweetie Belle. “Are you sure we’re safe at the farm Apple Bloom?” Sweetie Belle asked rather worried. “I mean those Union soldiers come by everyday.”
“I know. So far all they want is to take our yields for their collective regime of peace and love or whatever pony feathers they call it,” Apple bloom said in a somewhat flustered tone.
“Keep your voice down.” Scootaloo hushed, looking around to make sure no Union soldiers had heard what Applebloom had said.
“You know it’s true. We work for our yields and they just take it. Why do they get to decide all this?”
“Maybe because they occupied our town,” Sweetie Belle said in a somewhat sarcastic tone.
“You know what it’s like Sweetie Belle. You can’t even set foot inside your own home. Everything you had is gone. And you Scootaloo, you can but you’re too afraid to. Everywhere you look there’s somepony getting the bad end of their Regulated Enterprise. Yeah the ideas a beautiful one but it’s not one the world can share. Yeah there are places that desperately need Peryite and his cronies but we weren’t one of them. Sure we had some vagrants but they weren’t in any kind f condition that the milk of Equine Kindness couldn’t fix. We were all happy; now we’re looking behind us in fear of our lives.”
“Apple Bloom, will you hush up,” Scootaloo said still in fear. “You’re hopeless. We really DO need to stick by you at all times.”
“Hey you really think they care about a bunch of fillies when there are still treasuries to raid and battles to fight? You heard the main headliner in ‘The Ponies Voice’. They captured Canterlot and Cloudsdale; they must be raiding the royal palace and defiling anything that resembles the Princesses and our kin.”
“Well they sure look like they’re giving Diamond Tiara a hard time,” Scootaloo said pointing to two Union soldiers shaking down Filthy Rich and Diamond Tiara.
“I said this once and I’ll say it just once more. We are confiscating all jewelry and gold to fund the war cause. Don’t look at us as though were taking your home. WE are your Family after all and family helps one another.”
“If we’re all family then why do you kill the Alliance soldiers?” Filthy Rich retorted. “If we’re all brothers then why do you kill?”
“Because they’ve yet to see the light. They do not accept our beliefs and deny that we are family and so they will be forced into our family. Now this IS the last time I will say it. GIVE US YOUR VALUABLES and we all walk away. Hurry up while you’re at it-- we’re missing out on drinks at the tavern.
“Go fall into a cup and don’t come back while you’re at it.” Diamond Tiara shouted.
One of the Union guards shot her an angry look. “You know I’ve never killed a foal before. I’m willing to try new things,” the Union soldier threatened.
Diamond Tiara fell onto her hind and began to back away from the green clad stallion. “Whoa, whoa, come now. W…we’re all ponies of reason here, right. Here.” Filthy Rich gave the Union soldiers his valuable attire as well as his daughter’s (who held no objections.)
“You see how hard that wasn’t? Just comply and your lives will be simple and nice.” With that the two soldiers let the Rich family be.
Applebloom went to help the stallion to his hooves. “You Ok Mr. Rich?”
“The only thing really damaged is my state of mind. I’d ask if your harvests were going well but it doesn’t matter. The Union made it very clear that nopony can buy your yields. You serve the state now.”
“I don’t suspect they’ve been any easier on you two.”
“Not even a shred of leniency. You should head home. Martial Law states we can’t have public gatherings.” With that Applebloom returned to her friends.
“Why would you care about them?” Sweetie Belle asked. “Diamond Tiara is the biggest jerk in Ponyville.”
“Not anymore. There’s about an occupation force of ponies that take the cake. Plus Filthy Rich is our best buyer. Well, was our best buyer.”
“Come on Applebloom we should head back to the farmhouse.” Scootaloo urged. With that the three fillies continued on to Sweet Apple Acres.

“Sir we’re nearing the blockade. Shall we ready the troops?”
“Indeed.” Heinrich flew to the front of the army and rallied them. “Come on boys. When we strike we will crash into the Union stronghold like a tidal wave. For the glory of our king, for the glory of our homeland!”
“Hurrah!” The army cheered as they began the charge onto the blockade.
Almost immediately alarms sounded at the Union outpost rallying its occupants to defend against the invasion. Machinegun nests sprang to life and revealed themselves by way of gunfire. The Gryphons in the frontlines or in the air quickly fell back behind the safety of the tanks. The Gryphon Armour trampled and crushed the machineguns as the Union forces retreated back to the blockade. The Gryphon forces advanced still under the protection of the tanks until the first tank set off a landmine. The army stopped its march as the driver pushed his way out of the hatch of the burning metal trap. He coughed and clutched his burnt wing. Two Gryphons grabbed his legs and flew him back to the military camp for medical care. “We cannot risk driving over this field while those mines are armed. We need to begin infantry invasion. Attention all Gryphon forces we will take flight immediately. Keep close to the ground but do not land. Fly below the level of the blockade to avoid Flak defenses. Hurry now. The Union can hide no longer. On this day WE BRING THE FIGHT TO THEM.”
The Gryphon forces cheered and took flight. They flew above the fields like birds of prey searching for a mouse. They descended upon the Union forces with even greater ferocity, tearing at the tackled soldiers with their talons and beaks. The Union forces responded with mass retaliation; gunning down the Gryphon army. The large winged creatures were faster and stronger than the equines but they were outnumbered and the Union troops had entrenched MG defenses along the lines of the blockade as well. A Union soldier bucked hard at a Gryphon knocking him to the ground. He leapt on him and thrusted a hoof blade gauntlet down on his prey. The Gryphon quickly grabbed his hoof and pushed away. The blade was inches from his neck when a gunshot ripped into the Union soldier. He pushed the bleeding corpse off him and looked at the Gryphon who helped him. “General Amherst. Sir we can’t defeat the Union without our tanks.”
“Yes we can. We just need to disarm the Flak cannons and the Equestrian and Gryphon Air force will level this base.”
“Yes sir. Everyone on me. We need to take care of the air defenses around the perimeter and the zeppelins will take care of the rest.”
The Gryphon forces nodded in agreement before flying to the cannons and setting charges. Within five minutes all the antiaircraft defenses were disabled and the Equestrian air force was clear to engage. The Gryphon army looked and cheered at every bomb dropped on the blockade. After fifteen minutes of bombardment the barricade was reduced to ruble and the remaining Union forces surrendered to the Gryphon army. “Well sir, the border is ours.” A Gryphon soldier said to Heinrich. “It’s good to have the Gryphon Kingdom free of Union forces once more.”
“Indeed boy. Speaking of which, we’ll need some to stay behind to secure the border. Up for the job?” Heinrich said with a smile.
“I’ll do what I’m told for the good of the Kingdom.”
“Good on you lad. I need to report to our ‘benefactors’.
Heinrich nodded to the young soldier before taking flight towards the Vessel of the Elements. He landed on the main deck where Twilight and friends as well as Cadence and Shining Armor stood. “We begin our march to Canterlot but we won’t be able to reach it today. We’ll need to set up camp a reasonable distance from the city.”
“Thank you Herr Amherst,” Shining Armor said. “You’ve gotten us to the last real leg of this; now we’ll be able to contribute.”
“The city of magic is the Union’s finest prize. They won’t be giving it up lightly. They’ll be holding on to the capital to the very end. ‘Not one step back’ they say. The Union’s numbers are stretched thin in Canterlot and to stop land loss they made this new program too ‘discourage’ any thought of retreat. Effective, if not sadistic, if not a waste of life.”
“Sickening but effective I will admit.”
“Regardless the troops of the Union are loyal and committed; they won’t be letting up.”
“It matters not whose blade they chose to die by.”
“Would it not be better to save their lives Herr Armour? You said in Saddle Arabia ‘There is no such thing as a disarmed foe. If they wave the white flag and drop arms then they are no longer an enemy.’”
“How many do you think will surrender? The chances of finding enough individuals who will surrender is slim and if what you say is true then if a platoon surrenders they will just be cut down by machineguns unless the order came from above.”
“True. Come, my friend, we need to finalize our attack plan.” With that Heinrich left with Shining Armor to the strategy room.

“General Trotsky sir. Why don’t you partake in a drink?” a Union soldier said half drunk. It’s not everyday one of us soldiers gets to say that they shared some ale with one of our great glavica marshals.”
“Thank you boy. And perhaps I will have a mug of ale.”
“Coming right up sir. CUP CAKE you fussock. Get over here. Daddy needs a drink.
“Are you planning on paying for this round or just drinking and asking for more.” Ms. Cake said somewhat irritated.
“L…l…let me remind you who renovated your establishment, helps supply you and keep you stocked, and after it all lets you keep your income intact. Now another round of drinks and no lip this time.”
Ms. Cake sighed pouring the soldier and general a mug of ale. The Union soldier downed the drink in seconds before slamming the mug down and resting his head on the round wooden table. Trotsky drank about a third of the mug trying not to let the alcohol get to him quickly. He, unlike most in the Union, had to worry about the negative effects of drinking while the rest appeared immune to alcohol due to Peryite’s blessing. “Here,” Trotsky said handing a small coin purse to Ms. Cake. Hopefully this will cover the drink I had and the several this soldier had.”
“Thank you dear -- I mean sir.” Miss Cake said somewhat apologetically.
“That’s quite alright.” Trotsky assured. So how does your business fair under Union occupation?”
“Conflicted. The Union renovated our bakery for free and added several floors and turned it into an inn so that was nice. While at the same time the Quartering Act has all the rooms filled and not paid for by their occupants. The troops here drink a lot and since they also paid and constructed a pub in the first floor we’re making three-times as much money as before. At the same time only a third of our customers/ tenants are paying so we should be making three-times as much as we are now.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.”
“I suppose we should still be grateful for our profits. It’s nice to see a gentlecolt in the Union’s ranks.”
“Thank you ma’am. Tell me. I know one of the elements use to be a tenant and employed at this bakery.”
“Pinkie Pie, yes.”
“What did you know about her?”
“Forgive my hesitation about telling information about her to you but something tells me that isn’t all to wise.”
“Relax, only curiosity at work. If you don’t want to we shan’t speak of it again.”
“If you don’t mind, yes.”
“What about the others. What do you know about them?”
“I don’t much want to talk about them either.”
“Then how about their roots in Ponyville. Who is their family here?”
“I don’t feel like telling you about them.”
“Perhaps you’re under the impression this is still open for debate; it isn’t. Tell me who living in the town has ties in blood and simple ties to them.”
Ms. Cake hesitated before Trotsky placed his hoof on her shoulder. “Choose how you answer this very wisely Ms. Cake. Answer with honesty; believe you me. We will both regret you lying to me.”
Ms. Cake looked deep into Trotsky’s brown eyes. “Very well. You of course have the Apple family. This consists of Applebloom, Big Macintosh, and Granny Smith. The only Family Rarity has here is her little sister Sweetie Belle. Outside of family Rainbow Dash treats Scootaloo as a sister. That’s all there is I promise you.”
Trotsky continued to stare Ms. Cake down before breaking glance. “Thank you.” Trotsky slowly got up from his seat and left the pub and inn. He walked to the Ponyville train station paying no heed to his surroundings. His thoughts were a whirlwind of conflicted emotions and beliefs. He knew that his orders were wrong but he felt he had to prove his loyalty to his King. He walked on to the new checkpoint. Many ponies gathered to board the train both coming and going from Ponyville. The relatively simple procedures of train travel had become complex and demanding with the war. All young and old had to get passport identification bearing their birthday, age, height, weight, eye color, carrier, hometown, and cutie mark. Each pony had to pass inspection separately so the process of getting through to the train was both long and slow. The checkpoint was only open from the break of dawn to ten o’clock so many were turned down and told to return tomorrow. Trotsky looked down at his watch and chain. It read 9:59. The large announcement speakers sounded a low pitched horn.
“Attention all. The Ponyville checkpoint is now closed. A Union official will hand out a slip of paper bearing a number based on your placement in the line starting with the first and ending at one hundred. Those that receive a number will report to a separate line tomorrow and will be checked ahead before the main line begins. The rest of you disperse. Trotsky walked past the line of ponies waiting for a number and approached the checkpoint booth. The checkpoint inspector was cleaning up his desk and organizing confiscated passports and forged papers. As he did these tasks he hummed a melody and then added words to make the work go faster.

“From Ponyville; to the Empire.
“We are equal; no one is higher.
“Labor brings prosperity; improves economy.
“Equestrians they see; yet they feel they aren’t free.
“Inspect passing ponies; arrest those with forgeries.
“Make no mistakes. For one’s own sake.
“No need for money. When everything we need, is given to us both heat and feed.
“We work hard, for Peryite almighty. Child’s fed, bed is warm, and all of us are healthy.
“Our hearth burns on; with fresh cut pyre. We spread the word, ending want and desire.
“Boarder always busy; stories very funny. Documents name ‘Party favor’ but passport ‘party flavor’? (Breaking melody) I was not born yesterday tsarist scum.
“Citizen must do his duty quelling population. Protect border; uphold the nation.”
“If citizen performs his duty with no complication; citizen retires to a high class dwelling habitation.”

“You’re quite the songbird now, aren’t you.” Trotsky said with a light smile.
The inspector stopped what he was doing and turned when he heard Trotsky’s voice. “General Trotsky sir.” The young stallion stood at attention with his hoof to his forehead. “What brings you hear tonight sir?” Today was a good and stainless record. Not one discrepancy went unaddressed.”
“It sounds as though you’re performing well. Do you like your position here?”
“I serve the Union with glory and pride sir.”
“I have a small ‘favor’ to ask of you.”
“Anything sir. How may I assist?”
“Well I’m just here ahead of time. I’m hoping I don’t need to ask you for this but should the need arise I want you to remember this symbol. Trotsky showed a small circular seal baring a hammer inside it. Remember my seal and when you see it you should know what to do.”
“Yes sir.”
“Good. Now I must be going.” With that Trotsky left the train station. He took a deep breath and cleared his mind.
Trotsky walked on for about another hour or so until he saw the farmhouse. There were two Union soldiers leaning against the wall outside the front door. The two noticed Trotsky and approached him. “General Trotsky. I can assure you everything is under control sir.”
“I wasn’t aware there was a problem,” Trotsky said somewhat concerned and curious.
“There isn’t one sir.”
“Then why are you here?”
“Just a minor discrepancy in the number of occupants in the farmhouse sir.”
“Let me handle this.”
“Sir. You’ll need to talk with the guard captain.”
“And he would be?
“Inside the house.”
Trotsky dismissed the Union guards and went inside the farmhouse. The guard captain was arguing with Big Macintosh while three other Union guards sat on a chair and sofa pretending to care. “Your files say that there are suppose to be three ponies living in this farm: You, the old mare, and the young red-manned filly. What are these two Pegasus and Unicorn fillies doing here?”
“Sweetie Belle is here because she doesn’t feel safe living alone and Scootaloo is here because curfew was put into place before she could leave. Your instructions were to get off the streets. You never said in our homes plus the walk is too long.”
“Don’t give me excuses.”
“Then what do you want.”
“Blood,” The guard captain answered with an infuriated tone.
“There will be none I can assure you that.” Trotsky said with a stern tone.
All turned their attention to Trotsky. “General.”
The guards and captain drew their rifles and kneeled using them as balance. “You are dismissed boy. I’ll be handling this from here.”
“But sir.”
“I said you’re DISMISSED!”
The guards and captain quickly picked themselves up and left Trotsky to handle the Apple Family and the CMC. “You’ve drawn attention to yourselves. That won’t make this next part easier.”
“Listen ‘sir’ we don’t want any trouble.” Big Macintosh said trying to persuade Trotsky to let them off.
“Well neither do I but now we’re all in the thick of it. Both your family and me.”
“What’s that suppose to mean?” Big Mac said feeling somewhat threatened.
“Gather all in the house and I’ll show you.”
Big Mac hesitantly left to gather Granny Smith and the CMC. He thought about just taking them and running out the back door but he knew that would only land them in front of a firing squad. He brought the four of them to Trotsky as he asked.
“What is this?” Granny Smith asked somewhat concerned.
“Here,” Trotsky said giving her a note. “Read it.”
She looked at the note puzzled. It read К слову великого лидера король Peryite нашего Союза Республик Global конного вы задержать любого с сильными связями элементов гармонии . Если вы не вы будете даю на предателей смерти. Слава Союза и нашей Родины. “Uh pardon me ask’n this of ya but WHAT IN EQUESTRIA IS THIS MESS AH JIBBERISH?”
“Here let me translate for you. By the word of our great leader King Peryite of our Union of Global Equestrian Republics you are to detain any with strong ties to the elements of harmony. Should you fail you will be given a traitors death. Glory to the Union and to our Motherland. The room was filled with silence. As you can see our situation is shockingly grim.”
“Our situation! It seems pretty easy on your end,” Big Macintosh said with a raised voice. “Do your job and put our heads on a pike.”
Trotsky chuckled. “Wouldn’t life be so simple if we could just put all to the sword? No I think this is wrong and I know you must.”
“So what do you propose we do then.”
“Well if I don’t bring you to King Peryite I’m a traitor. But if you were to go missing it would be out of my hooves and not pinned on me.”
“So what. Are we supposed to sprout wings and fly? No offense Scootaloo.”
“No. The Ponyville train station can get you safely to the city of Canterlot.”
“They denied making us passports.”
“I can get you some forged ones. These papers can get pretty close to perfect but if by the chance they don’t work show the inspector this.”
Trotsky handed Big Macintosh a slip of paper. “What’s this?”
“Just something you can use in the case of an emergency. I’d all around prefer if you don’t but if the inspector dials a number on the desk phone during your checkpoint inspection show him this.”
“You will receive your papers in the morning around five. The checkpoint opens at six so pack your things now and get as much sleep as you can.”
“Trotsky, was it?”
“Thank you.”
“You can thank me by getting the hell out of here and keeping my hide intact.” Trotsky gave them a light smile before heading back to the mayor’s office.

“Incoming mortars!”
“Heads down, heads down.”
“This is madness. We haven’t even come within thirty miles of Canterlot. Why the bloody hell does the Union have so many forces wandering so far from civilization?”
“Maybe they lost their way. Let’s put them on the path out of this world.”
“Their Armour is getting restless.”
“Flank around them and set charges on them.”
“We’re going to need someone to keep those infantry off us.”
“150th rifle squad cover these troops as they clear out the Armour.”
“Sir yes sir.”
“Are you Gryphons ready?”
“Just don’t let us get shot up.”
“Ok. On three, one, two, THREE.”
The Gryphons and a few Equestrian troops darted from cover and into the line of fire. Their repositioning went unnoticed to all but a few of the Union’s forces. Those that did began firing on them. “150th rifle squad we’re under fire. We need the way cleared.”
“Copy that; cleaning up this Union trash as we speak.” After ten seconds the small short-wave radio came to life once more. “You’re clear.”
“Thank you sergeant. Come on boys, let’s get these charges set.”
The Gryphon and Equestrian troops made their way behind the lines of the Union and planted the charges on the tanks.
As the stopwatches reached zero the tanks became a fiery steel tomb for their drivers. This did not go unnoticed by the other Union forces that quickly surrounded the remaining three tanks. “Guard these tanks with your lives.”
“Rifle squad we need you to clear out the infantry surrounding the tanks.”
“Objective received. Flank your way around the tanks. There will be some using the tanks for cover so be ready to get some blood on your hooves.”
“Roger. Come on boys, let’s move up.”
The small squad crawled and inched their way to the tanks avoiding the attention of the Union’s infantry division. As they approached the Armour most of the guards were dead. “Alright you two go set charges on those tanks. I’ll get the last one.”
The two Gryphons set charges on the tanks. “Sergeant look out!”
The young Equestrian halted as he saw the Union soldier behind the tank. His legs were in motion and he couldn’t react as he gazed helplessly as the Union soldier shot him though the chest.
The two Gryphons tried to reach their fallen but Union reinforcements cut them off. The young sergeant slowly got up cringing at the sting of the wound. He attached the charge to the base of the tank and set it to blow. He slumped down no longer able to hold himself up from the pain. He panted as he listened to the timer tick. He smiled slightly and turned to see the timer three clicks from zero. He closed his eyes and savored his last breath. The two Gryphons watched as the tank exploded in a mass of fire scorching the earth around it.
“That’s our cue boys; advance.”
The joint Equestrian and Gryphon armies charged from cover to engage the Union forces. After fifteen minutes the skirmish came to a close. “What’s this, the third skirmish we’ve had with Union forces around these parts.”
“Yeah that sounds about right. I never thought the fighting would be so bad before the real invasion even began.”
“Regardless we need to assess the damage and death toll.”
“So far we have the deaths of four officers, eighty infantry, fifteen Gryphons, and the destruction of two tanks.”
“Not so bad.”
“Still perhaps we should try to avoid any more unnecessary fighting.”
“Agreed. Tell General Amherst that the threat has been eliminated.”
“Yes sir. The Equestrian soldier galloped to the command post set up over several hills. “Sir. General Amherst, the Union forces are no more sir.”
“Good work boy. Get some rest and rations. You and your squad earned it.”
“Thank you sir.” With that the soldier left to rejoin his squad.
Heinrich turned on the intercom. “Attention all. We are safe for transport. We’re packing up and continuing the march.”

Journal entry two, official military log of General Heinrich Amherst, return if found. Our journey has been delayed several times now. The Union’s wilderness wayward forces have halted us at every turn. We have traveled many miles and fought many times for those that gave us aid. The city of Canterlot sparkles and glows in the violet night. We’ve stopped here to rest and ready ourselves for the invasion. Before the break of dawn we will begin our fight to retake the city in the name of the United Equestrian Alliance. This may be my final journal entry. I pray for the best but prepare for the worst.

“W…what time is it.” Apple Bloom yawned.
“It’s 4:30 AM Apple Bloom. Here, wake yourself up and get some breakfast.”
Apple Bloom didn’t object. She went to the sink and threw some water on her face before sitting herself at the table. Her friends had made their way out of bed and had come down. Big Macintosh instructed them the same. Scootaloo looked about the same but Sweetie Belle had a case of bed hair. “You look like your mane was attacked by a vacuum Sweetie belle,” Apple Bloom said with a mischievous smile.
“Yeah thanks,” Sweetie Belle replied in a slightly agitated look, too tired to put any real emotion in her voice.
“Did you three get your things packed?”
“Everything we felt was essential or couldn’t do without,” Scootaloo said still with sleep in her eyes.
“Once we’re done eating we need to get going.”
The five continued to eat until their plates were clean. They weren’t very hungry but they knew they would need all their energy for the journey ahead. Once they were done they gathered their things in the living room. As they did they heard knocking on the door. They all turned to its source with a worried look. Big Macintosh slowly approached the door and opened it. “Good morning Big Mac.” Big Macintosh looked down to see Pipsqueak smiling slightly at him. “Here’s your edition of the Equestrian Gazette.” Big Macintosh stared down at the small roll of newspaper. “Check out page thirty-two. I hear it has some important article.” Big Macintosh turned to the slightly misshapen page and pulled out several passports and documents. “General Trotsky gives his regards.” With that Pipsqueak galloped back to Ponyville.
“Come on now y’all we’ve got the documents and passports we need to head off.” With that the Apple family as well as Sweetie belle and Scootaloo left for the Ponyville train station.

When they at last arrived at the station it was almost six. A long line had already formed at the checkpoint. As the clock struck six the first pony entered the checkpoint. Almost an hour and a half passed before the Apple family and company had their turn. During that time twenty-five ponies were cleared. Thirty-two were denied, and fifteen were detained. Big Macintosh approached the inspector slightly uncomfortably with the others crammed into the small room. “Papers please,” The inspector said trying to sound like he wasn’t a machine.
“Here,” Big Macintosh said sliding his papers through the small slot.
“Is this your family?”
“The Pegasus and unicorn aren’t related to me but we have been watching over them since they lack supervision.”
“What is the purpose of your trip?”
“Just transit to Canterlot to visit some relatives.”
“Hmm,” the inspector said examining the papers with care. “Does the young earth pony filly have more than one alias?”
Big Macintosh hesitated. “No.”
“Please wait a moment.” The inspector pulled a phone off the wall and dialed a number.
Apple Bloom quickly grabbed the paper Trotsky gave them. “Here. We forgot to give this to you.”
“Hmm.” The inspector looked hard at the paper and symbol. His eyes showed confusion and a bit of worry but in an instant he had a pensive look. He smiled and chuckled slightly hanging up the phone. He stamped the passports of the five ponies, wished them a safe trip and sent them on their way. “Well, Trotsky,” he muttered to himself, “this is by far one of the most corrupt things I’ve seen a pony of power do in the Union. Still if you vouch for them I suppose they must not be Tsarist scum. Of all the ponies in the Union you are perhaps the truest in heart. This wound in my hind leg ended my carrier as a soldier. But I could have lost my life had you not dragged me off that battlefield. I owe you my life but I have a duty to report any evidence I have that suggest treason...” The inspector grabbed the paper baring Trotsky’s symbol and tossed it into the fireplace. “Too bad I lost it. What a shame.” The inspector activated the intercom device and called in the next pony. “Papers please.”

The five ponies walked in a hurried pace to the train. They were all worried that this was going to end badly and wanted to get out of Ponyville as fast as possible. The train was almost completely empty when they boarded. They got their luggage stored in the cargo compartment and found their seats. After fifteen minutes ten more ponies boarded the train. “The nonstop train from Ponyville to Canterlot is now departing,” The train conductor said over the intercom.
The train roared to life and sped off to the city of magic. The five ponies looked out the window as their hometown became more and more distant. It was sad for them but also a relief. Only when they were twenty minutes away from Ponyville did they allow themselves the comfort to breathe a sigh is relief. “That was more than enough tension for one day,” Apple Bloom said falling back into the train seat.
“You said it,” Scootaloo said, still amazed they pulled it off.
“What do ya thinks gonna happen when we get to Canterlot?” Sweetie Belle asked.
“They’ll probably find some tasks for me to do while the rest of ya’ll stay at some hotel,” Big Macintosh said with a slight smile.
“We’ll be better off in Canterlot until things in Ponyville get better.” Granny Smith said.
“For now, let’s just enjoy the train ride and catch up on some sleep,” Sweetie Belle said laying her head down on the seat cushion.

Several hours later the train conductor announced that the train was approaching Canterlot. The five ponies looked out the window at the City but an ominous feeling descended on them. The air smelled thick with gunpowder and cinders. They looked out to see several columns of smoke coming from Canterlot. “What in tarnation is going on?!” Apple Bloom said with a worried look.
“Uh, … as the train reaches its destination please mind the gap and proceed to the nearest shelter possible,” the train conductor said with a worried tone.
When the train reached the station the passengers were quickly evacuated and escorted by Union guards. “What’s going on here?!” Big Macintosh asked.
“The UEA has begun an invasion of Canterlot. As of now all citizens are being escorted to designated bunkers for safety. Come on, we’re heading there so pick up the pace.”
The group of ponies and Union guards left the train station and ran into the chaos filled streets of Canterlot. Union infantry ran through the streets making their way to the battlefield. “Remember comrades. NOT ONE STEP BACK. Those who retreat will be shot.”
“Come on this way,” the Union escort said. As they continued to run through the desolate and rubble filled streets mortars began bombarding the city. “Hurry, the bunker is near.” The escorts brought the passengers into a small building and forced open a hatch. “GO, GO, GO.” All hurried down into the bunker.
It was dark and had a dank smell of mildew but was a warm welcome from the chaos and death above. “What do we do now?” Sweetie belle asked.
“We wait,” a Union guard answered. “We wait for the noise to die down.” With that all inside made themselves feel as comfortable as possible in the dim lit bunker.

“This is it, my brothers and sisters. On this day we show the Gryphon Kingdom’s might, versatility, and wrath. The Union has dug its claws deep into the city of Canterlot and won’t be letting go without fighting tooth and nail. The soldiers inside have their backs to guns and will not retreat. Countless of our kin have died to these power hungry barbarians. Today we repay every last drop of blood lost. We will bring the fight to them. To their land; to their blood; their ponies.” The army cheered as the tanks rammed down the gates to the city and lead the charge. Almost immediately the Union welcomed them by way of gunfire. The shops at the welcome center of Canterlot were in a state of disrepair but still found use as garrisons for the Union occupation force. “Flank around and clear out those buildings so we can advance.”
“Sergeant Woods, take your boys and tackle the one on the right. Lieutenant Eva, you take the Gryphons and tackle the left.”
“Yes Captain,” they both said in unison.
The two squad leaders darted off with their troops to face their targets.
“Take out the machine gunners. Our brothers down there are counting on us. They can’t much defend themselves so we look out for them.” The Equestrian forces cleared the second and third floor machine guns and then cleared the building of Union forces. Once they checked and raided the building for usable ammo they rejoined the main platoon. “We’ve cleared the building Captain Shining Armor.”
“I was about to ask the Captain if we should lend you assistance; we were beginning to worry it was too much for you.” Eva mocked.
“Sorry I worried you. I know ours was a three story building and yours only one but remember which one of us has more experience,” Woods retorted.
“Experience. Ha. You have only been an officer for three months I’ve held my position for the fifth year now.”
“Yet in that small amount of time I’ve done more than you in your whole carreer. I guess advancement in the Gryphon army isn’t very quick is it.”
“You all are green and new. We’ve known war far longer than you.”
“Yet your armies come begging for our help to save your precious bird’s nest of a kingdom.”
“Yet here we are aiding you taking back YOUR city!”
“There’s a difference between charity and debt Eva.”
“ENOUGH!” Shining Armor shouted. “It’s like dealing with foals. The both of you shut up or I’ll see to it you’re both confined to your quarters for three weeks.”
“But Captain,” Both said in unison.
“NO! Heinrich is counting on us to take the east half of the city and regroup with him to take the palace. The longer we wait the more likely he’ll be cut down. I don’t have time to explain the stupidity of the both of you. Just know that if Heinrich and I didn’t get along so well we would have died in Saddle Arabia. Even the common hoof soldier gets along with the Gryphon infantry better than you do with each other. Now enough of this; we march.”
“Yes Captain,” they both said in unison once more.
The forces once more advanced through the city. “The Union’s been quiet. After their quick greeting I thought they might want to mingle but maybe that was all they had in store,” Sergeant Woods said, somewhat smug.
“Don’t let your guard down. This might be our capital but it’s their city right now,” Shining Armor warned. They can bring the fight to us any momen…” Shining Armor was cut off by a high pitch whistle.
“Get down.” Eva yelled.
Three mortars crashed into the ground killing thirteen Equestrian and Gryphon forces. “Scheisse. We need to get those bastards.”
“We can’t just rush in there. Those mortars will blow us back to the Kingdom.”
“Then we’ll blow them up first.”
“How? We don’t even know where they are.” Woods said, agitated.
“Then we’ll find out,” Shining Armor replied. “You two lead your squads over to those lookout towers. When the mortars fire send in their coordinates so we can give them a taste of their own medicine.”
“Right. Eva we only need one tower. Let’s try not to kill each other while the Union still poses a threat.”
“Just don’t get too far behind.”
“Don’t worry. I’ll be right behind you ready to pull you out of the jam you’ll find yourself in.”
The two gave each other a smug competitor’s smile before leading their forces on the charge. The mortars still bombarded the ground, and even with poor accuracy they still managed to kill several more Equestrian soldiers. “Inside, hurry.” Sergeant Woods hollered.
As the Equestrian and Gryphon troops stormed the guard tower the Union soldiers quickly rushed to the ground floor to combat the intruders. After three waves of Union troops the room was quiet. “Come on Woods. We need to send those coordinates.”
“Right. You all will stay down here. Eva and I are heading to the tower’s lookout post.”
“Yes Sergeant.”
As the two sergeants ascended the tower they came across several Union forces that had stayed behind.
“They’ve got an MG deployed in that room.”
“Frag them.” Eva pulled out a fragment grenade and tossed it into the next room. After the grenade went off the silence that followed signified it was safe. As they entered the room two Union troops hiding in the corner rushed them and locked them in a power struggle. After three minutes Woods slammed his aggressor into the wall and slit his throat. He turned to Eva who was struggling to pull out a hoof blade logged in her shoulder blade while keeping the other hoof blade at bay. Woods quickly dispatched the Union soldier and turned his attention to Eva. “You’re hurt.”
“I’ve been through worse,” Eva said, cringing at the pain.
“I don’t doubt it; but we need to tend to it.”
“We have more important things. We need to complete our objective.”
“Leaving any wound untreated invites a myriad of death. We should at least stop the bleeding. Woods opened up his satchel and pulled out some bandage wrap, stitches, and alcohol. This is going to sting.” Woods warned.
“Just get it over with.” Eva replied preparing herself for the pain.
Woods wiped the blood off and applied the alcohol to a cotton swap and cleaned the wound. Eva cringed and told him to hurry up. He quickly sewed the wound as closed as he could before wrapping it in the cloth. “There. That should hold.”
“That wasn’t necessary,” Eva said somewhat coldly. “But thanks” she added with a light smile.
“Come on we’ve got a job to get to,” Woods said lending Eva a hoof up. The two climbed a ladder up to the lookout post to spot the mortars. As they fired the flash and smoke gave their locations. “Eva, get your short-wave radio out.” Eva turned on the radio.
“Captain are you there.”
“I can hear you loud and clear.”
“Captain send in these coordinates. Twenty-three, thirty-four, eighty-one, over.
“Got it. I’m sending them in now.”
Fifteen seconds later mortars landed on target silencing the Union mortars. “Hell yeah,” Woods and Eva cheered in Unison.
“Come on. We shouldn’t keep the captain waiting.” Woods said. Eva smiled and nodded. The two collected their troops from the ground floor and regrouped with Shining Armor.
“You two did good. Proper textbook work that was.”
“Thank you Captain,” the two said in unison.
Shining Armor smiled. “Onward. We shouldn’t keep Heinrich waiting.” With that Shining Armor’s platoon advanced through the city.

“Push forward. We need to be at the palace ready to aid Shining Armour.”
“You heard General Amherst. Forward! Let none stand in the way of the Gryphon army’s advance.”
The Gryphons cheered as they blitzed the barricades and tackled and clawed any who opposed them.
“The city’s ours to take.” The Gryphon forces cheered as the Union retreated.
“Come now my brothers and sisters. We will take the palace and when the banner of our alliance waves over the palace the world will know our true might.” As the Gryphon forces advanced through the city’s streets the Union forces became better organized and better armed.
Those that retreated were shot down. “No retreat my comrades. Cowards will die a traitor’s death.”
Several Union troops garrisoned buildings. mounted machine guns and fired on the ground forces while others mounted flak cannons and killed Gryphons in the sky. “Die you winged fiends,” one of the Union troops shouted as he executed a grounded Gryphon.
“Clear out those buildings. Use your Molotov cocktails and burn them alive.”
The Gryphons ignited the alcohol and sent them into the windows of the buildings. Others set charges on the flak cannons. When the defenses were destroyed they engaged the remaining Union forces. After eight minutes and thirty-one casualties the Gryphons were victorious.
“Forward. Never waiver, never feat the dark, never, never, forget.”
The Gryphon forces advanced once more. Reinforcements filled their ranks by the second bolstering their might and morale. After several small skirmishes in the city the Gryphon forces arrived in front of the Canterlot palace. “Heinrich! Glad to see you made it here in one piece,” Shining Armor said with a smile.
“Indeed Herr Armour. I hope the Union didn’t thin your ranks too much because they’ll be holding onto the palace with every equine they have positioned here. I hope you’re ready to begin the assault.”
“Time to make these bastards pay for what they’ve done.”
Heinrich nodded to his long time friend before rallying his troops. “One final push boys. One final battle to win in this siege; one battle to tell the world the tide of this war has turned to our side. FORWARD!”
The army cheered before charging and blowing down the palace gate door. As the Equestrian forces cleared room after room the Union grew desperate and retreated. “This is it Heinrich. The day will be ours.”
“Yes my friend. Reminds me of our battle to retake the Saddle Arabia palace. Good times. When this is over we should…” Heinrich stopped and focused on a loud ominous hissing noise he heard faintly over the sounds of war. “Can you hear that?”
“Yeah. What the hell is that?”
The two watched as a large cloud of green gas slowly filled the room. “Great Celestia! RUN! Everyone out.”
The Equestrian and Gryphon troops covered their mouths and eyes as they evacuated the palace. The gas burned and stung their skin causing it to blister and peel. Those less fortunate were wheezing as others carried them out of the castle. Those receiving the worst of it were dead in seconds. After eight minutes the Equestrian and Gryphon troops in the palace either evacuated or died. “H…Herr Armour. You alright?” Heinrich wheezed.
“Yeah. You look a bit under the weather though.”
Heinrich laughed softly. “I think I breathed in a puff or two of that gas. No big deal.”
“Heinrich you need to get a check up in the infirmary. That gas does more than inflame your throat.”
“I’ll be fine Shining. We always are.”
“You’re right. Now go to the infirmary. It’s not like either of us can do anything on the battlefield right now. I’ll get you back to the ship for some medical attention and call in the hazardous environment combat unit.”
“I suppose you’re right.”
“Woods, Eva. You two are in charge until we get back.”
The two saluted as their superiors boarded a barge and headed to the Vessel of the Elements.

“They’ve breached the gates.”
“Fallback, fallback.”
As the Union forces retreated they were cut down by a machine gunner. Comrade commissar they could have been of use to us.”
“They were traitors Nevski.”
“But sir, there’s no way we can win here.”
“Then we will take as many of them as we can with us.”
“Sir. Please reconsider. Doesn’t living to fight another day sound good.”
“We either rot in a cell or rot in the ground. Only difference is how much blood we have on our hooves.”
“Sir there must be…”
“No. I never knew you were so afraid of fighting the Alliance Nevski. Humph -- I suppose that’s why you’re the only survivor of the 35th aerial platoon. Fine then; go down to the lower levels of the palace and release the Nova Prospect. If we flood the palace with gas that can buy us some time.”
“Y…yes sir,” Nevski said galloping away to the palace ventilation vats. As he turned the corner he saw several Union soldiers get cut down by a hailstorm of magitech bursts. The Alliance soldiers quickly turned their attention to him. “Chyort. Gonna have to fight my way to the ventilation control.” He quickly darted to a reinforced blast shield set up in the hall. It was thick enough to absorb the magitech bursts but not for long. As the Alliance troops tore into his cover he thinned them out with his carbine. After two minutes the shield was torn to bits. Nevski quickly spread his wings and flew at the soldiers. He had enough speed to evade the incoming fire and enough accuracy to put in a few shots. Nevski knew at this close range it would be fatal to continue a firefight so he turned to close combat. He threw himself onto one of the remaining five Equestrian troops, impaling him in the throat. Without thinking his instinct and body took control, lunging for the nearest thing that moved. This trooper held some resistance and decent technique with a blade, but he couldn’t match a Pegasus’s speed. Two more of the Equestrian carbine troops made some distance and began shooting. A burst grazed Nevski’s ear burning away a chunk of it. Nevski cringed but ignored the pain taking flight towards them. He evaded the bursts and when he was about to pass them spread his front legs and impaled them in the throat throwing them to the ground. As he rose from the ground the squad leaded charged at him locking them in a power struggle. Nevski pressed upward pushing the blade away from him. The Equestrian troop was an earth pony so he was quite strong. Still Nevski managed to push him far enough away to escape the lock. The squad leader fell forward due to the force he was exerting giving Nevski the opportunity to go in for the kill. He lunged at the pony’s newly exposed neck cutting deep into the vital bone structure. With the threat gone Nevski continued down to the lower levels of the palace. He found the Nova prospect tucked away in several canisters labeled toxic. He carried one of the heavy containers over to the ventilation unit and released the poison. When it was done he repeated the process with the other two dozen. By the time he was done he could hear the screams of the retreating UEA. He breathed a sigh of relief heading back up to the now poison filled Canterlot palace. A squad of Union rifle troops galloped by Nevski. “Comrade. The Commissar is ordering us up at the top of the palace.”
“Very well,” Nevski said, joining the squad.
Nevski arrived atop the palace with the squad he met. “My comrades. We have bought ourselves some time but we have not vanquished the UEA. We now must focus on finding a way to drive them out of Canterlot.”
“But sir. We don’t have any more long-range weapons. They have us completely surrounded. Our entire division here has been all but destroyed. We’re all that is left,” a young Union soldier said with a panicked tone.
“And that, child, is why we must hang on to this palace with every last ounce of our lives.”
“But sir how?”
“However we can. Remember Marshal Nikita’s orders -- not one step back.”
“What shall we do sir?”
“Prepare for whatever misfortune could befall us.”
“You’re talking about at least a dozen ways to die sir.”
“Then prepare for a bakers dozen.”
The Union forces argued back and forth until the high pitched whistle of a mortar silenced them. The shells crashed into the roof of the palace killing a few soldiers. “Inside the palace NOW!!!” The Union forces rushed inside the palace to take cover from the incoming fire. When they were several floors down they stopped. “We are safe now my comrades. They can’t come in and they won’t destroy their precious palace.” As they tried to settle down three barges crashed into the stained glass windows next to them. Several armed ponies in gas masks and hazard suits, began firing on the Union troops before departing from their crafts. The Union quickly retaliated firing and cutting at their aggressors. After thirty seconds the room was once again silent. “Comrade commissar, we lost fifteen more of our troops,” Nevski said.
“I know. We need to secure ourselves in a single room. Come now Nevski, we’re heading off. Lead the way.”
Nevski sighed before taking the lead while the rest followed. They eventually reached a large room where they could hear voices. “Stop,” Nevski snapped in a hushed voice.
“Damn. They flooded this place in their poison didn’t they?” a hazardous environment combat soldier said.
“Yep. I can barely see my hooves in front of my face.”
Nevski said to his fellow soldiers, “Let me take them out. I’m going to try a stealthy approach to this. If open conflict erupts then you come and back me.” None objected to this. Nevski moved quietly through the large cloud of poison towards the troops farthest away from the others. He wrapped his hooves around their necks pulling them down, where he cut their throats. He repeated this three more time before the only ones left were four in the center of the room. Nevski knew he would be found if he killed even one of them. He slowly approached them and then quite loudly yelled, “Die pigs.” He plunged his blade into their rib cages tackling them to the ground. As he regained his balance he saw one readying a swing with his rifle. Nevski quickly rolled out of the way and planted the hoof blade in the soldier’s back. As he struggled to free it the last trooper tackled him and began to push down on his throat. Nevski hacked as he tried to breathe and struggled against his aggressor. His vision began to blur as the air was cut off from his body. He desperately tried to push the Equestrian trooper off, to no avail; as the last bit of strength left Nevski a young Union soldier cut the oxygen tube of the hazardous environment soldier. The equestrian soldier gasped as the oxygen system was compromised and tainted with the poison. Seconds later he dropped dead.
The young Union soldier lent Nevski a hoof up. “Are you all right, comrade?”
“I’m not injured,” Nevski said, still regaining his breath. “Thanks for the assist.”
“You two get moving. We still need to find someplace secure,” the Commissar said. The two rejoined the squad and headed off. As the squad galloped to a safer location Nevski talked with the soldier who had helped him; “Thanks again boy.”
“We look out for one another, right,” the young soldier said with a bit of hesitation.
Nevski chuckled. “Kid, I didn’t live this long in the Union’s ranks by looking out for others. I ran for cover while my comrades threw themselves in the way of machinegun fire. I’m the only one who survived the slaughter of Saddle Arabia by thinking for myself and for myself alone. You sound just like my commanding Lieutenant. Poor Bastard was a spitting image of King Peryite’s ideal soldier. ‘Think for your brothers and let self sacrifice be your motive’. Dumb idiot gave his life… to save me. I never had a reason to spill blood for the Union; I never cared. I never wanted peace or opportunity; I wanted blood. I wanted the landlord and taxman to bleed and beg for shaking every last bit out of my family; they bleed, oh boy did they, but I got more blood than I asked for. I’m no soldier; just a pony who they gave a rifle and a set of armor to and taught how to kill. What about you kid? Why’d you join up?”
“I wanted to follow in my older brother’s hoof steps. He joined the Union to fight for our future. He was in your platoon Nevski. I don’t know if you knew him though; his name was Alexi Zubov.”
That name seemed to echo maddeningly in Nevski’s mind. “Lieutenant Zubov,” Nevski whispered to himself. He turned his gaze to the young soldier. “What’s your name boy?”
“Alexi Borodin Zubov. I got passed down my brother’s name; it might have been a bother in early life but it’s an honor to bear it.”
“Early life,” Nevski mocked. “You look pretty young to me.” Nevski was given a sudden sickening thought. “How old are you boy?”
“I’m eighteen sir.”
“I’m no higher ranked than you. The ‘sir’ isn’t necessary.”
“You’re more experienced than me and that’s what counts.”
“Thank you; now your age.”
“I told you sir.”
“I can’t boot you from the Union’s ranks; I’ll ask again, what is your age?”
“I’m sixteen sir.”
“How long have you served in the Union?”
“This is my eighth month sir.”
“You shouldn’t be here.”
“I’m proud to serve the Union,” Alexi said with a bit of agitation.
“You’re young; and there’s a gun at your back and facing you. You shouldn’t be here.”
“No one should.”
“I suppose that is true. Try and stay alive boy.”
The two continued on with their squad trying to find somewhere secure. As the squad reached another room several Hazardous Environment combat soldiers stormed the room and threw the Union into combat. When the skirmish was over several of the Union’s forces were bleeding out from wounds. “Comrade Commissar, we can’t keep this up,” Alexi said.
“And what would you have us do?”
“I don’t know but we need to get medical attention to our wounded.”
“We have no more first aid left, boy.”
Alexi was given pause about his next words, but he said them anyway. “The Alliance has first aid.”
“You must be insane. Why would the Alliance give us their first aid?”
“If we’re they’re responsibility they will.”
“What exactly are you suggesting?”
“I don’t know… but we need to get our wounded some first aid.”
“We can’t. That would involve troops we just don’t have. Our only concern should be our survival.”
“Perhaps we can get the Alliance to aid. Just for our wounded perhaps we can parley with them just this once. We won’t be surrendering.”
“This is treason,” the commissar said coldly.
“I said we wouldn’t be surrendering sir,” Alexi replied somewhat worried.
“Collaborating with any Alliance member is treason against our Union,” the commissar said shoving Alexi to the floor. “And so you die a traitor’s death.”
As the commissar readied his SMG Nevski slammed the butt of his rifle on his head sending him sprawling to the floor. The Commissar forced his eyes open from the pain and stared down the long barrel of Nevski’s rifle. “No more. Not one more of my brothers dies this day,” Nevski said cocking his rifle.
“This is madness; you’re traitors, all of you,” the commissar yelled!
“I’ve killed because I was told to but I never really cared; I wonder if this is why Zubov fought; if every time he fought the alliance he knew he was saving someone else’s soul. I joined the Union to spill the blood of tyrants; that hasn’t changed. Dosvidanya commissar.” With those last words Nevski shot the commissar through the head. The pointblank shot tore the top of his skull off leaving the corpse in a state of mass bleed out. “You alright kid?” Nevski said, lending Alexi a hoof up.
“I…I’m fine sir,” Alexi said still a bit shaken up.
“Nevski what in Peryite’s name was THAT,” one of the soldiers said in utter disbelief!
“I did what was right,” Nevski, said boldly. “We’re all better off without the commissar.”
“I’d tell you how much treason you’ve committed this day, but right now I don’t care. If you think we’re better off then tell me ‘commissar’ Nevski what should we do now?!”
“Surrender,” Nevski said with complete candor. All in the room looked at him in confusion. “There’s no way we can win here. Your survival is my top priority. We might fight for those who can’t, but remember we all have the right to life. Alexi you’re coming with me. We’re going to raise the white flag.”
“Yes sir,” Alexi said getting the strength back in his legs and saluting Nevski.
“Good. You’re to stay put until I return. I will send you a message when the surrender has been issued; until then keep your guard up.”
“Sir,” the Union forces said saluting their new commander.
Nevski smiled before galloping off with Alexi.

“You really think they’ll accept this surrender Nevski?” Alexi asked with a somewhat worried tone/
“It’s our only hope for survival kid. They better.”
When the two reached the roof several Hazardous environment combat soldiers were nearing the palace on barges. “Damn. The Alliance is preparing another assault.”
“How is this good comrade Nevski?”
“Because we know someone will see the white flag.”
“Come on boy we need to get out of this cloud of poison.” The two spread their wings and took flight out of the cloud of poison. When they were well above the cloud they waved the white flag praying they wouldn’t get shot. A minute later a barge slowly hovered over to them and a hazard trooper slowly walked to the edge. “Are you all that’s left; if not how many more and are you surrendering on their behalf as well?” he asked.
“There are others, some are wounded and need medical attention,” Nevski replied.
“Very well. Gather your remnants and wounded and we’ll take you to our commanding officers for further negotiations.”
“Thank you.” Nevski and Alexi led the Equestrian troops to the remaining Union forces.
They loaded their wounded on stretchers or just carried them on their backs and made their way to the palace gate. As they made their way to the Equestrian forces an officer approached them. “Is the palace clear?”
“Clear of Union forces yes; safe for usage far from it.”
“Who are these Union troops?”
“Commissar Nevski at your service.”
“Sergeant Woods. I assume this is a surrender.”
“Yes Sergeant, shall we discuss this further?”
“Come along now.”
“Alexi, stay with the others. This won’t be long.”
“Yes comrade Nevski,” Alexi said in an obedient tone.
Nevski patted the young soldier on the back before heading off with Sergeant Woods. The two sat down in a small mostly intact building. An Equestrian trooper saluted his Sergeant as the two walked in. As Nevski grabbed a seat a Gryphon rushed in. “Woods. I received word that palace is our.”
“Indeed Eva. Eva this is Commissar Nevski. Nevski, Lieutenant Eva.”
“He the one in charge of the Union forces?”
“Yes. Glad you could make it here Eva. We were just about to begin discussing the terms of their surrender.”
“Well then let me take a seat,” Eva said grabbing a chair.
“Well now that we’re all here; Commissar Nevski was it.”
“Yes Sergeant Woods. Before we begin I want to make this demand clear; I want medical treatment for those in my charge that are wounded.”
“Well sir, Nevski, that usually isn’t something we lend to ponies we still consider our enemies. You’re planning to return to another Union platoon or division aren’t you?”
Nevski sighed. “I killed our commanding officer so we could make this surrender. My superiors will put questions to all of us. ‘Who gave the order, where is your assigned officer’. If they find out about what I did I’ll be hanged or maybe executed. Plus if those who are wounded don’t get good medical treatment they will succumb to infection. No I don’t plan on returning to the Union’s numbers.”
“So you’re putting your forces in our hooves?”
“So long as you promise to treat us with dignity, give medical care, and not have us killed for treason against the crown, then yes.”
“Hmm. Very well. We will get your wounded medical attention and won’t lock you up; as for your punishment we’ll work on getting you a lighter sentence.”
“Thank you.” Nevski said in a relieved tone.
“Now if we’re done talking about what we’ll do for you, how about you; what can you offer us,” Eva said?”
“I don’t know much about the Union’s plans in central Equestria, my troops in decent condition can help clean out the Nova Prospect from the palace.”
“Well that’s something but still looking for more than biohazardous community service.”
“Well we’ll cross that bridge when we get there; I promise if there’s more I can do I will.”
“For now though gather some of your troops and help the Hazard team vacuum out the poison.”
“Very well,” Nevski said heading off to gather some of his troops.

Nevski and several of the soldiers in his charge sat inside the Canterlot palace along with several Hazard troopers all holding several long tubes. “Ready?”
“We’ll turn on the suction in a few moments.”
“I’m ready I said,” Nevski repeated somewhat agitated.
The Equestrian troops turned on the suction device outside the palace and the vacuum tubes roared to life. The Nova prospect began dissipating almost immediately as the room became clear of the poisonous clouds. “Move on to the next room, and then the one after that till the palace is clear of this horrid poison.”
The hazard team and Union forces cleared every room of the palace top to bottom several times. After thirty minutes the palace was deemed suitable for life. “Well that was quite some bit of work,” a Hazard trooper said resting his back against the wall.
“Aw. Quit your bellyaching. Go tell the Princess that Canterlot is once again ours and the palace is biologically safe.”
“Sure thing,” the pegasus said galloping off.
“As for you,” the soldier said pointing at Nevski and his squad. “Help us see if the Union left anything of interest around the palace. DON’T make me regret trusting you,” he said coldly.
“Nevski are we really going to help them,” Alexi asked in a rather frustrated tone.
“We can’t give them reason to go back on what they’ve promised. Come on kid we couldn’t do much about it.”
“Yes sir.”
“I’m not your leader boy I’ve told you this.”
“And I respect you plus you did save my life,” Alexi retorted.
“You did the same for me,” Nevski reminded him.
“I suppose that is true.”
“HEY. Both of you quit your yapping and get over here.”
“Yes sir,” the both of them said coldly.

“Sweet Celestia, look at what happened to Canterlot,” Pinkie Pie said looking out the window of the Flagship.
“Those Union jerks really did a number on it,” Rainbow Dash said in disgust.
“We probably did just as much damage,” Apple Jack said rather glum.
“I wonder how many died in the siege and recapturing,” Twilight said looking down and with her ears folded back.
“I’m glad Eva and Woods were able to keep charge while we were here,” Shining Armor said.
“Indeed Herr Armour,” Heinrich said slowly walking into the room.
“Heinrich. Are you feeling OK?”
“Yes Herr Armour. The doctor said that my lungs got a whiff of the gas but no damage was done to my nerve center. I’ll make a full recovery.”
“That’s good to hear. When we repair the city you must come over to share a bottle of wine.”
Heinrich laughed softly. “On that day we’ll drink to victory.”
“We’ll be approaching the Canterlot palace in a few moments,” a Royal guard said to Twilight.
“Thank you. Well girls, come on; we should set up our command back at Canterlot as soon as possible.”
Twilight’s friends nodded to her before boarding a barge and heading to the palace. When they arrived at the palace they were promptly greeted by the commanding officers. “Greetings highness. My name is Sergeant Woods; this is Lieutenant Eva.”
“Sergeant,” Twilight said nodding to the stallion. “Is the city cleared of Union forces?”
“From what we’ve seen yes…err hostile forces at any rate. There are some Union forces that surrendered to us inside the palace helping gather Union documents.”
“How many casualties do we have?”
“Fifteen thousand or so of Equestrian casualties.”
“Eight thousand or so Gryphon casualties,” Eva added.
“How many Union casualties?”
“The Union’s loss in this is not yet known. We’re hoping the documents inside the palace will help us know what their numbers here were.”
“Very well. We’ll go check up on those documents. You two help organize our forces so we can re-secure our grip on the city.”
“Yes highness,” the two said in unison before heading off to take charge.
Twilight and friends walked through the palace to the strategy room. Much of the once beautiful halls and rooms were torn apart by war. Stained glass windows were now broken leaving empty windowsills open letting the smell of gunpowder and smoke in. Banners of the U.E.A were torn apart and desecrated; anything resembling Celestia, Luna, or Twilight and her friends had the word WHORE painted on them in red paint. As Twilight and friends got to the strategy room they saw two Union soldiers talking to a pony in a hazard suit. “We haven’t found any civilians in the city alive or dead. You must have some idea as to where they’ve gone.”
“I was just a soldier until forty five minutes ago; what makes you think I know anything.”
“Come now anything, anything at all.”
The three of them turned their heads to Twilight. The Hazard team pony bowed to the purple Alicorn giving respect. “Are we expected to flatter royalty now; I suppose so,” Nevski said somewhat disgruntled.
“I could care less,” Twilight, replied. “What have you found?” Twilight asked the Hazard trooper.
“This was what we have so far,” The stallion said giving Twilight the documents.
“Hmm,” Twilight said looking over the papers. “That’s interesting and this, what does…”
“I JUST REMEMBERED,” Nevski burst out.
“What? Remembered what?” Twilight asked somewhat nervous.
“Where the citizens are. These construction documents listed several underground bunkers or places converted to bunkers to protect civilians during times of invasion.”
“We’ll send some squads to check them out immediately.”
“With all due respect Highness I believe it would be better if I and some of my boys go.”
“And why would that be?”
“A squad of guards is assigned to each bunker to help protect the populace. To avoid any unnecessary shootouts I should handle this.”
Twilight was hesitant to allow these Union troops around the city with little to no supervision. “Very well. No looting, no stealing, no running off, and NO KILLING.”
“You have my word highness. Come now Alexi, let’s get moving.” The young Pegasus nodded to Nevski and the two galloped off.

“How long have we been down here,” Sweetie Belle asked?
“It feels like it’s been three hours by now,” Apple Bloom replied.
“Five hours, forty five minutes,” a Union guard corrected.
“We’ve been down here for so long and the noise has been gone for about twenty minutes now. Can’t we leave now?” Scootaloo complained.
“Protocol says we need a half hour without noise. I know it’s annoying just like the protocol for landing an aircraft in stormy weather. At the end of the day everyone’s just happy that they got to leave. We only need ten more minutes; just hang tight.”
Scootaloo groaned but stopped arguing. “Who do you think won the battle?”
“Scootaloo I don’t think this is the best time; besides there are Union troops only feet away from us,” Apple Bloom whispered.
“Speak freely we could care less about what you say down here,” a Union guard said.
The two folded their ears back realizing the Union guards had heard what they said. “Uh ya’ll heard that?” Apple Bloom said somewhat sheepish.
“Every word; and I’ll repeat we don’t care.”
“How are we supposed to know if you’re being honest?”
“THEN DON’T TALK. For Peryite’s sake I DON’T CARE.”
Apple Bloom flinched at the stallion’s raised voice. “W…well what do you think Scootaloo,” Apple Bloom stuttered.
“Well we don’t have any idea on the Union’s numbers or the U.E.A’s numbers or strength of either side’s forces so there’s no telling who won.”
“Do you think our sisters were in this battle; or at least watching over it?”
Scootaloo’s eyes widened at this. “I never considered that. Yeah. Yeah,” she repeated perked up. “Yeah they must be. Hey if the Alliance did win we’ll get to see them. It’s been so long since we’ve seen them, since they left to fight the Union.”
“You have family in the equestrian army,” a voice asked?
The two fillies turned to the source of the voice. A white mare with a purple and white mane stood with a soft smile next to a blue stallion with a darker mane; both were Unicorns. “Yeah. Well, not serving as soldiers but yeah in a way. Do you?”
The mare smiled a bit more. “Yes in a way as well. Most in town know who we are so I assume you’re refugees. Our daughter has a very ‘high’ rank in the Alliance. We only got to see her for two weeks before she headed off again to fight the Union. She was trapped in a Union labor camp for almost a year; we begged her to stay. I’m glad she didn’t listen to us.”
“Who is…?”
All in the room became quiet as they heard the doors to the bunker open. “Hello, hello, hello,” a Union Pegasus called as he and another smaller Pegasus descended into the bunker. The Union guards greeted the two Pegasi with hopefulness. “Greeting comrade. Does your arrival mean we have triumphed this day?”
“Afraid not. The U.E.A. has taken the city and disarmed us. You may of course chose to try and flee the city just know we will not take responsibility for you or any injury/death/grotesque maiming you may get when escaping.”
“Sounds as though we don’t have much chance now, do we,” one of the guards said somewhat displeased.
“No. So I would suggest leaving your weapons here and come with us.”
“Very well Mr.…”
“Nevski. Just Nevski.”
“Very well comrade Nevski; let’s go.”
As the Union forces left one of the guards motioned for the citizens to come with them. When group reached the surface many had to shield their eyes from the light and lingering cinders in the air. They looked on in disbelief at the destruction and ruin that was once the city of magic. “Come on now we’re heading to the palace,” Nevski said moving the citizens along. After fifteen minutes of walking through the husk of Canterlot they reached the palace. Nevski lead them into the main hall where most of the refugees and citizens were waiting for food and medical aid. “Stay here. I need to report to my ‘superiors’; come along now Alexi.” Alexi nodded and joined Nevski as he made his way to the strategy room. “Princess Twilight that was the last bunker; all the citizens have been brought to the palace.”
“Very well then Nevski; you’re dismissed.”
“Thank you.” As Nevski walked out the door three fillies bumped into him. “What in Equestria! Aren’t you those foals from the bunker, what are you doing up here? I ordered you to stay where the rest of the citizens are; who gave you permission to come up here?”
“We’re here to see our sisters. Out of the way,” Scootaloo said boldly.
“I don’t know who you think you all are and I know I’m no figure of authority anymore but at the very least treat me with some respect because I’m a stallion; who taught you your manners you little…”
“Scoots. Scoots is that you?” Rainbow Dash said flying out of the room. Scootaloo ran past Nevski into the embraces of the cyan Pegasus. “It’s been too long squirt,” Rainbow said rubbing her hoof on Scootaloo’s mane. “Enough of that though, what are you doing here?”
“Well we…”
“Apple Bloom,” Applejack called out.
“Applejack,” Apple Bloom cried as she ran to her sister.
The two embraced holding each other tight. “Apple Bloom what in tarnation are you doing here?” Applejack said strictly. “Don’t tell me you and your crusader friends came here all by yourselves now.”
“Hold on now you whippersnappers; curse you and your young fit legs,” Granny Smith said out of breath while Big Macintosh helped her up the last stair.
“Granny Smith, Big Mac,” Applejack said embracing her big brother and Granny smith.
“Glad to see you’re still in one piece sis.”
“I hope you’re holding up during all this nasty war business,” Granny smith added.
“Glad to see y’all are OK.”
“Hey, is Rarity here with you girls?” Sweetie Belle asked.
“Sweetie Belle,” Rarity cried with joy as she galloped to her sister and held her tight. “Oh Sweetie Belle are you alright? Why are you here? They didn’t hurt you did they?”
“I’m fine Rarity; though I’m surprised I can say that after all that’s happened.”
“How did you all get here?” Twilight asked rather shocked. “The Union’s occupied Ponyville and secured their grip with an iron hoof; how could you have…”
“Twilight,” the stallion and mare from the bunked cried out.
Twilight turned to them in disbelief. “Mom, Dad,” she said galloping to greet her parents.
“I’m so glad you’re OK,” Twilight Velvet said with tears in her eyes.
“I’m glad you were in the Gryphon Kingdom when this happened. We couldn’t bear to lose you again,” Night Light said holding his daughter tight.
“I can’t believe I didn’t even think about what happened to you. I couldn’t handle the thought the Union had hurt you two,” Twilight said wrapping the two in an embrace.
Shining Armor was quick to join them in their embrace. “Good to see you’re doing good boy. You gave those Union dirt bags everything they deserve.”
“Hey I take offense to that,” Alexi protested.
“YOU’RE DISMISSED,” Twilight, replied somewhat agitated.
“Come on now,” Nevski said pulling Alexi along.
All reunited with their loved ones reminisced with one another for several minutes until Twilight asked a long avoided question. “How did you all get here?”
“We escaped Ponyville by train,” Apple Bloom answered.
“It wasn’t easy. There were several times I thought we were done for,” Sweetie Belle added.
“Yeah we never could have pulled it off without General Trotsky,” Scootaloo said. Her thoughts turned to the general and her stomach churned. “Oh sweet Celestia.”
“What, Scootaloo?” her friends asked with a bit of worry.
“I just realized; what if they find out what Trotsky did to help us.”
“Oh yeah,” Apple Bloom said rather glum.
“He said it was treason if he didn’t detain us. He not only did that he helped us escape; if he gets caught then…” Sweetie Belle stopped, not wanting to think of what fate would befall him.
“Wait; you got help from a Union general?!” Twilight asked in disbelief.
“Yeah, he was a proper gentlecolt, that one was,” Granny Smith said.
“A finer stallion I’ve never known,” Big Macintosh said looking down.
“Let’s try and think positive about it. If he was clever enough to get you all out of Ponyville I’m sure he can keep the Union from finding out about what he did.”
The others weren’t very convinced at this. “Don’t worry. I’m positive he’ll be OK. When we retake Ponyville I’ll give him your regards.” The young fillies smiled at Twilight. “Get better accommodated here. The palace will be your home until we retake the town. “Come on Shining Armor; we need to begin planning our next move.” Shining Armor smiled and followed Twilight back into the strategy room.

“And CHECK. MATE. I win again Celestia.”
“Doesn’t this get boring after sixteen matches?”
“Nope,” Peryite said with a mischievous smile.
“Chess isn’t very fun when your opponent is a war strategist.”
“But it can still be amusing if your opponent is hopelessly outmatched,” Peryite replied laughing.
“Uh King Peryite sir,” A Union soldier said rather nervous.
“Do you mind? I’m busy winning. It’s been a while since I’ve been in such a good mood.”
“Oh well then I’m sorry.
“Thank you now please go and…”
“Because this is going to kill your mood. We’ve lost Canterlot sir.”
Peryite’s eye twitched. “What?”
“We’ve received news that our forces in Canterlot are no more; and the U.E.A has reoccupied the town.”
Peryite began huffing deeply trying not to lose his temper. “Checkmate Peryite,” Celestia said in a sly tone.
“DAMN IT DAMN IT DAMN IT,” Peryite screamed throwing the table and chess set across the room. “THERE. HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT? HOW ABOUT SOME MUTUALLY ASSURED DESTRUCTION!!! I assure you Celestia I will NOT lose another city to the Alliance. Should our forces fail to hold it, we will destroy it. Nothing standing; scorched earth. If Twilight does take a city I can assure you; there will be little for her to celebrate. “Now I’d hate to cut our game short but I’ve got some planning to do. Dosvidanya Mother Celestia.” With that Peryite left the room to plan his next move.