//------------------------------// // Ch.5: Pee You! What is With All of This Monkey Business?! // Story: The Play That Might Become a Salmon! // by trahzo //------------------------------// "Quake in fear, for I am the mighty Moon Roku!!!" Shouted the talking monkey. "Umm...are we going to be sued Narrator?" Asked Jelly Jiggler. "No, Sue is in Michigan watching her Nephew get married, so she sent a over a 3rd cousin twice removed plus a black T-shirt with green polkadots." "Phew, that was close." "Ook! Ook! You guys are going to die by the might of this Monkey's Mondo ki! Or Mon-ki for short!" That's when the whole world threw garbage at Moon Roku for that bad pun! Well except for Yukiko Amagi from Persona 4 who instead threw him an all expense pass to the Amagi Inn. "Ook! Come-on guys, let's go on vacation!" "Ooh sweet, I've been needing some relaxation time!" Said Gasser. "Yes, this Jelly body has been feeling quite...soft lately." Added Jelly Jiggler. "Wait, what are we doing? Aren't we gonna..." Too late, they were already in Inaba's Amagi Inn, enjoying the spas... "Yes...chop my back harder!" Said Jelly Jiggler to the masseuse who was chopping him with a knife on a giant cutting board. Then they went 2 on 2 in table tennis! "Yeah! The Gassen Gang rules!" Said Jelly Jiggler. "But Jelly Jiggler, they beat us 500 to negative 19." "Hoof bump!" Said Trixie. Enjoying the open air bath! "AAAH Help! I'm melting!" Shouted Jelly Jiggler in pain! "Hee hee hee hee hee..." "What are you doing..." "Shh...I'm trying to sneak a peek at the girls bath young man." Replied Moon Roku. The monkey had just peeked his head over until...Trixie shot a fire work spell at him! "D'ow!" *Thud!* And finally a huge feast before bed! Then after their trip to Inaba... "Woo! That really freshens you up! Okay, my opponents, prepare too..." That's when Moon Roku blocked a buck from Trixie! "Hey! I thought that trip would lull you into a false sense of safety because we bonded and become friends on that trip!" "Really?" Said Trixie. "How much of a stupid Monkey are you?" "Hey! Just because I come from the Donkey Kong Family, doesn't mean I'm stupid! Now take this! Super Fist of Mon-Ki! Ki Ki Ki Ki Ki!" Then Moon Roku began rapid firing energy! "I can counter that! Super Fist of the Wobble Wobble! Bounce back shield!" Then Jelly Jiggler became a wall of gelatin! "OW OW OW OW OW!!!" Went Jelly Jiggler for not thinking when performing an attack that was bound to fail! "Loser! Then again, great Idea!" Said Trixie who then made her force field flexible, bouncing back all of the projectiles! "And have some more shots! Gas Grenades!" Then Gasser began throwing weaponized farts at Moon Roku! "Aaaah! It stinks!" "Yes! Now let's..." That's when. "No wait! We've got this!" "Sweet! Reinforce..." Jelly's smile then turned to a frown! "No, not these weaklings!" "I'll start this off! Dynamite Kick!" Shouted Hercule Satan, who was then swatted away! "Bwaaaaaaaaah!" Shouted Mr. Satan until he crashed into a mountain! "My turn! Gadouken!" Then Dan Hibiki's Gadouken quickly vanished before Dan Hbiki himself was sent flying! "Here I go!" Then Big the Cat used his fishing line on Moon Roku who then caught it and and then jerked Big over to him before being kicked away! "For the Glory of King Bowser!" Shouted a Goomba brigade. "Super Fist of the Mon-ki! Kiki Bomb!" Then a bomb blasted away the Goombas! "I'l mis tant de bumbps en vous, vous deviendrez un...!" Was all Glass Joe could say before Moon Roku uppercutted him to the sky! "Karp, Karp, Karp!" Moon Roku just let Magikarp dry up in the sun. "Oh come-on! Isn't their someone in this army of disappointments who can land a hit on..." That's when Gasser's words were interrupted as a ki blast whizzed by him. "Hee hee hee! All of you are nothing but...huh?" Moon Roku jumped. That's when someone ran past Gasser then grabbed Trixie and Jelly Jiggler! "What the?" "Hey! Let go of Trixie!" "Let's go jellyman and talking blue unicorn, we're gonna punch him at the same time before he lands!" "I don't know you, but okay!" "Hmph!" Replied Trixie Then before Moon Roku's feet touched the ground, Jelly Jiggler, Trixie and the mysterious stranger all gut checked Moon Roku! "Gaaaah! I can't believe it, I was socked & felt pain by the very definition of disappointments himself: Yamcha!" Shouted Moon Roku before landing on his back. "Alright, Disappointment Army! Away!" Commanded Yamcha as every disappointing fighter ran off. "Whaaaaaaaaaat?!" Reacted Gasser. "How did those losers do something so cool?! (Then again, Mr.Jelly Jiggler isn't that good unless he's going nuts with Mr.Bo-bobo and Don Patch.)" He then thought. "Grrr....GRRRRR!......" Went Moon Roku as he had to accept the fact that Yamcha made him feel pain. "Aww, what's wrong Roku? Is it hard to accept you were hurt by a loser?" Trixie mocked! "I'll show you who's a loser! Super Fist of the Mon-ki! Kenanenazaaaaa!" Then a purplish white energy shot out of Roku's palms!"Die Jelly Jiggler!" ""What? Hey! How come everyone just wants to hurt me for no reason?!" *Boom!* "Jelly Jiggler!" Gasser shouted. "You jerk! Take this! Gas grenade!" Roku then dodged! "Why don't you go and join the dead fool! Super fist of the key! Thin Pizza Shaped Disk!" Roku then threw it and then Gasser dodged! "Ah! That was my arm you jerk!" Jelly Jiggler complained before reattaching it. "So, you live?" "Yep, but you wont after I do this!" That's when Jelly Jiggler slipped off Gasser's collar. "Gartt...yackack......*incoherent sounds*" "What did you just do?" That's when... "Daboo...daaadaa...dabo da..." Went Gasser. "Uh...what is this?" Asked Roku and Trixie in unison. "Quake in fear, for the awesome might of Baby Gasser!" That's when Gasser punched Jelly Jiggler so hard he went right through a tree! "See? Fear hiiiaaaa!" Then Baby Gasser began beating Jelly Jiggler with the upper half of the destroyed tree! "Ah! Gasser bad boy! Ow! The..ow! Bad guy is over...ow! There! Trixie, help ow!" "Heeeeey Gasser!" Trixie called. "Dabu?" Trixie then pulled a toy rabbit out of her hat. "You want the toy?" Gasser then clapped while making more baby noises. "If you want the toy, you need to crush Mr.Monkey!" "That's Dr.Moonkey to you!" "You have a PhD? In what?" "I'm a rocket scientist!" That's when Gasser punched Moon Roku! "Oh! That's smarts!" Then Baby Gasser kicked Roku! Then Punched him again! "Yeah! Go Gasser! Go!" Then Jelly Jiggler had a gas grenade hurled at him! "Pew! What was he eating today before this story began?" "D'oh!" Grunted Moon Roku! "Don't you dare steal my catchphrase!" Then Moon Roku got socked in the face by Homer Simpson, then Homer was punched into the stratosphere! "D'oooooooh!" "This is getting ridiculous!" "Trixie agrees!" Agreed Trixie who then held Moon Roku down. "What the?" "Trixie grows tired of you! Gasser, finish this guy off!" That's when Baby Gasser looked at his collar and instinctively put it on. "Hey guys, what's going on?" "DID HE JUST COMPLETELY FORGET EVERYTHING HE DID AS A BABY?!!!" Was Trixie and Roku's reactions. "Now's my chance! Gasser!" "Let's do it Jelly!" "Combined Super Fist! 100 Stinky Baseballs hit by a Wobbly Baseball Bat!" Gasser was dressed as a pitcher, and Jelly Jiggler took the shape of a giant baseball bat! Then Gasser started pitching from Jelly's left side and he replied by hitting every last ball!" "Owowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowow!" He said ow as a bright light caused a scene transition! And like that...Moon Roku was defeated! "Alright! I did it! I won a fight without Don Patch or Bo-bobo! Oh Lucky Hanky! Your luck is finally pulling off!" "That handkerchief is so tacky, Trixie wouldn't dare use it for a disappearing act! Meanwhile... "Argh, this is where you 3 meet your end!" The next bad guy said to Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Torpedo Girl.