//------------------------------// // Epilogue // Story: Out of the Woodwork // by Dynamic Dragon //------------------------------// One week later Angel was very proud of Fluttershy. In just one week, she had turned from a quivering jelly, into a pony with a velvet touch and a steel core. True, she still had a number of issues to work through, but she had made considerable progress. More important, she knew the difference between asserting oneself and being a jerk. With Mike's punishment, the other animals knew not to mess with Fluttershy. However, Fluttershy could now give discipline herself rather than relying on Angel. Angel saw Michael limping by, exhausted from his work. He had tried to sneak some food and shirk his work, but a few scratches from Terry were enough to stop it. Angel decided that he had made his point. Moreover, with Fluttershy's unquestionable new inner strength, it would be extremely hard for any one of her animals to take advantage of her. She was planning on ending Mike's punishment shortly, because justice must be tempered with mercy. However, he was no longer to make unreasonable demands, nor would he knock something before he tried it. His problematic behavior had essentially been zapped. Through trial and error, Fluttershy had learned proper assertiveness. She was acting horribly before, so much so that she had Angel tie her to a chair. Angel had a newfound respect for Iron Will. If he could help Fluttershy, he could help anyone. He just wished the guy would tone down his advice's tone a little bit. Then again, what could be expected from someone like him? Besides, it got results. Ecstatic at the new Fluttershy, Angel beamed. He planned on giving Fluttershy a present for making so much progress. He decided he should make it himself. After all, he now had a lot more free time. With these thoughts, Angel relaxed in his hammock, and continued to write the letter to his ex-wife about the progress that had been made. Maria and his children would be very happy to see what changes had been made. His girlfriend, Catherine, already was. After finishing the letter, Angel gave it to Soren, a barn owl. Soren began to fly off to deliver the letter, and Angel relaxed. letting the sun wash over him. End of Story