Can You Find it in Your Heart?

by Ravenmane

6 - Pinkie Pie: The Extra Special Day!

Work and play make for a regular day in Ponyville when your name is Pinkie Pie. Well, I suppose there are other ponies who do both work and play regularly but I’m the one who goes by Pinkie Pie and nopony else can match me at work and play.

Anyways, today was just like any other day. I watched Pound and Pumpkin in the morning, hung out with Dashie and Fluttershy between eleven and two, I worked at Sugarcube Corner from two fifteen till five thirty, and then it stopped being a normal day. It became an extra special day!

So there I was, going home after a quick party planning session with Lilly for Rose’s birthday next week when I saw this pony at the train station. I’d say it was around seven thirty or so. Even though they wore a cloak with a hood, I knew it was a pony. What made it extra special was that meant they were new and that means they could be a new friend to everypony!

Well, little did I know then who it was under that cloak. Come to think about it, he wasn’t quite what I remember back then. See, I brought him back to my place so he could spend the night somewhere other than some silly park bench on a chilly autumn night. After I asked him his name he made me promise not to scream and I did as I promised. When the hood went down I stood before nopony else but that king of all meanies: Sombra.

Well, I thought he was a meanie, but he talked a bit after I went stiff while trying to keep my promise by not screaming and I found him to be an ok pony. He was probably a little misguided way back then, but I think he’s pretty sincere about stuff, even if I don’t really know all of what he was talking about. I’m not some poly… um… poly… uh… truth telling thing so it’s just a hunch but I’m more than sure he meant every word. Even a simple, fun-loving pony like me saw the power he has, even if he doesn’t want to show it.

I said we can talk to Discord tomorrow and I know he’ll be in Ponyville because I asked him to, but I just don’t want them to have a bad first impression. If they start fighting then Twilight will know Sombra’s here and she’ll tell Princess Celestia and probably Princess Cadance for good measure. I mean duh, Crystal Heart and everything last time anypony ran into him being all evil and stuff.

How Sombra feels about Princess Celestia tells me that’s the biggest thing that I can’t let happen. I mean, the way he talked about facing Princess Celestia and Princess Luna a long time ago would make anypony know better than to have Princess Celestia know he survived everything. She might actually kill Sombra before he can do any good with his life like he’s some evil monster that can just get back up whenever he’s beaten.

I know Twilight’s got her own problems anyways and she’ll do more than call on Princess Celestia, she’ll find out who knew he was in town and I don’t wanna make her mad. I don’t like it when Twilight’s mad. It gets all cold and dark and before you know it, it’s hotter than a cloudless day in the middle of summer back on the rock farm and you’re dressed for the coldest night in winter.

On the other hoof, if I can get her to accept him in town then she might solve one of her problems. Under that frownie face and those creepy red eyes I get this feeling that he’s really kind and he might be just what she’s looking for in an extra special friend! I might not be a matchthingy but my whip cracking tail and rocket sneeze hasn’t lied to me yet.