//------------------------------// // Not By A Long Shot. // Story: Not Over Yet // by FictionFreek //------------------------------// Humiliation. What better word could describe what was done to her on this day? Before this day she had everything she ever deserved. Respect, dedication from her students, and a flawless record. And above all else, something that proved more valuable than all combined, her reputation. And now as she walked through the silent halls of Crystal Prep, they were all gone. Shattered before her right when she had victory in the palms of her hands. Now the once proud name of Abacus Cinch was nothing more than tainted mark of failure. Even her students who had once been her army of perfect followers towards victory had turned their backs to her. Quiet was her bus ride back to the school as all went out of their way to push her existence from their minds. This only help fuel the flames burning within her as she was forced to sit in silence as they did so. Forced to suppress the increasing fury as the students were dismissed for the day. And forced to endure the walk of shame through her hallways towards her office. Once she was finally inside, Principle Cinch locked her door and closed every curtain, insuring that she was now locked away from the outside world. She then made her way towards her shelves, her trophy shelf dawned with all the victories of her past. But now as she stared at them through the glass door, staring at the hollowed out husk that was her reflection. Principle Cinch could find no pride in any, all trophies now serving as a reminder that she would not be adding to her collection this day. Unlocking the glass wall and sliding it open, Cinch pulled out one from her collection, the most recent addition to it. Won after the previous Friendship Games four years ago, a victory so flawless she had no doubt the same would happen today. Looking deeply into the metal plating of the cup, Principle Cinch saw her reflection staring back at her. “But it wasn’t, was it?” finally the burning fires reached their peak, finally the flames could no longer be held back. In that instant Principle Cinch could only see red as she let out all her frustrations at what was before her. Violently swinging the trophy in her hands Principle Cinch struck her trophy wall repeatedly with all her might. Glass shattered, wood splintered, and metal dented, nothing of which had any more value to her. Finally when there was nothing left to destroy, her hands shaking from the repeated impacts, and the trophy she held damaged beyond repair. Gasping for breath after her outburst, Principle Cinch dropped her trophy and walked towards her desk. Taking her seat she took a moment of silence, her mind now clear enough from her rage to allow her to think freely. She sat there and wondered just where she went wrong, everything was as it had been since the day she took control of this school. Her students the best that Crystal Prep had to offer in any and all fields. She even had the added benefit of adding the best and brightest student she had ever seen in all her years. A student so prominent that she put all others to shame, and her name was: “Twilight Sparkle…” the oozed out like venom off her tongue. Yes, she was her prized student, but ‘was’ is exactly the key term here. Even after all the incentive, all the pressure stressed over just how much she needed to win. When it all came to it, Twilight couldn’t live up to the Principles expectations and failed her in the end. But who is to blame? Was it hers for overestimating her student’s capabilities, for not striving to insure that she was pushed physically as she was mentally? No… Were the students not driven enough, not given a powerful enough motivation to insure nothing less than total domination of their opponent was accepted? No… Was it her Dean, always gentle in her approach, always trying to convince students to accept their flaws rather than fear them? Maybe… But still not the ultimate cause, and the more Principle Cinch mulled it over and connected the dots. The more she couldn’t push away the definitive cause behind their loss. Something that was absent from previous games yet made itself apparent this day. “Magic…” It all made sense, in the years before Canterlot High had such a power at their disposal they stood no chance against her students. And yet now, with something that granted flight, could open portals to other worlds, and who knows what else. They’d managed to sweep the path of victory right from under her feet. And she was unable to tell the world of what had happened less she wish to further tarnish her already stained reputation. And void of the student who not only cost her the games, but also turned around and joined the enemy. Was this it? Was she too simple sit back and accept her fate as it was laid before her. “I think not…” she said resting her chin on her palms. “You think yourself clever, Sparkle, but know that I am even more so than you would believe. I still have your notes, your blueprints, I’ll discover what you’ve learned and I will make it my own. And when you least expect it, you will discover the true ramifications that come with having crossed me.” Standing from her seat Principle Cinch sported a sinister grin on her face. This wasn’t over, it would never be over. Not until she had her revenge, and she knew that in time she would have it. Or would she? “Never one to accept the truth, are you?” in that moment everything in Principle Cinch’s body language changed. Her eyes once void of all but the desire of vengeance, not wide and filled with fear. Her mouth which had a large grin of impending success, opened in awe. And her shoulders before straight and proper, now slumped in weakness. All this accompanied by the beads of sweat running down the side of her head. And all of this caused by the chilling voice that had come from the shadows behind her chair. Slowly she turned her head to the side, just in time to see something step out from the darkness. There stood a man of a towering figure wearing a suit as black as tar with a blood red tie over it. The only thing darker than his suit was his long hair which was draped over his shoulders. The only other piece of color upon this man was from his eyes, red as hellfire and staring deep into the soul of the terrified principle. “S-super intendant…” she managed to say, her body beginning to tremble slightly from the sight of him. He disregarded her appearance and instead walked around the desk, coming to a stop when he reached the broken remains of her trophy wall. Kneeling to pick one up, the super intendant gave off a small yet terrifying chuckle. “How long ago did I have you enter through those doors, thirty, forty years ago?” he asked without looking up. “T-thirty five…” “Ah yes, it has been a long time hasn’t it?” he said standing from he kneeled position. “And every year since then you’ve managed to meet my expectations. That is, until today” without warning the super intendant slammed the trophy back down to the ground causing Principle Cinch to recoil. “The fault is not mine super intendant!” Cinch defended “The other school, they did something, something I’d never seen be-“ the super intendant slammed his palm on the desk, rattling it and silencing the principle. For several tense seconds he stared into her eyes, unmoving, and void of any emotion. “Ah yes, I recall you mentioning something. Magic, was it?” he asked. “Why don’t you regale me with the story behind the use of such a word?” Principle Cinch’s jaw clenched, what could she say, just talk of magic as though she believe it? He wasn’t there, he didn’t see what she did, and she’d sound like a crazy old woman if she did. “You wouldn’t believe me, nothing I can say will make any sense…” slowly he leaned in closer to her which only made her sweat further. And then he smiled, showing off his bleach white teeth and sending a chill down her spine. “Why don’t you let me decide that,” he said “And please, no more of this ‘super intendant’ business, Abacus. After all these years I thought we were in a first name bases.” when the shivers reaching their peak, Abacus sat down. “Now, why don’t you start from the beginning?” with eyes closed she bowed her head to the man before her and let out a small sigh. “Yes…Sombra.”