Big Brother

by Regis-Th3-Lesser

Mah big, brother/cousin/sister

The school bell rang it’s monotonic melody as Ms. Cheerilee called from the classroom door. “Come on in fillies and colts, class is about to start!” Amongst the small crowd of children three fillies approach bright eyed and bushy tailed, ready to start the new day.

“Hey guys!” Scootaloo enthusiastically greeted.

“Mornin’ Scootaloo!” Applebloom Jeered.

“Hey Scootaloo,” Sweetie Belle greeted.

“So how about a round of applause for the new undisputed champions of the Sisterhooves Social!”

Sweetie Belle and Applebloom shared bemused looks. “Ya know, that wasn’t really a competition right?” Applebloom corrected.

“Aren’t you the one who was chanting about you and Applejack’s approaching victory?” Sweetie belle added.

“Yeah, and we saw how that turned out,” Scootaloo scoffed.

“Well… I-I knew that winning wasn’t the most important thing. I just did all that so you two could feel like you had some competition,” Applebloom cleverly saved.

“Me and Rainbow Dash didn’t need any help,” Scootaloo stated cockily.

“Girls, come on!” Cheerilee announced. “You’re going to be late!”

“Coming Ms. Cheerilee!” the girls answered in unison.

Later when all the fillies and colts were accounted for, Cheerilee began to give the day’s lesson. “Alright class. Today we are going to write a little essay on what you did for Sisterhooves Social.” A collective groan filled the room, with one random “oh come on!” “Now, now, class. The Sisterhooves social is a special day for ponies to truly bond and show the town how deep their love goes. What we are doing today is writing about the bond that you and your sister or brother have, and relate it to the social,” she explained.

The metaphorical lightbulb lit up over Applebloom's head. “Maybe I can write about cousin Orchard Blossom!” Applebloom excitedly thought. She opened her desk, pulled out some paper, a pen, an idea, and began writing the tale of yesterday's Sisterhooves social.

Big Brother

Yesterday was the Sisterhooves social. The event that I had been waiting for all year since me and Applejack couldn't compete together last year. We practiced for weeks on stuff like jugglin', Pie eatin', and singin'. We were a shoe in to win, but, she's an element of harmony so she had to leave to solve a friendship problem in Manehattan.

I know my sister is the coolest sister alive, but why did she have to leave when I need her most. I mean yeah she has a duty to Equestria, but why before the social? When she left my hopes of winning the social were crushed like tiny little pecans before Granny bakes them into a pie. Anyway I was left with no one to compete in the social with. Until my goofy brother, Big Macintosh showed up dressed like a big mare, callin' himself Orchard Blossom. At first I fell over on my keister laughing, but after I saw how serious Mac was, well. The fear of embarrassment shoved that out the way.

Never in my life would I have though Big  would do something like that. He must have had more than enough enough screws loose in that noggin of his, probably from hammerin' us some new shoes on that anvil in the barn. But he was so confident and ready to be this new “cousin” he didn't care what it took to win.

At that point I thought he went nuttier than a squirrel who found a treasure chest full of acorns, but I know why he did it. Mac isn't the type of stallion to tell ponies how he feels, and honestly I feel bad for making him feel that way. Just because Applejack is a super mare who saves Equestria doesn't mean that I could ignore what being a true hero is about. Love and devotion to your family, and doing whatever it takes to bring a bright cheery smile to their faces.

What Sisterhooves Social taught me is that not only sisters share that special bond that makes you sisters, but we all share that special bond that makes us sisters and brothers.


“Alright class. Time's up,” Cheerilee announced. “Would anypony like to share?” her request fell on deaf ears as all the children sat silently. “How about you Applebloom?”

Applebloom twisted around in her chair. “Who? Me?”

“Yes. I was there at the social yesterday and after seeing you and your *ahem* cousin compete. I'd like to hear your thoughts.”

Applebloom nervously rose from her seat. Millions of little afterthoughts bombarded her brain. “I shouldn't read this. I should sit down. Maybe Scootaloo is done? Oh no...”

“Alright ponies. Eyes wide, ears open, and mouths closed. Applebloom you may read when you're ready.”

Applebloom swallowed hard, nearly choking on the pit of anxiousness lodged in her throat.

“Well, on Sisterhooves Social. I... I uh...” her words became stuck. She didn't want to embarrass herself with her essay. Everypony would laugh, but then she thought about cousin Orchard Blossom. How Mac didn't show any shame in what he did. How he only wanted one thing, to make his little sister happy. So with a deep breath she put her paper on Cheerilee's desk.

“Yesterday was the Sisterhooves Social. My sister Applejack had to leave on a mission to Manehattan unfortunately. So my brother Big Macintosh decided to fill her role.”

“Wait, that big red mare was your brother?!” Diamond Tiara chortled. “Wow, I never Knew Big Mac made such a pretty lady!” she cackled rousing the whole class into a loud cacophonous laughter.

“So what if he did. He earned the one thing that is impossible to get! My respect! He went into that social and showed himself out for me, because he knew I wanted to win! He did everything he could at the expense of his own reputation!” the classroom went silent, even Diamond Tiara. “He showed me the true spirit of the social. Togetherness, the bond that we share with all our family, not just our sisters. Before that I had been treating him like he was invisible. Like he was just there to take up space. I know blew that you can't take anyone that you consider a brother or a sister for granted. I love Big Mac, dress or not. That was my Sisterhooves Social.”

One by one her classmates stomped their hooves in a rousing applause for her speech. “I think Applebloom's magnificent speech truly emphasises the real soul of the social,” Cheerilee stated. “We all can take a lesson from her experience.” Cheerilee took her easy and stamped a big A on it. “Alright Applebloom, you may have a seat.” Applebloom obeyed. “Who would like to go next?”

After school, Applebloom Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle were walking sheen the gravel path back to Sweet Apple Acres. “I really loved your essay Applebloom,” Sweetie Belle said.

“Well, I wrote it out, but when she called me up I came up with all that off the top of mah head.”

“Your speech was the most wholesome, while mine was the most awesome!” Scootaloo declared. “If a little conceded.”

“Well, I’ll see y’all later. Gonna go hang with my big bro.”

“Bye Applebloom,” Sweetie Belle waived.

“See ya Applebloom,” Scootaloo waived.

I’m comin’ for ya cousin Orchard Blossom,” Applebloom thought as she ran home to be with her loving, caring, and often wacky big brother...