by MegatronsPen


Epilogue: Hurt

“How dare they! To think that I, the Great and Powerful Trixie would lend her services for a meager sum! I am not some kind of charity show! My expertise in entertainment and magic are second to none! I cannot make a living on being charitable! Just who do they think they are, anyhow? How do they expect a mare such as myself to live on just five bits?!”

With her nose turned up, Trixie Lulamoon stomped angrily through the muddy trail that led away from Manehatten, her prized hat and cape sopping wet as the heavens unloaded their burden down upon the irritated mare.

“Damn Pegasi! Why does it have to rain now? In fact, why does it always have to rain whenever I am on the move?!” She huffed angrily, glaring up at the sky. “You just wait, don’t you? You wait for Trixie to pack up her caravan and move on just to rain on my day, don’t you?!”

The sky did not answer back. But a bolt of lightning did flash through the air, causing the mare to jump.

“J-just kidding… heh-heh…” Trixie lowered her gaze, muttering her obscenities under her breath  lest the sky respond to her complaints once again.

It was during that single movement that Trixie paused, noting something bulky laying in her path quite some distance away.

Urgh… what a pain…”

Squinting her eyes through the rain, Trixie removed herself from the reins of her caravan and trudged on up ahead, her hoofs squelching in the mud.

The closer she got, the more the obstacle became pony-shaped, and if it were not for the blotches of darkness appearing through the mud that heavily caked its form, she could had mistaken it for an oddly shaped rock.

Once close enough, Trixie stood aghast as her mind fully comprehended just what the mysterious looking rock actually was.

It looked like a pony, but it most certainly was not.

It had a jagged horn—or what was left of one. Not only was it terribly thin and monstrous to look upon, but it easily towered over her in height; in fact, it was almost as tall an alicorn, if not a couple of hairs bigger!

Taking a step back, Trixie trembled in fear as it reared its head from the ground, its emerald eyes gazing at her feebly, begging silently for help.

“I-it can’t be…” Trixie murmured in shock, looking around her as if suspecting somepony to jump out at her. “This… this is clearly some kind of joke?”

There, shackled, malnourished, and shivering before the show mare like a frightened kitten, sat the infamous Queen of the Changelings.