//------------------------------// // Before the Princess 3: Discharge // Story: Adventures of Diamond Dancer (Mission Logs) // by RarityEQM //------------------------------// When I woke up, the world was in absolute chaos. It was as if my senses had gone haywire, and pure pandemonium was the only input I could receive. The ground was spinning, my hearing was muted, and vertigo was the sweet, horrid mistress of my vision. In short- I threw up. But that was less concerning than why I was awake. I was sure it wasn’t time for my pills again, even though I had been losing a lot of time lately. Every time I woke up, it seemed like it was time for more pills, but this time it seemed different. This time it felt like I was woken up earlier than normal. Groggy and sick, and unresponsive, I was barely aware of Doctor Holiday yelling at me. Whatever he was yelling, it didn’t really matter. I didn’t care. I wanted to go back to sleep. My head was heavy and my eyes weren't responding well- everything was cross eyed, and double vision, and for whatever reason, Doctor Holiday was much, much smaller than normal. I chalked it up to the weird medication they’d been giving me. The doctor, however was relentless in his…well, whatever he was yelling at me. My ears didn’t pick up on it too well. Everything was muted and distorted and it didn’t make any sense. Still, I leaned against him, like I always did, when he was taking me off to get samples. We exited the room, and started down the corridor like normal, but Doctor Holiday was acting strange- stranger than normal, but I couldn't really tell anymore. “That’s right, that’s good. Come on, Double D, one hoof in front of the other, You’re doin’ great, DD, you’re doin great! Come on, come on, we’re getting outta here.” He said. I nodded my head, even though it didn’t make any sense. I just wanted to go back to sleep, really. Maybe I was dreaming. Everything felt like a dream. Nothing felt normal. There were a lot more ponies, in the hallways than usual. All of them were screaming, or scrambling left and right and for some reason we weren’t heading towards the laboratory where the Doctor usually took my samples. Maybe …maybe… “C-canni go Outshide? Pleash? I’ve been a good girl. I really hash.” I sputtered, trying my hardest to sound like I wasn’t too drugged to fly. I hoped, I hoped I HOPED he’d say yes. Maybe that’s where we were going, maybe that’s why I could feel my wings again, flickering lazily in the air behind me. Wait, my wings? They took that weird jacket thing off of me? When did that happen? What was going on? “Yes! Outside, Diamond, we’re going outside, come on, come on, we gotta walk! You gotta work with me, come on, oh, please come on, Diamond! Wake up, wake up!!” The Doctor barked. I shook my head, trying to clear my muddled thoughts but the confusion remained. I stumbled and staggered down the halls with him, trying to make sense of the situation. What was going on? How come the hallways were so crowded? Why was it so hard to hear anything? What was that blaring noise? I learned against Doctor Holiday, sluggishly trying to maneuver my hooves the way he wanted them, and he pushed me towards the elevator. “Punchline started a small erm…fire to cause a distraction. I…Diamond I am so sorry it took us this long to get you.” The Doctor said. I peered at him with one half open eye and gave a snort. Wait…fire?! “W-wha? Theresh a fire? We can’t leave! Wesh, w, wesh gotta git Crissh Crossh. We gotta git him out, hesh shick! PLEASE! I HAFF TO SHAVE HIM!” I sobbed, but Doctor Holiday held me tight, shaking his head. “N-NO! Diamond! D-Diamond! Look at me! I AM Criss Cross!! Oh, what have they DONE to you?! I,-- look,-- don’t worry, I’m gonna get you outta here, come on!” The boy announced, while I leaned against him, trying to decipher what he’d just told me. Criss Cross? But he was still sick, wasn’t he? Was this a trap? This didn’t make any sense, and were we here at an elevator? During a fire? What was going on? But before I had time to ponder the events in question any further, the elevator doors opened with a herculean effort of magic from Criss Cross’s horn. The next thing I knew, I was tumbling down, down, down into the darkness. There was no elevator called, just the shaft that swallowed me up- followed by a warm set of arms that caught me immediately after. “Heya Kiddo- long time no see. “ A familiar voice cooed from the darkness of the elevator shaft. It sounded like Star Strider, but that couldn’t be right. Suddenly, I realized what was happening. It was all so clear now. There were no ringing fire alarms, or scrambling ponies. There was no smoke, no fire, and no Criss Cross. This was all a dream. A nightmare, really. A drug induced hallucination I was susceptible to before awaiting my next horrifying blood drawing procedure. I wasn’t really being held by Star Strider, while Sunset caught Crisscross, and they carried us out to the roof for a slick get away. I wasn’t really being flown back to the abandoned little warehouse we’d been squatting in, where they had designed a bed for me, with pillows of straw and everything soft they could find. My friends weren’t keeping watch over me, while I slept off the drugs, and Criss Cross didn’t really sneak a kiss to my cheek and tell me it was good to have me back, and that everything was going to be ok. It was all just a terrible nightmare. So imagine how confused I was, when I woke up, with Criss Cross sitting next to me, in that warehouse, in the morning light. Even if he was just a dream- he got the tightest hug I’ve ever given anypony. Ever.