//------------------------------// // Season one: Chapter Six: Choas the night and the Elements // Story: Project Harmony One. // by Megaskullmon //------------------------------// "Peace is never an easy feat. But it's a feat that is needed within understanding another." A ship docks after three day's on the station. Sugar Sparkle, Luna, Twilight, Discord, and Rainbow go to meet them. What comes out of a dark glowing spider-like ship. That seems to make loud screeches. But slowly stops. The creature's that come out are the large spider beings that Sugar saw in her mind. But this creature is heavy armoured with many guns strapped to its legs. It's eyes having goggles all over them and they study the creatures. Around this one's neck is a strange box. It glows as the creature speaks. "I'm Eight legs the ambassador of the Dark weavers. Yes, we sound evil as well as our world. Silk Web a planet that we had to fight for control. Control from the beast. Our cities above the forest of our planet of our webs. I have been sent by my leaders to meet you. I already know the name of her." Points with it's fingers on its hairy arms to Sugar Sparkle. "The Element of Speech." Twilight and Luna look over to Sugar sparkle their eyes blinking. "Come with us, please. Before they hear more. I don't wish us to come clear yet. Also with Savannah, Muffin, and Apple Core off the station to help with that... outbreak. It's best to move." Luna and Twilight look to Rainbow nodding. They follow her along with Discord and Eight Legs. Getting into Rainbow's Office. "Now Princess I shall explain. From what me and the other seven learned... There is an army of disharmony. We need you two to keep this silent. For if, we don't. They will get word that information about them has come. We are forming an army of harmony to fight them." Discord nods hearing this from Sugar and Luna and Twilight look at each other. Twilight softly speaking. "Is this why my daughter is very secretive as of late?" Luna blinks looking over to Twilight. "I thought she was always secretive." Eight legs chuckles. "Let me explain... I think I know why. Many years ago over ten thousand years ago. There were eight elements of harmony found in a world. The one's that found it were a cockroach-like race... That refused to tell us what their race was. But their eight bearers held the elements. The elements that the eight of this station has. Rainbow Cloud The element of forgiveness. Apple Core The Element of Hope. Sugar Sparkle the Element of Speech. Savannah the element of Sacrifice. Muffin the element of Health. Sun Sparkle the Element of peace. Charity the element of dreams. Pinkie Cake The element of Song. These elements helped bring harmony to the universe along time ago. But--" He sighs and lifts up a holographic orb. "The bearer's started to think they were gods. They experimented with the elements trying to find the counter to them. All the names but one if the elements of Disharmony are known after so long. Anyone who would remember them are dead. The only one that is fully remembered is the one that attacked Sugar Sparkle. The element of Despair. She woke when Apple Core used her's on the world of the Seven Fangs... To avenge her friend. Any questions?" Luna calmly spoke. "So why do you from what I was told... To have me Discord and those two to come with us to your planet?" Lifts her hoof to Sugar and Rainbow. "Because just in case... the army of disharmony learns... A few of my ships are here... To protect her." Points to Twilight and she blinks. "Why me?" He chuckles softly... "For the fact, you wish to spread harmony. You are the reason they started to wake Twilight. We need to protect you. For right now you are their main target. Soon it will be all the planets... That forgot about them. Soon war is going to start a war that may destroy the universe. If we don't form a large army to fight them off." Twilight sighs "I promised Celestia there wouldn't be a war." "Sometimes Twilight war will happen it can't always be stopped." Discord said with a sigh. "Now to protect the station. We have three ships here. They have a cloaking device. Now I want the ones that are coming with me to pack. Also... leave The Light of Harmony here." Twilight blinks. "The Light of harmony?" Rainbow chuckles. "Well um, we crashed on a world... Lost my ship... Soooo... They had a tree like the one back at home. It transformed into a ship for us. It shifted into an Equestrian ship." Rainbow said nervously. She then blinks while Jigsaw walks into the room and blinks. "Um... sorry it seems your busy." Jigsaw walks out and Rainbow trots after him. "We will come with you Eight Legs." Sugar sparkle said with a smile and looks at her back legs that are held up. It seems she is used to the strange wheels now. Outside the office, Jig and Rainbow nuzzle as they seem to have gotten close. "I will be back soon... sorry I will be late for our date. She said with a sweet smile. Jig chuckles and nods. "Eh, it's normal Rainbow. I'm getting used to the fact... That I am dating the commander." Rainbow chuckles nodding giving him a quick kiss on his cheek and walks back into the room. "Are we ready to go then?" The others nod while Eight legs walks out of the room. Luna, Sugar Sparkle, Discord, and Rainbow. Gather what they need. Rainbow and Sugar always keeping their elements on hand. Getting into the strange dark ship. On the inside of the ship. It seems to be living and web-like. But the air is a bit stale. While the ship seems to fix that for them. Forming chairs for them to sit in. "How long does it take to get to your planet?" Luna looked up to Eight Legs while she asked. "A year by normal means. But we won't be flying by normal means. The ship flew out of the docks. Suddenly everyone on the station that could see out... Was amazed. A giant hole opens up in space it's brown. Then they suddenly enter it. "Welcome to empty space. Some don't have this tech. So we give it. So they can travel from place to place faster. But some parts hold the planets of the army of disharmony. We are avoiding those areas. If we give you this method of travel we ask you to do the same." Chaos, The Night, and The Elements "I am Eight Legs from a race known as the Dark Weavers. We are one of the few races that lived through the last war. My race has kept the old alliance strong. Only five races lived through the last war. There are some that did but they were wiped out... Only a few parts of their worlds are left. The ponies will meet them soon. These ponies after reading up on them. So much peace in their world. Even if this Nightmare moon Discord and so on happen. They don't seem to be ready for war or battle. But after what I saw with Apple Core on the world of the Seven fangs. Then they have the right to join us. The fact they were given the elements of harmony to spread harmony through the universe... It's plain to see the path." _____________________________ World: Silk Web. The ship landed on the planet. Eight Legs slowly heads out and looks back to them. "Before I let you out. I need to give you some breathers. It will take awhile to get them made for the air you breathe. Now it will take awhile. Then you may explore. I warn you to stay in the city don't go to the forest grounds. If you wish to live then you better stay in the city. Now enjoy the wait. Oh and if you want to learn how my kind speak." Points to the console. "That holds all our history. But most of it has been lost thanks to the war with the army of disharmony. But you will learn why we have our cities in the trees. Now I will be back with all your breathers." Eight Legs walks out of the ship and it closes up giving the others inside time to relax. Rainbow goes to the console reading up on the Dark Weavers. While the others just seem to relax. Discord seems to turn himself into a pack of cards and deals himself and plays poker with four others of himself. Luna seems to just rest. Sugar is using her journal to write speeches to make sure she is ready. Rainbow looks at the history of the race. From what she reads the Dark Weaver's used to be a bio created weapon in the past. They were used to try to control what their creators thought is none pure. But they didn't wish to be killers of the universe and broke free of their masters. They left the world of their creator's and found this world. It had no name at first. But the forest was evil. So they formed a city above the forest. Then they fought a war to take down their creators. Nothing has been heard from them for ages now. The Dark Weavers became a peaceful race. That doesn't wish to fight. They're one of the oldest races of the universe. Always trying to help the younger races. Kept looking through the history of them. Learning that they don't enjoy war or battle. But they will always help to spread harmony to the worlds they feel that need it. Looks up more and it seems the leader is a female queen that lays eggs every ten years. Then they build more through the trees to become part of the city. She sighs finding this so much to take in. Then looks through their weapons and armour's they use. They use what is called web blasters. All of them fire a web that knocks out the target. But if they need to take someone out. They had their acid to it to make sure they don't move again. Most of their weapons are used are non-lethal. The rest is stuck behind firewalls to not scare other races that learn. She sighs thinking these creatures can't be trusted. Closing her eye's tightly to think of all this. Sugar seems to be keeping to herself while she writes in the journal still. Her eyes closing a bit trying to think. This is too much while Discord and Luna seem to be having no issues. Rainbow waits to see if they can learn more of the other races. But they seem to keep that hidden too. It's like these Dark Weaver's don't trust them. Then a voice sounds. "Hows dating going with Jigsaw?" Luna asks with a soft smile. Rainbow looks back her cheeks bright red. "Um... very good... why do you ask?" Luna snickers. "Because you both blush when you think about each other. Also remember I have seen your dreams." She snickers Rainbow sighs and goes back to the console. "I swear did you do this to Rainbow Dash my great great great great... Damn so many greats grandmother?" Luna laughs. "Hmm yes, I did. I am also the one that got her with your grandfather. So yes she was just as bad as you." Rainbow sighs and covers her face in her wings. Then she blinks and looks back to Luna. "Do you know why my parents gave me up? Then why I was found and raised by Griffins?" Luna looks over to her and seems to be ignoring the question. Then the ship opens back up and Eight Legs returns with the breathers. "Here you go. Now I am sure Discord doesn't need one. But this is to make sure no one gets scared of him. Some are very scared since... Some of the scouts of the army showed up recently." ______________________________ Venom tooth: Space port city. The four looked around calmly following Eight Legs through the port city. "Welcome to one of the main cities of our planet. Venom tooth. We will be taking a swinger to our main city. The Queen's throne. Now I ask you to stay close to me. Don't buy anything don't look at anything. Because the food here could kill you. Some of my kind could sell you something. That may be useless or useful. But it's best to move and keep moving." Walking through the port city finally getting to what is a swinger. It's a large monkey-like creature that seems to have seat's strapped to its back. On the pilot seat is a Dark Weaver. But this one seems smaller like a runt. This one seems to have been wounded. All but three legs are left. They're connected to the monkey creature's brain to keep control of it. The spider turns its head around and smiles. "Ah, Eight legs.any place you wish to go today?" Eight legs points to the map. "The Queens throne, please. We need to get there before the dragonfly's come out." The driver nods. Getting into the seats and strapping themselves in. A strange web forms around them. But they can see out. The creature grabs the tree's and starts to swing through the trees. Luna looks below while Discord seems to stay to himself. He hasn't spoken since they got here. Rainbow seems to be thinking of Jigsaw and the flash she saw. She knew her life was meant to be with him for all time. Sugar seemed to just watch her hoof chair close behind her. Looking down to her back hooves. Sitting in the chair her back legs making it hard to sit like a normal pony. Since their always in constant pain at times. Reaching into her bag and brings out a needle. It's in her mouth and without magic. Removes the cap on the needle and injects inside her side. She winches in pain and it slowly leaves. Eight legs blinks all his eyes watching this "That bullet really destroyed your legs badly from what I see. I hope everything will be decent in the future for you miss Sugar." Sugar smiles softly nodding and seems to fall asleep in her seat. "How long is this trip?" Eight legs looks over. "It will be about five hours. So I say get some rest." Rainbow sighs and closes her eyes to rest. Discord seems to rest himself. Giving Luna and Eight Legs a time to talk. "I do have a question for you sir Legs. Is it always this dark on your world?" Eight legs looks up and nods. "It's pretty normal for us. But please tell me what about your world what can you tell me about it?" Luna nods and her mane slowly floats and glitter's of small star's looking outside. "It's a peaceful world. A lush green world that is full of peace. We don't even know war or battle. To used to harmony and peace. It almost ended when I turned into Nightmare Moon and attacked my sister. Giving a threat to never lower the moon ever. She used the elements of harmony on me to lock me in the moon for 1000 years. Our world has been through its own issues. But we never had an all out war. It's always been peaceful. I find it amazing that we never had a war ourselves." Luna sighed after speaking then softly speaks again. "Times are changing for us. Ever since Project Harmony was created to spread Harmony to space. It's something we never thought of. It's still a peaceful world. But I see many ponies, Griffins, Diamond dogs and other races of our world becoming hard and full of pain from this war to come. I doubt many worlds that we meet will survive through this. What about you folks. I didn't read everything that Rainbow did." Eight Legs sighs and looks down at the eight legs he has. "My kind are creations of the army of disharmony. We know many things about them and how they act. But our creator's haven't been seen since the end of the last war. We are very peaceful and try our best to make sure that we don't allow our past to get to us. It's why much of our history is removed. So the young one's never learn why we are what we are." Luna chuckles softly. "I'm the princess of the night. I raise and lower the moon. I can also go inside the dreams of others. Some of the dreams are pretty interesting, to say the least. So being part of the royal line in my world... Makes life very odd to me at times. I had to learn not to speak with thou's and thee's and so forth. I find it odd still with so many changes. But I do learn fast." Eight Legs nods. "Well miss Luna I would say get some rest... This is going to be a busy day for all four of you." __________________________________ World: Silk web: The Queen's throne capital city. The swinger makes it to the capital city. The trees are pretty high above the city. It seems this one is large... So they have to redo the web every year. To keep it from falling down into the forest. The city holds a large building in the middle of the city. It's the queen's throne and the place of the senate. Around the large building. Is a few guard post. No one seems to live around here but the queen and the guards. Looking in the sky the Dark weavers are in small little ships protecting the area. Around all that are store's shops some factories for weapons and ships. The transport which is the swinger lands down at the docks that hang off the side to the forest below. Eight Legs and the four from Equestria get off the swinger. Rainbow looks around while Discord just stays silent and sticks close to Luna. Since he doesn't know what to make of this. Sugar seems to have an easy time with the wheels. Looking around calmly her eyes seeing everything. Luna seems to just be staying to herself for the moment. "Alright, same thing... Stay close to me no buying any food, no nothing. We will be meeting the other races in the throne building. Their ships won't be landing here either. So you will meet each leader of them. Now show as much respect as you can. This is what is left of the army of Harmony. You need to prove to them... That you have the right to lead the army of harmony. For when the army of disharmony finally starts to rise again." The four from Equestria look to each other and they nod. Following Eight legs through the city. All the Dark Weaver's that seem to just be travelling along. But they look to Sugar and Rainbow and they start cheering. "Why are they doing that?" Rainbow asked blushing a bit. "They know what you carry. The army of Disharmony knows that you eight have the elements... But they're not ready to go to war yet. The last war really broke down most of their worlds and fleets. So it going to take them awhile to get going again. But sadly we don't know where the main world is. Someday we will find it and hopefully shatter it." Rainbow blinks at that and keeps following them and there are stair's looking over to Sugar. Luna's horn glows calmly and lifts Sugar over the stair's. Eight legs blinks looking over "Is that magic? ...Amazing we have never seen a race so versed on many different things." Rainbow smiles and chuckles. "This is oddly pretty normal for us." She checks the wheels and sees if the magic... is keeping the wheels together. "Alright, are we all set? I got my hat and you got your journal Sugar... Luna, Discord... I guess we are all ready for this." Rainbow sighs and follows Eight Legs inside the building. ____________________________ Queen's Throne and senate. The inside of the building had a soft scent. It was sweet and gentle. All around large Dark Weaver's with gold armour and spears in their hands. Large golden machine guns on their legs. That seemed ready to fire when they lift their legs to fire. The four are lead to a bunch of seats that seemed made just for them. Then a Dark Weaver above them on the ceiling lifts them up to be seen with the others that will be coming. Eight legs looks to the others. "We will be waiting awhile. The queen will be here soon. But this is the senate room so please stay seated. Relax and the other races will be here soon that wish to speak with you. So please Sugar... I want you to do the talking. Luna, I want you to explain your world. Discord... I know nothing about you really. Other than your some creature." Discord looks up and chuckles. "I used to be the element of disharmony in my world. But I was given another chance. The one that did this for me has been dead for a long time. Even so, I will not go back to it... if I destroy her memory and cause her pain from the afterlife. I will do everything to make her happy even in death. For all, she did for me." Eight legs blinks and chuckles. "Interesting you creatures from Equestria are amazing to me. So full of life and being so happy. So many dreams to see it and so many dances in a song. Is that how it feels for you ponies? If so then you have impressed me more than ever. Now miss Luna why did you choose to become part of the Project Harmony?" Luna looks up and her mane and tail just calmly float and glitter. With a gentle smile, she replied. "One thing is... I wanted to feel useful... In the past I almost destroyed Equestria. But I feel more happy out among the stars. It's impressive and so pleasing. I'm sure some of the other race's will be happy to learn this. Now soon they will be here. A warning... some of these races demand respect. So it's not going to be easy to give them some. Also, this senate before... the war. Was full of an alliance... And the army of disharmony. It was a way we could... make sure the war didn't harm some of the worlds... That wished to stay out of it." An hour later a large female Dark Weaver that is wearing a royal silk outfit. With two large swords on her front legs. Sitting in her throne and holds a staff and taps the floor. "Eight Legs is everyone here?" Eight legs shakes his head. "No not yet I was told we need to wait awhile and then they will be here." _____________________________ Full Senate of the Dark Weaver's It's been an hour and the Senate was full of the five other races. One of the races looked like bird-like creatures. They had crystal-like feathers and their beaks looked like stone. They are the first ones to speak. "Now... that we are finally here again. Who are these creatures that found the elements?" Eight Legs lets Rainbow and Sugar Sparkle speak. "I am Rainbow Cloud a Pegasus. The one next to me is my friend Sugar Sparkle. We are ponies from the world Equestria. We fly to worlds to study them. But the world that held the elements found that we had disharmony in our hearts. Shot us down and then we met the last bearer of the elements. I am the Element of Forgiveness and Sugar is the Element of Speech." Another race that seems a bit smaller and leans on a cane and they seem to be turtle like. With Dragon like mouths. "Me Old tail... the leader of the stone backs. I see you ponies have pure hearts then? I understand that you're from a planet that is full of pure Harmony. So yes I want to make sure we can trust you." Lava-like beings start to speak they speak as one and in pure unison. "It's not the matter of trust... The lava Demons need proof of their resolve. We need proof of what they did. Our world of lava is needed to bring peace. Our minds are one when the time is needed. Now how can we trust you ponies? All we know that you have the elements but shall we trust you ponies? It's going to be hard to understand why we can trust you." Rainbow looks to Sugar Sparkle and sighs and sits back down. Knowing that Sugar sparkle would have a much better time with this. Sugar stood on her front hooves and slowly slide on the wheel contraption that wasn't a wheelchair. But it rolled and she put her hooves on the edge. Then another race spoke. This race seems to be sludge like creatures. "The slime eater's wish to speak as well. I for one trust them. But the thing is our kind live on a slime ball... So it would be hard to remove us. But disharmony almost destroyed us once before. How can four legged creature's fight an army." Another race speaks. This race seems to be toxic breathers. Their armour and visors glow brightly. "Greetings ponies. I'm the leader of the flying scows of toxic... My race is known as the Toxic walkers. Its easy to say our name there. We have no planet but a fleet that goes from system to system. If we trust you we can join you and enjoy your world. But we can't harm it but yes... We want to know if the army showed up now what would you do." Eight legs spoke. "I will have one of the leaders of their world speak first. Miss Luna if you please." Luna nods and stands up her long horn glows softly. "We will protect what we can. We can't promise protection to everyone... That's unrealistic. If we promised protection to every world that wouldn't be easy. We could do it but... What about our world? But for the moment this army of Disharmony seems to be waiting for the right time to attack." Eight Legs nodded. "I know that it's not much but... their world knows nothing but peace. Even if one of their threats Discord here changed... But we have to understand they may have the elements... But they have to train and be ready. That's why I feel they deserve to be part of the Lancers. So that means training the elements in the way of the lancer. Then allowing some of their world to train as well. Miss Rainbow I need you to go with the trainer. I know you're the commander of the station. But this needs to be done now." Rainbow nods and looks to Sugar putting a hoof on her shoulder. "I will be back my dear friend." She smiles and follows the trainer "Now that's taken care of. I will also Discord to speak of what he can do." Discord seems to stand there and makes his voice loud enough to echo. "I will protect what I can. I may be an element of disharmony myself. But I will do what I can to protect whatever. But I am going to protect Equestria most of all... The war will start and I need to protect the ponies that have shown me so much kindness. But I can do whatever for you if needed. But I will be with my world. Luna here works at project Harmony. She will be able to help more than me." Luna gave a nod. Then all eyes focused on Sugar Sparkle. "What do you have to say then?' The Slime leader asked. Sugar comes up and puts her hooves on the edge of the stand. Closing her eyes and her element starts to glow. They all gasp seeing this. She slowly starts to speak as the words from her element journal. She start's to speak while the element echoes her voice. "I come to you as the element of speech. I give you my words I have been writing to learn..and to understand. You have been at peace for so long now. Then you question those that wish to work with you. Listen to me..and understand. I'm from a race of ponies called Crystal Ponies. We were enslaved in old times by a creature... A creature known as Sombra. He cursed our home to vanish for 1000 years. You think we ponies. Aren't worthy of this alliance or the elements... But we found them we found Project Harmony. Now allow us to become one with you... Allow us to help. We even made an alliance with the Seven Fangs... Now all we ask is you all to be working with us." She keeps glowing while she speaks. "From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for hearing me out." She stops glowing and blinks feeling a bit odd sitting down in her contraption that is helping her walk. "I'd say that helps things." Eight legs said while nodding. The Queen raises her staff and taps the bottom of it. "Ponies, Discord... I wish you to go with Eight legs. To get something to eat. I will talk with them and then..call you back in an hour." Eight legs nods and the three leave with him. "How long will Rainbow be gone?" Sugar asked sounding worried. "It's on how she takes the training." __________________________ Queen's Throne city. Eight Legs takes the ponies and Discord to a restaurant. That seems to be an every race food. Like they sell the food that belongs to every race. Discord, Luna, and Sugar leant on the table looking to Eight Legs. "I will order for you. It will be what your kind eats." "Got any rocks?" Discord asked with a smirk. Eight Legs blinks and shrugs calling the waiter over. "Please bring these ponies two cups of tea and something that is a non-poisonous plant. As well as rocks for Discord here." The waiter nods and walks off while there is strange music playing. A bow string made of a web sliding along a harp made of webs. It's making a soft soothing sound. The food came an hour later along with the tea and all three calmly ate their food. "Hmm, this is oddly good." Sugar said and Luna nodded drinking the tea. Discord just ate his rocks. Eight legs nods and leaves some money. That look to be made of gold. With the queen's head on it. They leave the table heading back. _________________ Throne Room. They come back and look around. They stopped speaking looking to the ponies. The leader of the Toxic walkers spoke up. "The others asked me to speak for them. We will do it... we will follow you. Expect us to send a few ships and people to your station and planet... To learn more about you. We will even send our history to you in a few days." Sugar blinks and her element glowed again and she floated into the air and a bright light flashed and then slowly stopped. Her com starts working. "Sugar Sparkle... we have a problem. Savannah is missing she has been missing for the past four days. Muffin and the others can't search for her. The planet sickness is causing them to take too long to find her. We need your help." The Queen Spoke. "We will bring our doctors. The others in the alliance will too. Now take Eight legs ship and go... where is this planet the name?" Sugar spoke up and sighed. "It's called the planet black rock or what the people on that world call." The queen and Eight legs speak... "The world of nightmares. The former planet of the element of nightmare's. It was transformed by the elements of disharmony to make nightmares real. Hurry that sickness was created by the army of disharmony. " Sugar Blinks saying. "What what about Rainbow?!" "She will be there when her training is done... We must go." The ponies and Discord get back into Eight legs ship. Slowly flying off with two other ships. The Lava demons do the same. Their one ship that looks like dried up lava. The boost is hot fire following Eight legs. The Slime eater's ship looks to be round ball of a planet chunk. Following along The Toxic walkers. Fly a large round saucer-like ship. That has a green core in the middle. The crystal wings ship. Looks to be the shape of a bird of prey using it wings to follow them. The stone backs follow them in a strange turtle shell like ship. With rocket boosters coming out of each hole. The Queen looks up to watch them fly off. "In the past... that planet was called... The planet of dreams... All dreams would become real and good dreams. But the hope it can be made that way again. I remember when it was that planet. It wasn't of pain then... But the war changed so many things. So much pain from that war. I hope that this new Alliance will bring peace to us all. The end of this time is what will be needed." ___________________________________ Empty Space. A planet that holds all elements of Disharmony. Next to Yanari the element if Despair. Another pod starts to glow. It starts to wake. The counter of Speech...Silence... The element of Disharmony Silence.