Unexpected Love Life of Dusk Shine: Resurrected

by kman123

Lesson 2B: Nightmare Moon

A few-hours-ago…

Canterlot—the capital city-state of Equestria and the headquarters of the imperial family, as well, as the cultural epicenter of the entire country; today was a day just like any before as the "Imperial Council" and the "Knights of the Square Table" gathered in one place to discuss this years' Summer Sun Celebration, sitting at the same large, rectangular table under their square nook. Walking into the room, a woman with long ethereal hair, pale, beautiful skin, magenta colored eyes, a white gem on her forehead, and a mark resembling the sun on her right hand, wearing a long white gown with golden bracelets on her wrists, a gold sash around her waist, yellow heels, and a golden tiara with a purple in the center, appeared before everyone. It was no other than Princess Celestia who was now sitting down at the head of the table. "It's good that you are all here today; as you know, every year, the Summer Sun Celebration is a time when I raise the sun and bring light upon the world, commemorating the coming of the summer solstice, which is adjusted to the new waning schedule, and I have selected Ponyville for the honor, this year, if you can call it that, am I right?" winked Celestia, taking her tea cup and raised it to her mouth to take a few sips.

Iron Justice, the captain of the Square Table, chuckled with a slight smirk, "Yeah, it's a disaster for a town to set up, especially since we only tell them about it three days ahead of time, it's a laugh riot to see them get all worked up, thinking up events about what we knights should do, including who is going each time." The gray-haired man laughed heartily, being the jokester of the group.

Swift Ace, however, was the only one to see through the princess's façade and into the sadness within her. "So, um, since it's me and Silver Lance this time we'll all be going together, right Princess?" she nudged Celestia, trying to get her attention.

"Of course, Swift, you know how I enjoy spending time with all of you, Silver, Iron, and everyone else in my dear inner circle; my closest friends, yet only two must come with me while the rest stay in Canterlot to maintain their stations in case of emergency." Smiled the elegant sun-goddess, as always, her kind, yet sorrowful, smile pulled the heartstrings of Swift Ace who loved the princess with all her heart.

"Pardon me, princess, it seems that a scroll has just arrived," Interjected Raven, Celestia's advisor, readjusting her glasses as she opened the scroll. "Oh, it's from Dusk shine, allow me to read it. Surely, it's must be a rather impressive research finding." Raven looked upon the scroll with a small grin; however, it faded into a deadpanned expression as she handed it to the princess.

Celestia read the scroll, arching a royal brow before giggling, "Oh, that dear boy, so concerned about the woman in the moon, I suppose I should reply post haste, such a silly little child, as always." She rolled her eyes as she sent the message.

Soon enough, Celestia, along with Swift Ace and Silver Lance, were preparing to head over to Ponyville as they rode in the royal chariot and soon landed near town hall. Celestia exited the chariot, followed by her two guards. The sun had already gone down and night had already begun, Ivory Scroll, AKA Mayor Mare, had been the first to greet them, bowing in front of Celestia, Swift, and Silver.

"It is an honor to have you here in our esteemed town hall, your highness, I have cleared out my office so you can get ready." Grinned the mayor, seeking approval from her monarch, Celestia merely nodded with a gentle smile as she headed for the mayor's office.

"Swift, Silver, I need to discuss with the both of you about something important…dismiss all of the guards surrounding the office, have them all go to the gathering stage, that is my order."

Silver was surprised to hear that, "But, princess, that would leave you totally open; what if someone was to attack, I won't allow that!" Shouted Swift in a dramatic tone of voice, which she always used to sound tougher.

"Just do as she say, Swift, if Celestia wants to be alone before the ceremony, then so be it, it's best not to try and argue, okay?" Silver grabbed Swift by the ear like a child and led her outside the office, much to Swifts protest.

Celestia sighed; now, walking to the window, she looked up at the night sky as tears flowed down her cheeks. "One thousand years…it's nearly time for you to come home, oh, when did it start?" Celestia closed her eyes, reminiscing back a long time ago then anyone could possibly live. Opening her eyes, she began wiping the tears on her face; suddenly, she gasped, seeing the image of the woman on the moon vanished before her as a single shooting star fell into the Everfree Forest. "So my redemption begins…goodbye, Dusk, I leave the rest to you." She said to herself before vanishing in a flash of light, teleporting her to the roof and sending up a magical flare.

Celestia stood atop of the weathervane on top of Town Hall as a black cloud encircled her. "Hello Celestia…do you want to see the moon raise one last time? Now, enjoy the Sun, you treacherous manipulator!" the monstrous dark cloud cackled, maniacally. Celestia screamed in agony, but the cloud prevented any sound from being heard, glowing as bright as the sun and ascending straight into the heavens; soon, she became one with the sun, suffering the same fate as the one she loved, centuries ago, as the dark cloud continued cackling in glee.

Present day…

Meanwhile, Dusk had returned to the library and was now flipping through books, hoping to find the one he was looking for among the millions of books within Golden Oaks. Elements, elements, elements…no, this isn't right, there's nothing in this book. No, that's not it, either. Ugh, why can't I find anything on the elements of Harmony?!"

"Yeah…we gotta...stop…Nightmare Moon…" Dusk turned his attention to the sleeping imp lying down on the ground, talking in his sleep as he trailed off between sentences. "You are a baby imp, after all." After tucking Spike into bed, Dusk resumed his search. "Now, how can I defeat Nightmare Moon without the elements of Harmony?"

"And just what are the Elements of Harmony and how come you know so much about Nightmare Moon, huh?!" shouted a high-pitched, tomboyish voice; Dusk looked up, seeing Rainbow Dash hovering above him with her arms crossed and with a glare; she had entered through the open window, demanding answers from the young fae.

"Well, are you a spy, huh?!"

Just as Rainbow had gotten in Dusk's face, she was interrupted by Applejack, "Simmer down, Sally. Ah reckon he knows what's goin' on, don't'cha Dusk?" stated the cowgirl who was much calmer than her athletic rival.

"Wait…I-I agree with Applejack! He did save you, Rainbow!" Said Fluttershy who appeared behind Applejack

Dash snorted angrily, now still glaring, "I don't remember anything about that and even if he did, I didn't ask for his nerdy help!" she then blushed a little at the end.

"Well, he did, so don't you dare lay a hand on him! He's a victim, as well! He was almost violated by that monster!" Chidded in Rarity who had snuck up behind Dusk, wrapping her arms around him and pulling him into a tight embrace, much to Dusk's surprise. Rarity could see it all engrained into her eyes, or rather her interpretation of the whole thing, as the giant demonic woman had enwrapped Dusk within her tentacles and proceeded to force herself onto him. "That evil creature desecrated our poor, noble prince Dusk Shine, violating him and stealing his innocence!"

Deadpanned; Dusk sighed and turned to AJ, "Is she always like that?"

To which, Applejack just rolled her eyes, "Ever since we were kids, Ah barely know her; don't see too much of her since we got outta school."

Dusk also rolled his eyes at that: "Okay, moving on. I read about the prediction of Nightmare Moon. Some mysterious objects called the 'Elements of Harmony' are the only things that can stop her, but I don't know where they are, where to find them; I don't even know what they do."

"The Elements of Harmony: A Reference Guide, doi," Pinkie pointed out with a giggle, having seemingly appeared out of nowhere as she didn't arrive with the others.

"Where did you find that?!" screeched Dusk; he had search high and low for the book in question and yet Pinkie was the first to find it like it was nothing.

"It was under E!"Chimmed Pinkie, taunting the lavender-haired fae in a singing tone before tossing the book to him.

"There are six Elements of Harmony, but only five are known: Kindness, Laughter, Honesty, Generosity, and Loyalty. The sixth is a complete mystery. It is said that the last known location of the five elements was in the Ancient Castle of the Two Goddesses." Dusk lectured, reading out loud. "The castle is located what is now known as the 'Everfree Forest'."

Just then, all of the girls' faces became pale and their eyes became bugged out in fright. "They're…in…the…Everfree…forest!" shouted each of the girls; all of whom were aware of the demonic forest.

"Are you loco in the cocoa, sweetie?! The Everfree Forest?!" shouted Pinkie, grabbing Dusk by the arms in concern, scared of the idea of him travelling to such a place.

"According to this guide, that's where they are. Why? It's just a forest."

Fluttershy was completely shocked to hear him say that; she wondered how someone could be brave enough as to live in a haunted library, stand up against the 'Princess of Darkness', herself, and scoff at the forest; the shy beauty blushing at his bravery.

"I must agree with Pinkie Pie, here. The Everfree Forest is a very dangerous place," Warned Rarity, trying to convince her beloved from getting hurt.

"Well, Ah believe we have ta prepare fer ta trip," chuckled AJ, flashing a sly grin as she winked at Dusk. "Ifin we gotta go, den we gotta go."

"Yeah, AJ's right; besides, I never back down from a challenge!?" Rainbow added, waving her fist and flashing a "bring it on" expression.

Dusk was rather surprised by all this. They' all really care about me this much? This is absurd; I just met them all today; still, I can't put them at risk. Dusk just huffed to them all, now giving them a determined, yet steely, glance. "Listen, girls, I appreciate the gesture, but I think I can handle this on my own. I'll be back as soon as possible.

"No can do, sugarcube. We sure ain't lettin' any friend of ours go into that creepy place alone. We're stickin' to you like caramel on a candy apple," Applejack stated, arguably, with both of her arms crossed. "Especially, if there's candy apples in there. What? Those things are good!" giggled Pinkie, ruining the serious mood.

Dusk flashed a glare. "No, look I'll be back!" his gem lit up, along with his eyes, with a purple glow, followed by a blinding flash of light and Dusk was gone, much to the concern of the others.

"He's gone!" screeched Rarity.

"Wh-what do we do?! We can't just let him wander the forest along?!" Squeaked the shy harpy girl, looking around at the now Dusk-less room.

"What the hell is he thinking?! We got to find him fast!" Dash fumed, hating to be ditched. Events echoed in her mind, lying near death and being saved by him. She had to hate him; she just had to. Dusk made her feel weak; to fix this, to fix her pride, she had to repay her debt. It was the Dashian way.