Sunata in C (For Champagne)

by BluesyTreble

6 - Scheming Apple II

Break rolled around after her two periods with Applejack. Heading out for her locker, she kept her head down, the wall to her left, and the farm girl striding to her right. A prickly hot feeling came on the back of her neck and cheeks as she heard students in the school comment and stare. That was as bad as things got, for she had the protection of a fairly burly cowgirl shielding her. Although Applejack wasn't exactly bulging with muscle, her shoulders and wrists were thicker than most her gender, and one could hear the strength in her heavily-accented voice before they even saw her sturdier frame.

Another pair of periods though, before Canterlot High paused its daily curriculum for Lunch. Sonata squeezed her eyes shut as the image of several steaming tacos, dripping with sauce and stacked upon each other on a plate materialised. The snacks the school sold only served to alleviate so much of her hunger. She could smell the tacos, the scent wafting into her nostrils to give her a heady, almost giddy sensation. To finally feel and taste even so much as a bite would be heavenly.

Buuuuuut Home Econs and English first.


"Brighten up, sugarcube," Applejack laughed heartily at the groan. "Things'll blow over sooner than ya reckon. The name's Applejack, again. See yer!" . Giving the Siren another solid pat of the back, the country bumpkin bassist disappeared into another classroom.

Fluttershy and Rarity made their way down the corridors, Rarity showing Fluttershy her phone screen.

"Look here, Fluttershy." She began, "All of us, excluding Sunset Shimmer, has a text from darling Applejack here." Fiddling with her phone, she scrolled down a .pdf formatted name list, poking her little finger at a particular name. "Sonata Dusk. That's one of the Dazzlings Applejack says that Sunset Shimmer brought back here."

Retracting and pocketing the device, she continued.

"Darling Applejack says here so far that the Dazzling has been rather.. Amicable so far. We share Home Economics with her, so we'll take kindly to her presence there."

Looking up from where Rarity's phone was, Fluttershy hummed as she pondered. Shaking her head and frowning, she turned to the fashionista.

"So what do we do?"

"Beats me, darling. We'll all know when we hit the barn after school."

Home Econs was shared with the really white and pale Rainboom with the curled shiny purple hair and the sort of skinny pink-haired one in a sleeveless top she always saw handing out flyers at the Canterlot Stallion statue outside of the school building, her shy efforts often in vain despite her increased popularity the band had gained off of Sonata herself and the Dazzlings.

The white pale one dressed simply, but Sonata had seen enough to know each item her outfit was carefully considered and chosen. The way she spoke to her shier friend told Sonata she could also give a good tongue-lashing if she were to get cross.

"Hey, isn't that one of those Dazzling girls?" A hushed whisper sounded from her left.

"Looks to be.." Her companion agreed.

"I don't know," A male voice joined in. "I'd gladly be seduced by any of them again though, especially the one with the big hair."

"Oh shut up, Lightning!" The first two voices groaned in unison.

"Fluttershy, there's the Siren that Sunset brought to school!" The pale one ducked towards Fluttershy with a dramatic whisper that Sonata heard. She didn't see Applejack speak to any of them. Clearing her throat, she walked up to the pair, not sure of what to expect from two other Rainbooms, given her rather decent luck with Applejack.

Birds of the same feather tend to flock together, Sonata thought to herself. Maybe they'll be as friendly as Applejack was after we talked!

She cleared her throat again.

"Hi!" She brightly began and flashed her best adorable smile, the subtly-sweet one with her eyes closed. It was true she did not possess the pure sexual appeal Adagio practically oozed, nor the stand-offish dark demeanour of Aria, but she knew her strengths. She couldn't smooth-talk or threaten others, but she could charm them with a signature adorable naivety her sisters never possessed.

"You're Fluttershy!" She pointed at the shy one, receiving a small smile and a series of soft nods in return. Pointing at the purple-haired Rainboom, she withdrew her finger, racking her brains to recall if she even knew the keytarist's name.

"Y-youre... T-that... Sorta prissy and vai-no, Uhhh sorta prissy and ah..."

Stifling a giggle and putting a hand over her mouth, Fluttershy spoke-whispered a "Rarity".

"Whatever are you giggling at, Fluttershy..?" Rarity frowned and harshly whispered. Her eyes widening, she grandly stood and placed a hand over her chest.

"Because this Siren called me "prissy," hmm?" Doing a twirl that ended with a flourish, she adjusted her purple curls with a finger.

"I am not prissy, Siren!" She loudly announced, turning her nose up at Sonata and poking a finger at her chest. Withdrawing her manicured hand, she extended her fingers to examine her undoubtedly fabulously flawless nail job.

"I'm not prissy," She repeated. "I, am cultured."

Pinkie Pie popped from behind the doorway. "And that's why you have-"

"No, Pinkie Pie, no."

"Suit yourself, Rarity," The party girl rolled her eyes, a milkshake in hand. Her voice dropping to a husky whisper, she put on a stern face before raising a finger in a reprimanding manner. "You're just hiding the truth!" With that, she disappeared in a pink blur, vanishing as fast as she had appeared.

"What truth?" Both Sonata and Fluttershy had an eyebrow raised, Sonata's head tilted slightly.

"Never you mind." Picking up her needle and thread just as their teacher strode in, she turned to ask Sonata.

"Can you sew?" Visibly perking up when the Siren nodded, She flourished a needle in one hand, a piece of fabric in the other.

"Then you shall find this class a breeze. Sewing isn't a forte of many, darling." Sonata finished blinking to see Rarity's fabric piece already embroidered with a punnet of magenta thread roses.

"I hope she bends over." The male voice said.

"I won't be joining you girls for lunch, Pinkie." An apologetic Sunset hurried off with a hasty wave.

Applejack turned to the girls. "Eeyup, Somethin's up with our Sunny to- HEY!" Her voice muffled by her hat, she clumsily re-adjusted her stetson to see her brother walking by whilst shooting her a glare.

"Only AH' can say that," He paused in his stride to fully face Applejack, altered his voice pitch up a few octaves, and let out a "Sugarcube!" Before continuing on his way.

Wheeling back to face her laughing friends, she put her hands on her hips as her own sheepish smile stretched across her own lips.

"Remember, gals, straight after school." She managed, her voice on the verge on joining her own friends.

Sunset had instructed Sonata, during the bus ride to school, to meet up at the football field during lunch. While the cafeteria was usually brimming with students, very few thought to have a seat in the bleachers there, so it gave her a place to be at, away from the rest of the school body. And there she was, drumming her fingers on her blue knees as her feet tapped to a rhythm as she anticipated the arrival of a particular fiery-haired girl.

"Here, Nata!"

Sonata felt a warm paper bag drop on her lap. Spreading the mouth of the bag open, she gasped happily as the smell immediately hit her.

Sunset's knees buckled again as the Siren gingerly put the bag down on the bleachers, then clumsily jumped into another hug.

"Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!" The Siren buried her face within the folds of Sunset's exposed magenta shirt she wore underneath her trademark jacket, taking comfort in her friend's warm yet firm abdomen as she relished the sound of Sunset's bright giggle.

"Thank you soooooo much!" The Siren grinned. "Y'know, Sunset, Y'see it was Taco Tuesday, and I was reeeeaaaaally looking forward to go grab some tacos during lunch, but then I remembered everyone has the same lunchtime, and I'd have to face EVERYONE if I were to go queue for them tacos, but if I didn't queue, I'd have no tacos! But thankfully you came around with this huuuuuge bag of tacos for us and NOW I CAN HAVE TACO TUESDAY TOO LIKE EVERYONE ELSE!"

Pulling away from Sunset, she realised she now had the pinned ex-demoness between her thighs. She felt the cuddly warmth and firm curve of Sunset's hips against them.

To the Siren's great surprise, Sunset Shimmer simply giggled and pulled Sonata down into another tight hug, the overly acceptive reaction to their little accident shocking Sonata rather than lift her spirits.

"That's good to hear, Sonata." Sonata could hear the smile in her voice. "Now, would you let us get into a more comfortable position to start lunch?"

"Whoops. Yeah."