//------------------------------// // Chapter 3 // Story: The Hunter // by HunterBraxton //------------------------------// The Hunter Chapter 3 Hunter made his way through the grass to the town. He looked up at the sky and marveled at the amount of stars that were visible. There were just so many. Nowhere on earth had he seen as many stars in the sky as he could see right then. "These creatures don't appear to have technology like humans," he thought, "It would make sense that they don't have light pollution like we do." The moon was just a small sliver among the billions of stars. The stars alone were enough to give him enough light to just see what was in front of him, the lights from the town guiding him in the right direction. As he walked along he felt a change in the terrain. Looking down he saw that he was now standing on a well traveled dirt road. He dug the heel of his shoe in the dirt and drug it straight back. As long as he looked carefully he would have a marker to show where to get off the road. He adjusted the sling of his rifle and continued on. The air was filled with the sound of crickets chirping, the wind blowing through the tall grass, and the occasional hoot of an owl. Hunter took a deep breath through his nose. The air here was much fresher than most places back home. The only place he had been where the air was this nice was the middle of nowhere in the Rocky Mountains of Canada. He kept walking along, enjoying the peacefulness of the night. Soon, he could see the outline of a small bridge, and on it the silhouette of two locals. "Shit," he thought. "I can't go around, gonna have to hope they don't have good night vision". He took a deep breath and relaxed, changing the way he was walking from stiff and alert, to a much more relaxed, normal walk. Giving off a calmer demeanor. "Remember, act like you belong here and they will believe it." He adjusted his rifle once again and stepped on the bridge. The surface beneath his feet was slightly uneven, it must have been cobblestone. He could see the two slightly clearer now, he couldn't make out a horn on either of them; but he couldn't tell if they had wings or not. They were facing away from him, with their arms wrapped around each other. He wordlessly walked right by them. Just as he was about to step off the bridge a male voice interrupted the calm of the night. "Hey," the voice called to him, "It's a bit late for a walk don't you think?" He stopped in his tracks, not turning to face them. "Quite possibly. I've been traveling all day. I knew I was close to town when the sun started to go down, so I decided to keep going instead of setting up camp," He lied through his teeth. "Please don't ask where I came from," he thought. "Oh. You got more balls than me, buddy, passing that close to the Everfree at night." "Yeah, I probably do," he thought. "Do you happen to know of a good inn, and hopefully a place where I can get a good drink?" He asked, trying to make the lie more believable. "You could try the Mare in the Moon Inn, they have a bar too." The female spoke up. "Yeah, Ms. Comfy Quilt will take care of you. Just don't go to this pub called the Rusty Horseshoe, place is kinda shady." The male said. "Thanks, I think I might just stay there. Well, have a good night." Hunter said, and continued on. "Night," they said in unison. Hunter made his way to the town. As soon as he got to the first house, which had all its lights off he turned and went around it to avoid the light from the street lamps. He made his way through several backyards, stepping with his toes first and carefully lowering his heel. Soon he was out of the residential area and into a more business friendly area, walking in a dark alley between to shops. he went close to the edge of the two buildings. The street in front of him was paved with cobblestone, across the street a streetlamp was blazing. The only thing was, it didn't appear to have a regular flame. He squinted his eyes and moved forward a few more feet. Then he saw it, and when he did, it amazed him. It wasn't a fire he was looking at. It was a crystal, a crystal which behaved like a fire. He quickly slunk back in the alley to avoid being seen. Then he went around the back and moved behind the buildings for a little bit before he went down another alley. There was a streetlamp on the left side of the alley. Hunter slid along the side of the left hand building, in the shadows. He almost couldn't believe what he saw across the street, it was a giant fucking gingerbread house. He studied it for a minute. He could smell the sweets they had been baking in there. It smelled absolutely delicious and made his mouth water. He turned to look down the street from the gingerbread house, and he was surprised at what he saw. Two doors down there was a gas station. He went back behind the buildings again and popped out a few buildings down. He was right. There was a gas station straight across from him. "Looks like I can still use my rides." He thought with a smirk on his face. Sure, he'd have to lug a five gallon gas can all the way here and back, but at least his babies were still usable. While he was busy thinking about a practical way to transport the gas, he just happened to notice the building next to him. It was two stories and a few of the lights were still on on the other side. He looked at the sign hanging above the door in the middle of the building. The Mare in the Moon Inn. "So this is the place those two said I should stay at, not too shabby." He looked back down the alley, at the far end, the other side of the block, there were quite a few lights on at the building behind the inn. Looking at the wall across, he could see the shadows of the locals dancing around and partying inside. Curious, he quietly sneaked towards it. As he neared the first window he cautiously looked inside. It was a pub, locals of all shapes and colors were inside having a grand old time. Deciding that it was too risky to be this close to this many of them he decided it was best to move along. He turned his back on the bar. As he was nearing the edge of the building he heard a voice and quickly scurried around the corner. "P-Please don't hurt m-me," a female voice pleaded, shaky and on the verge of sobbing. "Oh, I won't do anything to hurt you," A drunken male said, "As long as you stay quiet and do everything I say you'll be alright." "Please don't" The girl said again. "Shut Up," he said as he grabbed her hair causing her to squeal, he then started dragging her down the alley, towards Hunter. By now she was full on crying. "I said shut up you little whore, before I slash that throat of yours wide open." "Oh my god, he's going to rape her." Hunter thought. "Fuck, should I get involved or not?" They were mere feet away now. He threw her down to ground. "Now, why don't we start by you takin' them clothes off real nice and slow." "Oh hell no." Hunter stepped from around the corner and pulled out his Peacemaker. He raised it and pulled back the hammer. click click click click. "What the buck was that" Twilight walked out of her bathroom, freshly washed and her teeth clean. She entered her bedroom and opened the door to her balcony. She walked out and put her hands on the banister and looked up at the night sky. Luna had done a wonderful job tonight. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, enjoying the nights air. When she opened her eyes she looked down the street in front of her, specifically focusing on the glow coming from the Rusty Horseshoe. She would never understand why that horrid place even existed. She'd never been in it, nor did she care to. However, one time she walked by it late one night after a movie night at Rarity's. She didn't want to do it again. Suddenly there was a bright flash of light from the back of the bar and a loud bang resonated throughout the town. Twilight covered her mouth and gasped, then quickly retreated inside, locking the door behind her.