My Little Pony: Lost In Time

by Mez

Prologue: The End of Our Time

In the peaceful town of Ponyville, lived Sunbeam Blossom, a unicorn mare, and Kite, a baby dragon. Both are best friends, Kite is always the voice of reason when it came down to it; but Sunbeam was an adventurous treasure hunter, no matter what was in her way, she always found a way to complicate things for them both. Today, they had to get some gems or crystals, it was for an experiment; though most would call them failures, it was just a big part of trial and error for her.

"Come on, Kite! You don't want to be in the Everfree when it's dark, do you?" asked Sunbeam. Kite followed close behind as they ran down the street, but seemed to be out of breath rather quickly. "Seriously? Are you that out of shape?" asked Sunbeam. Kite glared at her, it's not his fault his legs were short.

"Give me a break, Sunbeam! You're built for running, i'm not. I just can't keep up with you." Kite complained, panting as he collapsed to the ground; his chest rising and falling with every breath he took. He wasn't used to being this active, and Sunbeam's enthusiasm for treasure hunting might just end up making him die of exhaustion.

Seeing her friend's point, she sighed deeply. "You need to get out more, Kite. You sleeping all day isn't good for you." suggested Sunbeam, eager to resume her hunt for gems again. She had spent many hours yesterday searching for other gems and crystals.

Kite can only try and keep up with her, but really wanted to go home and rest. "Easy for you to say, Sunbeam, you've got it easy." retorted Kite, receiving an intense glare from his friend. "It's true, you're always given everything. I'm just a dragon you hatched by accident." he argued. He did have a point, Sunbeam never intended to hatch him, it was just by chance that she found his egg.

Thinking back on that very day, Sunbeam had been looking for some gems and crystals for her collection, but no luck, finding gems wouldn't be easy, unless you happened to know a gem detection spell. Unfortunately, she did not know any, so any gems to be found would have to be dug up. "What am I going to do? I'm just clumsy when it comes to spells, even if I learned it, I couldn't master it." said Sunbeam. Self doubt was a weakness she couldn't overcome, often leading to her failures. All she could do was hope and find them by chance, which was low.

Other ponies often laughed at her, made fun or just simply avoided her. No friends meant no help, but that would soon change. Coming up to a small clearing, she spotted a cave that seemed hidden behind a waterfall. Approaching it, she poked her head inside, and saw nothing but pitch darkness. Taking out a torch, she lit it with a spell, a fire spell, all she could do was make embers, but these were enough to set the torch alight. "That's better, let's see..." said Sunbeam, looking around for anything that might have interested her. She could see a path ahead, but it seemed to fork with another, leading Sunbeam to guess where she should go.

Looking back to the entrance, she thought about just leaving, but the temptation of exploration was too great. "Guess I go left then, my life couldn't get any worse than it is." said Sunbeam. Taking the left path in, she navigates through it with ease, only stopping for short periods of time to rest. The further she went in, the more it became hard to breathe. There is only one spell that could save her, casting it, a barrier formed, finally able to breathe again. "Any longer and I wouldn't have made it, now, where to next?" Sunbeam asked herself, coughing as she rose to her hooves.

Rounding the next corner, she comes to a stop at a dead end. "Great..." said Sunbeam, sighing deeply. She has ran into another one, hopes of finding anything worthwhile was fading. But Sunbeam had an idea, she could tunnel her way through with another spell, but it could be dangerous to attempt it. Taking in a deep breath, she cast the spell, breaking through the cave wall, but sending the cave stalactites crashing down around herself. Running ahead to avoid the cave in, she barely makes it as the cave behind her collapsed, leaving a huge cloud of dust in the aftermath.

Trapped with nowhere to go, it was hopeless; she was stuck here for good, and nopony would be coming to her rescue. Sunbeam's tears rolled off her face, and unto the cave floor, staining it. "Why did I come here? I'm such an idiot!" cried Sunbeam, berating herself for this unfortunate turn of events. But luckily at that time she was oblivious to the fact that a dragon once lived in this cave system, a huge one in fact. Composing herself, Sunbeam turned around, maybe there was a way out if she searched hard enough.

Then she saw it, there, in that room, is a single egg. Sunbeam couldn't believe it, "What? What is a dragon's egg doing here?" examining the egg closely, she can tell it hasn't been here long; so maybe this means the mother is still nearby, and possibly coming back. The question remained, "A sea serpent perhaps? Fire dragons never would come to a damp place like this.," thought Sunbeam.

As Sunbeam moved toward the egg, it seems to move a little, as if it were trying to hatch. The shell breaks, revealing a baby dragon inside. She thought it was adorable, unable to contain herself, Sunbeam got up on the nest's edge to get a better look. "Wow! This is great! I've never seen one up close before!" exclaimed Sunbeam. This was the first time she had ever seen a dragon hatch, and it was wonderful to behold.

The baby seems upset and cries, but Sunbeam knows what to do in this case. But there was a problem, she couldn't get the food it required to eat. Only the mother could retrieve such a thing, and she felt helpless. "Pony feathers! Why did it have to be in a place like this?" asked Sunbeam. The only way to get any food, was to leave the cave and get outside; but the cave-in blocked the only way out, so she was stuck there.

Sighing deeply, there had to be a way to clear the path without putting them both in danger. Then it came to her, "That's it! I'll just use a levitation spell, that'll clear the way!" exclaimed Sunbeam. Gathering the magic in her horn, she cast the spell at the first boulder, it was heavy, but she managed to move it over to the side. "That's one down, but many more to go." said Sunbeam, eager to get this task done.

It took five long hours to clear, but Sunbeam took the baby dragon with her, maybe she could raise him on her own; After all, nopony can say they had a dragon in Ponyville besides her. The only regret is not being able to find any gems or crystals of value, exiting the cave, Sunbeam leaves with the baby in her saddle bag, hopeful the mother never finds him.

She came back to her senses, ignoring the retort by Kite, Sunbeam looked forward, but didn't see the tree in front of her, and ran right into it. "Ow! That hurt..." cried Sunbeam, rubbing her horn. Kite couldn't contain his laughter anymore, and busted out laughing at her expense. "Oh ha ha, very funny, Kite..." muttered Sunbeam. Finally able to compose himself, Kite hopped up onto her back, making it easier for them to get things done faster. Running into the forest, they vanish from site, leaving the town behind.

Inside the forest, they both emerged from the bushes, looking for the gems she needed. Only dandelions and wild flowers could be seen, but nothing they could use. But then she remembered, a clearing in the forest, that's where the gems usually were found. Galloping off further into the forest, Sunbeam kept following her instincts, knowing where to go to find them. Arriving at the spot, she let Kite off her back and starts searching. "It's here, I know it is." said Sunbeam, keeping herself focused on the task at hoof.

Kite can see she won't give up, and joined her in the search. It wasn't long before Sunbeam spots a sparkling red gem that she needs, finally she can go back and try again. But first, she needed a test subject; looking at her friend, it was clear what she had planned. "Oh no! No way, Sunbeam! Last time you did this, your mane and tail turned green. She can see Kite isn't willing to do it, but had an idea to trick him, "Say, Kite? What would you say if I bought us some cupcakes?" His eyes immediately lit up with excitement., "Really? You mean it?" asked Kite excitedly, unable to contain himself.

Knowing how much Kite loved his sweets, she lead him on. "Yeah, I know how much you love them. So let's go back." Kite took a seat on her back once more as they both made their way back to Ponyville, but along the way, they are stopped by a weird sound. "Uh...Sunbeam? What's that noise?" looking around in every direction, she can't make it out. But it's too late to get away, the bees are after them, it seemed the gem was right below their nest. Galloping as fast as she could, they make it past the first half mile of the forest; it seemed to go on for miles, but eventually they make it out.

Outside the forest, the bees suddenly stopped chasing them and go back into the forest. Exhaling with relief, Sunbeam and Kite continued on their way home, happy to not have been stung badly. "That was close...guess I should have used a repellent." said Sunbeam, picking out the remaining stingers off her flank with Kite's help; He was all too familiar with having to do this, but all part of being her friend. With the stingers removed, they make their way back to Ponyville.

Entering Ponyville, both Sunbeam and Kite approach the town square, it seemed there was an event going on. Watching closely, they could see two pegasi standing on the clouds, ready for their stunt. Such events aren't her thing, and offered little entertainment value. Kite decided to stay and watch, this was his favorite event to see, seeing no option left; Sunbeam left him to do as he pleased, it wasn't her place to stop him. "Have fun, Kite. But come home the moment this is over, I mean it." said Sunbeam. Kite nodded and turned his attention back to the action.

The two pegasi begin their show, taking off at supersonic speeds, each climbs higher and higher until they hit their targeted distance. Then dive down and it seemed like they'd hit the ground, but pull up at the last second. Both created a sonic boom behind themselves, followed by a strong gust of wind as they pass by the crowd, smoke trailing behind them. The crowd cheered as they come back down to land, but there is something special about these two; they seemed to be wearing Wonderbolt outfits. Getting a better look, it was Spitfire and Soarin,

Everypony lined up to get autographs, and left once they received one. Kite collected them as well, but Sunbeam didn't want them to be hung in her room, so they're hung up in his own room. Kite approached Spitfire and Soarin, who smiled and hoofed him the pictures with their autographs on them. His face lit up as he had another two autographs, sure, Sunbeam wouldn't have any interest in them, but he'd treasure them always. Running off in the direction of their home, Kite wanted to get back as soon as possible.

Moving through the town, Kite noticed the door to the house was wide open, odd, considering Sunbeam never leaves it open like that. "Oh celestia, I swear, Sunbeam, you're absent minded.," thought Kite. Coming inside, he shut the door behind himself, and noticed Sunbeam forgot to pick up her saddle bags again. Picking up the bags, Kite set them inside her room and continued to his own. The house was a single floor home, so it was easy to get around. Having heard him come in. she poked her head around the corner, catching sight of Kite walking in. "Hello, Kite, did have a good time?" asked Sunbeam. He nodded, and went into his room, leaving her alone. She felt it was well deserved after what they both had just been through, and maybe tomorrow she can get the experiment underway.

On the way to her room, Sunbeam checks on Kite, to make sure he's comfortable. Poking her head inside, she can see he's on the bed asleep, it made her smile as she left for her own. Yawning, Sunbeam reaches her own room and enters, her bedroom was full of notes and reminders of her failures. But this was only the beginning. Turning out the lights, she climbs into bed, eyes closing for the night.

Morning came, the sun shining through sunbeam's bedroom window. She woke up, the sun glaring into her eyes, blinding her for a few moments. With a yawn, she got up, groggy, but awake. "Haven't slept like that in a week." Sunbeam mumbled, she may be up, but is still half asleep. Usually, a cup of tea helps sunbeam back on her hooves, but first, Kite has to be woke up. Approaching his room, it's apparent that this dragon wasn't awake yet, typical.

Walking carefully through his room, Sunbeam makes her way to his bed. "Kite? Kite.. it time to get up." she said softly, but no response. Seeing that it's not working, she has a better idea; if he won't get up willingly, then she has no choice. Taking a deep breath, she shouts at the top of her lungs, "Kite! Get up now!" Kite's eyes shoot wide open, and he is startled by the sudden loud noise. Falling over his covers, and the basket for a bed falling on top of him. Sunbeam seems to giggle a bit at his expense, but helps him out. "This wouldn't of happened if you had of come home early." said Sunbeam.

Kite is too tired to listen to her teasing, and stood up and seems a bit groggy too. "Yeah, Yeah...I heard you." said Kite, making his way toward the kitchen.

Kite made his way to the kitchen along with Sunbeam, but seeing how much he has grown, she can't help but show a tight-lipped smile upon her face. "Hope you're in the mood for breakfast, Kite! I know how much you love your pancakes." said Sunbeam. Today is the day Sunbeam hopes to find some more gems, crystals or relics, such items are of immense value depending on who they were sold to. "You bet I am!" exclaimed Kite, excited to have breakfast again.

There was one thing left unfinished, the promise she made the day before, it was entirely forgotten about. "Kite, I have a favor to ask you, I promise it doesn't involve you." asked Sunbeam, hopeful that Kite didn't catch on. "Sure, what is it?" asked Kite, oblivious to her plans. Both head toward the back side of the house and stop at a wooden door, Kite still unaware of what's happening. Opening the door, head downward to the basement, and into a dark room.

Inside, it's hard to see, but Sunbeam cast a spell to illuminate the room. "Kite, I need you to sit down for a moment. Don't worry, it's nothing that will affect you." said Sunbeam. Kite nodded, surely nothing bad would happen, right? Sitting down, he waited for his friend to finish setting up. "Now, I'm just going to do a quick experiment. The crystal I collected should help keep the energy flowing, but won't hold for more than twenty minutes at a time." explained Sunbeam. She was a bright pony, but clumsy when it came to technology. Placing the red crystal into the slot, it seems to glow bright red, appearing somewhat ominous.

Worrying about her safety and his, Kite asked: "Uh...Sunbeam? Are you sure this is safe? I mean, it's good that you're enthusiastic and all. But I think we should stop while we're ahead." Kite suggested. Who knows what might happen if this energy is released, all he could do was watch as the lever went down. The energy began to make a humming noise, almost like electricity was flowing out of it. "Uhh... Sunbeam?" asked Kite, worried even more considering how big this energy was getting.

Sunbeam ignored him completely, something she always had done. "Alright! We're good to go!" exclaimed Sunbeam, anxious to get started. Before she can begin the second phase, there's a problem...she can't turn it off to collect the crystal. "Oh no! Kite! Leave now, I don't want to see you get hurt." asked Sunbeam, hoping her friend would do as she asked. "No! I won't! We promised each other, remember?" asked Kite. Sunbeam thought back to the promise they made, if any one of them was in trouble, he or she would help the other, no matter what.

Taking Kite on her back, she thought of only one way to escape, a time spell she had learned recently. "Kite, we're going to have to leave, i'm sorry for dragging you into this..." Apologized Sunbeam. Both ran to the forest, the only place where they could get a clear spot to perform the spell. "Hurry, Sunbeam! There's no telling how long we have!" warned Kite, worried about them ever getting away from the inevitable. Focusing the magic into her horn, she cast the time spell, and both vanish and the massive explosion destroys their world, leaving nothing behind.