//------------------------------// // Chapter 21: Reunion Interrupted // Story: A New World, And A Better Way // by Recteik Shade //------------------------------// Chapter 21: Reunion Interrupted From her perch on the roof, Dawn saw as the Aegislash cut at the stone beneath it. She smiled when she saw the ponies at the head of the mob lost a great deal of their bluster. She crouched low watching as Ninetales began screaming and thrashing about in the cage that held her, yipping and howling like Yveltal was leering over her. When the Fire-type started yowling Dawn was ready to pounce then and there, certain that Ninetales was in danger. At least until she saw the guards talking and one of the winged ponies flew into the castle. "Clever girl." Dawn praised with a smile. By raising a racket she made herself look wounded or abused. A perfect ploy for gaining sympathy from anyone with a soft spot for all things cute and furry. After a few minutes the guard returned with something new in tow. Dawn had never seen anything quite like the ivory alicorn that was opening the gate. A pony taller than any she had ever seen, one who had both wings and a horn, while her wind blew in a wind that wasn't there. She moved with grace and poise, yet radiated with the power and authority of a member of royalty. "No wonder an Aegislash found her." She observed. The Princess addressed the would-be mob and almost immediately she saw the cage begin to move towards her. As Dawn crouched, ready to run in and help Ninetales escape. At least until she saw Ninetales give her the smallest shake of her head. 'What? She can't want me to leave her here like this!?' The cage reached the front of the mob and was placed in front of the Princess. She felt a familiar chill run up her spine to which she flicked her ear at annoyed. She watched ready to move until she saw the old stallion that had caught Ninetales hastily open the cage door. The Fire-type didn't hesitate to take advantage of this and dove under the ivory alicorn who took a moment to console her before addressing the crowd again. After a few tense minutes and an almost comically friendly greeting for the Aegislash, the mass of ponies began to disperse. Dawn watched as Ninetales and the Princess exchanged words,'Can she understand Pokemon?' She wondered, not aware there was such a thing as a translation spell. She smiled when she saw the Princess turn and walk back through the gate. Ninetales paused on the assent to the palace and turned to smile at Dawn from the distance. Dawn smiled back and made a motion with her head to tell her to 'go on', which after a few moments she did. Dawn watched until the doors to the palace closed and she could no longer see her friend. The warm smile quickly fell from her face and she scowled behind her, "What Loki!?" She snapped. "And why are you out of your Pokeball?" Loki laughed,"I missed you too." "Where's Allen?" She asked not in the mood for the Ghost-types games. She felt her stomach clench when he grinned mischievously as a nearby clock chimed out the hour. Allen had his ears pinned back as the bells rang for the eleventh time. When the last chime faded he gave a relieved sigh and gingerly lifted his ears. While having the strength and speed of a Pokemon was beyond cool, one big drawback was having heightened senses. He had never imagined that Rapidash had such superb hearing, and being in a loud bustling city like this was not doing him any favours. Normally it wasn't that bad but every now and then something would be too loud for him. The clock tower was near the palace, and he was only there passing through. Shortly after a brief and extremely vague conversation with Copper Coils and Sandy Shoals there had been some kind of confrontation. From where he was on the street he had seen a massive dust cloud, fearing the worst he had gone to investigate. After getting lost three times without the aide of the map, he had finally arrived to find an abandoned courtyard. The only sign that a Pokemon was involved was the large scorch mark on the ground. All it told him was there had been a Pokemon here but, not who that mon was or where they went, or for that matter what had happened here. All the scorch told him was a move had been thrown at the ground to make a cloud of dust, most likely to cover an escape. The trail was ice cold for him, had he had time to learn how to use his new senses, he might have noticed the smells that lingered. Sadly he was none the wiser and wandered off hoping to find someone who had more information. Ultimately that search had lead him closer and closer to the palace. He knew he was pushing the limits of his equine forms ability to blend in with the ponies. However he really didn't care, he was going to find Dawn no matter what it cost him. Now, standing near the clock tower, he milled about not sure where he should go next. It was only an hour until Arceus made his announcement after that he wouldn't have to worry about the guards. Who would risk angering a god for the sake of some petty vendetta? Without the fear of guards his search party would be able to move freely and he was confident that was when they would find Dawn. With another glance at the clock he sighed and turned heading back to the market. "I need coffee." He said to himself. The walk to Mocha Latte's cafe was short and uneventful. Mocha herself was quite pleased to see him as well, mentioning that his friends had been in earlier. Allen had only wanted a tall coffee but when she suggested pasta his stomach betrayed him with a roar akin to Drakarus after a hunt. With an embarrassed laugh he gave in and ordered a meal. As last time the coffee was spectacular and halfway through it, Mocha emerged from the kitchen with a massive plate. The smell alone made his stomach roar again, and he quickly thanked the mare for the meal and began to eat with gusto. After a few minutes, Allen pushed his now empty plate away with his nose and leaned back in his chair. To say he was stuffed would be one hell of an understatement, Allen couldn't remember the last time he had had a meal so good. Ditzy muffins were in a league of their own but, the sweet, savoury sauce had been delicious. As Mocha came by and picked up his plate he burped, not overly loud or vulgar, but the mare gave him a sour look. With a sheepish grin he chuckled, "My compliments to the chef." After she returned from the kitchen, Allen finished his coffee and paid his bill. Which was far lower than a meal so good should have cost. As Mocha went to clear his table and he made to leave, Allen spotted a pile of straws and hastily grabbed a bunch in his mouth, stuffing them into his bag for later. 'Gonna need these.' He was struggling with the flap of his bag as he walk out into the market and noticed how quiet it was. Glancing around he was surprised to find the area virtually abandoned. "Okay that's weird." Allen noted, turning and making for the train station. "I this place is way too quiet." He twisted his ears this way and that picking up various small sounds. Clop, clop, clop, clop. "Wait." Allen stopped and twisted his ears, "What is that?" He could hear the sound of many hooves stepping as one. "That's the guards." He said aloud. 'Better not press my luck.' Allen turned and made to leave the area as he passed down an alley he heard the sounds of a group of ponies. He smiled when he saw the large Luxray and the Earth mare talking with the cafe mare Mocha from the cafe and two other ponies. "Oh that guy. Cool." His good mood evaporated as a fair number of Guards arrived announcing they were there to arrest the Luxury. The earth mare adamantly refused to hear of it. Allen was sure it was going to turn ugly, the guards were on orders and thought they were in the right. He tensed in his cover, he felt that same warmth in his lungs it seemed to flush up and radiate through his body. 'Doubt I'd be able to muster much flame.' “We are taking these creatures into custody,” the captain announced. “They are causing disturbances all around the city, so stand aside Miss.” “Ah’ll do no such thang!” The earth mare said standing defiantly between the guard and Electric-type. “Seth here is mah friend. He has done nothing but help me and ah’ll defend him with everything ah have!” This seemed to catch the stallion off guard and as he gave the Earth pony opposite him an odd look a Pegasus pony came running up breathless. “Sir, Miss Dizzy Punch reporting. I have an important message from the palace!” The captain waved a hoof dismissively. “It can wait; I have a dangerous creature to capture!” Dizzy stammered,“B-but, it’s from-“ “Men! Get ready to deploy the nets!” the captain ordered. “I want this creature bagged and tagged!” Allen stepped a little more out of the alley his mane billowing,'Bet I can learn Double Kick real fast.' “An’ ah said you’ll do no such thing!” The Earth pony yelled. “An’ ah reckon I could buck you right into next week iffn’ ya’ll try!” Allen smiled,'I like how she thinks.' He thought as he saw the two ponies butt heads and he was in the street and moving slowly towards the guards. Though he didn't notice the air around him rippled with the heat he gave off. “WILL YOU BOTH CALM DOWN!” The captain and earth mare suddenly sat down blinking in surprise. “Right,” Dizzy took a breath and calmed herself down before continuing. “This message comes from Her Royal Highness, Princess Celestia, herself. The message is as such. To all Royal Guard and citizens of Canterlot, the creatures otherwise known as Pokémon, are not to be harmed or captured, unless they enact a violent act first. The Pokémon are currently under Royal Protection Protocols until their reasons for being here have been confirmed.” Allen grinned and stopped taking a slow breathe,'That didn't take long. Arceus hasn't even made his announcement yet.' He thought taking a few steps back. The Guard Captain seemed dumbfounded “Talks have begun between ambassadors from the world these Pokémon hail from, and myself and Princess Twilight Sparkle. We ask that all citizens please be patient for a solution to be found. "From the office of HRH Princess Celestia!” Dizzy finished reciting the message and nodded, “And that’s it.” The heat was rapidly dropping off as Allen walked back into the alleyway, now they could move freely,"Time to get to work." He trotted down the alley and stepped it onto the next street turned and quickly trotted off in the direction of the station. It was hard to say what was worse for Ironside when he woke up. The throbbing in his head or or his dry irritated throat. As he rolled onto his back and coughed his throat seared and even with his eyes closed he saw spots. "Uuuuuhhhhgg." He groaned. Daring to open his eyes he saw mostly darkness and vague shapes that seemed distorted and off center. Blinking a few times he frowned and squinted, was that? "Water!" He croaked lighting his horn and lifting the glass to his lips. He took slow small sips to wet his mouth and parched throat. He only stopped when the water was gone and sighed in relief now that his throat wasn't as tender laying back in the soft cot resting his head on the pillow. "Hang on?" He shifted and pulled himself into a sitting position wincing as the motion jarred his still pounding head. Looking at his surroundings in greater detail he saw he was in the infirmary. And the shifting shadows where the curtain around his bed. "What the? How did I end up here? ... Amethyst!" He cried causing another surge of pain to spike through his nerves. "What about Captain Amethyst Edge?" Asked a voice that made Iron jump. He turned to see the golden eyes of a Thestral watching him,"Grissom!?" Ironside asked shocked and confused. "Grissom what's going on? What's happening?" "Easy, easy." Grissom said quietly. "I was following Amethyst and found you in the cells. What happened Ironside?" "Amethyst! She's lost her mind and went after two creatures with a cannon. Then she said they were going to kill all the creatures!" Ironside said breathlessly. "What!?" Grissom asked shocked. "Kill? Are you kidding me? There's one of those things guarding Celestia's door right now. She just took some Fox thing in and gave standing orders only to engage when hostile." Iron blinked,"Really? How did that happen? What about what Amethyst said?" Grissom sighed,"If I had to guess she lied. She already did about the cannon. Told me she had her ponies running drills with them." "That's a load of road apples." Ironside growled. "She nearly blew my head off with it!" He winced again as another spoke of pain stabbed at him from his own raised voice. Grissom nodded his agreement, "Why were you in a cell?" "Because that bitch accused me of treason and relieved me of command." The older stallion said through gritted teeth. "The two creatures had stolen some food and had broken a wall. I went looking for them to see if I could resolve this peacefully. Well they found me with about a hundred or so bits they had." "They had bits?" Grissom wondered aloud. "Where did they get them?" "Couldn't say." Iron replied. "They were probably stolen but my goal was to keep things civil. Amethyst saw me take the coins and assumed it was a bribe. Then she tried to beat a confession out of me late last night." Grissom stood from the chair he had been in, "Then the Princess's need to know about this. You good to go?" He nodded and ignored the latest stab of pain, "Give me some painkillers and I'll be fine." Then pulled himself out of the bed and was pleased to find his armour waiting for him on the floor beside the bed. "Hey Dinky! What does it say about this one!?" Pip called from down the street. Drawing Dinky's attention from the Kangaskhan and her cute little cub. Dinky looked to see where he was and saw another different Pokemon by him. She turned back to the Parent Pokemon,"Thank you Miss Kangaskhan." The Normal-type smiled,"Not at all. You three have fun." She waved as she went back to her own day surprised to be asked if she could be tagged by a PokeDex. "Come on Veevee!" The grey filly said excitedly. "Let's go see what Pip found!" The last two days had been great fun for Dinky and her friends. With the Pokemon showing up and causing so much of a commotion school had been cancelled two days in a row. That meant she, Pip, and Veevee got to spend all of yesterday playing and learning all sorts of things about Pokemon. In Dinky's mind it was like school only so much cooler. The trio had spent all of yesterday running around town with the PokeDex Allen had given her. Today though Pip seemed to be on a mission. "You wanna be my partner?" He asked the large purple cobra. After hearing about Pokemon training Pip could only think about how cool it would be to do the same thing. "What!?" The Arbok asked incredulously though Pip couldn't understand him. "I'm sorry sir." Dinky apologized as she and Veevee caught up to the little colt. "My friend is just really excited." She sparked her horn and levitated up the Dex, "Would you mind?" She asked giving the large snake a pouty look which Veevee mirrored for a super effective Baby Doll Eyes. The Poison-type never stood a chance and nodded them on, "Go ahead." He sighed,"Jussst make it quick. I'm hunting." Pip watched the exchange only a little jealous that Dinky could talk to Pokemon and he couldn't. Though he was kinda used to it since Dinky could do a bunch of amazing stuff like long division in her head. Dinky brought the red device up and after a moment it pinged and the two foals pressed in close to hear about this new Pokemon. "Arbok. The Cobra Pokemon. This POKéMON is terrifically strong in order to constrict things with its body. It can even flatten steel oil drums. Once ARBOK wraps its body around its foe, escaping its crunching embrace is impossible. They are highly active and tenacious predators with highly potent venom." "That's so cool!" Pip said jumping up and grinning at Arbok. "So what do you say mate!? You want to be my partner?" "I could eat you." He replied casually. "Okay we'll be going now!" Veevee said jumping up and biting Pips tail dragging him away. "Veevee what's wrong? What did he say!?" Pip protested as he was pushing away. "Thanks mister." Dinky said cheerfully as she trotted off to catch up with her friends. "Guys! Wait up!" As she caught up Pip turned to Veevee,"What the hay was that about? How am I supposed to be a trainer if you drag me away from every Pokemon we meet?" "Because you keep picking things that could and probably would eat you!" Veevee countered. "I promised Miss Ditzy I'd keep you two safe and that's what I'm doing." "Pip?" Dinky asked. "What would your mom do if you just showed up with a giant snake?" The little colt stopped and thought about it,"Scream." He answered,"A lot." "Exactly!" Veevee exclaimed. "You need to find something smaller and younger. Adult Pokemon won't pay much attention to a kid. It was that way on earth too." "Pip why don't we take a break and go get lunch?" Dinky offered she was feeling pretty hungry and she knew that Veevee was always up for her mom's cooking. "But I'm not hungry." He protested until his stomach growled and he gave defeated sigh. "Okay." So far following Loki hadn't turned out to be one of his idiotic pranks. He had claimed he was taking her to Nova, and that they had come to Canterlot to find her. Dawn was getting nervous though, it wasn't like Loki to be this serious or quiet. "I swear to Arceus, if this is one of your dumb ideas of a joke I'll-" "Believe it or not miss Priss I'm actually just trying to help this time." With a Glare in her direction. "I don't care if you trust me. But trust Allen okay?" The tone in his voice seemed oddly sincere,'He might actually be telling the truth.' The thought of Loki being honest was such an alien concept to her. He had always been a disaster waiting to happen. She sighed,"Fine." The distance went by in silence for the two, Loki leading Dawn closer to the train station. As the they turned a corner the blare of a train whistle greeted them. Dawn stopped and looked around, still not comfortable with being out in the open. She quickly spotted the shape of a familiar Fire-type,"Nova!" She yelled happily seeing him sitting at a bench. His eyes snapped to her even as she ran towards him and he was up grinning," Dawn!? There y- oouhhff!" He couldn't finish his sentence as Dawn had just Tackled him sending him sprawling onto his back hugging the smaller Dark-type for all he was worth. "Are you okay Dawn!? We heard about the Guard and the cannon! What happened!?" "I don't know! I just woke up here and there was a Vulpix. And all the food we could find was garbage so I tried to steal a wheel of cheese and the then they started chasing us! After that we got cornered and I may or may not have knocked down a wall." Dawn explained quickly. Then we found some gold and I tried to pay for everything and this crazy Ponyta mare tried to kill us with the cannon and there was a cave in then Vulpix evolved. Then we got out of the caves and Ninetales got caught and taken to some Rapidash with wings that they kept calling Princess." She paused taking a moment to breathe,"And that's where Loki found me." Nova took a moment to process all this,"You knocked down a wall!?" He asked alarmed. Dawn blushed and nodded sheepishly,"I thought they were going to kill us." Nova chuckled,"Well you're here now and you're safe. And I know Allen will be happy to see you." Dawn glanced around,"Yeah where is Allen? I thought he'd be with you." After a moment she leaned in close,"And why did he let Loki out?" "That's a bit complicated." Nova said rubbing the back of his head. He glanced to his right and smiled," But first, introductions." Dawn followed his gaze and saw a unicorn mare standing a few feet away smiling. "Hello." "Dawn, this is Sparkler she helped Allen and I when we woke up." Nova said gesturing to the magenta mare. "Sparkler, this is my little sister Dawn." Dawn stepped up to her slowly, so far meeting ponies hadn't been a pleasant experience, but Nova trusted her. She nodded to Sparkler,"Thank you for helping my trainer and brother." She knew it was a futile gesture but- "Oh it was nothing all that important." The mare said waving a hoof. "He and Nova saved me and my friends from Loki when we met." "Loki was pulling his Poltergeist impression." Nova added sounding annoyed. "He wasn't actually going to hurt you. He just wanted to give you a bad scare." "He what!?" Sparkler demanded turning to glare at Loki who was grinning smugly. "Can?" Dawn began. "Can you understand us?" Sparkler looked surprised to be asked and it took a moment for her to remember. She had actually forgotten that Pokemon spoke their own language. "Yes I can. I just cast a translation spell and everypony can understand you." "Translation Spell? I've never heard of that move..." She frowned,"Hang on. You said you have to use it on me? Sparkler nodded to confirm she was right. "Sooo? When did you use it on me?" Sparkler's eyes widened so much they looked ready to pop out of her head. "I... I didn't yet." Nova's looked at Sparkler a little confused,"How do you understand her without the spell?" Sparkler dropped into a sitting position,"I have absolutely no idea." "Perhaps the Doctor knows the reason?" Nova offered. "Doctor who?" Dawn asked confused. "My sister's husband." Sparkler explained. "I bet he's behind this." "Behind what?" Allen asked as he walked up to the group making Sparkler and Nova jump and the two turned to face him. "Hey I've got good news." Allen went on. "I just heard that Celestia called for the guards to stand down. Now we can search freely again." "Hey I saw you earlier." Dawn said stepping up and smiling. "You were helping my brother?" "..." Allen stared wide eyed at Dawn, then he lunged at her wrapping her in a hug. "DAWN!" He exclaimed. "It's you!" Suddenly finding herself assaulted by a much larger Pokemon Dawn squirmed in his grip. "Get. Off. ME!" She screamed launching a Dark Pulse straight at his chest. Allen gasped as the force of the move knocked the wind out of him and sent him flying. He landed with a grunt about ten feet away. "Allen!" Sparkler gasped and ran to help him up. "Dawn! That was Allen!" Nova shouted. "He's a Rapidash now!" "What!? That's impossible!" Dawn said looked at the azure maned Rapidash. "How can he be a Pokemon!?" Allen wheezed as Sparkler helped him to his hooves,"That's... a really long.... story." Dawn stared at him for a few seconds before she stared to tear up,"Allen?" He gave her a pained smile," Yeah, it's m- " BOOOMM There was no warning as an unbearably loud explosion ripped through the relative quiet of the station. The shockwave was only a few seconds behind and the city rumbled like an earthquake knocking everyone off their feet. His ears were a constant high pitched ring as Allen tried to pull himself to his hooves."Wha ha uh?" His voice was muted in his ears and he looked out in the direction of the blast. A massive dust cloud hung over the distant Everfree Forest, there was only one though that ran through his mind. 'Drakarus.'