
by Uberdeathninja

4: The Filler

The mane six wandered the plains for days after the fateful encounter that afternoon, and the hour was growing late, with no sign of the demon they sought anywhere. No footprints. No destruction. Just wide, open, roadless land, and a setting sun, courtesy of princess Luna, who'd agreed to do Celestia's more menial duties until she completely recovered. Soon, the five ponies grew tired of their fruitless search, and thought of turning around a quitting.

"Gah, it's hopeless! We can't even catch a clue as to that varmint's whereabouts!" Applejack whined, coupled by her Cyan friend, Rainbow Dash.

"Man, how can something that big hide so well? It's made of fire for crying out loud, where else could it go!?" Rainbow Dash complained.

"Well, no forests have burned down or anything..." Rarity noted, working her brain.

"Thank goodness for that..." Fluttershy sighed in relief, right before Rarity continued.

"So... if it's not near anything flammable, maybe it's in the mountains?" Rarity concluded, posing concern for the remaining four mares, first to speak up being Applejack.

"The mountains? But there's nothin' up there but rocks, cliffs, and an old, dead volcano. Why'd it want to go where it can't even burn anything?" Applejack asked, allowing Pinkie Pie to pipe up, and give her answer.

"Ooh! Ooh! Maybe, like, the demon knows about the volcano, and is trying to blow it up, and then build a metal castle on it, guarded by metal samurai and stuff!" Pinkie blabbered, but the others just looked at her, dumbstruck.

"Uh, Pinkie? That's an... interesting... thought, but I highly doubt that this thing, as vile as it is, has such a far-reaching plan in mind." Rarity stated, before Rainbow Dash butted in.

"Yeah, I'm with Rarity here, Pinkie. It may be dangerous, but isn't SMART. Besides, that volcano's been dead for a thousand years, it's not just gonna blow up because a monster's up there. There's, like, science and junk that goes into this stuff." Rainbow declared.

"But we use magic to control the weather. Why not tectonics?" Pinkie Pie wondered, scratching her chin with a hoof.

"Well, Pinkie, darling, I don't think that magic exists ye-" Rarity tried to finish her explanation to Pinkie, but a sudden, earth-shattering explosion quickly cut her short, causing them all to look back to the mountains in shock, a terrible sight awaiting them as they did: the tallest mountain, the former volcano of unknown name, was currently exploding, sending pillars of smoke and ash and fire into the sky as glowing streams cascaded down it's sides. None spoke as the spectacle took place, but they all finally knew, for certain, that they were going that way.

I sat for what seemed like hours at the rim of the Volcano, pondering to myself. Silently I sat, a statue of metal and flames, overlooking the destruction I had wrought below. Rivers of lava flowed around me, seeping into the valley below. Shrubs were burning. Gasses igniting. I... was literally looking at Hell itself, and at the rate this was going, I was going to be here for quite some time. That, coupled with the fact that those pesky ponies were probably on their way here, thanks to the eruption I caused. So, so much for hiding here forever.

"Well... This is splendid..." I thought to myself. "Of all the things to happen... Trapped here. Alone. Miserable. Gah, what a way to end today, huh, magic sword?" I finished my thoughts with a glance to my blade, conjured from this volcano out of stray molten metals. However, the sword just sat there, aloof and silent. God, what I wouldn't give for some company... some semblance of companionship in this horrid, alien world. Without thinking, I found myself picking up a strange , half-molten stone, carving my name into it with a stray chunk of soapstone, and tossing it into the valley below, where it was carried out of sight by the surging lava below. Why? Well, maybe I just wanted to leave a mark, to show the world I was here, and that I wasn't a monster. Maybe I was just bored. Who knows? Heh, maybe it'll actually work, and someone from another world will find me. Only time will tell, I guess. Finally, after a moment of pensive thought, the sky quickly became dark, stars filling the void above, and I gazed at them, drifting into some semblance of sleep.

Huh... I wonder...

...Do Smelter Demons dream?

The five ponies peered up at the range of mountains above as they neared the valley, the volcano towering over them intimidatingly, made even more so by the stark contrast of night sky and flowing, glowing lava. Like something out of a fairy tale, almost. Still, the five continued their trek, silent and (mostly) undeterred, hoping to get near enough to set up camp, and inevitably face the molten demon hiding above in the morning. However, unrest brewed within them, growing as they neared the citadel of the demon's power. To prematurely detonate a volcano... it was unheard of! No demon could just up and do that, none from THIS world, anyway. Still, the five little ponies settled quietly in a spot at the base of the mountains, out of the way of the lava floes, and decided to make camp. Tonight, the five would rest, preparing to finally take down the monster that resided at the top of the mountain. And so, to do that, they would rest, peacefully, but ultimately unaware someone, or rather, several someones, making their way up the mountain, just out of sight, and out of mind.

The engraved stone, which mysteriously never reached the bottom of the lava rivers... the enshrouded newcomers to the mountain, intentions unclear... And the final fight to come tomorrow, the outcome uncertain... Oh yes, Tomorrow was going to be a big day, for Andrew, For the Mane Six, Maybe even for all of Equestria itself, For now, unbeknownst to any of them, Changes were happening in this world, and none of them, no matter their outcome, were going to arrive peacefully at all. And poor Andrew... might just be the key to bringing them.