The Stars Shine Brightly in the Eyes of Lovers

by Crimson_Moon

Prequel: Making Stars

Princess Luna looked around the Lunar Forge, a plane of existence held within the parameters of the dreamscape, and the only forge in the world that was capable of making living, breathing stars. "This place really is cluttered!" she said aloud. Over the years following her banishment, Luna's star factory eventually turned into a storage room for Celestia. It was true that she couldn't enter the realm of dreams, but the Forge was, in a sense, an anomaly.

"I think it's wonderful!" Twilight Sparkle was with the lunar Princess, a normal routine that the couple practiced for quite some time. The purple alicorn was fascinated with everything astronomical, and like any nerd obsessed with the stars, ogled over everything in the room. "After all," the purple mare nuzzled her lover. "It's where we shared our first kiss!"

2 months ago, Luna would be afraid of even sharing feelings with another, and honestly is still having a hard time opening up. However, Twilight was an exception. The events they both went through proved that they were meant to be together. At least, that's what they agreed upon.


The lunar Princess smiled. "Yes, my love?"

"How did you build the Lunar Forge? It isn't a dream, but it isn't exactly real, either."

Its origin story was... interesting, to say the least. "Starswirl the Bearded found fascination in the stars that I created, but back then, back... before Nightmare Moon happened, I used pure magic to make the stars." Curiosity piqued, the mare listened in, eager to learn all about this place. "He was so eager to learn how my and my sister's magic worked, and he thought that if he got the spell he was working on just right, then Alicorns would no longer be scarce."

"Starswirl's journal!" Twilight exclaimed.

"Precisely. Your ascension is the direct result of studying my lunar magic."

The purple alicorn nodded academically, which was just too adorable to Luna! She would turn her head just slightly, and her eyebrows would furrow and her gaze would turn distant, but still completely focused. You are just too cute when you're thinking! Luna thought.

"That explains these," she flapped her wings for emphasis. ",but not how this place started."

"You are right, my eager student!" Luna teased, eliciting a small giggle from Twilight. "Ahem, One night, Starswirl wanted to study the making of stars closely, so i took him to the dreamscape. It was all very interesting, if i recall..."

Starswirl sat within the aetherial plane that Princess Luna referred to as the Dreamscape, and was awestruck! All around him flew portals and doors of all shapes and sizes, all leading to the dreams of slumbering ponies both young and old. There was no word to describe the feeling he had. "Luna, is this truly what the dream realm looks like?"

She chuckled at the unicorn's curiosity. "Yes, Starswirl. Thyne Star Crafting is far more impressive on a grander scale however!"

"Can you show me?"

A moment's pause. "Yes."

Using the aetherial magic from the dreamscape, the alicorn's horn glowed brightly with a midnight aura. Suddenly, a beam shot forth, summoning a door that looked different from the thousands of others. This one was made of pure starlight, and had no real shape to define. With another flick of her horn, the door flew open, revealing what looked like a replica of Starswirl's own observatory, just on the outskirts of Canterlot Village. Drunken with awe, the pony took in this new room, this new realm. "This is absolutely incredible! Every inch, every small speck of dust, exactly how i remember!" His eyes grew as big as dinner plates, absorbing everything in front of him. There in the corner were his research notes ironically on star patterns. The perch for his pet owl, Archimedes hanging just above his desk, still adorned with fresh ink pots, parchment, and quills.

Twilight sat down, listening to this story the entire time. Her eyes are just as big as his were! Luna thought.

After the story, the Princess was doubtless that the purple mare before her had questions. Sure enough, her lover's voice spoke up. "Did you ever show him how to make stars? What exactly is this place? How do you make stars? Do you still use raw magic, or is the Lunar Forge helpful now?"

"One question at a time, Twilight!" she chuckled. "First, let us start with what this place is." she paused, clearing her throat, getting ready to teach her "faithful student". "What do you know of daydreams, my little pony?" the Lunar Princess asked.

Twilight only turned her head sideways curiously, almost not understanding the question. "Well factually speaking, it's known as a series of pleasant thoughts that distract one's attention from the present." She gasped. "Can you enter daydreams too?!" The purple alicorn's smile grew tenfold.

"*Chuckles* Yes, love! Though, they are an enigma even to me." She picked up a silver bell, a small piece of jewelry once attached to Starswirl the Bearded's infamous hat and began inspecting it. "It's not unlike a dream, yet it has no real place within this realm." she set the bell down again atop a small desk. "That is why my sister can access it. It's a solid plane, not like the ethereal one just outside its doors. This room is tangible; You actually breathe and move."

Then, Luna smiled devilishly. "As for making stars, I believe you'll find out soon enough, Twilight Sparkle." This earned a high pitched squeal and a tackle from her lover.